A/N- I found this short little one-shot floating around in my archives and I thought… "What the heck! Let's just post it!" It's exceptionally short and I really don't know what to do with it... So... Whatever!

The Romans had no idea what to make of their Greek counterparts. They were impulsive, undisciplined, but undeniably brilliant. At first when they arrived on their warship, everyone thought they were a force to be reckoned with, turns out they were right. Just not in the way they expected. What happened when they arrived was a good example.

The warship itself was something to behold. For starters... It was flying. Then there was the massive size if the ship. It could make Noah's ark look like a canoe. Three massive sails could be seen, along with three rows of oars, and its masthead was slightly terrifying. Who wouldn't be scarred of a massive bronze dragon head?

You wouldn't think that a boat that size would be maneuverable, but nevertheless, it still gracefully landed in the field of Mars. As soon as it landed, it was surrounded. The Romans still didn't trust the Greeks. Coming by to say hello in a giant warship, wasn't exactly reassuring either.

All eyes were on the ship and to their surprise a Latino boy leaned over the side and started waving at them. Then as quickly as he appeared he was gone, because a hand reached out and pulled him back. Greeks were so strange.

Then, eventually they got off the boat, led by Jason and a blond girl, and everyone was in awe. Power radiated off of them, and there were just so many. Each and every member of their force was decked out in armor, and was carrying some form of a weapon. They even formed rank similar to their own. Overall, they were just down right intimidating.

That was until two boys who looked like twins tripped a bunch of the larger campers, causing most of the force to stumble making the two look-a-likes to laugh. Only to be smacked upside the head by a large mean looking girl.

"Hey guys." Jason said addressing the Romans. They all stared like he had grown a second head. Then Reyna and Percy finally broke through the ranks.

"Hi..." Percy started, but was cut off by an angry voice.

"PERSEUS JACKSON!" The blond girl yelled as she walked towards him, "YOU WERE MISSING FOR MONTHS AND ALL YOU CAN SAY IS HI!" She continued to yell, and then she stopped directly in front of him, seething in anger.

"If you ever do something like that again, I will kill you!" She finally said, loud enough for everyone to hear, but not necessarily yelling.

"Yes Annabeth." Percy said and he lowered his head to stare at her. The Romans were in shock that their praetor would just submit to the girl.

"I missed you Seaweed Brain." The girl, 'Annabeth', finally said.

"Missed you too, Wise Girl." He said and he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her. The cheer that came from the Greeks was deafening. Then the entire army of Greeks came forward and surrounded Percy and Annabeth. All the Romans felt like they were intruding. Their camp seemed like one big happy family.

The Romans even swore they heard the mean looking girl yell 'Welcome back Prissy." After about ten minutes of sorting the camps out, did the introductions finally began.

A/N- It was short. Like I said it would be. I must have wrote this a month ago, and never posted it. Oh Well!