A/N: Hello there, the bunnies and I have reached an agreement…. So here is the next chapter.. I hope you enjoy…Thank all of you that have reviewed and added this story to your favorites or alerts.…
Disclaimer: I still own nothing.
January 4 2003
Hermione stood in facing her mirror looking over her reflection once more. Tonight was her first actual date with Draco. She wore a tight one shoulder black dress that was mid-thigh; the sleeved shoulder had patterned in white beading, the black pumps matched with pattern of her dress. She had her hair down curly her make-up was black eyeliner, mascara, lite blush and red lips. She was giving her hair a run through with her fingers when Ginny came into her room, "Mione," she says, " Wow, you look beautiful, Draco's here."
She takes a deep breath, " Well here goes nothing. Wish me luck." She grabs her wand putting it in her purse. Strolling past Ginny, she leaves her room.
Arriving in the sitting room she sees Draco standing by the sofa, Dress in his signature black suit, no tie, with two buttons open at the top. He was holding a single purple orchid. He hands her the flower she takes it, she looks up at him, "thank you" she whispers,
He holds out his arm to her," You're welcome, Shall we" She nods, taking his arm in hers then she feels the sudden pull of apparition.
January 5, 2003
11:23 am
Ginny was sitting in her lavender yoga pants and white tank top, on the comfy red sofa reading Witch Weekly. When she heard the floo open and the color of emerald flames filled the room. She looked up to see Hermione stumble into the room, looking disheveled. Her hair was frizzy and everywhere and she's wearing the dress from the night before with a noticeable white stain near the hem in the front.
Taking notice of her look Ginny stays quiet, quirking an eye brow and sly smile. She leans forward to take a drink of her tea, before saying, "So I guess your first date went well?" Ginny looks up to meet Hermione eyes as she tries to sneak back into their apartment.
Hermione is startled by Ginny, she almost yelps but just glares at the giggling girl as she nearly stomps to her room.
Ginny pulls herself off the sofa by the look Hermione just gave her she knows she's in for a coaching session with Hermione. She goes to the kitchen to make some more tea, thinking 'I wonder what he did? I guess some animosity never dies between two people.' She shakes her head smiling as she digs in the cabinet for the tea.
Hermione goes into her room closing the door behind her. She stands behind the leaning against it, running her fingers over her lips and closing her eyes. 'What is it about that man?' Shaking her head she moves from the door towards her draws pulling out a comfortable pair of clothes, a pair of grey yoga pants and a white V-neck shirt. She throws the items on her bed. She turns to go grab her towel when she catches her reflection in her full length mirror. 'Oh, dear look at me' her eyes scan down her appearance, "Damn it all" She says when she sees the white stain on her black dress, She pulls the dress off as she walks, she covers herself with her towel, placing the dress on the bed, before she moves over to her vanity picking up her wand. Looking at, the stain once more, remembering how it got there, she waves her wand. She leaves the dress on the bed, leaving her room to shower.
Coming back into the sitting room, Ginny looks up at her smiling behind her magazine.
"Quit looking at me like that Gin, I know what you're thinking, and to answer your question earlier, yes I did have a good time, but the date part was dreadful."
Placing the magazine down on the table, pulling her legs under her, Gin pats the seat by her for Hermione to sit. She waits as Hermione makes it over to her taking a seat; Hermione asks "is this cup of tea for me?" Gin nods and watches as she puts in some sugar and stirs, she starts her line of questioning, "What do you mean? I am confused you had a good time, but the date was awful."
Hermione was cooling her tea, looking over the rim of her cup seeing Ginny eagerly waiting. Hermione moves the cup back down to her lap holding it in both her hands she starts chuckling a bit, " I mean the sex part of our night was good but the date part not so." Looking down at her cup, "He took me to a quaint little restaurant and the food was wonderful, but some of the things he did and said were inexcusable. I mean I know they messed up a little bit at the restaurant but the way he acted, but god, he is still somewhat the spoiled git I remember, it's just it's not directed at me. Which is good, I guess." She finishes as she finally takes a sip of her tea.
Smiling with an impish grin, "So your relationship is more of a sexual thing?"
"Oh hush Gin. I don't know what I want from this I just thought it was worth a shot." Taking another sip of her warm tea she continues, "I knew or know the physical part of us is great but I don't even know what I want from him. We didn't even talk about us as a thing. I got mad about his attitude toward the wait staff and I left, he found me then apparated me to his bedroom, where we argued more before he or we, you know. "
"Had wild, hot, angered fucking?" Ginny cut in.
Choking a bit as she placed the cup back on the table, she sits back up holding her chest coughing a bit as Gin continues, "Oh don't deny it I saw the stain on your dress, you both couldn't even wait to undress."
