
Mentioned sex and sexual themes, mental illnesses, morally wrong behavior and secrets...


Got no reason
Got no shame
Got no family
I can blame
Just don't let me disappear
I'mma tell you everything

I'm going to give all of YOUR secrets away

Secret: Something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others.

Final bell rings and everyone is even in more of a rush. I stay sat on the floor, not having gone to class for not wanting to move. I have no business going into any room in the school anymore. No one wants me there and I don't want to be there, either.

The crowd of Jocks come bustling around the corner, acting as if I'm not even there as they trampled over me. I pay no attention, but can't help but watch. Bringing up the rear is none other than Tyler. Tyler was always on the sports team. Any sport her could get, he was there. Currently line-backer for the Football team and the worst player I had ever set my eyes on. But it isn't his fault.

"Tyler, mate!"

"Dad...Mate?" The teenage boy was confused, packing his bag for the first day of high school. It was a momentous occasion and his father was there to give him the advice he needed.

"Now, Ty, you need to get yourself on all of those sports teams! You need to get your talent recognized, beat the other kids! Pound them into the ground! You ARE getting into UCLA!" Tyler tried to talk, but his dad wasn't having it, "You WILL get into there and you WILL become a worldwide known sports leader!"

Tripping over his feet, dropping the ball, not passing when he should have. It was typical Tyler. But it shouldn't have been. Tyler was one of the best on every sports team there, but he had to fail. Tyler wanted to stop acting like such a hero and start acting like an idiot so that he didn't get into UCLA. No one knew, of course. Everyone thought Tyler sucked at sports, but he didn't...It was an act-A secret.

And secrets regarding school grow and grow, it's easy to lose track of reality in those cases. Sometimes it turns to lying, such as Harold's case. Sitting out on the school wall, I can see him waiting for LeShawna through the window. Disgusting.

"I'm staying behind for extra math classes." The redheaded boy told his parents, his mouth full of Captin crunch cereal. Both looked up at their son from the dining table to where he was stood in the kitchen.

"You've been staying behind a lot lately."

"Can't I want to get good grades? GOSH!"

Of course Harold wanted good grades, but he never stayed behind to get them. His secret is hidden form his parents, going out with his girlfriend every day after school. And LeShawna had her fair share of secrets too. She may act all perfect, ranting and raving and demanding the respect she deserved and it wasn't an act. But her secret would hurt the lives of innocent people if they ever found out. Most people know, but don't have the heart to tell.

Lying on her bed, staring up at the ceiling with her phone in her hand. It hadn't stopped buzzing all day. The ghetto girl was constantly texting or calling someone. Having three boyfriends had its price to pay. LeShawna never got a moments rest. Juggling the three boys, playing them all with a piece of string. Tiring, but entertaining. And she just didn't know which one to keep.

Watching the two kissing and rubbing noses is quite disgusting in itself. Harold doesn't deserve LeShawna. But Harold's parents didn't deserve the lies. Everyone deserves something. But Sadie doesn't deserve her pain. As Izzy throws up in one cubicle, Sadie is hunched over in another. She vomits up her lunch, vomits up her breakfast, vomits up everything that is in her stomach.

Logging onto her computer, it all starts to flood in.


'Go sell yourself to a slaughter house, feed a family in Africa'

'Save some food for the rest of us'

The cruel antics of teenagers are enough to hurt anyone's feelings. Sadie starts crying, tears stream down her face like a river without a damn. Free flowing and nothing to stop them, but Sadie doesn't care. She simply runs to the bathroom ad slips her fingers down her throat.

Watching the girl's toilet doors, I can hear it all. And so can Katie. As she sits on the floor, sleeves pulled tightly into her balled fists, tears falling down her own face. That's Katie's secret. Not that she cares so much for Sadie, but because she goes through the same agonizing pain as her best friend and nothing can be done about it.

Sitting on her own bathroom floor, the girls brings the razor up to her skin.

"This is for not being pretty enough!" Slice. Straight through her wrist.

"This is for not being skinny enough!" Slice. Straight through her wrist.

"This is for not being perfect enough!" Slice. Straight through her wrist.

And the process goes on and one. All of the skin on both of Katie's arms has been hacked to death by the same razor she uses to shave her legs every day. All because she isn't good enough. All because everyone tells her she isn't good enough.

Stupid and pointless in my opinion. As is Sierra's secret. She's the one sitting under the bus shelter, everyone assuming she's waiting for the next bus home. She's not. Everyone else in that bus stop is intruding in her home.

Packing up her backpack, all of her special belongings. Sleeping bag, blanket, spare clothes and as much money as she could get her hands on. It all slides in with ease. Jewellery and make-up, a few expensive items to sell on the street. Her schools books and notepads, a few working pens. Anything she could find to fill the gaps. But not the photos. The photos would bring back too many painful memories and she didn't need them.

Sierra ran away from home three weeks ago. No one in school knows that and she wants to keep it a secret from everyone, too. Her parents know where she is, living in the bus stop opposite the school. But they never approached her. They don't want to drive her away completely and they know that she'll come home eventually. I don't think she will...And I believe it is a stupid secret to keep from so many people who want to help you. Makes me sick.

