IMPORTANT! I know that some of you may be confused so I will address the glaringly obvious elephant in the room before the story starts.
This is a RE-WRITE of my story The Saviours of Hogwarts. Therefore some of the chapters are the same or very similar to the original and there are some chapters that have been completely changed or replaced.
Your thoughts and opinions are so very important to me and I would love to hear from all of my readers. I will respond to any and all reviews so if you have any comments or questions feel free to ask.
I will point out that as much as I wish it was, writing is not my career and I am starting a new job on Monday so as much as I would love to update 7 times a week that simply is not realistic therefore I will ask that you all be patient when it comes to updates, currently I am aiming for two long chapters a week. But should I feel extra inspired or only have a short chapter to post then you may receive more.
It has been 5 years since I started posting regularly so stick with me whilst I find my feet again.
Since I have nothing else to say I will let you get on with reading my story.
I hope you all enjoy and please do let me know what you think
Harry Potter and the Saviours of Hogwarts: Chapter 1
Time seemed to slow to a crawling pace as the battered and bloody redhead watched their saviour fall. Her heart beat rang loudly in her ears and her eyes stung from the smoke and tears she held back. She felt the air leave her lungs and saw the earth coming towards her as the putrid green light flew through the space her head had just vacated. Turning her head to the left she saw her saviour; a small blonde girl of her own age, as bloody and bruised as herself. The blonde's amber eyes were fixed on the battle in front of her and as their last saviour's body fell to the blood stained ground, they knew the battle was lost. Both girls pushed themselves up, their muscles tired and their bodies sore. They turned towards the ruins of the once great castle and forced themselves into a run.
The sound of clashing metal was drowned out by the noise of the battlefield. All around them the stench of death and decay hung thick in the air and the sounds of the dying was deafening. The teen felt the shift in the air and rolled to her left before the club could deliver its finishing blow. She blew a strand of long black hair from her face and jumped to her feet just in time to dodge another swing from the giant's weapon. The raven haired teen ducked the club and impaled the giant's calf with her sword, twisting the blade as she pulled it out and then doing the same to the other leg. The giant howled in pain and fell to the ground, the impact nearly knocking the girl off her feet. She heard her name being called and saw her two friends, injured and exhausted running towards her, towards the castle. Her breath caught in her throat, the only reason for them retreating was because the battle was lost. Looking around she saw the bodies of her friends and strangers littered across the ground, all of this death had been for nothing. There was only one way to fix this. She turned and ran for the castle.
The three females made it to the great hall but none stopped to rest. The black haired teen raised a battered hand and the large rug in front of the destroyed staff table was blown away. Underneath was an incomplete circle drawn in blood. The blonde conjured five thick black candles and placed them around the circle before pushing her two friends inside;
"We have to wait for the others!" The blonde turned to her redheaded friend and sighed.
"There's no time if we wait we will die and everything will be lost. We need to go now!" she then pulled a dagger from her boot and sliced her palm with it, letting her blood fill in the gap in the circle. The red head nodded before closing her eyes and raising her hands, instantly all five candles were lit. Just as the black haired girl began to cut her own palm, the doors blew open and their enemies began pouring in. She turned to her friends, her face set.
"I'll hold them back for as long as I can but you both need to go now. No don't argue, just do it. That is your path, this is mine. Until we meet again" With one final glance, the raven haired teen darted forward, her sword held high.
The remaining two girls placed their hands together and let their blood mix before chanting in unison.
"Oracle of Luna light, take me to a second sight. In this hour, in this time, take us to a second life. So we may save this world you see, move us now so mote it be!"
The ground around the girls shook, the air swirled and the flames grew hotter and higher, and as they faded from view the remains of the castle around them fell, their world was lost.
Harry stared towards the staff table. Dumbledore was explaining to the students about the Dementors presence at Hogwarts and the dangerous criminal Sirius Black, but Harry could not help feeling on edge. It was as though his body was expecting an attack, his muscles were tense and he had some serious butterflies in his stomach. He assumed it was the after effects of whatever that Dementor had tried to do to him but he could not stop his eyes from wandering to the empty spot between the student's tables and the staff table.
Hermione gazed worryingly at her best friend. She had felt immense fear today when that Dementor had targeted Harry and ever since she felt on edge. She frowned when she saw him constantly looking at the empty space on the floor but what confused her most was that she too felt drawn to that spot. Without warning the spot that she and Harry had been staring at filled with a blinding white light and as quickly as it appeared it disappeared and in its place were two, dirty, bloody and bruised females, crouched down holding hands, their free hands clutching swords that were caked in blood and other substances that Hermione would rather not think about.
The great hall was instantly filled with panicked shouts and screams from the students and before any of them could react, seven stunners were fired at the figures from the staff, including Dumbledore but to everyone's amazement none of them hit. The girls dodged and sidestepped the spells, the blonde back flipped over one with an inhuman grace and the red head even used her sword to bat an incoming stunner back towards the staff that sent it, catching Professor Flitwick and taking him down.
