
The huge hulking figure paused, suddenly noticing the small child on the forest floor as torrential rain slipped it's way between the slim cover of the canopy above.

The child was visibly terrified; he was cold, wet and shaking from the terrible conditions surrounding him. Obviously only a few days old, here he was, left to die in this absolute monsoon of a storm by selfish and uncaring parents, abandoned in the unforgiving landscape of the great forest, surrounded by heartless wild beasts.

Why? Because of a physical anomaly, a second tail, a birth defect that looked like it would have no detrimental effect on the silent fox cub. Well... physically at least, mental scars would most likely be cut open every time the cub simply tried to make friends with others in his attempts to make sense of this cruel and heartless world.

Mammoth Mogul could sympathise... relate, to the shivering fox before him, who was now pulling his tails around him in an attempt of using them as a makeshift barrier against the raging storm. He had been called a freak many times for having a legendary rock jammed inside his chest, been called a living curiosity for having his life prolonged by eons from it.

They were both the same, yet different. If the child was anything else he would simply leave it here and leave nature to run its course.

No, the child had potential, he could sense it.

A quite squeak emitted from the cub as Mammoth picked him up and attempted to wipe the icy mud off his fuzzy back, something seemed wrong however...

Mammoth was no expert on child care, but basic parental instinct told him that babies normally make noise... and a lot of it. Pulling the child away from him he expected to see the cold hands of death slowly surrounding the cub, what he saw instead was his eyes; the most brilliant shade of blue he'd even seen, containing a magnificent spark of intelligence.

They were also filled with terror, Mammoth knew he wouldn't be described as the 'goodly' sort down in Mobotropolis, the concept of child raising had been completely extinguished in Mammoth's soul obviously showing its presence to the cub before him and his massive foreboding stature probably didn't make matters any better either.

Drawing the fox into a hug he hoped was at least somewhat comforting, he thought up a name for the fox, one that he hoped would help him through his future troubles.

"Tails Mogul my son..."