Blushing about the stain being noticed, Hermione grabs the pillow behind her, and hits Ginny across the head with it, "Quit laughing, it's not funny." She says with a pout, "I don't think I can see him anymo…. Umph..." she tries to continue as Ginny hits her with a pillow.
Ginny looks at her smiling with her finger point at Hermione, as she starts, "Don't you dare finish that sentence… Before you give me your reasons I'll give you mine, for weeks I watched you long for him." " For weeks!" she states continuing, "if it is just sex then go with it we're young, I'm sure he can teach you a few things." She moves away getting up off the sofa as Hermione is about to hit her with the pillow again, "and it's just barely the first date, I know you, quit talking yourself out of something before it has even really started."
Ginny starts to walk toward her room, turning back to Hermione who's still sitting on the sofa holding the pillow on her lap, "Don't forget we have to go to the Burrow, you should go change." She goes into her room.
Hermione looks up. She forgot that they had to go to the burrow today. She puts moves the pillow, as she gets up to put her cup in the kitchen. 'I don't know what to do, it's true it really hasn't started, the date was lovely they had stimulating conversation, until he started with his personality faults, but am I any better.'
January 5, 2003
She sat there on a blanket on the grass outside the burrow, looking up at her friends fly on their brooms flying around she wondered 'could she ever invite Draco to come with her? Would Draco be as welcomed as Zabini? He seems so at ease with them, they have had more time to get to know him, and they like him right? Or that's what Ginny tells me. As long as she is happy, and Draco could possibly make me happy. Right? Her having him in her life gave her a chance to forgive Harry and Ron, now they can be in the same room without a fight. Draco, maybe I ..'
A voice broke her from her thoughts "knut for your thoughts." She looked up bringing her hand up to shade her eyes from the sun, following his movements as he sits down next to her.
"Oh hello Harry, you startled me." She says turning toward him pulling a strand of hair behind her ear.
Smiling at her pushing up his glasses he asks, "What's got you so deep in thought, that I was able to startle you?"
"I was just thinking how at ease, all of you are with Zabini."
He looks up to see Zabini kiss Ginny while on their brooms, "yeah, Ron nearly hexed him when she first brought him over here for Christmas, but it's her decision."
Raising an eyebrow she asks "You sound as though you don't approve."
"I know she's happy, and it is selfish of me, but I can't help but feel as though this could end badly for her, possibly worse than what I did to her."
"Unless he's gay, I don't see it being worse, her being with him has given you and Ron a chance at her forgiving you, or getting somewhat over the whole situation."
With a sigh he starts, "I don't want you to be mad at me, I'm just cautious, maybe because of the 'situation', I have hurt her enough."
Looking at Harry she gives a weak smile, "I'm sorry, I.."
"EVERYONE FOOD IS READY!" Molly yells. The two look toward the bellowing woman. Harry is the first to stand dusting off his pants, he bends holding out his hand for Hermione. She takes his hand in hers as he pulls her to his feet. The two walk over to the picnic tables, Harry asks, "Are you seeing anyone?"
Hermione looks at him, debating if she should tell him, but if he doesn't like Zabini that much, she doubted that he would like that she was starting to see Malfoy. Looking at him she says "No, Why do you ask?"
Stopping he looks at Hermione, " Well, umm… I ran into Oliver Wood a couple of days ago. He was supposed to come today, I don't know what could be keeping him. I invited him because he was asking about you."
January 6 2003
Draco sat at his desk, he swirled his chair around looking out the large window in his office, placing his finger below his lip rubbing it back and forth thinking about the date he had with Hermione.
Draco noticed the detail of her outfit and how breathtaking she looked in it, but more than that he was mesmerized by the woman. To him it did not matter what she wore. For their date he wanted it more personal, he took her to one of the best places he knew to get food.. It was not a posh place he would normally take a woman to but it was a place he himself enjoyed. And he wanted to show her this side of him not the elaborate spectacle that was expected, but to show her, the side of him that no one besides Blaise saw, the side that to him made him human, that showed her him, that he was no longer the narcissistic git that did what his father told him.
The two had been enjoying their time, the conversation was insightful, her words thought provoking and witty. Everything was perfect, until the wait staff started to fuck things up, the more they messed up the more upset he got, the more upset he got the more the staff suffered, by the end of dinner everything was askew. She was mad, about his treatment of the staff and their perpetuate stupidity. She ended up walking off from him, when he'd caught her she wouldn't listen to him, so he took her back to his place. Where they got into a big row, and then had..
"I see you're busy as usual. Did you get the last of those transfers done into the proper accounts?" Blaise said as he sat down in a chair.
