Title: All For Him

Author: Ihli

Rating/Warnings: M/Explicit Slash, Smut

Pairing: Hotch/Reid

Summary: Aaron Hotchner cared about three things, his son Jack, his job at the BAU, and Spencer Reid. Now he is forced to choose two out of three. Sequel to Reality TV. Slash!

Disclaimer: I don't own Criminal Minds or any of the characters I just like to play with them sometimes. I promise to put them back where I found them.

And this is it. I hope this sequel lived up to its predecessor. Thanks for all the reviews, story alerts, and favorites! Let me know what you thought of this story.

Thanks to RogueStorm84 for Beta'ing this chapter!

Chapter 12

Hotch and Reid entered the conference room together and took seats across from Chief Strauss. Reid hadn't been able to eat anything all morning, his stomach tied up in knots. His future was about to be announced and he would have no say. He wanted to hold Aaron's hand for support but he knew that was exactly the kind of thing he was not allowed to do. It would be unprofessional.

"Agent Hotchner, Dr. Reid, thank you for meeting with us. I believe you have met Ginny Franklin from HR and FBI Counsel David Pell."

Spencer's already upset stomach did a serious flip flop as he thought, HR and an attorney, this can't be good.

"After completing a thorough assessment we have decided to grant a Probationary Exception with the following caveats."

Aaron could barely process anything after grant. The team was going to be allowed to stay together? Had he really heard correctly?

Spencer let out the breath he had been holding even as he tried to internalize what he heard. She had said grant, right?

"Dr. Reid, we need you to sign this document. It basically states that you knowingly and of your own free will chose to enter into a relationship with you immediate supervisor. It protects the FBI from Sexual Harassment lawsuits down the road." Pell stated.

Reid reached out his hand for the document but Hotch swiped it before he could take it.

"Hotch, I think I need to sign that." Spencer seemed surprised that Aaron had taken it.

"Not until I have a chance to look it over." Aaron wanted to ensure there was nothing objectionable in the legalese.

"I was planning to read it first." Spencer said pointedly, he was a grown man and capable of making a good judgment.

"I'm sure you were and I know you're a genius but you aren't an attorney. I'm sure you know what they say about people who represent themselves. Let me read it first." Aaron tried to explain to his lover.

Spencer smirked, "I thought they said you should never have family represent you. But I guess we can make an exception here."

It took Hotch about 15 minutes to read the page and clarify some of the points with Pell.

"Go ahead and sign it." Hotch handed the paper to Reid.

Reid took the paper from Hotch and flipped through the two pages. To anyone who did not know the young agent it would appear like he didn't even read the document he was signing. They might even be touched by the trust he was showing in Hotchner. But Strauss and Hotch both knew that the young man had effortlessly read both pages in that fraction of a minute and processed every detail.

He signed his name with determination.

Strauss continued. "This exception is in place for one year. At the end of a year we will do another assessment. If the relationship is not having an adverse impact on work, we will consider renewing the exception and possibly making it permanent."

They really were granting the exception. Spencer tried to feel properly cautious. They would have to go through all of this again in a year. But that gave them a year to demonstrate that this was a good choice. He couldn't help it, a thrill of pleasure filled Spencer.

"Finally, if we do receive reports about your relationship having an adverse effect on either your own work or the dynamics on your team, we will step in." Strauss was such a kill joy.

But, Spencer knew this would not be needed. He and Hotch would be careful and the team was happy they were together. The FBI was being properly cautious. But it still bothered him a bit. It made him feel like they believed they were making a mistake. Well too bad, it was all going to be great.

Hotch spent a few moments clarifying the details with his boss and then the meeting was done. It was really done!

Hotch and Reid left the room together and headed back to their team's bull pen. They found the team gathered there, trying to look like they were doing work and only partially succeeding.

"What happened, Hotch?" Morgan asked trying to read the result on his friends faces. The two men didn't seem upset.

"We have a probationary exception for the next year. They will reassess at the end the probationary period." Hotch stated simply.

"Ohhhh that's great," Garcia enthused. "You two can be together and we all get to stay together!"

"That's right Garcia. They will be watching us, watching the team. If anyone has any concerns that come up about my relationship with Reid, please come and talk with me. I can't fix what I don't know about."

