A/N: Well hell, lets see where I can begin. It's been quite alooooooooooong time since I've updated and I guess I should apologize for that. To be honest, I've been insanely busy with a full course load at school, 30 hour work weeks, and taking whatever time is left to enjoy the company of my friends. A lot has changed for me over the last few months and the story has unfortunately not been a priority. However, lately the Harry Potter bug has bitten again! I will promise to finish it though. I guess the reason I'm even writing this now is because I've been getting so many reviews emailed to me. Thanks for the compliments J Sorry again! So on with the show.
The sun crept in and a steady stream of light poured across Harry's face and he suddenly woke up with a start. He was on the couch in the sitting room, but he didn't have the slightest clue as to how he had ended up here. He must have just been extremely tired and not realized he'd came downstairs. He pondered this thought for a moment before something moved out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head and jumped straight off the sofa.
"Ahhhhhh!" Harry said as he knocked his knee on the nearby end table.
"What's the matter?" said one of the twin who came rushing out of the kitchen.
"What's that?" Harry said pointing a reptile that was crawling on his pillow. He continued to rub his knee.
"That's Red," Aiden said. "My gecko."
"Why's he on my pillow?" Harry asked while slightly glaring at Aiden.
"Maybe he needs a nap?" Aiden said shrugging as Ron came rushing into the room with his robe on.
"What on earth?" Ron said.
"Red," Aiden said holding the gecko up to his father. "Felt the need to wake Harry up."
"Put it away," Ron said giving Aiden a disapproving look. "Sorry Harry…"
"It's ok," Harry said. "I needed to be up and ready for this Malfoy thing anyway."
"Hermione's been up for hours," Ron said as he ran a hand through his hair. "Or maybe she just never went to bed."
"Where is she?" Harry said as he caught glimpse of himself in the mirror. He tried to smooth his untidy hair down. It wasn't working.
"Right here," Hermione said as she appeared from the kitchen fully dressed. "I couldn't sleep. I was way to apprehensive about seeing Malfoy today. Harry do you know what you're doing?"
"No," Harry said shaking his head. "Not a clue. Here's hoping I can figure it out once I get there, huh?"
"Here's hoping," Hermione said throwing an uneasy look at Harry and then glancing over to Ron. "Is Liz up yet?"
"Haven't seen her," Ron said shaking his head. "Aiden, have you set any other reptile loose in the house that we should know about?"
"Nope," Aiden said missing his father's sarcasm. "Can I go wake her up?"
"Leave her be," Hermione said throwing her son a sharp look. "In fact make sure you take it easy on her today. She's most likely still very upset."
"Because she didn't get Head Girl?" Aiden said. "Or because James got it and she didn't?"
"Both," Ron said. "Either way you're not bringing it up. You're headed over to the Fliggins today."
Aiden's face lit with horror as his mouth dropped. "Whatever I did I'm so sorry."
"It's not punishment," Ron said rolling his eyes and smiling.
"You say that because you've never had to go there…" Aiden mumbled. "Ms. Fliggins smells funny."
"Aiden," Hermione said not looking up from a piece of paper she was looking at. "That's not nice."
"The truth hurts," Aiden said as James walked into the room.
"You wouldn't know pain," James said picking Aiden up and flinging him over his shoulder playfully.
"Going to the Fliggin's house is pain!" Aiden yelled. James stopped and set him down.
"You're absolutely right," James said looking at Ron. "That's just cruel…"
"You want to watch them today?" Ron asked.
"Uh…." James said glancing around the room. "So Hermione…Harry…what's the plan for today?"
"No idea," Hermione said. "It's hard to tell what Malfoy's going to say because we're not sure what he wants or what he'll ask."
"Wish I could help…" James said.
Hermione just gave a half smile and turned towards Harry. "You should go and get dressed."
"You're right," Harry said as he turned towards the stairs and disappeared up them.
"I don't understand," James said as Harry left the room. "Why don't you take me instead of Harry?"
"Because you don't need to be anywhere near that monster," Hermione said distantly.
"You're father wouldn't have wanted you anywhere near him," Ron said. "And frankly neither do I…"
"You know I'll be seventeen in three days…" James said rolling his eyes. "I'm not exactly a child anymore."
"You're absolutely right," Ron said smiling. "Which is why I can give you the great adult responsibility of going out and taking care of the garden before you go out for the day…"
"Great responsibility?" James asked. "Liz and I have been caring for that garden for ages!"
"All right then," Ron said thinking. "I'll think of some other chore for you to do that's a bit more time consuming and a bit less childish…"
"Garden it is," James said not letting Ron finish his sentence.
Ron smiled. "I'm off to work."
"Bye dad," Aiden said as Harry suddenly appeared and came down the stairs.
"Bye," Ron said tousling Aiden's hair. "Bye sweety," Ron said turning towards Hermione. "Please be careful around Malfoy."