Draco spun his chair, looking at Blaise, "Yes, it was all done this afternoon."
Taking in Blaise's presence, he notices a healing scrap above his eyebrow, raising an eyebrow he inquires, "What happen? Weasels not liking your company?"
Smirking and putting his fingers over the healing wound he looks at Draco, "I had an accident last night with Ginny." He says winking.
Rolling his eyes, Draco starts to get up out of his chair, "So things not going so well with you and Granger?" Blaise asks. Draco stops, looking over at his friend, "What makes you say that?"
Blaise gets up out of the chair, brushing his hands over his clothes removing imaginary dust, "Just some observations from yesterday"
"What do you mean? What did you see or observe yesterday?"
"Well from what Gin tells me and what I saw, Potter, is trying to set up Granger with.." Bringing his finger to his chin and tapping it as if deep in thought, " What was his name, ah yes, Oliver Wood, and Granger didn't seem that opposed to the idea."
Removing the scowl on his face from the news, Draco turns to Blaise, "She is well within her rights we are not exclusive." 'Yet' he adds in his mind as he walks toward the door.
January 11, 2003
"I can't believe you told him she was entertaining his advances. " Ginny says laughing as they enter her room after dinner.
"I didn't tell him I simply implied, and it was just too much fun seeing struggle. He thinks he's so good at masking his emotions. " He says as he wraps his arms around her, placing a kiss on her neck, "Where is Granger, tonight? "
"She's working, she keeps taking all these shifts, I don't know if it's to avoid Draco or to avoid Oliver. Both keep sending her invites to go out." She moves out of his embrace taking off her shoes and sitting on her bed.
Grinning and walking over to her, he lays her down on the bed as he lowers himself above her kissing her lips, he moves his lip across her jaw to her ear, in a husky tone he asks " So.. What would you like to do tonight?"
"Mmm.." She moans at the feel. Closing her eyes a thought occurs to her as she remembers something. Her cheeks start to flush red at what she remembers and she feels the wetness between her legs.
Blaise props himself on his arms to loom above her. He rolls off her using one arm to hold his head up in his palm, with his other he takes his index finger and runs it along the now pinked tint of her cheek. "What is it? you can tell me."
She swallows the nervous lump in her throat, closing her eyes she parts her lips as she confesses, "I… um..I remembered us walking in on Hermione and Draco shagging." Blaise moves his hand behind her neck undoing the knot of her halter, as she licks her lips before continuing, "It… It.. Turned me on."
He pulls it over her head removing the obscuring fabric form her torso, His hand makes it to the button of her jeans popping it open and pulling the zipper down. Then moving his hand inside her pants and knickers, "Is that it.." he runs his finger along her slit to find her very wet, "My little vixen likes to watch." Ginny nods, moaning softly as he moves his finger.
"Tell me, do you like to watch people fucking." She nods again , he stops moving his hand, she bucks her hips wanting more, "Words, I want to hear you. And I'll start again."
"Yes," She breaths, "Seeing them, fucking on the table, I liked it… I liked watching it."
He couldn't believe his luck, he was so hard just hearing her confession, he stating moving his fingers rubbing her clit, before he inserted two fingers in her. He laid there watching her as she came and it did not take much for it to happen.
While she was coming down from her climax, he removed her jeans and knickers, and his own clothing. Using his wand he moved the full length mirror in her room placing it against the wall and making it bigger. He put a chair in front of the mirror making it stable.
Ginny sat up on the edge of the bed watching him, when he was finished he walked over to her rubbing his hand over his engorged cock. He kissed her lips, before he pulled her up leading her to the chair.
He sat down on the chair, pulling her to sit on his lap. She was about to sit facing him, he looks at her shaking his head no. He twirls her around, with her back to his chest she's facing the mirror in front of her. She looks at Blaise's reflection in the mirror, "Blaise" she starts before she yelps as he aggressively pulls her to him. Her legs are spread over his, her gaze is avoiding the reflection, she feels him bite her ass cheek before he starts to lower her body. She feels his firm chest slide across her back, she closes her eyes letting the feel of his tongue lick along her spine devour her. "Open your eyes, love," She feels the tip of his prick at her opening, he coos again, "Open your eyes, I want you to watch as my cock enters your tight cunt."
Ginny slowly lifts her lids looking into the mirror she sees her body her pink shimmery pussy hovering over Blaise's thick, long cock, his fingers wrapped around her hips. "Tell me what you want." He says locking eyes with her in their refection.
"Blaise, Please," She implores, feeling his digits tighten around her. He lowers her wet heat around his aching cock. "Don't close your eyes." He requests, "Watch as you surround me."