"I think this calls for a celebration. How about dinner at Giovanni's, my treat?" Rossi offered.

"That's very kind Dave but I think Reid and I have a more private celebration planned for tonight. What about lunch instead?"

At that moment Reid's stomach let out a tremendous growl. Reid could feel the heat rising in his face embarrassed by his suddenly ravenous stomach and from Aaron's comment about the private celebration.

"Uh…sorry guys, I was a bit nervous this morning and couldn't eat." He tried to explain as the team teased him good naturedly.

"Well Aaron, we can't let young Dr. Reid starve. Lunch it is." Rossi said with a smile on his face.

The team headed out to cars, breaking up into groups to ride together.


Aaron sat back quietly and watched his team as they sat around the table laughing at something Morgan had said. He was sorry he missed it. Spencer was blushing furiously. He wondered if it involved him. He couldn't ask. The team would know he had not been paying attention.

He hadn't, he had been watching Spencer and imagining their future together. They had already put a lawyer on retainer to start the paperwork for Spencer to become Jack's other father. They would have to choose another name for him for Jack to use. He was more than Uncle Spencer now.

They hadn't been rushing to move all of Spencer's things but he no longer went to his old apartment except to get stuff. They had already donated lots of household goods that were duplicates.

He remembered when he and Haley had started living together. They were so young, they had nothing. They had been starting out together and they had been excited but naïve. He hadn't known himself and what he really wanted.

It just served to remind him how different this relationship was with Spencer Reid. He could see that now. He was more centered and comfortable with who he was and he knew what he wanted. By some miracle, he was getting it all, his team intact, his life with Spencer and Jack.

He sent up a silent prayer of thanks and tried to focus on the joy surrounding him.


Spencer and Aaron drove to Jess's house to pick up Jack a bit early. It had been an exciting day and they wanted to share the good news with him. They had started down this path for him. But it had become so much more. It had given the two men a chance to have a real, open relationship. It had given the three of them a chance to be a real family just like any other.

When they arrived at Jess's house and Jack saw his father he ran straight into his arms giving him a huge hug. There is nothing like the joy of a child seeing a parent, especially unexpectedly.

"Your early" he said as he reached out to Spencer for a hug. "Is everything okay?"

Aaron hated that his job meant that Jack's first assumption about a change in routine meant something was wrong.

"Yes Jack, everything is better than okay. Spencer and I have some good, no great news."

Jess looked at Aaron, the question shining in her eyes.

"We talked to the FBI, buddy. They said it's okay for Spencer and me to be special friends outside of work. We don't have to keep it a secret anymore. You can tell anyone you want."

"Really?" Jack looked up with wide incredulous eyes.

"Really" Aaron told his son gently with quiet authority.

"Even Toby?" Jack asked suddenly, his mind moving sideways.

"Even Toby. Who's Toby?" Aaron agreed but had to ask.

"He's a new boy at school. He just moved here. He has a dinosaur watch…" Jack continued on babbling happily all about his new friend. Aaron smiled. His son seemed more at ease than Aaron had seen in a while.

"We thought we would go out to dinner to celebrate. Jess, do you want to join us?" Spencer asked the woman who made such a difference in the life of their family.

"No, go celebrate with your family." Spencer thought about protesting but realized that perhaps this was what they needed.

My family, Aaron thought with a sense of contentment. It all felt so right.

"Can we go to McDonalds? They have the coolest toy in the happy meal." Jack asked enthusiastically, practically bouncing.

"Sure we can. Would you like a happy meal too, Spencer?" Aaron loved to tease his younger lover.

"Absolutely, cn I have a chocolate shake with mine? Tell me about the toy Jack…"

The family headed out, finally able to be completely true to themselves. Aaron reflected that this had been a good lesson for Jack. Or perhaps it had been a lesson that Jack had taught him about being true to yourself and going after what you really wanted. Either way, he was happy.


Putting Jack to sleep was always a bit of a drawn out affair. By the time the two men got him home, he was rubbing his eyes but he did not want to go to sleep. Aaron had to cajole him to get him to put on his pajamas and brush his teeth. Spencer had to read him 3 bed time stories. He came out twice to go to the bathroom but finally he was asleep.