Dumbledore's voice rang strong and steady through the room stopping everyone, student, staff and strangers alike in their tracks. He stared at the two females for what seemed like an eternity until surprise and recognition slid across his face. With speed that seemed unnatural on the old man, he flew towards the red headed figure and grasped her arm in a gentle but firm hold.
"What is your name?"
"My name is Emily Lilian Potter, daughter to Lily and James Potter, and this is Dahlia Hope Lupin, daughter to Remus Lupin and Charlotte Green. I'm sorry for the way in which we arrived and for causing you all alarm but we must speak with you in private immediately." Emily indicated towards the door to the left of the staff table. Dumbledore nodded and proceeded to lead the way, gathering Professors, Snape, McGonagall and Lupin whilst the girls followed.
The hall once again exploded in noise but all Harry could hear was the red heads voice proclaiming herself to be his parent's daughter, his sister. Before he could even think about what he was doing he jumped from his seat and rushed towards the girl only to be stopped by her blonde friend, he believed her name was Dahlia, Professor Lupin's daughter.
"Harry?" Harry couldn't help but notice the shock, confusion and relief that crossed this girl's face. He could only nod believing her knowledge of him to be because he was the boy who lived.
"You have no idea how good it is to see you again. I'm sorry but you need to wait here, we have to talk to the staff but I swear to you we will explain everything, you can trust me."
Although Harry wanted to protest, one look into her amber eyes told him that he could trust her and that she would keep her word, so he simply nodded and stayed where he was while the three girls disappeared from the great hall.
The staff watched as the females entered the side room, all were in shock but three for very different reasons. Snape could not take his eyes of Emily, everything about her was the perfect reflection of Lily, everything except her hazel eyes; her father's eyes. Many would believe him to be a bitter man with a cold dead heart but seeing this girl standing in front of him made his heart soar and break all over again.
Lupin's eyes were furiously darting between the girls, his gaze first landing on Emily. Few had known about her existence, she was Harry's twin sister but she was a very sick child and had been taken away by Dumbledore to be healed and cared for but she had died shortly after, yet there was no denying that this woman in front of them was Lily Potter's daughter. Finally, Lupin looked upon his daughter and his heart clenched tightly in his chest. She was the splitting image of her mother with her high cheek bones and tiny frame, but she had his sandy blonde hair, though it fell in long waves to the bottom of her back and she also had his bright amber eyes, a trait amongst werewolves. He longed to hold his daughter but her defensive stance told him not to approach so he stayed where he was. It was shortly after the shock began to wear off that he became confused as to how these girls were here. They were supposed to be dead.
Dumbledore was confused for many reasons. The first being that he had last seen these girls two years ago in the institute that he had placed them in and they were eleven years old then, however the ones standing in front of him were clearly much older, he would guess about seventeen or eighteen. The second reason he was confused was that he could not access their minds and yet he knew that they should have no knowledge of occlumency as he has specifically requested that their tutors not teach them, but these girls had some of the strongest mental shields he had ever encountered. Finally, he could not believe that these girls had entered the castle in the way that they did, it took extreme power to teleport inside the castle wards. Dumbledore could sense the confusion from his staff and the anger from Remus Lupin at the knowledge that his daughter and god daughter were alive so he knew he had to act quickly before the situation went in a direction that he could not control.
"You wished to speak in private now I suggest that we speak. Perhaps you could explain how you came to be here?"
The girls seemed to confer with each other before Emily spoke.
"Well from the fact that this castle is still standing, the staff are alive and you do not recognise us, as well as us coming back in our own forms exactly how we left, I would guess that we have entered a different time dimension. You see in our time we were fighting the war against Riddle and his army but we were outnumbered and the castle was destroyed taking the first to third years and the majority of the staff with it. Our saviours were all killed and Riddle had won so we cast a ritual in our great hall to send us back in time so that we could change the future and save our world. Unfortunately, the ritual required three separate bloodlines and our third sacrificed herself to ensure our escape. It is my belief that without the extra power we did not simply go back in time but instead we fell from our timeline and into a parallel one running beneath ours."
"Rubbish, this is all utter rubbish, Headmaster you cannot possibly believe this! Lily Potter did not have a daughter, just one arrogant son!"
"Professor Snape…"
"Snivellus you will kindly watch your tongue when speaking of my brother that way! He was a greater man than you will ever hope to be, and I know of your friendship with my mother but do not think yourself so important that you would know everything about her life. I am Lily and James Potters daughter and on my honour as a marauder I will remove your tongue if you so much as whisper a further insult towards my brother in my presence!"
Professor Snape felt like the wind had been removed from every cell in his body, he could not deny the hurt that he felt in having someone who was the mirror image of the woman that he had loved in secret to this day yell at him and glare at him with such contempt and hatred.
