The Doctor wandered through Traverse Town aimlessly. He'd never been to, nor even heard of such a place before about 5 minutes ago, and had been thoroughly excited. However, the more he walked, the more wary he became. It was something about the way the shadows moved, or the fact that there appeared to be no one around at all. Was that normal for this place? Something in the back of his mind screamed for him to run, back to the TARDIS, back to somewhere safe, but still he walked. He really should've listened to the voice in his head. He heard a sound and turned around. In front of him was a creature with a black body and antennae, with glowing yellow eyes. The Doctor smiled. It looked kind of cute. He pulled out his sonic screwdriver and scanned the creature, but the Doctor couldn't tell anything about it, which worried him. He looked back at the creature, and he noticed that behind the creature were several more that looked the same. They moved toward him. The Doctor tried to back away, but found he came into contact with yet more of the nameless creatures behind him. They began to attack just as a boy with spiky blond hair in a black coat ran toward them, whacking the creatures with a giant key. The Doctor blacked out.

Roxas defeated the Heartless, and then turned to the man lying on the floor. He had brown hair that stuck up around him (but not in a gravity defying way, like most people Roxas knew), he wore a brown pinstriped suit and brown trench coat, and white sneakers.

"What happened here?" A familiar voice called from behind him.

"This man was attacked by the Heartless," said Roxas, "I think they took his heart."

"So… he's a Nobody, then?" Axel said,

"Maybe. We should probably take him to Xemnas and check."

The Doctor woke to find himself lying on a bed in an unfamiliar white room. He tried to recall what had happened. He'd been attacked by adorable little killers. That much he knew. He stood up and flexed his body, testing himself. Nothing seemed wrong, not really any pain. But an emptiness, an emptiness inside. I'm probably just hungry, nothing to worry about, the Doctor thought, thinking nothing of it. There was nothing in the room, other than himself and the bed he had been lying on, but then he noticed a door, which was also white. Looking at the bed, it was also white. Someone here likes really boring colours. He walked to the door and opened it, to find a (you guessed it) white hallway.

"Hello?" He called, his voice echoing. "Anyone there?" The door to his left opened and out came a man in a black coat with a blonde mullet.

"Oh, you must be the new guy the kid saved." He said, smiling at the Doctor. "Hi, I'm Demyx!" He stuck his hand out. The doctor shook it. "I'm the Doctor."

"Doctor who?"

"Yeah, pretty much!" It was the Doctor's turn to grin. "Where am I?"

"Uh… what… Oh, this is the Castle That Never Was,"

"But if it never was, how can it be? Is this castle a paradox?"

"A para-what?"

"Paradox. You know, something that in self contradictory, like if you were to go back in time to kill your own grandma when she's a little kid, but then she could have never had your parent, meaning you wouldn't exist. But if you never existed, you couldn't go back and change the past in the first place. You see what I mean?" Demyx blinked. "You know what? Never mind. What am I doing here?"

"Oh, well, you were attacked... some stuff happened..." Demyx rubbed the back of his head, "I'm just going to take you to Superior. He's better at this than I am."

So now the Doctor stood, alone, in a (funnily enough) white room, with a giant window looking out to a giant heart shape in the sky. The Doctor had never heard of a heart shaped moon before. This place just gets wierder and wierder. Was this a prison? His thoughts were interupted with the sudden gathering of shadows, which then disapated to form a person in a black coat with its hood up.

"You have become on of us," They said. Was this the Superior Demyx mentioned earlier?

"One of what?" The Doctor asked, "Who are you, what's your name?"

"My name is of no importance," he said, "What about you, do you remember your true name?" (A/N: I expect Xemnas would be one to use the same or similar speech over and over)

"Well, yeah, I do/ but I can't tell you or your brain will explode. Plus, I'm not in love with you."

"Your true name is hidden-"

"Don't I know it-"

"So what is it you call yourself?"

"The Doctor, and don't you dare make a 'Doctor Who?' pun because we're all sick of them!"

"Doctor is a title, not a name. What is your name?" The Doctor was taken aback. He wasn't used to people not accepting 'the Doctor.' He had decided that whoever this guy is, he didn't like him.

"They called me Theta at home. Ages ago, before it was destroyed-"

"By Heartless?" Superior interrupted,

"No, by a war. It was bad, lots of people died, then came back, and died again... and why am I telling you this?"

"Hmm, interesting. You seem to come from a world unlike the ones we know."

"Why am I here? What are you?"

"We are Nobodies, what remains of those who have lost their heart to the Darkness." the Superior said... superiorly (if that is a word).

"Wait, lost your heart? You've lost your heart?" The Doctor asks, not really believing it.

"Correction, we have lost our hearts. You are one of us now." At this, the Doctor grinned.

"Oh but see, this is where you are wrong! Sometimes, it is handy to have a spare!"

"A spare?" asked Superior, "Explain."

"I'm a Time Lord, of the planet Gallifrey. I have a sexy TARDIS who can take me anywhere within time and space, sometimes into other dimensions or alternate universes if the world's ending. If I die I can just come back. Oh, and one more thing. Two hearts!"

A/N: All right, chapter 1 is finished. I don't have much funny stuff in it at the moment (but how do you make our favourite hero losing his heart funny?) but next chapter will be better. Why? The Doc meets Luxord. Enough said. So review if you want. Or ignore me. Or claw your eyes out if it was really terrible. But hopefully it won't come to that. But it might. Anyway...