She opens her eyes, looking in the mirror as she's lowered gasping deeply she moans and watches as she moves up and down his length. "Do you like this," he groans, as he moves his hands from her hips, as she gets the rhythm, he moves one hand to tweak and pinch her nipples, his other moves to her clit, rubbing it up and down with her motions. Her moans get louder and her breathing gets heavier as she's about to reach her climax. With a pinch on her of her nub she screams, "BLA…SE…"
Blaise watches her in the mirror, smiling at the job he's done, he grabs her hips once again, forcing her up and down his still hard dick, prolonging her orgasmic bliss. She's begging him to stop. But he keeps moving her, soon he feels another strangulation of his cock as she hits her second peak. He can feel the strain of his balls aching for release. He stops, as she calms.
Pulling her off his lap he settles her on her knees, rubbing his still hardened length along her cheek, looking down at her he asks "Ready? "
She looks up at him taking the tip in her mouth, giving it a suck while nodding up and down.
" I want you to watch in the mirror" he groans as he thrusts forward, forcing more of his length into her mouth. Ginny slightly gags when she feels his cock touch the back of her throat.
Blaise pulls back as she hollows her cheeks, he takes his hand petting the top of her head, before he grabs a fist full of her hair, and starts to fuck her mouth. He closes his eyes while he enjoys the caverns of her mouth.
"Ginny, I… I" Hermione comes bursting into Ginny's room, to see Ginny on her knees, and Blaise standing thrusting his hips.
Blaise looks at her wide brown eyes that are focused on Ginny, not stopping he soon releases his seed into Ginny's mouth, with Ginny's mouth filling with his seed. Hermione stumbles out of the room closing the door behind her.
I am very sorry I have to cancel our second date. Several healers have become ill and I'm needed to help. Again I am sorry. I hope you understand.
It is sad to hear you have to work, yes maybe next time. I hope you enjoy the flowers.
I have time off this coming Saturday; would you care to join me for an evening out?
Oliver Wood
A night out sounds lovely, but I have to work all weekend. I am sorry, maybe next time.
January 24, 2003
I'm sorry I have to cancel again, as you probably know from Zabini, Ginny is ill. She could not find anyone else to cover her shifts so I am doing them. I hope you understand. Again I am sorry.
Draco sat at his desk placing the parchment down, this is the second time she had to cancel. He was starting to wonder if Blaise's comments about her and Wood had any merit. Was she avoiding him. 'No, he knew from Blaise leaving earlier today that in fact, the she-weasel was sick. Running a hand through his hair. He gets up out of his chair, leaving for the day. He decides to go for a walk before going home.
Hermione was running late for her shift at seven thirty. She was in the coffee shop impatiently tapping her foot on the floor waiting for her coffee. Looking down at her watch for the second time she jumped when someone touched her shoulder, and she heard her name. "Hermione?"
"Oh, Oliver you scared me."
"HERMIONE" yelled the employee behind the counter as she gets startled again.
Walking away from Oliver to grab her hot beverage. "I thought you said you were busy tonight?" he asks.
She looks at him, " Yes, I am I just stopped to get a coffee before my shift." She walks past him headed for the exit. "I'm sorry, I have to go I'm running late."
"Oh, sorry "he says as he follows her, "Do you mind if I walk you?"
"That would be lovely, thank you."
The two talk as she makes her way to work. Not noticing a pair of stormy grey eyes watching them.
January 31, 2003
Draco sat in the meeting not paying any attention to what was happening. He was wondering yet again why she kept canceling. 'Perhaps she was seeing Oliver Wood. The way they were acting all chummy last week, perhaps everything he did wrong on the first date swayed her decision, Blaise did subtlety tell me that Hermione didn't have the greatest time.' He knew it didn't go as well as he had hoped and it was in a way his fault.
"Draco, get up meeting is over"
Looking around the conference office he saw it void of people, except him and Blaise, " How long have I been sitting here?"
"Maybe about ten minutes, what's on your mind?"
Clearing his face of any emotion he responds "nothing, Well maybe Granger, I saw her last week, she was with that Wood character."
"Ah, I see, I was wondering what had you in a mood all week." He says as he strolls toward the door.
"You know I'm going to going to have lunch with a certain red head, if you come you might see her. Unless Wood beat you there."
Draco felt the green eyed monster creep up on him causing his response," I think I'll join you."
"Gin I told you to quit talking about it, I saw what I saw I'm not avoiding you, so quit apologizing," Taking a breath putting her hands on her hips, as Ginny enters the changing room, "It was my own fault I should have knocked."
Ginny looks at her, "Are you sure Mione? I feel like you have been avoiding me."
