Author's Note

Full Summary:

From the end of WWII – and a certain trip to Neverland – to now, only one family has noticed the disappearance of two stars. Now Rose and Cam Peterson, two of the orphaned great-grandchildren of none other than Wendy Darling, are left on their own with no one else but their non-believing sister and aunt. In order to keep their belief, they reject their family and strive to become Lost Children. Only if they can keep their belief, then they can bring back a vanished hero and win safety for a new home where no one ever grows up.

First, I just wanted to say that this is NOT a crossover fanfic. In the prologue and later in the story the Pevensie children from The Chronicles of Narnia are mentioned. The storyline in not effected by that, it's just that I decided to make Susan Pevensie the grandmother of Rose and her siblings. Also in this story, everyone is older than they look in Disney's movies – Peter is 17, Rose is 16, Cam is 12, and the Lost Boys range from 9 to 14. There has been a change in the Lost Boys too. I'm going to be calling Curly Cubby like in the Disney version, and the others are the same except that when Jane went home she brought Tootles with her to Earth to grow up.



Rosalynn (Rose) Peterson: main character. age: 16

Cameron (Cam) Peterson: little brother. age: 12

Stacy Peterson: older sister, non-believer. age: 17

Susan Jones: aunt, sister to Alice, non-believer. age: 45

Percy Peterson: older brother, died in the crash. died at: 13

Alice Peterson: mother, daughter of Jane Benson, died in the crash. died at: 32

James Peterson: father, son of Susan Pevensie, died in the crash. died at: 33

Jane Benson: grandmother, daughter of Wendy Darling, died in the crash. died at: 55

Fred Benson: grandfather, Jane's husband, died in the crash. died at: 57

Wendy Darling: great-grandmother, died of sickness. died at: 72

Susan Pevensie: grandmother, died of cancer. died at: 65


Peter Pan: leader of the Lost Boys. age: 17

Tinker Bell: Peter's best friend and fairy. age: unknown

Slightly: second-in-command, Lost Boy. age: 13

Nibs: oldest Lost Boy. age: 14

Cubby: Lost Boy. age: 11

The Twins: Lost Boys. age: 9

Hook: current codfish. age: unknown

Smee: Hook's first mate. age: unknown

Pirates: Hook's crew. ages: unknown