The Official Fanfiction University Of DragonBall Z

Disclaimer: This is based loosely on Camilla Sandman's fiction 'The Official Fanfiction University Of Middle-Earth' with her permission. I do not own any DragonBall Z characters mentioned in this fic.

Chapter 1

   In a small city, not far from a small street was a small house- well, ok, it can't be that small to fit in four people but it sounds good- was a young girl of around fourteen years of age, gently tapping away at a computer in a corner of her dark room.

   "Nadia, you've got school tomorrow, turn off the computer and get to bed." Nadia's mum peeped through her bedroom door.

   "OK mum, I was just going." Nadia said, turning off her monitor and walking towards her bed. When she was satisfied the coast was clear she crept back and switched the monitor back on. "Go to bed. Its only 12:30am." Nadia mumbled to herself, whilst maximising MSWord.

 i The saiyan space pod streaked across a red and blue sky, making a perfect arch before landing with a mighty thud between the trees. Any normal person would've mistaken the noise for a car, a tree falling, anything other than what it really was. However, these people weren't normal.

    "What was that?" Goku asked his friends.

    "I don't know. Lets go check it out." Krillen answered his best friend.

    "Screw this. There is no way this is believable! I mean, c'mon. A female saiyan suddenly arrives when they're supposed to be dead and she's the strongest, prettiest, smartest with an attitude?" Goku complained.

     "Exactly! I am so fed up with people saying I have a soft side! It is extremely out of character for me." Vegeta roared. /i

 Nadia blinked a couple of times, and leaned closer towards the screen. "OK, I did not write that. Of course my Veggie-Chan has a soft side! Of course my characters gonna be the strongest, prettiest, smartest with a bad ass attitude. What other way is there?" She asked her empty bedroom.


 Nadia fell off her computer chair and snapped her head upwards to where the cough came from.

    "Holy shit, who the hell are you?" Nadia groaned, she had landed on her arm. Hard.

    "I am Agent D, that is Agent B, and this is Agent Z." Agent D pointed them each out accordingly.

     "Heehee. Cute. Yeah, I get it. DragonBall Z. Very clever. No, who the hell are you, and why are you in my room?" Nadia asked, insanely calmly.

       "Whats this I see? Trying to write yet another original character fic? What is this, your twentieth?" Agent Z asked.

       "Fifty-sixth actually." Nadia beamed somewhat proudly. All three agents looked at each other and formed a circle in the middle of the room, talking in hushed whispers. Nadia slid closer to them to hear what they were saying but Agent B noticed this and warned the other two who simply moved furthur away. "Hey, its my room. You best not be talking about me."

       "Well, we were. Here, we will collect you in precisely…five hours." Agent Z informed Nadia.

        "Five hours?! But its already one in the morning!" Nadia complained. "And besides, pick me up for what?" Nadia eyed the agents suspiciously.

         "Ah yes. You have been invited to enrol in The Official Fanfiction University Of DragonBall Z. Fifty-six original character fics do not go unnoticed. If you want to write again, you'll have to pass at least three semesters. Agent D has the enrolment papers." Agent Z answered Nadia.

           "Here. Answer each part truthfully as soon as we have left, otherwise you're dorm will be the University's basement. Good luck, Nadia." Agent D, B and Z disappeared, leaving the enrolment papers to drift softly into Nadia's outstretched hand.

            "Well, they sure know how to make an exit." Nadia muttered, putting the papers on her desk and grabbing a pen. "It'll have to be pink." She muttered, unable to find any other pen. "Lets see…name, Nadia Goodyear. Age, fourteen. Wow. This is pretty easy." Nadia said, scribbling down answers. "Sex (please tick) Male, Female or A-sexual? What the hell?" Nadia furrowed her brow, whilst ticking female. "Species: Human, Saiyan, Namek, Some Unspeakable Horror Able To Wipe Out Earth And Its Inhabitants, Other." Nadia spoke aloud, circling human. It was tempting to circle Namek or Some Unspeakable Horror Able To Wipe Out Earth And Its Inhabitants but she remembered the agents telling her to answer truthfully. She didn't fancy sleeping in a basement anytime soon. "What am I saying?" Nadia asked herself. She was dreaming. It was all a dream. She wasn't filling out any enrolment papers to a Fanfiction University of DragonBall Z. It wasn't happening. But, if it wasn't happening, then why did she have the papers in her hands? And why when, as soon as she'd answered the question 'Do you prefer black, spikey hair or green antennae?' circling black spikey hair, did the papers disappear? And why, when the clock in the hall struck six, did she end up on a soft cloud, destination The Official Fanfiction University Of DragonBall Z?