The two men went into their bedroom and locked the door. Aaron took Spencer in his arms and just held him, reveling in the love they had. They shared a deep slow kiss. They were together and anyone could know. Everyone could know. The danger was past.

A silly thought occurred to Spencer. It came from deep inside and just bubbled out. "You know Aaron. It's too bad. I always wanted to have sex in your office."

"Excuse me?" Aaron's eyebrows rose. He had not expected that.

"It's been a fantasy of mine since before…before we got together." Spencer suddenly felt a bit shy. Would Aaron think he was nuts?

Aaron continued to look at his lover with eyebrows raised, but there was a twinkle in his eye. He said in a skeptical voice, "O - kay." But he was really intrigued.

Spencer pushed on, "now we promised the FBI that we would never do anything unprofessional at work. I feel obligated to follow that. I don't want them to revoke our exception."

"It's probably for the best. But, why don't you tell me about this fantasy of yours." Aaron definitely wanted to hear about his lover's fantasy. Based on the red coloring his cheeks it was bound to be interesting if not downright spectacular. Spencer was a very creative lover.

Spencer blushed at this. The thought of revealing his fantasy making him feel nervous and exposed. Would Aaron think him a pervert or worse boring and tame? "Are you sure?"

"Yes" Spencer saw something in Aaron's hooded eyes, a lustful look.

"Well, I started fantasizing about this from before we got together. We have just gotten back from a case. I've done something that I shouldn't have. It put me in danger but it also cracked the case open. So you are kind of mad at me but also proud." Spencer felt like his face must be on fire. He had dreamed of Aaron being proud of him.

"You mean like volunteering to make yourself a target by teaching a CS class." Aaron said moving Spencer to the bed.

"Yes, you order me into your office, your death glare on full."

"My death glare?" Aaron thought he knew what that meant, but had never heard it termed quite so…strongly.

"Please, you know what I mean." Spencer said with a little grin on his face. "You know the look. The one that makes unsub's wet themselves."

"Go on." Aaron said as he watched Spencer, his eyes heavy-lidded.

"I can tell you're mad at me. You say, 'Reid, I am disappointed that you put yourself in danger. I think you need to be punished. Pull down your pants and bend over here' and you clear off your desk with a stroke of your arm."

"Spencer, you know I would never do anything like that." Aaron felt both horrified and aroused by Spencer's description. He would never cross a line like that with a co-worker. But the image of him ordering Spencer, his lover, to strip and lay himself across his desk was very erotic.

"I know. That's why it's a fantasy." Spencer almost sounded impatient.

"So what do I do next?" Aaron could feel himself getting harder thinking about where this could go.

"You…you spank me." Spencer said eyes on the floor.

"Really?" Aaron was a bit surprised. He didn't think his lover was into punishment.

Sensing that Aaron was getting turned on by his fantasy, he looked his lover in the eyes. "It's the only way I could imagine you pulling down my pants. I thought you were straight."

"For a Spanking?" Aaron was still a bit surprised but more by his own reaction than Spencer's words.

"Uh huh, then the fantasy goes a few different ways. You notice that the spanking gets me hard. Sometimes I um imagine you hold me down and fucking me." Spencer's eyes were back on the floor. "Sometimes I imagine I taunt you, until you fuck me."

"How do you taunt me?" Aaron said, lifting Spencer's chin so their eyes met and Spencer could see his love reflected there.

"I say 'Hotch, you can't leave me like this. Get me all wound up and then not be man enough to finish it.' You say 'what should I do about it' and I say 'Fuck me.'" Spencer was quivering now. He was so close to Aaron and he had shared something so personal.

"Why Dr. Reid, you do have a kinky side." Aaron said with a wry grin, licking Spencer's neck.

"Did you doubt it?" Spencer asked, tipping his head to the side to give his lover better access.

"Absolutely not. Do you really want me to spank you?" Aaron wanted to know if Spencer wanted to act out that part of the fantasy.

"Maybe some other time, right now, I just want you to fuck me." Aaron filed that away for later. He wasn't opposed to some light spanking in play.