What makes me sick is family problems, like Beth has. It's a secret jealousy. A jealousy that only she herself knows because she paints it out to be so perfect around everyone else. Always wishing she was an only child, always wishing that her twin sister was not hers. Beth is fed up of her sister getting all the attention, of her sister getting everything because she's so much better than Beth.

'I wish she would just give up and drop dead! Stop hogging all of the attention for herself because she doesn't deserve it. Alice is nothing but a scrawny bitch with perfect blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. She is a walking Barbie doll and everyone wants to play with her. And what am I? Barbie's ugly twin sister Beth, that's who I am! No one pays attention to me; no one notices that I'm here too. All because she's sat there looking so pretty as usual.'

Jealousy. What a life wasted on such an ugly sin. Beth can be jealous of her sister all she likes, it doesn't change a thing. Nothing anyone does changes a thing in the real world, only within themselves. DJ is a great example of that. After what he did-after the thing he is keeping a secret-he's a changed person.

Everyone knows the cuddly teddy bear to be all rainbows and kittens, an animal lover at heart and always has been. That's a lie. Sure, DJ has never hated animals, but he only started loving them, wanting to help them when he started driving. And now, not wanting to do the same thing again, he never drives. And no one knows why. But I do.

Driving along the road, headlights on and the night air perfect for a practise drive before his test. It was going smoothly, DJ easily remember everything he had to do. U-turns and signals, parking was amazing and his sign reading was memorized. What DJ couldn't count on was his neighbour's dog suddenly running straight in front of the car.

Suddenly stopping, the thud of the innocent animal hitting the bumper was loud and clear in DJ's mind. But instead of stopping, instead of getting out of the car and getting help, DJ drove on. He pulled back up outside his own house and ran straight back up to his bedroom. No one had known he was out for a drive, no one knew it was him who had killed that dog.

And I guess that brings us to the last person in my class now. Trent. He's only last because he's the last person I have spotted. Always last to arrive, always last to leave. Always last. But he was definitely first for once thing; his secret. Whilst he wasn't the last out for everyone for this, he definitely started it. Well, his older brother started it.

As I watch him walking towards the exit, anyone could spot the guitar case on his back. Yes, he has his instrument in there, but that's not the only things. The reason he's always last to leave is because he hides out in the back of the music room where the bell can't be heard very well.

Sitting on the white table, his feet on the chairs, his guitar case open by his side, Trent picks up the first syringe of the day. Adjusting the needle, he picks out the best spot and plunges the metal rod deep into his veins. Pushing down the handle, he can feel the heroin starting to course through his body. The rush is amazing, the feeling he gets is perfect. It drowns out the world and makes him the happiest person in the school building.

Trent never would have started it if it wasn't for his brother, his supplier. He may seem so perfect on the outside; the amazing guitar boy. No one does him wrong and everyone thinks highly of him. But his secret is there. Everyone's secrets are always there no matter who does or who doesn't know them.

As the door slams shut and the night draws in, I still sit on this corridor floor, waiting for another day to come. I've come to the end of the secret telling for everyone, but I know you want more. We all crave what we can't have and what we can't have is knowledge into other people's lives if they wish to not share it with us. And what about me, I know you're asking? Well, what about me? My secret is the worst out of everyone's in the end. At at least I believe it is.

Tuesday November 22nd 2011, the day I killed myself. Took my little sister's skipping rope and hung it from one of the beams in the attic. I took my own life because I couldn't deal with it anymore. I am not only invisible now, but I was invisible before. No one saw me, no one ever stopped to see me. I suffered through every single secret that everyone in my class is going through now. My three secret boyfriends, the lying to my parents about after school activities. When I lost my virginity, when I lost my virginity, when I had my first kiss. How I killed my neighbours rabbit because I couldn't take it anymore. The drugs, the depression, the cutting and the throwing up. Selling my body for anyone who wanted it, covering up the scars with as much make-up and clothes as I could. When I ran away from my family because they just couldn't provide for me anymore, when the cops took me home because I was found with my girlfriend. Everything that rules the lives of the people I see every day, has at some point hurt me, too. They only deal with one, I dealt with it all. And, in the end, I couldn't cope...

But the death didn't hurt. The part where I struggled to keep breathing even when I didn't want to. My oxygen was finally cut off and I died almost peacefully. The worst part out of all of it? No one noticed. Not a single person in the entire school seemed to notice that I wasn't there anymore. My name was taken off the list and my seat was replaced. To think that no one gives a fucking damn that I died is the worst thing about it.

Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
I'm sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

This time
Don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm Gonna give all my secrets away

Got no reason
Got no shame
Got no family
I can blame
Just don't let me disappear
I'mma tell you everything

I've given all of YOUR secrets away

A/N: And that is the final installment of Secrets.