Closing her eyes, before she looks at Ginny, " Like I said it was my own fault I should have knocked, and you both have seen Draco and I doing things" taking a breath, "so I am not avoiding you, I have just been busy. I love my job and I like spending a lot of my free time here."
Changing the subject, " So you're avoiding someone else? Which is it Draco or Oliver?"
"I am not avoiding them, or well I am avoiding one of them." She says while she starts to walk out of the room headed for the cafeteria.
"Which one?" Ginny asks as she catches up to Hermione.
"Oliver, he is a nice guy but when we were at the burrow and when he walked me to work last week, all he talked of was quidditch, he's been very persistent for me to go out with him some time, thank goodness for work." She pauses," As for Draco, both of us are just off. I work a lot so another date keeps getting cancelled and I'm not even sure if I want to pursue it anymore, and it doesn't help I keep taking extra shifts and I'm about to start research for a project I proposed."
"So you're not interested in Oliver, I must say he is still quite the handsome bloke." Pausing she looks at Hermione, " wait! what do you mean? you don't want Draco anymore. I thought you were going to give it a try."
"I don't know Gin, He sends flowers and wants to go out again but like I said I'm so busy. Perhaps it is not a suitable time for me to have a relationship." She says as they enter the cafeteria.
Sitting down, a salad pops on the table. Ginny sits next to her, still trying to come up with a something to say. Laying her napkin on her lap, she picks up her fork. When she is about to take a bite, "Hello luv," a deep familiar voice fills hear ears. Tilting her head to right she takes a glance, to see Ginny jump out of her seat, squealing as she wraps her arms around Blaise's neck and kisses him. She soon feels a pair of hands on her shoulders, and a breeze tickles her senses, as another male tone vibrates in her ear, "Hello, Hermione." She closes her eyes as a shiver crawls down her spine.
She can feel him chuckle at her response, she tries to gather herself before she replies, "Hello Draco."
With Granger distracted Blaise snatches the salad before Hermione can protest and disposes of it, "Come ladies, let's go, I'll buy you lunch."
Lunch had gone well. Except when Blaise would look at her and she would feel a slight blush run up her cheeks when she remembered. Then there was Draco and his unwavering nerve to constantly touch her thigh. Hermione had to keep removing his hand but she could feel her resolve breaking as Draco's fingers, started to draw tiny circles to her inner thigh, traveling further up. She could feel her desire pool in her knickers.
Getting up suddenly as she felt his finger run where she wanted it most. "Umm. I should be getting back." Draco leaned back in his chair chuckling but covering it up with a cough when he caught the looks Ginny and Blaise were giving.
Ignoring the now smirking Draco, she looked at Ginny asking, "Gin you ready? We should be getting back" Turning to look at Blaise she says, "Thank you Blaise, lunch was delightful." She spins, not waiting for them she heads for the exit.
Draco and Blaise get up from their seats, Blaise places his hand out to Ginny she accepts it and he helps her from her seat. The three leave the little café, seeing Hermione walking ahead of them Draco looks at Blaise nodding, then picks up his pace to catch up with her.
With Ginny and Blaise walking behind them, Draco finally catches up to her. Breathing heavily, he touches her shoulder, "Hermione wait."
Hermione stops, facing him she pushes her index finger into his chest. "What you did back there was was." Pushing her finger into him again, " Ugh, this is why I don't want to go out with you again." She says as she spins back around starting to walk.
Draco rubs his chest, catching up to her, he grabs her shoulder twirling her back around, "I knew you were not just cancelling our dates because of work"
Squinting her eyes at him a shrugging his hand from her, "I really did have to work, and why would I want to go out with someone who is just going to be a pompous, selfish git."
"Come on, Granger we already had this fight and it ended with you in my bed."
Gasping bringing her had up to slap him, but he snatches her wrist forcing her to lower it, he closes his eyes as he feels her struggle for freedom. He takes a breath, opening his eyes he starts "Look I'm sorry, really I am." Looking down at her he says, "Before you leave, since you have decided that I am not worth your time, just hear me out." She hesitates for a minute before she nods, "Ever since that night you have been on my mind, I know that I am as you so kindly put it that I am a Selfish git. What I don't know is why I think about you constantly. I know I'm so tired of being all alone so tired on my own and I want to see where this goes. I want just want a chance."
He lets go of her hand, watching her rub it, "I'm sorry did I hurt you."
She looks up at him, "No, I'll be fine. I don't know, Draco, this." Motioning her hand between the two of them, " this I don't know, our sexual chemistry is so strong and it makes me feel weak or vulnerable. And at times your aggression scares me."
