AN: I lied. I didn't mean to but I did. XD Writer's block bit me and I was sick for a while. It is a terrible disease. Hopefully this chapter will make it up to those of you who haven't given up on me yet. ^^ Thank you for that by the way. I honestly never thought I'd write something this long, and it means a lot that you guys have kept reading. Thanks to: Catsdon'tcry, Oceanfur, Artemis Klein, Goldpen, X-3, Rainstorm-Mosspath, TheWalnutQueen, Startled Boris, cryingcarebear, and emeraldcarrot! You have no idea how happy you make me. :3
I also have to say a special thank you to my best friend Artemis Klein! Hopefully you'll like this chapter dear, because without you I never would have been able to write it. :3 Thank you for cheering me up and getting me out of my slump.
I'll quit blabbering now. XD Please please review and let me know what you think! Thanks for reading!
I was worried all morning from the minute I woke up. I hadn't slept that well either. I kept having nightmares where Creepy Russian Man like, tied Toris up with his scarf and tried to stare at me to death. Don't ask. In the dream it was totally possible. I tried to dress in something fairly normal. If any shit went down it'd probably be better if I could run. And I can't run in heels, no matter how sexy I look. So sneakers it was along with some shorts and a t-shirt. Toris and I texted some while I was on the way to class. He seemed super nervous and didn't say much.
My stomach had been making odd noises all morning. I was too nervous to eat much, and again I got a smoothie. They're better than nothing, and taste totally awesome. Like Toris does.
Yes, I did say that.
Anyway Toris somehow ended up getting to class early. I think he ducked out of his last one to talk to me before we had to see Ruso Freak. Toris started whispering to me so no one would overhear us.
"Alright Feliks... I'll have to talk to him after class... I think it'd be best if you aren't right there, so maybe you can stay towards the back of the room... if that's alright..."
I nodded. "He hates me. I doubt me being there will make getting dumped any better. But I didn't wear heels so if he attacks you I can run up and save you."
That probably wasn't the best thing to say to him because he totally paled and looked down. Opps.
"But I mean he's like, in love with you right? So he won't do anything like that." I tried to laugh it off, but I don't think it made either of us feel any better.
We didn't really talk much after that. We were both super nervous, and I was focused on trying to keep my stomach from rumbling too loudly. As class was about to start, and Scarf Monster was walking to the front of the classroom, Toris squeezed my hand. He was sweaty. Knowing him he was just as worried about hurting Creeper as he was about Scarf Man stalking him. Toris is way too sweet for his own good.
It was the longest lecture ever. Normally the time passes so slow I want to cry. Today though it was like, living out a whole week in that room. Except I didn't eat or have to go to the bathroom or anything... You get what I mean. Anyway Scarf Freak kept staring at Toris the whole time. I guess he thought he liked him back or something. I really wanted to punch him...
Toris lightly elbowed me. I suddenly realized I was like, making some sort of growling noise and everyone was staring at me. You'd growl too if you were me! Right?...
Finally class ended, and Toris started to stand. I nodded to him trying to smile. He sort of gulped, and walked towards the front of the room. I gathered our stuff together just in case we had to run out super fast or something.
Toris sort of shuffled up to Ruso Creeper and that giant smiled a terrifying smile at him. It was awful. I think it was supposed to be a happy face for him... Maybe?
"Toris I am glad to see you. You left so quickly Wednesday I did not get to talk to you. You liked the poem, Да? It is my best work, for you my little mouse." Scarf Murderer leaned forward and reached a hand out to touch Toris' head. I almost jumped up to attack him, but Toris took a step back and tried to look intimidating. It didn't really work...
"I did not like the poem Professor Braginski. It was out of line. Thank you for your interest, but I am your student."
"Perhaps, but our love is too strong for such trivial things. How could you not like the poem? It was my feelings for you." He took another step towards Toris, who quickly side stepped away from him.
"It is not trivial. I am not interested in you in that way. I enjoyed talking about literature with you because I like literature. I am not interested in having a romantic relationship with you. I would appreciate you ceasing any advances towards me in future."
Suddenly Ruso Man's face changed. It was terrifying. He somehow managed to all of a sudden get dark circles under his eyes and get like, a foot taller.