Yeah, Yeah...It wasn't good, I know. And I told ya'll you would be disappointed with the narrator...I am very disappointed with it. No, it wasn't one of the cast, it was just some random student who did kill themselves and no one bothered to stop and think about it...I guess, in some respects, that idea evolved from 13 Reasons Why in the back of my mind without me even realizing it...And I wasn't originally going to tell the narrators secret, keeping ya'll guessing...But I changed my mind last moment.

(And I did mean to start with three secret boyfriends and end with getting caught with your girlfriend. Age and gender of this student was withheld because secrets can affect everyone.)

I've been distracted today, that's all...I didn't have anything to write, so Maddi asked me to write Secrets. I agreed and...Well, this is what you get for the end of my three shot.

And this isn't me encouraging any of you to not reach for your dreams, to lie to your parents, to become bulimic, to cut yourself for no reason, to have an abortion, to sell yourself on street corners, to run away from home, to do drugs, to cheat on your partner, to cheat on exams, to have plastic surgery, to be pretend to be something you're not….But I can't stop you from doing it, either. But I don't want you to. There is no need for it….You're a beautiful person with so much ahead of you, don't let one little thing ruin it all for you. You're the one who will be left with the scars by the end of it, so don't hurt yourself in the start. I'm not the best example of this because I hurt myself on a constant basis…I may still be a virgin, I may not believe in self-harming or plastic surgery…But I'm not perfect. Look at my secrets…You'll learn what I'm all about….I just don't want any of you to end up feeling the same way that I do day-in, day-out. It hurts too much and most of you are sooo young….Please, just don't do it to yourself.

My secrets;

I know I said I wish I was dead...And I know I said I was a coward...So most days, I wish someone would come out fo the ally I walk down to get home from college and come at me with an axe. Painful death? Very...But I just don't want to be alive sometimes.

My parents are expecting me to go to Swansea University when I finish college...I don't have the heart to tell them that I don't plan on doing so. I want to go to University with an amazing Creative Writing programme...And the best one I've been told about is East Anglia, which is a five hour car ride away from where I live. (Or a 3 day and 15 hour non-stop walk if you're feeling adventurous...)

It breaks my heart when I think that so many people confide in me, but my trust issues get in the way of me confiding anything very important with anyone.

It breaks my heart to think that my real life friends will never be able to know or understand about this life I live online.

I wish I had somewhere to go because I want to run away so badly.

I hate the fact that everyone thinks my parents are so perfect and amazing and that they would trade their own for mine.

I was too scared to admit I needed help. Now that I have finally admitted it, I'm too scared to go get it.

I tell everyone that my parent's support me, but they don't...My parents never support me in anything I decide to do.

I hate the way my memory works. You ask me what I did on Monday; I won't be able to tell you. You ask me what day it was when I went to Dan-Yr-Ogof caves over six months ago and I will confidently tell you it was a Tuesday. What's more important; knowing what I learnt in college on Monday or what day I went on a family day trip?

Oh Goodness...So many secrets have come out over the past few days, I'm amazed at how much I have shared about myself to you guys. And I'm even more amazed at how many of you have shared your own secrets back with me! I honestly was expecting people to be too scared to tell me, and there is nothing wrong with being too scared to tell me! You don't know me, why should you trust me? But thank you to everyone who did tell me...It's amazing how much we all have in common when we think about it. How most of us are suffering with depression, wish we were dead, want our parents to understand us. I've never felt closer to anyone than when I've been writing and reading the reviews for this story...

Again, don't want to reply individually...But just a few things I've picked out.

Sorry, this isn't a NoCo story...But I'll try and write a NoCo fic if you want! Epic couple in my opinion!

Never worry about what people will think of you...In real life its normal, but I'm here because I'm your friend and everyone here is my real family. I wouldn't do or say anything to hurt you.

Don't answer questions if they make you feel awkward...Everyone has the right to remain silent, so stand your ground and shrug.

Nothing will ever beat my tessellations...

You guys are my family and friends! You care for me more than anyone else in the world...It's as simple as reading my story and liking it...That is the best thing I could ever ask for.

I trust all of you with everything I have...You know that, right?

I feel really bad for your teacher...Even if I have to force it from my parents, I love you should always be said...

Some things are better left unsaid...

I understand your fear. I won't force or even ask for your real name or even your account name. Everyone had their right to fear and everyone has their right for secrecy and privacy. I'm not going to go against that.

That is the most irrelevant and most beautiful quote I have ever read...Very inspiring. I love it.

I know why secrets make you sick...I used to feel the same way until I realized just how many secrets I was keeping myself. It doesn't make me sick anymore when I think about how everyone has their rights and how everyone is afraid of the truth...

Yes...I did try to keep the secrets as close to the real characteristics as possible. I wanted people to think that they are still the people from the show...But they all do have a much deeper personality than we all know about.

And I want every single person reading this that I am always open to PMs. If you ever want to talk, ever want to get something out in the open, I'm here. I know what it's like, I understand most things...I'm always here for my family and friends.

Thank you all for the support and the love and the prayers. My love and heart go out to you...

Well, I guess this is it for Secrets...Thank you all for believing in me.

Thanks for reading, please review :)

Love, ChloeRhiannonX