Away from Home
Crazychick16:New story. our OC's in the world of Kuroshitsuji. my character is Fynx and my friend here the other author
Hiei1892: hi *waves*
Crazychick16: She will be playing the wonderful guy candy Lestat. You all be jelly. But anyway on with the story. this story is full of random words, chaos beyond all measures, love, delicious yaoi romance, and a lot of blood and fun.
Hiei1892:hope you all enjoy.
Disclaimer: We do not own Kuroshitsuji. We only own Lestat and Fynx.
"And here students is where the great London fire took place over 120 years ago." Several ooh's and aww's sounded as the simple tour continued. Several young students stood taking tourist photos with expensive cameras, while others looked at the many stores and buildings. Then there were me and my younger sister/neighbor Fynx, we didn't really care about what was going on, instead we stood quietly in the back chatting amongst ourselves.
"Ok, why are we with the tour group? We could run off into town and nobody would care to even look for us." She complained, her many silver chain bracelets clanking together as she over dramatically sighed as she grabbed onto my sleeve and fell to her knees clenching my coat like she was dying.
You see we were on a school field trip to London as a break from the busy city of Tokyo. We saw it as an opportunity to get away from home and our parents. They graciously agreed to let us go since they saw it as a way for us to expand our learning experience. Sure, send a 17 year old dude with a 14 year old bipolar girl to a unknown place. Coz we all know that's a great idea. Not! And yes she is bipolar.
Right now she is singing to her music, she never went anywhere without it. she needed music, like I'm not kidding, you took her phone from her she wouldn't care one bit. Take her tv away she doesn't care. But one day this guy with some balls decided it was a good idea to take her mp3 player from her along with her headphones. Lets see a flashback shall we so you can all see how crazy she can be.
"Dude I'm not fucking around, gimme my music before I kick you in your dick so hard your balls go inside your body and they won't come back down." A very pissed off Fynx said through grit teeth. The guy, who's name I don't remember, simply laughed and dangled the music player in front of her out of her reach, seeing as he was like 5'7 and she was only 5'1 she didn't have much of a chance of reaching up and getting it out of his hand.
"Come on little girl. All you do is sit alone in a corner with your gothness *yes he really said gothness. Gay right, I thought so to.* with your gay bro and listen to this stupid little piece of metal with those same dumb sunglasses on. I mean who wears sunglasses inside school." He laughed swinging the little player back in forth taunting her to try and make a move.
"I swear to god deep throat, if you don't give my music back I will castrate you with my bare hands in front of all these people here. And I'll even shove your balls in your arse."
(*Now let me interrupt for a second so I can talk to all you people looking at this little memory of my sweet little Fynx. Isn't she cute? Anyway I feel the need to tell you that bipolar people are extremely unpredictable and way beyond violent. So if ever you meet someone who is, don't piss them off. I highly advise it.*)
Now the guy who had been taunting her was not happy about her calling him a deep throat. So he bent down to her level and grabbed a fistful of her short black red-banged hair. Her black lips curling into a mean scowl as he glared at her. "Take it back you little brat." He growled to Fynx, harshly tugging on her hair warningly.
"Make me fucker." She retorted with a smirk on her face. " I bet you just love the feeling of have a guys dick shoved up you little arse hole, taking it like a bitch getting fucked after a school dance." She laughed cocking her head to the side a little with a seemingly psychotic yet innocent smile. So that pissed dude off even more and he looked to me angrily
"Hey dude control your little smart-mouthed chick friend here." So I merely shook my head, no way was I going to get mixed in that shit.
"Sorry man, but I'm going to stay out of this one. I'm not going to get kicked in my dick for trying to protect your stupid ass. And anyway she can take care of herself." So yeah the guy who just talked back to the jock was me. He simply clicked his tongue and went back to staring, well glaring at Fynx, who kept her smile the whole time.
"Now do I have to say this again or will you give me my mp3 back before I rip your little dick and balls off." And that people was the last strike before the guy tried to strike her. Now this was pretty funny if you ask me. Who knew a little 5'1, 102 pound, 16 year old, could take a guy down to the ground with a kick to the groin. Well any girl still she kicked him pretty hard because he was on the ground in full blown tears when she crouched down with her knee's to her chest and hands on her knee caps. "Oh I'm sorry did that hurt?" she asked moving her hand down to grip his already bruised testes and squeeze them like grapes waiting to pop. He screamed so loud that it echoed down the halls. And it hurt my ears.
"Now, are you ever going to try to take my stuff ever again?" He didn't answer except for a few choked sobs. I was trying to stifle my laughter, so I was pretty much dealing with my own dilemma. "I said-" She grit her teeth gripping even harder, and again he screamed even louder. Kids just watched in amazement and fear. "Will you ever take my stuff again you little baby?"