Draco reaches down brushing his hand against Hermione's. "Again I'm sorry, will you go out to dinner with me tomorrow night? Let us just see if there is something more than just sex, I promise I won't try to get in your knickers, and I will be on my best behavior."
Still rubbing her wrist, she pauses to think 'Draco pleading and making promises, how odd. Maybe,' she meets his pleading gaze, "You promise no sex," He nods, "I get out of work at six, is eight okay?"
"Yes, eight it is."
"Alright then, good bye Draco," she says before disapperateing.
February 1, 2003
Draco was fixing the collar of his shirt when Blaise entered his room. Looking at his friend he remembered something he had been meaning to ask him after lunch the day before, "What was with the looks you kept giving Hermione at lunch yesterday?"
Smirking Blaise, told him, "Nothing to worry your pretty blond head about, a couple of weeks ago I was at their place and she walked in on Gin and I in a compromising situation." Laying down on Draco's bed, "When did you start referring to her as Hermione?"
Arching an eyebrow, "I can see the cogs turning in your head, and No, I told you that was the only time we would do that, and" he turns looking directly at Blaise, "Hermione, is mine."
Sitting up on Draco's bed, holding his hands up in surrender, "I was not thinking anything."
"You want something more with her?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Well don't fuck up your second date." He says as he stands leaving Draco's room.
Draco watches his retreating figure; he can't help but think 'He's up to something.'
"Ginny I can't wear this, it's too much or too little, and we said we weren't having sex tonight, to see how things go. "She yells as she turns around to see her back fully exposed in the nude pink halter dress.
Ginny comes into her room, ignoring her comment, with a pair of peep toe sling back heels, "Mione I found the perfect shoes to go with the outfit." Looking at Hermione she smiles. "You look sexy, Malfoy's going to have a hard time keeping his eyes and hands off of you."
"Ginny I told you, never mind, I'm going to change"
"No!" Ginny exclaims
"Why not?"
"You're already dressed and he'll be here soon."
"Fine," she states as she moves to the bed putting on the shoes. Looking at Ginny she asks " What are you and Zabini doing tonight?"
"Nothing, we're going to stay in, he is going to show me how to make something." She answers with a smirk. Before Hermione can say anything else, they hear motion in the other room then a voice. "Ladies we're here."
Ginny leaves the room to greet their guests. Hermione checks her hair one last time, then moving to her vanity putting her lip gloss and wand in her clutch.
Walking into the living room, she sees Draco standing there alone. Her breath still catches at how gorgeous he is. Standing there in black, 'oh gods he looks so good in black' she thinks as she walks over to him.
Hearing the click of heels, Draco looks up to see Hermione in a form fitting, pink dress. He gulps, and prays 'Merlin help me.' Running a hand through his hair, and looking at her face, " you look breath taking." He says with a smile handing her a single white rose.
Walking closer to him to retrieve the flower, her heel catches on the rug sending her flying forward into him. His muscular arms catch her as she grabs his well-toned bicep, she looks up at him, "Oh I seem to have had a muscle, I mean mishap.. mishap" she stutters as a faint flush covers her cheek. "I tripped, sorry"
Draco chuckles, "Are you alright?" Still blushing and scared of what words may come out of her mouth she nods. "Good are ready to go then?"
Removing her hand from him, she takes a step back " Yes, I just need to get my coat."
The night had gone even better then Hermione or Draco had anticipated. They were sitting in her flat drinking tea.
Draco thought the night went nicely, everything went as planned. He sat on her sofa watching her as she sipped her tea. He wanted to do a lot of things to her as she shifted her body and the hem of her skirt hiked up her legs. If the last dress she wore was sexy this one was even better.
Hermione sat there trying not to look directly at him, or she would lose what little willpower she built to stop herself from having him shag her into her mattress. She enjoyed their night together, he had been the perfect gentleman. She knew it was a bad idea to invite him for tea, but she wanted a little more time in his company.
Bowing his body forward, Draco placed the tea cup on the table. " I should get home." Standing he ran his hands down the wrinkles on his pants. Hermione looked up at him, placing her tea cup down. He held his hand to her helping her up. When their hands touched and their eyes locked they both felt their hearts beat just a pace faster. The two stood there, before he said in a lusty tone, "I should get going, I hope you had a good time Hermione." Clearing his throat, "May I have a kiss before I take my leave?"
She stood there quiet. They stood in front of the floo for dozens of heartbeats. Looking at him at that moment Draco looked every inch the part of the most gorgeous man on the planet.
She swallowed fast before answering her eyes moved to Draco's lips. Using her left hand, she brought it up and she traced a path along his jaw. She trailed down his neck over his pulse, slid over his Adam's apple. He tilted his head around as she needed to gain access, watching her the whole time.
