Love Potion

Summary: She finished the first known love potion but due to some unlikely circumstances the potion is mistakenly used on Neji. Is this really a mistake or fate? Things get complicated as they both get caught up in a web of secrets long kept hidden. Who created the web? Who did they hope to capture and for what purpose? "We create our own destiny." Neji x OC

Notes: Some things to consider: There may not be as much fluff as you want in this story and it can be a little slow going at times. The first part of the story builds up the main character. The main character is not OP, she does not have any kekkei genkai, she belongs to a certain family but not exactly a clan, she tries to use her knowledge to get ahead in the ninja world, she is very shy with people she first meets but can warm up to them, there are other OCs, and the story does not only take place in the village but it will be there for the most part. There are many mysteries and secrets throughout the story and as of the current chapters, not all of them are revealed.

I had made some major changes in this story. First Cecilia's name was changed completely after some carefully consideration to Mimouri. Cecilia's name was carefully picked out but I guess it did seem kind of out of place. It took hours to piece together her new name but it doesn't have the exact same meaning as before so some of the symbolism is lost, sadly. Although, her new name has some meaning that it didn't before so that's cool too.

I also think the setting of this is somewhere between the Naruto and Naruto: Shippuden.

Chapter 1: The Mistake

"Yes! I've finally finished it!" a small girl with braids and big glasses exclaimed jubilantly as she held up the vial of clear liquid.

"All the tests on rats went quite well, now all I have to do is move it to human testing," she commented to herself eagerly.

She then smiled and giggled, "Oh I can't believe it. I made the first love potion."

"Love potion? So that's what you've been working on?" A girl asked from beside her.

She jumped and almost dropped the vial but caught it just in time and looked nervously at the person, "You can't surprise me like that Yoko."

The strawberry blonde just smiled, "Aren't you happy to have a visitor like me?"

"Yeah but you could have-" but before she could finish Yoko snatched the vial out of her hand.

"Is this the love potion? It looks kind of bland doesn't it? Shouldn't it be like hot pink or red?" she commented examining it with mild interest.

"Hey give it back!" Mimouri yelled trying to grab it from her friend but Yoko avoided her easily without even paying attention.

"Why would you make a love potion? Does it really work?" she asked almost nonchalantly.

"I still haven't tested it on humans but so far it was able to release chemicals in the brain that give the user the feeling of being in love. But if you don't give me the vial, I might not be able to test it properly. It took a long time to get right," she told her while still trying to reach for the vial.

Yoko made it disappear in a poof of smoke.

"Give it back Yoko," she glared at her friend.

"I'll give it back after you treat me to lunch, I haven't seen you in months. After that incident you decided to coop yourself up in this . . . room."

She was referring to the small makeshift 'lab' Mimouri had made in the basement of her house. There were books, papers, tools, vials, bottles, pens, folders, mice, rats and all sorts of things all over the place.

"How could you neglect your friends and your home like this?" Yoko pretended to get all sad and depressed like she was going to cry.

Mimouri was used to her friend being over dramatic like this but she couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. It's true that she did sort of shut herself up for a few months and was so engrossed in her work that she barely slept, ate or saw anyone.

She sighed in defeat, "Sure, I'll take you to out to lunch."

Almost immediately after she finished her sentence Yoko squealed with excitement, "Yay! Come on, I know the perfect place."

She grabbed Mimouri's hand who yelped as her friend practically dragged her up the stairs.

"See you later Mrs. Karatsuki, Mimouri's taking me out to lunch," Yoko sung as she sped past Mimouri's mom; her friend was sill in a daze from suddenly being kidnapped from her own home.

They left so quickly that the wind they created closed the door behind them.

Mimouri's mom blinked in confusion and said quietly, "Okay, have fun."

"Oh I love this restaurant, don't you?" Yoko asked as they sat at a small table.

"Yeah," she answered absentmindedly.

Yoko had dragged her all the way there. It felt so weird being out in public again after she spent so much time down in her basement lab, but all of that time didn't go to waste. All she had to do was go out to lunch and her days of dedication would be returned, or at least she hoped Yoko would return the vial.

Yoko began to spew every detail of her life from the past few months when she suddenly gasped, "Look Mimouri, isn't that Yuki."