"You like him instead, Да? How could someone as intelligent as you like such a fool? Such an imbecile?" He glared at me as if he was about to murder me. I think he may have been. I would have totally shrunk into a scared pile of Feliks if Toris hadn't spoken up so quickly.
"Feliks is not an imbecile or a fool. How dare you say that when you know nothing about him? How dare you insult my boyfriend simply out of misplaced jealousy? Do not attack him because I do not return your feelings. You shouldn't be pursuing a student in the first place." I've never seen Toris mad like that... I don't think I ever would again. His voice was loud and didn't waver once. He stomped past Braginski and went to stand next to me. "I am sorry for hurting you, but I will never be interested in you or anyone else. I'm in love with Feliks. Now if you'll excuse us we will be leaving. We will see you Wednesday for class."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. I barely had time to grab our bags. Ruso Freak stood there with that horrifying purple aura of doom around him, fists clenched. He'd kill us. I was sure of it. Like hell I'd being going to class on Wednesday. Was Toris totally insane? As we walked down the hall my brain went over everything Toris had said... How he had stood up for me and defended me. And said... well said he loved me. Was that true? Or was he just trying to get Braginski to leave him alone by any means he could use?
Toris was fuming, so I stayed quiet. I totally had no idea what to say anyway. He was still dragging me along and began muttering to himself. I couldn't understand anything he said, but I think I heard my name a few times. Finally we got to where his bicycle was chained up outside. He stopped and sighed heavily.
"I'm sorry Feliks. I don't know what is wrong with that man..." I was looking at the ground, but I could feel him glance over at me. "Are you upset with me Feliks?"
I shook my head slowly, but I still couldn't look at him. All I was thinking about was if he had meant those words... If he had meant it when he said he loved me.
"Would... would you like to spend the evening together?" Toris sounded like he was in trouble. He sounded like I had scolded him or something. I nodded again and he took my hand. "Feliks?..."
I finally looked up at him and could see the worry in his eyes. "Sorry Toris. I guess I'm just a little shocked... I'd like to spend the evening together." We took the bus to my apartment, and I got us both something to drink. We sipped our water silently, like the whole bus trip had been. Finally Toris seemed like he couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm sorry Feliks. Are you upset with me? Or are you hurt by what Professor Braginski said? Please tell me..." I felt his hand smooth out my hair and I leaned into his touch.
"Did you mean it?... Or did you just say it to get rid of him?" I didn't have the courage to look at Toris just yet, so I kept staring at the carpet.
"Did I mean what?..."
"That... that you loved me..." My voice was small as I spoke. I knew Toris liked me. But like and love are two different things. I was scared of what his answer would be.
There was silence for a moment and then Toris' warm lips touched my cheek. "I meant it. How could you think I didn't? Are you upset that I said that? Do you think it's too early?..." Now he sounded nervous, and finally I turned to look at him.
"I don't think it's too early... I just... I just don't want you to like... say that and not mean it..."
He lightly knocked his forehead into mine. I noticed he did that when he was telling me he cared about me. Maybe he was too embarrassed to look at me or something...
"I mean it Feliks. I'm sorry I had to tell you that way... I'm glad you aren't upset with me for it. I really do love you..."
Toris has the most beautiful voice. It's usually quiet, but it's strong. I don't know how to put it... It's so calming and warm. When he says things to me I just want to melt. Especially since he just told me he loved me. My boy loved me. Just like I loved him.
I grabbed him in a tight hug and couldn't stop myself from crying softly. It took Toris a minute to realize what was happening, but his arms tightened around me when he did.
"I love you Toris. I love you. I was so scared you'd never love me. And I was worried I'd scare you off if I told you so soon. I'm so happy. I'm so happy Toris..."
He had pressed his face into my hair and I could feel him smile now.
We were quiet for a while and then he slowly let go of me. "Feliks... may I kiss you?" It was so silly to me that he even asked that I laughed. He looked hurt for a moment until I rushed forward and kissed him full on the mouth. Toris relaxed and kissed me back.
Though we were both happy about confessing our love, our moods were... well sort of down. I had slowly realized that Toris was like me, sometimes he just got depressed and couldn't really explain why. Today though our problem with Ruso Freak made that worse. I still didn't know what we'd do. Scarf Monster was probably plotting how to kill me and steal Toris. Shit, maybe he'd kill us both. I think Toris was starting to worry about the same thing. We snuggled quietly on the couch, and I curled up in Toris' lap. He pet my hair, but when I looked up at him he seemed to be thinking about something serious.