Pausing for a second, she put her hand at his shoulder and locked gazes with him once more. They stayed frozen, just looking,
In barely lit room, he could scarcely make out her features. "Merlin, you're driving me mad, Hermione," he admitted with a sigh, and ran a hand through his bangs.
Keeping his eyes locked with hers, his fingers brush a stray hair up and over her ear.
He leaned in and her eyelids fluttered closed. In that moment when she felt like she was in free fall, as his lips pressed down on hers. It was a chaste kiss, Hermione felt her heart beat faster at the sweet innocence of his lips. Then he tilted and pulled away slightly. She breathed a little sigh of pleasure and disappointment.
She opened her eyes to see him a few centimeters from her, his eyes still shut. She moves her hands from his chest to the back of his platinum locks. She pulls him back down. This time their mouths were not as innocent as before. This time the kiss deepened,. This time their tongues played at different rhythms and pressures, this time there was nipping and teasing, Draco and Hermione moaned and seemed to lose the measure of control they were narrowly holding.
Her hands played with his fine hair. One his of his hands was in her curly hair, pulling her towards him, his other on her waist, before moving it to her back running it up and down the exposed skin, making a leisured path from her neck and down to her buttocks, Before grabbing her ass forcing her body closer, molding them together.
They were attacking each other's mouths with wild abandonment, both seduced by the force of the feeling, neither wanted to stop. It had been at least ten minutes till Draco finally pulled away for air.
He looked down at her he loved seeing the flush that heated her skin, He moved his cool cheek to hers savoring in the feel of her up against him. He removed his hand from her hair to came around wrapping both arms around her waist, with his lips he parts them as he seductively breaths, "Let me stay with you tonight." She felt her legs quiver, and between her thighs she felt a distinct dampness against her pink, sheer knickers.
With the kiss she lost her self again, relenting to their carnal needs, Hermione nodded. She steps away from him, taking his hand in hers. She leads him to her room.
When they entered her room, they both knew what was next. She walked into the room standing in the middle. He tells her as he circles her, "Take it all off. Strip for me. All I want to feel is just skin," He stops behind her running the knuckle of his finger down her spine.
Breathing down her neck she reaches behind her delicately pulling the bow of the fabric holing her dress. Tilting her head she exposes more of her neck to him, while her hands move the top of her dress down exposing her pert breasts. She hooks her thumbs on the dress as she moves it further down her body bending into his erect member as she slides the fabric down her legs.
Standing there clad in only her knickers and heels, He watched her silently, his eyes roaming the contours of her body up and down, memorizing each detail. His penis jerked in his pants at the sight of her deliciously bared torso, to relieve the confines of his cock he removes his clothing except for his silk black boxers.
She waited as she listened to the rustling of clothing being removed. She closed her eyes, feeling extremely vulnerable.
He moved standing suddenly right there, behind hind her, his palms and fingers stroking over the rounded flesh of her ass and legs with gentle caresses.
He moves her hair to the side exposing her neck he breaths in her ear "Go to the bed."
Her breath hitched, before she slowly sauntered away from him and did as he bid.
He followed behind, "No don't sit ' He said as he kneeled in front of her." Yeah, that's it. Now spread your legs" Biting her lower lip, she looked down at him, as she slowly spread her legs.
His fingertips traced over the sheer fabric. Her body shivered and a purr escaped her lips. He hummed in approval; he then carefully wrapped his fingers around the edges of the last barrier, and tugged her panties slowly down her thighs, past her knees, over her calves and lifting each of her feet then discarding the garment. "Spread your legs," he demanded again as his hands stroked her smooth skin traveling back up her legs .
She felt his warm fingers, stroke softly along her slit. She shivered in anticipation. She looked down at him, when he asked, "May I taste you Hermione?"
She found herself unable to use words, so she nodded keeping her eyes locked with his and moving her hand down she brushed his bangs back. Gazes still locked he ran his hand up her leg lifting it and hooking it over his shoulder. He then pressed his nose into her and inhaled, relishing the sweet scent with a groan, while his hands grabbed her ass and kneaded it gently.
He kissed directly over her now-soaked opening, "Oh," she gasped, unconsciously swaying forward further onto his face. Her fingers tangled in his blond hair, messing it as he caressed her wet folds with his mouth, coating her with his saliva. He licked along the flesh, then he circled her clit, playfully tormenting her, causing electric sparks to shoot down her spine. She uncontrollably moaned with need.
Her soft mewling was beginning to drive him crazy. His cock throbbed for action, but he pushed all thoughts of himself away for now, they would get to that soon now he wanted taste her as she reached her peak.