She snapped her attention in the direction Yoko was looking to see a platinum haired boy. She then turned back around and nervously tried to hide her face and wished she was invisible. What was he even doing here? Her first day out of her house in months and she had to run into him. He was the whole reason she decided to hide in her house in the first place. Well, maybe not the whole reason.

A few months ago she was going to confess her feelings toward him but just as she got the courage to walk over and talk to him she tripped over something and crashed into a food delivery cart. She was covered in food and surrounded by wreaked containers. The whole thing was such a big mess. Everyone including Yuki had witnessed it so in her embarrassment she ran home and locked herself away. During this time she got the idea to make a new drug for use as a ninja weapon. A love potion that was odorless and tasteless, or at least it was meant to be that way. So far it was odorless but she couldn't exactly tell if it was tasteless yet.

Yoko looked at her distressed friend and the boy she had a crush on then got a fabulous idea. She smiled at her own genius.

"Hey Mimouri, how does your potion work exactly? You said you just finished it."

Her friend suddenly seemed to forget a little about Yuki as she explained, "Oh, um, well it releases a certain amount of chemicals in the brain that gives the feeling of being in love, but I figured this would be kind of useless unless it was to a specific person so I made a hole in the structure to be filled with the DNA of a certain person. So if you put hair, fingernail, skin sample or anything of a certain person then the subject will be attracted to the person the sample came from when they pick up their scent. So far I think the drug I have now should work up to 24 hours but like I said, I didn't test it on humans yet."

"So all you need is something from the person you want the target to be attracted to?" Yoko asked.

"Yeah," Mimouri answered suspiciously.

"Hey what's that?" Yoko pointed behind her friend and as she turned to look Yoko plucked a hair from one of her braids.

She then discretely took the vial out her pouch and dropped the hair inside. It dissolved quickly like something would in a strong acid as the clear liquid turned a deluded blue color.

"Cool," she commented under her breath.

"What's cool?" Mimouri asked staring straight at her friend.

Yoko couldn't cover up the guilt in her face and voice, "Oh, well, nothing."

"Is that my vial?"

"No," she hid it behind her.

Mimouri glared and leaned over the table to try to reach it, "Give it back, it's important!"

"Don't make a scene, Yuki might notice," Yoko knew this would stop her and it worked better than she thought.

Mimouri then froze and sat back down looking around suspiciously to see if anyone noticed their small dispute.

"What did you do?" She whispered to Yoko.

She shook the vile and winked, "Let's just say you won't have any more problems with Yuki."

Mimouri looked horrified, "You can't!"

Before she could stop her, Yoko had got up and swiftly made her way over to the kitchen area.

Mimouri was about to get up too but didn't want Yuki to see her so she hid behind the divider and watched Yoko do her thing. She was one of those people that could flirt with any guy and get what she wanted. While she was talking with one of the waiters she found out Yuki's order and slipped the vial's contents into his tea. Mimouri watched cowardly as the drug was already being used on humans faster than she thought. How could Yoko do that? Although the drug is supposed to be finished, it could still have unexpected side effects. There was a lot of paperwork to go through. There had to be a willing participant, but she couldn't stand the thought that this is something she was actually curious about. Would Yuki like finally her?

Yoko trotted back over to her friend with a devious smile. Mimouri fumed over her actions and gave her the most distasteful glare.

"Do you realize what you did? This is the most irresponsible thing you've ever done," Mimouri scolded.

"Oh come on, admit it, you're a little happy about it," Yoko teased.

Mimouri just blushed in shame. It was because of him that she made the potion in the first place. She couldn't deny that deep down she really wanted to use the potion on him but she was concerned about the effects of the drug.

"But it hasn't been tested yet. What if it kills him or causes serious side effects?" she told her hopeless friend.

"Oh I doubt anything bad would happen," Yoko smiled, "You're wonderful at what you do."

Mimouri was shocked but smiled a little. It was great her friend believed in her but she was beyond doubting her abilities and research. She was just trying to be cautious.

Just then Yoko's eyes widened.

"Oh no," she said under her breath.