Damn that ass of a professor. Toris had told me he loved me, but that old perv still was on his mind.
Tuesday was totally boring. Toris had a lot of homework just like I did. We did some together at the library while he worked, and then I went home alone. We didn't talk about the next day or what we would do about class. Finally Wednesday morning I called Toris.
"Um... so I think I'm going to totally skip Russian lit. class. I do not want to see that freak ..."
Toris was quiet for a few minutes after listening to me.
"I'd like to skip also, but we can't Feliks. For several reasons. One, we have done nothing wrong. He has. Two, we can't let him scare us like this. Three, he takes attendance and will flunk us if we don't go. If you want we can just sit in the back or something. But we need to go."
I huffed angrily into the phone. Toris was right but I didn't want to admit that. I was scared out of my mind, and so did not want to get killed just yet. My life was finally getting better, thank you very much, and I was not ready for it to end. Especially like this.
"Fine... But we're sitting at the back and I'm bringing pepper spray." I grabbed my pony backpack and headed out the door. Normally Toris would have laughed at the pepper spray comment, but I guess this wasn't something to joke about yet.
Not til that perv left my boyfriend alone.
I kept thinking about Toris all through my classes. I was like, always think about him, but I was worried. He had verbally kicked Scarf Creep's ass Monday, and who knows what would happen now. Once I got into the room I chose a seat near the door at the back of the room.
Fast getaways and all that jazz.
Toris finally was next to me and smiled nervously at me as he sat down and pulled out his notebook. Scarf Monster finally got to class and started to take attendance. For once he actually spoke while doing it. That's when I knew something was wrong. Normally if someone was absent he'd just scan the room a few times, nod, and check them as absent.
"Is Feliks Łukasiewicz not here?"
Toris and I glanced at each other nervously. I tried to clear my voice and then I said "I'm here Professor."
"Нет? I must mark him absent then." He began marking the paper and I tried again though I knew it would do no good.
"I'm here in the back Professor."
That little fucker didn't respond. He kept going with attendance. I even tried two more times. He finally put the paper down and started lecturing. Toris was rubbing his temples like he had a headache and everyone was whispering.
Whatever. If he wanted to be a dick then fine. He could be.
It got worse though. That night I checked my grade on the college website after looking up an assignment for another class. I was failing. All of my grades in Russian Literature had disappeared. I was in shock and called Toris.
Who knew that dude would fight like a fucking five year old?
Toris sounded like he was about to cry, which only hurt me more.
"This is all my fault Feliks... I'm so sorry. If I hadn't been rude to him he wouldn't be taking it out on you..."
"Don't even start that shit Toris. None of this is your fault. Well you should have stayed away from that freak, but still. If you hadn't gotten pissed he'd have kept trying to feel you up. Do you still have that poem?"
He was quiet and then said. "Oh, yes I do. Sorry... I was distracted so I just nodded..."
I smiled and sighed. "You're such a dork. I love you for it though. We'll need to go talk to someone, like the head of his department. Who would that be?" This was turning into a major headache. As if college didn't suck enough without your professors going crazy and screwing your grades over...
"Um... let me look it up..." I could hear typing and then he spoke again. "It looks like it's a man named Yao Wang. I think he may be the new head of the foreign literature department... I've never met him before... Do you think he'll listen to us?..."
"I have totally no idea. But it's like, all we can do right? Want to tomorrow before you have to go to work? I'll skip my math class."
"Feliks you can't do that..."
"Too bad. This is more important. I'll just make you teach me everything. It's not like I can understand Honda anyway."
With our plan made we said goodnight and I tried to go to bed. This past week had been total shit. And it wasn't looking any better...
The next morning Toris and I were holding hands and staring at a door that said "Yao Wang Head of Department of Foreign Literature." I tried to swallow, but it was more of a gulp. Toris squeezed my hand and knocked quietly on the door.
There was a quiet shuffling sound and then a small man opened the door. At first I thought it was a woman. The dude was pretty. His long black hair pulled into a pony tail didn't help much.