Soon he began teasing her entrance with his tongue. Dipping his tongue in and out of her before he ran his tongue to her tiny nub, and then latched on and started sucking, his eyes never leaving hers.
With his hand, two digits entered her thrusting in and out in a deep, slow rhythm, causing her to gasp and moan loudly.
He hummed deep, and throaty his approval of the reaction he was receiving. She could feel her herself reaching her climax. She felt susceptible now as her climax approached, "Draco, I'm close, I'm so close, don't stop"
He swirled his finger inside her gently and thrust it in and out ,making sure to rub that little g-spot on the upper side of her canal. At the same time he flicked his tongue around her nub before her wrapped his lips around it suckling it gently. He looked up and watched as her lips part as she screamed "DRA….CO". He felt her insides pulse, as a flood of wetness flowed over his fingers. Her hips rocked back at forth on him as he removed his fingers. He then wrapped his hands around her hips as he licked up her juices.
When he was finished he lowered her leg to the ground, wiping his mouth as he stood and watched her fall back on the bed. He sat on the bed beside her, he soon cradled her in his arms placing her in the center of the bed. He lay next to her, turning on his side. "Did you like that?" he asked as his fingers swept across her cheek.
Stilling in his gentle touch, "yes, very much" She breathed staring at the ceiling before she rolled on her side facing him where they spent a long moment gazing at each other,
Draco lay next to her brushing his fingers over her cheek down her neck, 'What have you done to me Hermione, my Hermione, you make me want to be with you like this, dare I think it, forever.'
Hermione laid there coveting his touch, her eyes never leaving his. 'Draco, what have you done to me, I want more, I want everything. I want forever with you.'
Tentatively, she reached up and ran her fingertips over his cheek, touching him very lightly. In the silent moment she ran her fingertips down his neck down his torso, to the waist of his boxers.
Losing eye contact with her, closing his as he felt her hand at the waist of his boxers, , " We don't have to." he says as he feels the bed move.
Hermione sits up, nudging him on his back she pulls his boxers down, watching his hard cock bobble, she giggles a bit. She throws his boxers on the floor, bending down she licks the bit of pre-cum off the tip. Crawling on top of him, she runs her wet pussy over his length. "I want to," she states in a husky tone as she lowers on to him slowly.
"Oh, Gods Hermione you feel so fucking good" he groans as he grips her hips. She moves her body up and down his length, he opens his eyes watching her, watching as she arches he head back exposing her delicate neck, watching as her breast bounce up and down with her motions, watching as her lips part taking in long gasps of air and moan his name.
He sits up wrapping his arm around her possessively and taking a nipple between his teeth, nibbling it gently. While she wraps her legs around him, sliding back and forth over his length.
She gasps as she feels his mouth move to her neck and he bites down over her pulse. "I'm not going to last much longer," he breaths along the line of her throat.
In the next draw of his breath, he flipped her over thrusting away with, long, strokes that touched the far back of her.
Draco and Hermione lock gazes before he presses his forehead to hers before bringing bring them both to their ultimate goal with a few more thrusts. She feels her explosive release before him, he fells the rush of her fluids and the clenching of her walls, just before his semen is freed deep within her.
He holds himself above her jerking slightly, before he pulls out shuddering at the feeling. He rolls off her pulling her to him. He wraps his arms around her; she buried her head in the crook of his neck, both breathing heavily.
The two stayed locked together in place, fitting perfectly together. They stayed that way for an indeterminate amount of time, his hand leisurely caressing her hair bringing a curl forward with two fingers, twirling it around and around lazily.
She moves away from him, feeling her bravery, "Draco, I don't want this to stop."
"Who said it was?" he asked looking down at her.
"I don't know never mind." She says as she flips over facing away from him.
Turning to lie on his back and taking a deep breath he confesses, "I like you Hermione, and as I said before I want to see where this goes."
Tuning back towards him, her hand moves to his cheek moving his face to look at her. She looks into his grey orbs, "I like you also" she declares.
"So it's decided. We will see where this goes." He states as he pulls her to his chest.
Hermione snuggles into his embrace thinking 'I hope that this works out' as her lids fluttered shut.
Draco stared at the ceiling with his witch cuddled next to him, 'Malfoy's always get what they want.' Was his last thought before sleep overtakes him.
A/N: I was going to stop at the kiss and have them say good night, but as I was writing, I thought what girls will power wouldn't falter at the smoldering, lust filled gaze of Draco Malfoy?
I was thinking about pulling Ginny and Blaise's exploits out of this story and continuing, under the same title or maybe a different title, in the Land of Ginny and Blaise . whatta you think?