"I will," Hermione said coming over and kissing Ron. "Have a good day."
"You too," Ron said grabbing his bag and turning for the door. "Good luck mate."
"Thanks," Harry said breathing deeply.
"Harry," Hermione said. "You need to make sure you play the ignorance card around Malfoy."
"Ignorance card?" Harry asked taking a seat.
"As if…" Hermione stopped to pick her words. "As if he were to say something that reminds you of…well you. You need to make sure you're unaware of it all."
"I know," Harry said. "What else?"
Hermione and Harry sat there and threw approach tactics around for a good two hours before Hermione felt that they had discussed the situation enough.
"If we plan too much," Hermione said. "It'll come off as planned."
"Well," Harry said. "You really don't think Malfoy is stupid enough to think we haven't planned something out? I mean, all these years of not wanting anything to do with him and suddenly I feel like seeing him? He's got to know something is up."
"I suppose he'll think something," Hermione said. "But I really think…" She stopped when she noticed Liz coming down the stairs. "Hello sweetheart." Harry turned to face Liz.
"Hi," Liz mumbled as she pushed a red curl out of her eyes.
"Did you sleep well?" Hermione asked.
"Not really," Liz said. Harry noticed that her eyes were still puffy from the night before.
"I'm sorry to hear that," Hermione said passively. "Well, the boys are going to the Fliggins today so that you won't have to deal with them. I thought you could use a quiet day of rest."
Liz didn't say anything.
"James is out in the garden," Hermione said trying to get a response out of Liz. "Ron's got him weeding and pruning."
Liz still didn't say anything, but instead just sat quietly.
Hermione breathed deeply. "Well, Harry we'll need to be on our way soon. I'm going to walk the boys down to the Fliggins' house and we'll leave once I get back."
"Sounds good," Harry said as Hermione called out for Aiden and Conner.
"Dun Da Dun Dun…Dun Da Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnnnnnn…." Aiden said as he slowly walked down the stairs. Conner laughed hysterically.
"Both of you two will behave," Hermione said opening the door and disappearing outside.
Harry turned and looked at Liz who was just sort of in a daze.
"I'm ok," Liz said suddenly, taking Harry by surprise.
"I never said you weren't," Harry said.
"I know what you're thinking," Liz said quietly. "Don't worry, I'll get over it."
"Glad to hear it," Harry said smiling as James entered the room dirty and sweaty.
"Morning," James said looking at Liz.
"Morning," Liz said glancing up at him and then back down.
"Are you mad at me?" James asked wiping his brow.
"No," Liz said quickly. "I have no reason to be mad at you."
"Ok," James said thoughtfully. "Well, then why won't you look at me?"
Liz looked at James. "Better?"
"Liz…" James said breathing deeply. "What do you want me to do?"
"Nothing James," Liz said standing up. "I'm fine. I swear I'm fine. Why do you all think I need to be handled like a baby or something? I didn't get head girl. Yes, I'm disappointed, but you don't always get what you want in life, right?"
"Right," Harry and James said in unison.
"I mean," Liz continued. "If this is the worst thing that happens to me in my life, then I've lived a fantastic life, right?"
"That's a good way of looking at it," Harry said.
"Right," Liz said walking out of the room and into the kitchen.
"Geez…" James said sitting on the couch. "I give up."
"Hermione would have been the exact same way," Harry said as Hermione walked back in the door.
"Where'd Liz go?" Hermione asked.
"Well," James said. "After I told her how much of a disappointment she was for not getting head girl I believe she went to check and see which window would cause the most damage upon jumping out of it…"
"James….." Hermione said sternly. "That's not funny…"
"I know it's not," James said sprawled out over the sofa. "But do you all hear yourselves? I'm suppose to walk around on egg shells for the simple fact that Liz doesn't get to sit up front at the end of term ceremony. It really makes no difference whether you're head of the class or not. I mean Ron is always saying how much he never wanted any of us to have it. If anyone should be upset it should be me that I have to do all this extra work now."
"Cry me a river," Liz said walking back into the room with a piece of toast in her hand as she sat down on James' stomach as he lay on the sofa.
"I will," James said as Liz stayed sitting on top of him.
"Mum," Liz said looking at Hermione. "I'll be fine."
"I know you will be," Hermione said smiling.
"You two better get going," Liz said looking at a nearby clock.
"Yeah," Harry said standing up. "Time to play catch up with Malfoy."
"Good luck," Liz said grinning a little.
"Don't make me look like and idiot," James said smiling as he look the last piece of Liz's toast out of her hand and ate it.
"In front of Malfoy," Hermione said rolling her eyes. "Looking like an idiot is pretty much an impossibility."
Harry smiled as he walked over to the fireplace and grabbed a handful of Floo powder. He looked around the room before throwing the powder down, shouting out the destination and watching the room start to spin and disappear.
A/N: Chapter 16 is already half written and if all goes right should be up by tomorrow. J