This was never a good thing. Mimouri followed her line of sight to see that the tea she so cleverly spiked just a minute ago was not going to Yuki's table. Her expression contorted and her eyes widened in pure panic. Her mouth was opening slowly as if she was silently screaming until she finally found her voice.

Right as she was about to shriek, Yoko grabbed her and pulled her close while covering her mouth and restraining her, "Shh! We can't do anything about it, otherwise everyone will know about what we did."

Mimouri bit her hand and when she was free to talk she said, "What we did? This is all your fault. Now some stranger is going to take that drug. What if it's . . . a girl or an old man or something?"

She cringed at the thought of some old guy being infatuated with her.

Yoko looked over and saw the table that the tray was brought to, "Looks like your worries might come true."

Mimouri suddenly turned her attention back to the tea. The tray was being brought over to a table of four people. Two of the people looked almost the same and very odd; they both wore green tight fitting suits and had horrible haircuts. It's like one was the miniature of the other. Then there was a girl with Chinese-style buns that at least looked friendly. The other person at the table had long hair and some weird eyes. Although, more details were hard to see from where they were. The tray reached the table but the waiter's back was blocking their sight, it was hard to tell who got the tea she spiked.

Once the waiter left she saw them take sips of their drinks and felt like her blood drained out of her. The world seemed to crack and fall apart. Who was the unlucky victim of her potion?

"Well," Yoko commented, "At least you have a fifty percent chance that it's not a girl or an old guy."

Mimouri couldn't even get mad at her friend. All she could do was watch desperately as her months of research were being consumed by one of those strangers.

They both watched for a while and waited for them to leave because the only way out was to walk by their table. It seemed that it took forever for them to leave but once they were finally out the door, Mimouri sighed in depression as she sulked gloomily down the street. Nothing Yoko said could cheer her up.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad, you probably won't see them again," Yoko rationalized.

Mimouri could hardly pay attention to her friend, "I guess."

She couldn't help worrying about what would happen to the subject. If anything did happen it would all be her fault.

"Mimouri!" Yoko yelled in warning as her friend walked right into someone's back.

She looked up at the person as her panic from earlier came back to her. She just happened to bump into one of the people from the table. This was just her luck that she bumped into the long haired one. She looked up at his strange eyes then fled as fast as she could in the other direction.

"I'm sorry!" she shouted as she bolted away, nearly falling flat on her face as she skated around the corner.

He stared after her confused. The others he was with noticed that he had stopped.

"What's wrong Neji?" The girl asked.

"Nothing," he said and turned back to them.

"What's wrong with your face?" the young one in the green jumpsuit questioned.

"What are you talking about?" Neji asked in defense.

"You're cheeks are sort of red," the girl commented, "Are you blushing?"

He looked taken aback, "No, it's nothing of the sort."

Although he denied it he knew that his face felt kind of hot. In fact, his heart was beating out of control since that girl bumped into him.

"I wonder what Neji would be blushing about," the young green jumpsuit guy voiced his thoughts aloud.

"I know," he suddenly concluded and pounded his fist in his other hand, "Neji's food was too spicy causing his body temperature to rise."

"I don't know if that's it," the girl commented.

"Or could it be," the older green jumpsuit man interjected with a smile, "that he has found love at first sight. I remember the first time I-"

"Lee was right, the food was too spicy for my liking," Neji interrupted.

"I didn't know their fish had too much spice there," the girl said, "maybe next time you should ask for it to be mild."

They kept talking and walking off again but Neji knew well enough that the food wasn't the problem. It's like he had a spontaneous rush of adrenaline but why it happened continued to bother him.

Yoko watched them leave and smiled deviously, "Interesting."

Notes: Thanks for reading! This is actually shorter than average for the chapters I publish but in many ways this was kind of like a pilot chapter. Although, I do actually write short first chapters in general lately.

Essentially this was suppose to be a romance and humor based story but the genre changed more to a drama with some other genres thrown in. I was really excited about the outline I had made for this story (even if it changed a lot over time) and couldn't wait to publish what I had worked out. Originally, I was going to write it up when I was done with my other story but like I said I couldn't wait and it gave me some variety in writing.

Sorry that some of the characters are not described very well. I kind of wanted people to fill them in with their imagination but I will describe people more as the story goes on.