"May I help you aru? I do not know either of you." He looked sort of puzzled and I realized I couldn't speak. Toris, being the totally awesome boyfriend he is took over after realizing this.
"I'm sorry Mr. Wang but we have a rather serious problem we need to discuss with you. Are you free at the moment? Could we speak in your office?"
The man glanced at our hands and then back up at our serious faces.
"Well then come in." He held the door open for us and Toris gently pulled me into the room. He pointed me at a chair, and then sat in the empty one next to me. Professor Wang moved to sit behind his desk.
"I hope it is nothing too serious aru. It is only my first week." I think he was trying to joke with us. He had a smile on his face and had tilted his head to the side. Totally trying to play it off. Great.
"I'm sorry to bother you Professor-"
He held up a hand, cutting me off, and shook his head.
"It isn't a bother aru. I am here for students as well as faculty. What is the problem?" His accent was not very thick, and he was easier to understand than Honda.
"Um... well... It is a problem that we have been having with Professor Braginski... Normally we would not go above his head like this, but it has become rather serious..." Toris shifted uncomfortably as he sat and tried to explain what had happened over the past week or so. He showed Professor Wang the love poem as well. At first the man seemed suspicious of us, but slowly seemed to believe us. Well Toris really. I still couldn't speak like a dumb ass. I just sat there and blushed.
Finally when Toris was done speaking Professor Wang stared at the love poem silently. "This is rather difficult to believe..." He glanced up at the both of us. "You are telling me this is how a member of our faculty has behaved?"
Suddenly I had to say something. "I'm sorry Professor, but have you like met this dude yet?"
He looked shocked, but shook his head. "Call him then. He's enough of a creep I doubt he'd deny anything." I huffed and crossed my arms. Toris tried to elbow me to shut me up, but I didn't care. I would be so damn mad if this guy didn't believe us. Just because that douche of a Russian was an adult...
Professor Wang nodded. "He does need to be here." He called Scarf Perv and told the creeper to come to his office. He didn't say why though.
"I have yet to meet Mr. Braginski, and this is not how I would have wanted to, but it cannot be helped aru." He fiddled with his pony tail and waited for the knock at the door. When Ruso Freak finally showed up we all tensed, even Wang. He got up and opened the door. Scarf Monster didn't even look at him. His eyes went first to Toris and he smiled creepily. Then his eyes went to me and all of a sudden that village burner glare was back.
Wang coughed quietly to bring Braginiski's attention to him. The giant turned and when he saw Wang he sort of froze. He looked the man up and down, and then glanced at Toris. As if deciding something he turned back to Wang.
What the hell was up with this dude?
"It is nice to meet you Dr. Wang. I'm sorry I haven't yet welcomed you to the college." He held his hand out and smiled. That monster giant smiled. Like a freaking little kid.
Wang looked as confused as I felt, but shook his hand anyway. "Please sit Mr. Braginski. These students have something to discuss with the two of us."
Scarf Monster shot me a death look when Wang wasn't looking, but his face was innocent again once the man looked up.
"These students have told me they've had... a confrontation with you aru. Is this true?"
"Confrontation? Нет. Toris is my best student." His voice was even like a little kids. Eeks. That's all there is to say to that.
"Toris says that you confessed your... love and wrote him a love poem which he has showed me. Feliks explained that you have removed his grades and purposely counted him absent aru."
Braginski looked over at us. He seemed to be deciding something. Maybe it was whether or not he could strangle me with Wang in the room and get away with it. I shivered slightly, but didn't miss the smirk that showed on Ruso Perv's face.
"Да. It is true. I was in the, how you say it, throes of love."
"Was?" Wang's eyebrow twitched slightly and I gulped.
"Да. Was."
"And now you are not aru? In one day? You do understand how ridiculously against school policy it is that you changed a student's grade like that don't you aru? Not to mention the poem..." He glared at the Russian, and the freak's smiled faltered for the tiniest second.
"And you understand I could help these students in filing a lawsuit again you aru? On several counts?" Wang leaned forward. Holy shit. This tiny Chinese dude was scolding Scarf Monster! This would either be awesome, or end up with the building being blown up.
The Russian hung his head and nodded.
"And why should I not help them do this aru?"
Ruso Scarf stayed silent for a moment and then spoke quietly. "My attentions to Mr.