Remus Lupin felt a sense of pride at watching his goddaughter defend her family, and in the name of the marauders, but he could not ignore one vital piece of information she had let slip;
"What do you mean 'he was'?"
Dahlia's eyes dated towards the man who in this dimension would be her father, and although in this place his hair was shorter, his clothes old and patched up and he lacked his air of grace, she could feel the pull towards him when he spoke. It made her yearn to be home in her father's arms, but she knew that she, they, were needed here, they had to help Harry and the other saviours. She tore her gaze away from her father's face and looked towards Emily who was again speaking.
"…was killed during the last battle, along with the other saviours."
"Albus, what has become of ourselves in your timeline?" Dahlia asked.
"It's Professor Dumbledore my dear, I am afraid that your counterparts here perished long ago"
Emily and Dahlia exchanged glances and raised eyebrows. Remus, seeing this used his wolf senses to investigate the Headmasters feelings. The man was sweating ever so slightly and his muscles were tensed; he was lying.
"How do we know you are who you say you are? Albus surely you will not just take them on their word?" Minerva screeched.
"My dear Minerva, rest assured I intend to investigate but we must be reasonable in our approach"
The professors discussed several different ways to ascertain the truth but in the end it was Dahlia that solved the problem for them.
"I Dahlia Hope Lupin do hereby swear upon my magic that everything I have disclosed this evening is the truth. I am the daughter of Remus John Lupin, I am eighteen years of age and I am from another timeline. I have travelled, unexpectedly to your timeline with the intention of finding and training the true heirs and aiding them in bringing down Tom Riddle and his army" Before anyone could fully recover, Dahlia cast a wandless Lumos that lit up the small room proving that her magic still worked and therefore she had been truthful.
Emily repeated the vow and both teens gave the adults a moment to adjust before Dahlia spoke.
"Now that you have seen for yourselves the truth in our statement there are some important things we need to discuss with Professor Dumbledore in private"
When Snape and McGonagall began to protest, the blonde simply held up a hand and waited for them to quieten down.
"Please, I did not mean to offend but we have information from our timeline that could be crucial to the future of yours and we simply need guidance from a man as powerful as Albus before we divulge the information to anyone else. I'm sure you understand" Remus watched the smirk appear on Emily's face as his daughter spoke; these pair were up to something.
"Certainly my dears. Is there anything you need before we begin? I could send for our healer to tend to your injuries" Dumbledore suggested.
"That won't be necessary but thank you. We do however need to speak with Harry" Emily replied.
"I am not sure that is such a good idea at the moment my dear, Harry has grown up with no knowledge of you and has faced several traumatic events in his short years in the wizarding world. I fear he will not trust or accept you. Allow me to speak with him first and help him understand"
The smile slipped from Emily's face and she took a step forward but Dahlia grasped her arm.
"Sir, I'm sure you can understand my cousins desire to see her brother, as you know in our timeline Harry was brutally murdered right in front of our eyes. Seeing a loved one die is the worst pain imaginable and we have been blessed with a second chance. Surely no harm would come of simply allowing the siblings to meet?"
Remus was stunned, his daughter had essentially challenged and called out Albus Dumbledore! If he refused, then it would surely make Snape and McGonagall suspicious of the supposedly caring headmaster. His daughter was truly amazing and he itched to meet her properly.
The room was silent for a moment and everyone watched as Albus debated his options. Finally, he sighed.
"Of course. After we speak I will have Harry brought to my office and you can meet, but I will supervise in case Harry feels uncomfortable and threatened; my student's safety is of course my number one priority"
"With all due respect sir, I think it would be best if Remus observes, him being not only my father but also Harry's honorary Uncle. I'm sure you won't deny Harry a private family moment, especially as you have already stated that he has had to grow up without his sister and parents"
"Miss Lupin I must insist that I, as Harry's guardian whilst he is at school, be in attendance to ensure his safety"
"If you think for one second that I would ever pose a threat to my brother then you are not as wise as you claim to be. Need I remind you that I am seventeen and therefore legally an adult and I can enforce my rights as his guardian. You have no need to be involved in a private family matter. Remus is a professor and will therefore be able to sufficiently ensure your pupils safety. Now if we are done with this absurd argument I would like to hurry up and meet my brother"
"What of our conversation? You seemed very adamant that you needed to discuss certain things with myself and Miss Lupin this evening"
"Well suddenly I am not feeling in the mood to chat, I just want to see Harry, I'm sure you understand. Professor" The condescending tone with which she addressed his title was not lost on Dumbledore but seeing that the girls were not going to back down, and without another option, Dumbledore sighed and instructed Remus to fetch his student and bring him to the room.
"Remus I trust that you will ensure Harry's safety and should you require my assistance you will not hesitate to call"
"Of course Albus" Remus replied.