Disclaimer: YuYu Hakusho is owned by Yoshihiro Togashi. Rennie Raindraver is my very own.

Rain fell heavily onto the lands of the Makai. The remnants of a small village sat smoking, the downpour having extinguished the fire that once plagued it. Blood and bodies covered the ground. Twelve hooded figures and a girl holding a young boy's body were all that remained in the aftermath of the destruction. The girl squeezed the boy's body to her own. She knew the twelve figures were there behind her, but she paid them no mind. She didn't care if they were watching.

"Blaze… Blaze, please don't die," she whispered. When she received no response, her grip tightened and tear droplets fell from her eyes mixing in with the rain. "It'll be okay, Blaze. I'm gonna take you away from here. I'll take care of you." One of the figures shifted, moving slightly towards the girl. Her gaze moved to look at the person over her shoulder.

"Don't come near me."

The stranger paused, seeming to ponder the girl's words, then looked over at another of the cloaked beings. The dark figure's only response was to nod. The young girl observed them, deciding for herself that the nodding figure was the leader. The stranger closest to the girl shrugged and began closing the space between the two of them. The little girl's eyes widened, and she held the boy closer to her body.

"I said stay away! Get away from us!"

As the strange figure reached down towards the boy, a little orb of silver light struck his face. The man snarled and looked straight into the girl's eyes. He ripped his hood off, and the little girl shrank back in fear. She now wished she had never tried to attack the man leering before her.

He was so very frightening.

His hair was an unruly dark, very dark, black. It was shaggy and reminded the girl of a lion's mane. He had sharp teeth which were bared dangerously in her direction. His sharp canines, however, did not frighten her nearly as much as his eyes. They were a smoldering red and almost seemed to be on fire.

"Do you know who I am, little girl?" he growled.

She shook her head no.

"My name is Cerberus. Do you know why they call me Cerberus?"

The girl stared in horror as the man now known as Cerberus began to slowly shift his form. His teeth grew longer and sharper. His shaggy black hair began to grow longer and cover his skin. The girl blinked furiously, finding it hard to believe her own eyes. Cerberus' one mouth had morphed into three mouths filled with sharp teeth. He now had three heads and had turned into a huge demonic dog with six fiery red eyes. Smoke billowed from each of his mouths.

She suddenly knew why he was called Cerberus.

Cerberus began stalking towards her, a murderous glare in his eyes. His three mouths seemed to twist into a simultaneous sadistic grin. Unconsciously, she squeezed Blaze's body against her own, attempting to comfort herself, to quell her own fear. She realized this would most likely be the moment in which she would lose her own life, just like her

fellow villagers.


The three-headed demonic beast cringed and turned at the sound of his name. "We came for the boy. Do not kill the girl," the leader of the twelve figures said.

Cerberus gave a low whine, disappointed at the prospect of not getting to make another kill in his full form. Nevertheless, he reverted back to being a human. The leader and the other ten figures turned to walk away. Grumbling, Cerberus knocked the girl away with one hand and seized the boy. He tossed Blaze over his shoulder and followed after his fellow cloaked figures.

"Blaze!" the girl choked out, getting up and chasing after her friend and his kidnappers. Terrified and at a loss, she watched as the figures disappeared in a flurry of black. She dropped to her knees and sobbed.

"Blaze!" she wailed. Her little fists punched the ground. As the sun faded into the distance, the smoke from the extinguished fire poured forth from the destroyed roofs of houses. Night befell over the remnants of the village, and young Rennie Raindraver made a silent promise to herself.

"I will find you, Blaze."

[10 Years Later]

The sound of loud, trudging footsteps echoed throughout a long hallway. A boy in a white T-shirt, blue jeans, and a blue denim jacket was hurriedly walking down the hall. His green tinted black hair was sleep tousled, and the edges furled up above his ears a bit. His dark brown eyes were wide and full of a sort of excitement. Beside him, floating along on a wooden oar, was a blue-haired girl with pink eyes. She wore a pink kimono and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

"Hey, Botan, are you listening to me? What's going on? I thought I wasn't supposed to be seeing you or Binky Breath until my day of reckoning."

Botan glanced over at her companion. It was the first time she had heard him speak since they'd left the apartment he was living in. His words led her to believe he was irritated, but she could see that he had a wild sort of grin on his face.

"That's correct, Yusuke, but Lord Koenma has a task for you," she replied.

"Well, I guess we better get in there and see what ole Binky Breath has to say." Yusuke smirked.

The Prince of Rekai was sitting at his desk when Yusuke Urameshi and his number one ferry girl burst through the door. "Yo, Diaper Boy! What the heck is going on?" Koenma frowned at the nickname. "Nice to see you as well, Yusuke."


Yusuke whirled in surprise as an orange blur suddenly picked him up off the ground and squeezed him slightly. "Kuwa…bara…" Yusuke gasped out.

"Ah, Kuwabara, if you keep hugging him so tightly, you'll send him to an early grave," a slightly nervous, yet calm voice spoke.

