My Little Person: The Strange Case of Lyle Hartman

A My Little Pony Fan Fiction

By Fernin

Epilogue: Encore

As per usual… Fan fiction means I don't own the characters or setting that I'm using here. Not even Seattle, WA.

So, that's my story and yours, Lyle. There are probably still a lot of unanswered questions in your mind. I bet you're wondering why it is that I'm writing this to you or, in fact, how I can be writing this to you since I (Lyle Hartman) am you. Or you probably think that you're trapped in my (Lyra's) body and I'm off somewhere else.

The answer is, it was Twilight Sparkle's idea. Twilight's been incredibly helpful explaining the whole situation. It seems like I can't really be forced out of a delusion, but at least it can be managed until my stress levels drop enough that it goes away on its own. I definitely owe a lot to that mare, convincing Bon Bon to go along with the plan and arranging things to help me through that first big concert the way she did.

My musical career has picked up in a big way since the Running of the Leaves Concert, so really stressful situations—and therefore, further 'episodes'—might start happening more often now. Better safe than sorry… And besides, I feel like I owe it to Bon Bon to do everything I can to help her out dealing with the crazy mare she loves. That would be me. And by extension, you.

So please: work with Bon Bon and don't worry about whatever stressful situation you're dealing with. It can be tempting to throw in the towel, but Bon Bon's an amazing pony; she'll see you through. And don't make it too hard on her or I'll fight my way back to the forefront of our brain and find a way to give you two hooves to the face.

I guess I'm kind of rambling at this point so I'll go ahead and wrap this up. Lyle, please listen to Twilight and Bon Bon; they want to help you. Me. Us. Oh, and don't do anything I wouldn't do, ha ha ha.

Crazily yours,

Lyra Heartstrings / Lyle Hartman

I looked up from the tight yet sloppy script of the letter. Reading it through the green haze of this crazy magic stuff was giving me a headache, anyway. The two horses in front of me looked at each other, then back at me. The purple one with the horn on her face said, "…Well?"

"Let me run this by you to see if I've got it right… So you say Lyle Hartman is actually a little green unicorn chick who goes off her rocker every once in a while when she gets her panties in a twist over something, right?" I drawled.

"Er… yes?" the purple one agreed.

"Great. So then explain to me why I'm the one stuck in his body!" I gestured pointedly with one of the flat little hooves that now tipped my arms. God, this was ridiculous. I could really have gone for a drink right about now.

"You mean you aren't Lyle?" asked the other horse, a cute little broad with a sort of ice cream sundae look going for her—white body, blue and pink hair. Not bad.

"Please. That nerd? You're looking at 'The Stan.' Bam." I tried to do finger guns, but it's a bit hard to do when you've been disarmed. Stupid horse body.

"The… Oh. Stanley Winkowski," Little Miss Purple groaned—what was her name again? Some sort of stripper name. Twilust? Something like that.

"So you've heard of me? Awesome." I would have said more, but a little purple lizard dude skidded to a stop in front of me, green eyes shining.

"Y-y-you're 'The Stan?'" the lizard exclaimed.

"Uh, yeah. Bam," I said, a little taken aback as a piece of paper and a quill pen appeared in his hands as if by magic.

The little guy just about exploded with glee. "C-can I have your autograph?"

"Spike…" growled Twilust… Twilight. Whatever.

"What? I may not get a chance like this again!" Spike whined.

I took this as my cue for a quick getaway. "Well anyway, I'll see you lovelies later. Anybody know where a guy can get a good margarita around here? I—Whoops!"

A glowing field of purple energy suddenly scooped me up and held me immobile. The purple unicorn chick turned to the cute one beside her. "Well, Bon Bon?"

"All right," the white one sighed. "You win, Twilight. We'll try the thaumic shock therapy…"

A/N: Wakka wakka wakka 8 D

And that's that. For those of you just joining us... yes, Lyle was actually Lyra the entire time and I had this planned from the start. Shame on all of you who didn't trust Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's Most Faithful Student, in her diagnosis. She was totally right the entire time, but so many of you thought she was wrong. Son, I am disappoint.

As a writer I must say, I LOVE THE HECK out of unreliable narrators like "Lyle Hartman" here; they make my job so much easier when I can use them to lie like a dog to you, dear reader.

Anyway before I go, special thanks goes out to Felitaur, CaseterMK, Little Napoleon, and especially Rated-R Ponystar for their prereading / editing help throughout various portions of this story. I definitely couldn't have done it without you guys. Thanks again.