"I think I can oblige." Aaron was definitely aroused. He would never do something like that for real but role playing it sounded thrilling. He was hard as stone. "Well, Spencer, I can't fuck you over my desk but I think you need to get naked and get on this bed."

"Commanding tone…nice" Aaron had used his Hotch voice. That voice had never quite electrified his cock so completely before.

Spencer removed his clothing slowly for Aaron. He watched Aaron's eyes as they watched him. He could see Aaron's breathing hitch. He knew he was arousing his lover.

Then he assumed the position over the side of the bed as if it was Aaron's desk. "Can you picture it?" He asked his lover.

Aaron's eyes practically rolled into the back of his head, his pupil's blown out in lust. He had to work at that desk. Now all he would be able to think about was Spencer spread across it for him.

Aaron removed his clothes and got the lube ready, letting the anticipation build in Spencer. Then he walked up behind his lover and gave him a light slap. It made a satisfying crack on Spencer's skin and left the skin a bit red.

"Hey, what was that for." Spencer whined a bit.

"For putting that thought in my head. How am I supposed to get paper work done without getting distracted picturing you?" Aaron asked in a mock serious voice.

Spencer chuckled.

Aaron slicked up his fingers and prepared his lover, enjoying the sound of Spencer moaning as he worked his fingers in and out of his tight hole.

"Hurry Aaron, need you inside me." Spencer couldn't keep the note of pleading from his voice.

Aaron positioned himself behind Spencer waiting, letting the anticipation build. He ran the tip of his cock up and down Spencer's crease. Spencer wiggled, seeming to try and get Hotch to penetrate.

"Is this how it went Spencer?" he asked as he put his right hand on Spencer's back just below his neck holding his lover in place firmly although Spencer could easily move if he wanted.

"Yes, just like that, come on Aaron. Do it."

Aaron continued to tease his lover. He loved the desperate little sounds Spencer was making. He loved knowing that he was the source of Spencer's desire.

Finally he worked the head in and did some short jabs with his aroused prick. Spencer wailed "more."

Aaron loved teasing Spencer but he was too needy himself to continue tormenting his partner. He sank balls deep into Spencer, joining the two lovers. He waited a moment for Spencer to adjust and when he felt Spencer start squirming he started to pull out and thrust in earnest.

"Yeah, like that, oh yeah…unh…" Spencer huffed out.

"Like this Spencer?" Hotch said giving some powerful strokes.

"Just like that."

Aaron couldn't hold on much more, rapidly driving himself into Spencer's willing passage.

"Oh oh…unh…oh Aaron!" Spencer called out the name of his lover as he felt the orgasm move through him and he exploded in pleasure shooting line after line of cum.

Aaron thrust a few more times feeling Spencer spasm around him and then shot, filling Spencer with his seed.

Aaron wrapped his body around Spencer holding him while the two lovers caught their breath.

"I love you so much Spencer Reid. I love you more each day."

"I love you too Aaron Hotchner. I never imagined I could be so happy."

Spencer turned in Aaron's arms and they kissed. The two men had everything they ever wanted and they were content.

One hundred years from now, It will not matter what kind of car I drove, What kind of house I lived in, Or how much money I had in the bank, But the world may be a better place because I made a difference in a child's life.
Author unknown

The End

And that's the end. Again I hope everyone enjoyed this sequel. It was one of the toughest stories I have written because it had so many moving parts. I am pleased with the result.

Next up, I have a story with one of my Beta's now called Dear Aaron. Its Hotch/Reid and could be considered to be in this universe although it's not a direct sequel. This story is an angst fest. I am rather proud of that.

After that I have almost finished the first draft of Chosen Mate a Hotch/Reid story about werewolves. It's set in an AU where only men are werewolves and they can identify their mate by scent.

I have an early draft of a story called Are You My New Mama? It's fluffy but I wanted to write it.

I do plan an actual sequel to this. In fact, I have plans for two. The first has the working title Split. In this story, something is not right with Spencer Reid. This story is in the early planning stages.

After that I have an idea for a story with the working title Abuse. That one is even earlier in planning and is about Hotch dealing with his inner demons (no not an AU.)

The way plot bunnies multiply around here I am sure there will be more.

Take care and please review.