Inspired by Adele's cover and this photoset: http:/ bornatnight. tumblr .com /post/ 13685581898

Chapter 1: Dead.

It was a normal day, at least that's you thought. You were kind of alone because Brittany was on a trip with her parents.

She is your girlfriend now and you couldn't be more proud. You are out of the closet. It wasn't the way you planned, but the truth was finally out. People talk and point at you in corridors but you honestly don't care.

You are in math class, but you don't pay attention, you feel something.. a bad feeling. You try to ignore, but it's getting worse. It's hard to breathe. So you close your eyes and try to focus. It's like something happened. Your heart is dying. Maybe you're having a stroke..

"Santana?" you heard someone calling "Santana Lopez?"

You open your eyes and the teacher points to the door. You look and meet Mr. Schue's eyes.

"Can you please join me? It's important. Bring your things."

"Alright.." you say in a low voice.

Your grab your stuff and walk out the door.


"Let's go." He touches your arm.

"Where?" you arch our eyebrow.

"Sue's office. We have something to tell you."

You open your mouth, but you don't say a thing. Just follow him to Sue's office.

"Santana.. sit." Sue says.

You frown when notice Burt Hummel there. Wait.. but he and Sue don't hate each other? And suddenly you remember the last time you were there with those 3. 2 months ago, when you saw the video that announced to the world you were a lesbian.

So you know this can't be good. You sit and wait.

"There's something I need to tell you." She says.

"I just want to say that I'm really sorry, Santana." Mr. Schue says.

"This is something I've dealt with first-hand so I'm always here for you if you need to talk about." Burt completes.

"What.. are you talking about?"

"It's about Brittany." Your coach says and your heart stops. This can't be good. "She was killed a few hours ago in a car accident."

You don't react because you don't know how to react. This can't be truth 'She must be lying' you think. Because you can't handle if she's actually dead.

"She and her parents died, the police thinks that something happened with the car, but it was raining very hard.."

"I can't believe this is happening!" you cut her.

"I am so sorry.."

You start to cry and shook your head.

"I didn't even get to tell her goodbye!" you yell and run away.

No, Brittany isn't dead. Because if she is, you are too. When you lose something you love, you lose everything. She is the only thing that makes you believe life can be better.

Love. This damn feeling. You always said to yourself that you wouldn't fall in love. Why? Because when you fall in love, you become weak. And life destroys everyone who is weak.

But.. life can't be trick. It sends you a beautiful blonde girl who rocked your world.

Maybe life wanted to bring you down.

You go to your house and you can't be with anyone right now. You open your bedroom's door and see your pictures with her. Everything with her..

You can't even remember how life was before here. It's like Edward said in New Moon: life before Bella was dark and when she came, it was like a meteor across his sky.. there was beauty. And when she was gone, life was dark again.

Brittany was your Bella.

You know you won't love someone like you love her. You don't believe how you loved this one yet.

Then, you hear a beep and find your phone on the bed. Every step you take is careful, you take the phone and read.

"A new message from Brittany"

Your heart is racing, you have hope. Maybe she isn't dead, maybe they made confusion and another Brittany was dead.

But you read the message and you can't deny anymore.

"We're coming back, but the weather is bad. I'm scared ): I love you so much, Santana. I miss you."

You fall on the floor, crying again. Brittany, the love of your life, is dead.

The pain in your chest, that came in math class, is still there.

You know it will never go away.