Laurinaitis were misplaced and out of line. I apologize to him for any trouble I have caused."
Wang nodded and then continued to push him. "And as for your actions towards Feliks?"
Braginski seemed to snarl for a second and then looked over at me. "I should not have overreacted in such a way. I will fix his grades immediately, and fix the attendance sheet."
"I am placing you under my personal surveillance Mr. Braginski aru. Since your file says nothing negative about you I will assume this is the first time you have ever acted in such a way. If you do so in future your job will be forfeit and a lawsuit will be filed aru. Do you understand?"
What the hell? That was like, it? He didn't even get a slap on the wrist for all that shit? Dude needs to pay! I was about to yell at the two of them when Toris reached over and grabbed my hand. I could tell he didn't want me to say anything. Braginski was looking like a beaten puppy, and I guess that was good enough for him. Like hell it was for me, but I'd keep my mouth shut.
For now.
Braginski had nodded and Wang sighed. "Boys is this agreeable or would you like a different resolution?"
I almost growled out my answer, but Toris beat me too it. "This is acceptable Dr. Wang. I'm sorry I didn't realize earlier you had your doctorate. As long as there is no trouble in future we are fine with letting the issue drop."
"You may leave then. Thank you for coming to me with this. I'm sorry it happened, and I assure you it won't continue. Will it aru?" He looked at Ruso Freak, who simply nodded.
Well at least that tiny dude could wear the pants in a relationship. A absolutely god awful
mental image flashed through my mind for a second of Braginski in a dress. I could have cried over that total mental scarring.
"Thank you Dr. Wang. We'll be leaving now."
As we closed the door I glanced back to see Scarf Freak smiling sheepishly over at Wang. That Chinese dude better watch out. That was the perv look. Ew. Total ew. At least it wasn't directed at Toris anymore, but shit that dude got over crap fast.
We were outside before either of us said anything. "God I am exhausted. I think... I think I may go home and call in sick... I hope no one saw me. I can't take work and class right now..." He sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"Why didn't you want to let Wang punish Braginski? That freak totally deserves something after all this shit." Toris smiled over at me and nodded as he unchained his bike.
"He does. But can you honestly tell me you'd like to get in a fight of any type with that man?" I thought about it and decided I totally agreed with my awesome boyfriend. Besides, Wang looked like he could totally whip his ass.
Great. There is another terrifying mental picture for me. Something is so fucked up with my brain.
"Get on Feliks. We can both go back to my apartment. I don't know why I haven't brought you there before... Or did you want to go to your class?"
I laughed as I seated myself on the small bike rack over his back tire. "As if I'd do that boring shit when you finally invited me over! Step on it Toris!" He laughed and started peddling. I know it sounds super dorky, but I've always wanted to do this with him. It always looked so fun in movies and anime. And it was fun. It totally hurt my butt though, and I kept making Toris swerve a little.
We eventually got to his apartment, and he chained up his bike as I looked around. The complex was about five blocks from mine tucked behind a little residential area. It looked quiet and the few people I saw were older.
"Again... sorry I haven't showed you my apartment yet. It's little and boring so I didn't think much of it," he said as he unlocked his door. I was practically bouncing with excitement.
"Like I give a damn Toris! I totally can't wait! Way to totally fix such a shitty day!" I bounded in and immediately started poking around. It was a little apartment. It was freaking adorable though, and fit Toris perfectly. There was a tiny kitchen with a window above the sink. He had a little leafy potted plant on the window sill. He had no table, and his counter had two stools tucked under the other side. A little pantry was next to the fridge. There was a green love-seat couch at the back of the room. Toris had no TV, but his walls were lined in five tall bookshelves.
"Wow Toris. I like, didn't know it was possible to own so many bookshelves." I glanced over at him and he shuffled his feet.
"I... I like to read... Sorry. I know they're a little... odd..."
I smothered him in a tight hug and kissed him quickly. "They're awesome Toris. Just like you. I should have know you'd have so many books since you love reading so much." I let him go and turned to look for his room. I saw a door open on the left and went through. It ended up being a tiny bathroom, so I went through the only other door there was. Toris followed me shyly as I walked into his bedroom. It was little, just like the rest of the apartment. His bed was in one corner, and he had a short bookcase that he was also using as a nightstand. He had a small desk in front of a big window with the curtains pulled closed. I opened his closet and nodded. I didn't expect there to be much in it. His wardrobe didn't have like, hardly any variation. He had a ton of sweaters and sweater vests though. It'd have been totally dorky if he didn't look so damn cute.
