
By Robin Gurl

MAJOR NOTE: I'M TIRED OF THIS. I WRITE CYE AS THE YOUNGEST. He's the oldest in Samurai Troopers. If you don't like it don't read it. And you KNOW who I'm talking to about this. SHUT IT. I don't go around complaining that people spell his name wrong. And God, could I. -rolls eyes-. But I don't. So don't complain about the ages. This isn't your writing. It's MINE. I don't write to please idiots.

Thank you. Rant is over. xD enjoy.

Day One

This one is total yaoi!! Cye and Rowen are left at home and Cye misses his two lovers a lot.

Rowens POV:

I woke up did I hear crying? "Wha tha?"

Downstairs I saw a small figure standing. No one was home but Cye and I. "Cye?"

The figure fell to his knees, as I got closer I found out that it was Cye. He kept crying out for Kento. "Buddy what's wrong?"

Cye fell into my arms his fingers knotting up in my shirt. He sobbed into my chest, "Kento…hold me.."

I rocked the youngest Ronin back and forth trying to comfort him. Cye wanted Kento, Cye thought I was Kento. I missed Sage too, but Cye obviously needed Kento. We had found out that we loved each other "that" way when Talpa separated us for the first time. Ryo loved all four of us, although we had gone into pairs. Cye and Kento, and Sage and I. I kissed Cye on the forehead gently, "It's ok Cye, I'm here."

Soon I heard soft snores coming from Cye, "I wonder what tat was about?" I stood up blowing my blue forelock out of my eyes, and cradled Cye close. He was so light. If I didn't know better I would have thought him to be Anorexic.

In the bed room I laid Cye in my bed then climbed in beside him and held him close.

Cye's POV:

I awoke shivering. My lovers weren't here and I missed them dearly. When Kento said that he wanted Ryo to meet his family I didn't know I would miss them this much. I got up and walked by Rowen's room. Lightening lit up his room and I saw a sleeping figure. How could he sleep?

I loved all four of them dearly but Kento and Ryo were mine. We had come to a compromise leaving Sage and Ro-chan to themselves. Ryo, Kento and I decided to form a love triangle.

I never felt so alone, no one was here to hold me. I was truly alone, the darkness seemed to laugh at me. An evil voice played in my head over and over again, :Your lovers aren't coming back. They don't love you.: All of these thoughts kept passing through my mind.

I fell to the ground crying, my stomach hurt so much. I didn't think it had been that long since I had eaten. I thought for a minute then realized that I hadn't eaten in three days.

Someone pulled me into their embrace holding and soothing me. I couldn't hold it in any longer and collapsed against the person sobbing, "Kento…Ryo..hold me…"

Then I heard a thick New Jersey accent, "It's ok Cye, I'm here." This person was Rowen. I felt him kiss me lightly on the forehead. My eyes got heavy and then I felt myself fall sleep. I felt Rowen pick me up, he carried me upstairs, once upstairs I was laid down on his bed, I could tell by the smell. Where Sage and Rowen had brought me up for my birthday treat. The smell was still here.

His arms went around me and he kissed my hair gently, "Good Night." I snuggled closer pretending he was my Kento-chan and that Ryo was once again playing with my hair like he always did. Ryo says that I have the softest hair any man ever has. He loves to play with my hair and kiss it gently. I just imagined Ryo whispering his loving words in my ears, "I love you little fishy. You're my Brit."

I smiled weakly and fell fast asleep.

End Day One

I think this is one of my best Yaoi fics I have ever written.

REVIEW please!!