"N-no I promise. Please stop." I guess she was satisfied with his pathetic plea cause she let him go and snatched her music from his hand. "Pfft fuck tard" She snorted and placed her large red over the ear headphones on her head and began to hum quietly next to me as we strolled outside to the bus for our trip to London. And that happened earlier today.
'Ahh memories'. I smiled to myself ofcourse. Now many wouldn't think we would even be near each other. But in truth, me and Fynx have a secret that we only shares with each other. I mean our families know but that besides the point. So we stuck to each other like glue and were never separated from each other. I keep her calm and she helps me keep my cool as well.
When one describes me they would say: I had long black hair and stood a good towering 6'1. Good right? Then I was pretty well built, I had a nice flat toned stomach with an 8 pac and strong arms and legs. I was on the football team, so plenty of people couldn't understand why I was hanging out with a girl who enjoyed to toy with people and watch blood drip from her split lip and any other bleeding cut whether it was her wound or someone else.
I mean my mom was Japanese and German strange combo, while my father was French and English even stranger combo. But you can't fight who you fall in love with. Unfortunately my mother died when I was ten years old after my family moved to Japan. That's when I met little Fyns. We met in the park when she was six, she was being bullied by a few boys who were making fun of her eyes. At first I had thought maybe she was blind. But then I noticed her moving her eyes to so stop their poking at her, I knew that theory could be tossed out the window right away.
So then I got closer to the boys but stopped when I heard one of them screaming in pain. Now I would love to say more but this is a story for another time people. Right now I have to deal with a bored Fynx who was still clinging to my coat jacket like a corpse.
"Just be patient ok. Our lunch break is in a few minutes, you can hold out till then." I smiled as her small black colored lips formed a small pout and her heavily eye-liner eyes and eye brows knitted together in a childish manner while she puffed out her pale cheeks.
"Oh stop it. I didn't hurt you." I smirked placing a teasing little peck on her ear. Man did she hate it when I did that to her. But man was it worth it to se her reaction.
"Nyaa!" she cried swatting my face and shoulders in a attempt to hurt me playfully. I laughed heartedly and simply pulled her into a nuggie, my knuckles moving against her scalp. Yup, inseparable.
"Alright students let's take a lunch hour. we will eat in this park by the woods. Make sure not to stray to far from the area." Our teacher instructed.
"Yes sir." I replied nodding.
"Pfft" Fynx simply mused moving to the farthest bench away from the others and took out her bento box filled with jasmine rice with shrimp and egg rolls on the side, while I ate my bento box filled with high protein items. Fynx was a major sugar holic while I enjoyed my preferable foods. She always had to have something to snack on, butterscotch, jolly ranchers, and her favorite hard candy in the world. Suckers!
It always freaks me out slightly knowing that she can eat about as much as a full grown fat man. Then if I asked her about my eating habits she would say I eat like a full grown lion. So that's a lot for anyone who doesn't know the eating habit of a lion. But to her I'll be nothing more than her big cuddly kitty, if not her teddy bear.
"Big bro, let's get outta here before I kill someone." She looks at me then with those eyes of hers and I nod. I look over to where the teachers are sitting and stand. She then grabs my hand and begins pulling me toward the forest. I look back to check to see if anyone was watching. We made it without a hitch. No one was watching at all, it was like we didn't exist anyway. But that's not really true I existed to the female and some male population of our school and Fynx just didn't exist at all to any but the teachers and myself of course.
We walk for about 30 minutes until we came upon an old mansion. Fynx being the curious one that she is moved toward the house without regard to me. I look from the house to her. I grabbed her arm to stop her from walking.
"What are you trying to do?" I say sternly to her. She looked at me as if I was crazy. She then dragged me along with her as she went toward the house again. I mean this girl is strong and stubborn. I'm trying to protect her and she wants to be nosy and see what's inside. I'm getting a bad feeling and she's excited about what's about to happen. We stand out side the door at first until she swiftly kicked it down. I looked at her as if she had grown a second head. She looked back at me and smiled.
"Now let's see what's inside. Or are you scared?" She then smirked evilly at me. She knows me to well, I never back down from a challenge.
"Your on emo." I smirk back down at her as she faked mock hurt at my statement.
"Ok fairy boy, we will see. But don't come jumping into my arms when spider starts crawling on you." She stuck her tongue out at me this time. I looked at the girl who I considered my equal with a smirk. So we both got on our mark and on the count of three ran into the house. That's when everything went white and I couldn't tell where I was. But I did know was the last thing I heard was Fynx's screaming.