I shut his closet and turned to him. "It's perfect Toris! I love it!" He seemed to relax at that and smiled. "I'm sorry there isn't much... and I don't have a TV or anything..."
"Hell Toris, I don't care. I'll just get to pay more attention to you." I winked at him and he blushed.
"Are you hungry at all?... I was too nervous for breakfast earlier..." I grabbed his hand and dragged him back into the little kitchen.
"I'm totally starving. I didn't eat either. I hope all this shit with Scarf Perv is over. He's a total ass and I'm sick of it. Wish I could drop his class but I need the stupid credit." Toris nodded absentmindedly as he looked through his fridge.
"So do I. I still can't believe such an intelligent man acted like that. Do you like french toast?" He glanced up at me to see me pouting.
"Feliks why are you upset? I turned him down remember? And said I loved you." He hugged me and kissed the top of my ear. I suddenly got really warm and felt myself blushing. I don't think Toris like, realized how easily I get turned on from him touching me...
"Ya. Right. French toast." I laughed awkwardly and tried to get out of his grip. He laughed quietly and held me tighter.
"Fine Feliks I'll feed you. Later though you are paying attention to me. Isn't that always what you say? Pay attention to me?"
OMG. What was up with Toris teasing me like this? I totally couldn't talk and accidentally made a gargling noise at him. He finally let me go and we both blushed as we started making the food.
Toris is a damn good cook. Have I mentioned that? I burn all sorts of stuff, but Toris is awesome at it. He'll make an awesome wife. For me that is. I can just see him in nothing but an apron bent over the stove...
Food. Delicious. We ate and talked quietly about his apartment. He liked the area because it was quiet and safe. The apartments were mostly rented by older couples with no kids, or graduate students. The rent was cheap since the place was so small, but he liked that it was little.
"I do wish I had room for another bookcase though... I have some stacks in my room that are forming on the floor..." He poked at the last bit of french toast on his plate before eating it. "Need any more syrup?"
I shook my head and finished my last piece. "You are such a great cook Toris. I'm super jealous." He rewarded me with a totally adorable blush and simply picked my plate up. He soaked the dishes in the sink and then turned back to me.
"What would you like to do Feliks? Oh! Let me call into work before I forget..." He called in and did a fairly convincing sick voice. They seemed to believe him, and I assumed he never called in sick. Toris is to reliable to get sick. I was jealous of him. Ever since we'd started dating though my problems had gotten a little better. I still couldn't eat spicy foods or too much grease, but it seemed my days of running to the toilet from nervousness were almost at an end. Or at least were getting a hell of a lot less frequent.
I wandered back into his room as he hung up the phone. After flopping down on his bed I closed my eyes and kicked off my shoes. I wanted to take off my shorts, they were riding up a bit, but I didn't dare. Toris quickly found me and sat next to me. I leaned into his warmth and felt a hand brush my cheek. I was totally ready for a nap, but when I looked up at Toris I could tell that wasn't happening.
Not that I minded. Not with the look he was giving me.
When Toris blushed at me with his eyes slightly closed I knew what it meant. I grinned and pulled him down on top of me, quickly kissing him. He made a small humming noise at me and tangled his fingers gently into my hair.
My boy is the best kisser ever.
We laid like that for a long time, just making out. Something was different today again though. Ever since our fight Toris had been a lot more forward about kissing and touching me. I so did not mind, but it was still surprising. After over a month of a shy blushing boy, he suddenly just took over.
Our kisses had gotten more heated, and after sucking on my tongue long enough to make me melt, he let go. "Feliks... I... um... may I take off your... shirt?..." I couldn't tell if he paused so much from shortness of breath or because he was nervous. I was completely panting as he whispered into my ear.
"God please Toris." I pushed him off me slightly and managed to get my shirt off in record time.
It was hot in there okay? You'd be hot too if you had a sexy Lithuanian asking to take off your clothes.
I tossed my shirt onto the floor and blushed. Toris had never seen me without a shirt, and I totally felt self-conscious once I got it off. He gave me the look again though, reaching out to touch me.
