"I'm sorry Peter... I just don't know who you are at all... All the other cases have been connected in some way but this one-"

"Wait, you think this is some Fringe event?" he asked with disdain.

"Well yea. Of course." she replied. "What would you call it?"

Peter closed his eyes. "Olivia... I am here. I'm still a part of you. I- I don't know how it happened. I got in the machine and it was 15 years later."

She gave him an odd look.

"I'm not making this up. I know it must sound crazy but in the future the other side had been destroyed. And- and Walter was in Prison! Broyles was a senator and Ella- Ella was a junior fringe agent!"

Olivia recoiled. "Why would you say that? How do you know about my niece?"

"Because Livia don't you see! I know you. And somewhere deep down you know me too."

Olivia sat down at the table across from him. she stared into her cup of coffee and let the mug warm her hands. She could feel his pleading eyes watching intensely. "Tell me more about the future..." she murmured and raised her eyes without moving her slightly bowed head.

He smiled. "Well for one we were still together..."

She looked up curiously.

He laughed slightly. "To be precise we were... Well we were married..." Peter tried to reach a hand to hers but Olivia gripped her coffee mug tighter and pulled it closer to her, away from him.

He frowned and let his hand just rest in the center of the table. "And something happened..." He swallowed just thinking about it.

She saw his change in demeanor and waited for more. When it didn't come she asked softly, "Peter?"

he looked up and she saw terror in his eyes. "He took you from me..." he whispered. Suddenly he violently tore himself from his chair, knocking it over. Olivia got up from hers in alarm. Peter stomped to the other side of the kitchen. He banged a hand against the counter.

Olivia waited patiently before she went to him and gently touched his shoulder. "Who?"

He turned to look at her, he was calm again; his eyes soft once more and making her feel exposed but unafraid.

"My father." he whispered. "My real father."

Olivia shrank. She hated that man more than her own doppelganger.

Peter turned completely around to face her. He took her face in his hands and in the back of his mind he registered that she didn't recoil from his touch. "I lost you... I wasn't there to save you..." He whispered.

She shook her head. "I-" she stuttered feeling somewhat lost right now.

his hands dropped. "You don't understand Liv... I set fire to your coffin... before pushing it out to sea..." it wasn't until then that she realized he had been talking about her own death. This frightened her yet intrigued her at the same time. "I can't lose you again. Not after all we've been through... I didn't want to spend the rest of my life without you... If our world was going to collapse we were going to spend every minute together, fighting until the end... And then Walter said he had a way to send me back. Back to this time. And then suddenly I was here and then- Well I don't know. the next thing I really remember is the lake. And now no one knows who the hell I am. I can't sleep and even if I do close my eyes all I see is you. And I can't take it that things are different. That no one remembers."

She hung her head and laughed slightly. "I just don't know..."

"you do Liv. I know you do. Somewhere inside you you remember me. I'm not crazy. At all. I just... I just want things the way they were..." He leaned in to whisper, "Right before I stepped into machine you said... You said that you loved me."

She glared at him, a heat flashing within her that she couldn't explain. Her face and neck turned a light pink.

"I wanted to say I loved you too..." Peter tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He leaned in close... and to her surprise he only kissed her forehead. A confusing mix of relief and yet utter disappointment waged war with in her.

"I miss you Livy... My Olivia..." He told her, burying his face in her hair. He breathed her in and was comforted in the familiarity.

It broke his heart though to feel her cold, cautious, rigid demeanor while he tried to hold her in his arms. He had her back but she was still lost. He would make her remember. At all costs he would not stop until her had her back.

"Don't send me back to that room at the facility..." He told her with a smile.

Olivia looked at him. "Uh..."

"Just set me up with a hotel room. I can't go back there."

"Peter I can't do that..."

"Then let me stay here! Please. You can trust me... You know that." he urged with his persuasive smile.

She crossed her arms. "No. I DON'T know that."

"'Livia Please. I'll just crash on the couch." he pleaded.

She frowned and stood her ground. But Peter stared at her with those eyes... she shook her head, "But if you try anything at all-"

"I know I know. You'll be sleeping with your gun under your pillow." He said rolling his eyes.

Olivia grimaced. "You've gotta stop doing that."

He got up from the couch and went to her kitchen. "I told you Liv. I know you. And you know me."

She frowned again and went to her room. She was irritated though when she had to go into the bathroom just to change clothes. She didn't like people in her apartment. It made her uneasy. This was her safe house and she didn't feel comfortable knowing that tonight while she slept there was a man laying on her couch who knew everything last detail about her.

"You hungry?" He called from the other room.

What? Grumbling to herself she flicked off the bathroom light and went to investigate what he was doing.

"I'm making toast. You want some?" he asked without turning around as he opened the second cabinet for a plate. Peter already had the bread out and her toaster plugged in.


"How do I know where everything is?" He laughed as he slid the bread into the slots. "Are you starting to believe me yet?" Peter turned around with a grin. His eyes fell to her her chest though and his smile diminished.

"Your shirt..."

She frowned glancing down at the red letters. "what about it?"

He shook his head. "MIT?"

"Yea. Why you didn't know that I went there?" She said mockingly.

"No actually I didn't. It's just... Before it was Northwestern..." he said softly.

Olivia crossed her arms over her chest and shrank into herself. She hated that he was staring.

"I uh-..." he struggled. "Sorry it's just... I don't know." Suddenly the bread popped up. Peter replaced his frown for his smile. "Sure you don't want some toast?"

Olivia was the one staring now. something felt off about this...