Kuwabara grinned sheepishly. "Oh, right." He let Yusuke go quickly and said boy gulped in air. "Sorry, Urameshi," Kuwabara said, rubbing the back of his head.

"It's okay," Yusuke replied, coughing a bit before setting his gaze on a familiar red-head. "Thanks, Kurama." Kurama smiled in return. "It is good to see you, Yusuke."

"Back at you, man. So the gang's all here, huh?"

Kurama's smile turned into a frown. "Not quite."

"What do you-?" Yusuke looked around for a brief moment. "Where's Hiei?" Both Kurama and Kuwabara looked away. The ex Spirit Detective's eyes widened. "Don't tell me…" he trailed off. In response to their unspoken responses, Yusuke clenched his fists. "Who did-?"

However before he could finish his sentence, Yusuke had whirled around to catch the length of a blade in between his thumb and index finger. "Boy, Hiei, you haven't changed one bit."

"Hn. Neither have you, Detective." The fire demon smirked.

Yusuke's head tilted to the side questioningly. "Hey, Hiei, did you get taller?"

"Yeah! The shrimp is your height now, Urameshi! But he'll never be as tall as I am!" Kuwabara interjected and stuck his thumb to his chest in a proud gesture.

"Um, Kuwabara, since Hiei is Yusuke's height, I don't think it makes much sense to refer to him as 'shrimp'," Kurama added.

Kuwabara shrugged. "C'mon, Kurama, the little guy knows I'm kidding with him. It's like a nickname or something."

"Hn. Does that mean your nickname is idiot?"



The four of them looked towards their former employer. He stared at them with a frown on his face, but they could see the mirth hiding in his eyes. "It's good to see each of you again."

"Even Hiei?" Kuwabara asked with a mischievous smirk on his face. Hiei glared at the orange-haired human standing next to him.

"Yes, Kuwabara, even Hiei." Koenma sighed. "Now as to the reason you are here."

"Yeah, Koenma, what's the big deal? You said I wasn't gonna be seeing you again for a long time," Yusuke interrupted, furrowing his brow.

"I'm getting to it, be patient. Now, it has been two years since I have seen the four of you. In that time, many things have come to pass. One such thing happened two weeks ago. My father's vault was broken into. We don't know who committed the crime. All of our leads have turned into dead ends."

"So the people who gave you your information didn't know what they were talking about?" Yusuke inquired.

"No, our informants turned up dead. Every single one of them were murdered. Now no one will take the job of looking into informative leads." Koenma grimaced.

"That's creepy, Binky Breath. Well, what do you expect us to do?"

"Yes, Lord Koenma, what was stolen?" Kurama asked.

"A music box."

Yusuke's face fell. "A music box," he repeated. "That's so lame! Why can't it ever be something manly and awesome?"

Koenma glared. "This is serious, Yusuke! That music box is dangerous to the lives of humans!"

"That's not a surprise." Yusuke shrugged. "Everything endangers humans."

"Not just humans, Yusuke. Demons and those of us here in Rekai as well are in immediate danger.

"Oh… Wait, who the heck would create such a thing?"

A dark aura suddenly took hold of the atmosphere of the room. Koenma's face darkened, a deep frown set on his lips. Hiei's hand went to the hilt of his katana. Kurama's was clenching a beautiful, yet deadly, rose. Kuwabara and Yusuke's eyes darted around the room.

"Be careful what you say, Yusuke," Koenma said, his own eyes glancing at the now present darkness practically hanging from the ceiling and the walls of his office. "The evil of that artifact has already set here in Rekai. We have a limited amount of time to find it. If it is not found, all three worlds will be encased in a never ending dark coffin. Originally, the music box was created by my father to end a war between Rekai, Makai, and the Ningenkai if it ever began. Its power could be controlled by my father. Thus, he was able to keep its dark power in check. However, I am afraid that whoever has stolen it wishes to end the life of every person in each of the three worlds."

The four boys stared at the young ruler before them.

"So… another person attempting to take over the world…?" Kuwabara asked. His eyes were wide with fear.

"How many times have we saved the world now?" Yusuke sighed.

"Too many," Koenma replied grimly.

"Well, Lord Koenma, where are we being sent?"

Koenma tossed a familiar round compact device towards Yusuke: a communicator. He then snapped his fingers and a portal appeared to the left of the room. "Those of our informants who weren't killed and managed to find a plausible piece of information found a lead in a little bazaar in Makai. We're not sure whether or not the lead is good or bad, but either way, be careful. There is no telling who is friend or foe."

Yusuke and Kuwabara saluted the young prince, and Kurama and Hiei merely nodded. As the four boys were about to jump into the portal, Koenma spoke once more.

"Oh, and boys."

They turned to face him.

"Good luck."

AN: So, hey everybody! This is my first attempt at an OC story. I've dabbled in the fan fiction business, but my first fan fiction was a parody type thing. I started reading HieiXOC stories recently, and only a few stuck out to me as really good. Hence, I wanted to begin one of my very own. Even though it's short and probably very boring, I hope you enjoyed reading it! Please let me know what you thought!