"You are beautiful Feliks. So beautiful..."
I sighed heavily and let myself fall back onto the bed. Toris kept softly running his hand over my chest and I had to close my eyes from embarrassment. Suddenly soft lips closed down on my nipple and I moaned loudly before I could stop myself. He chuckled and licked me.
Which totally made me moan again.
I've never had anyone touch me like that okay? Especially Toris. Beautiful, handsome, sexy Toris...
"Toris... your shirt..." He was still licking my nipple while I tried to talk. I was getting so hard from just that. Sad I know, but I didn't give a fuck. I wanted that boy as naked as he'd get, and pressed on top of me.
He sat up and blushed deeply. "Um... o-okay..." He slowly slid his shirt off and then tried to cover his naked chest up. Adorable. Absolutely adorable. I pushed him down and moved on top of him. We both gasped softly as our chests touched, and I could feel him hard beneath me rubbing against my thigh. I moved down a little so our erections rubbed together through our clothes.
And oh God. I think my brain stopped working for a few minutes. Seriously.
"I love you Feliks. I love you." Toris was whispering to me and peppering my face with kisses. I was holding on to him as tightly as I could, trying to stop myself from grinding him. Every time his hips barely moved I could feel him push against me, and the pressure was so good...
I moan softly and kissed Toris on the mouth roughly. "I love you too Toris. Oh god I love you..." He stilled for a moment and then gently thrust his hips up into mine. Soon we were both rocking into each other without another thought. I was so hot, and Toris was holding me tighter than he ever had before. His breathing was heavy, right in my ear, and driving me totally crazy. Suddenly he flipped us over and pinned me down on the bed. Toris took a deep breath and pushed himself up to look at me.
"Um... Feliks... what do you... want to do?..."
I was trying to catch my breath. At first I wanted to be like, 'WTF? I want you to screw me into this mattress,' but then I could actually think again and realized what he meant. It was totally too soon for that. No matter how much we both wanted it. Even knowing we loved each other. I sighed and let my head drop onto the bed.
"Hell Toris, I don't know... It's... it's like too soon, but..." I looked up at him and he nodded.
"But..." He wanted me like I wanted him. He was worried too though.
He sighed and rested his forehead on mine. We caught our breath for a little bit, and I started calming down. At first I didn't think my... problem would go away but slowly it did. Very slowly. And I'd totally have to do something when I got home later to let out all that tension. Tension I had wanted to let out all over Toris...
He rolled over to lay next to me and closed his eyes.
I scooted closer to him, and he wrapped an arm around me. "I'm sorry Feliks... I just don't want to rush this and lose you... and... well..."
I looked over at him and smiled. "I'm totally nervous too Toris. You're... you're a virgin right?..." He had better be. Otherwise I'd have to travel back in time and murder whoever he had slept with.
Yep. I'm just a normal boyfriend.
Stop laughing. It's totally true.
Toris blushed worse than he had in a long time and looked down. "Y-yes... I am... Does that bother you?..."
I laughed and kissed all over his face. "You are so silly! I'm so glad you are! I am too. You honestly think I'd want anyone touching you besides me?" Toris nuzzled my neck with his nose and whispered "Thank you..." so quietly I almost didn't hear him.
My super awesome sexy boyfriend is so damn cute.
We talked about past relationships for a little bit. I wanted to know about his, and I knew he wouldn't lie to me. He had only dated one girl for like a week in high school.
"She was a little younger than me and very sweet, but she had this terrifying brother. He made her break up with me, and threatened me at gun point if I ever went near her again. Needless to say we never dated again." I wanted to pout a little because he seemed like he had liked the girl. I settled for holding him tighter and making him kiss me. He laughed lightly and asked my about my relationships. As I told him about the few boys I'd liked and dated, Toris just listened.
At the end he smiled and brushed my hair out of my eyes. "I'm glad none of them stayed. I got you instead."
That totally deserved a squeal and kisses. With which he was promptly rewarded.
I snuggled into his chest and sighed. Our shitty day had turned out pretty damn good I thought as I dozed off. I could already hear Toris gently snoring...
AN: Hopefully China wasn't too ooc... I see him as being the only one who can scold Russia. ^^ China is old and strong. Please review and let me know what you think!