Soul stood from the chair and made his way to one of the free beds.
It wasn't long until he heard something from his somewhat sleep.
The sound of a heart monitor increasing in speed.
Soul leaped from the bed and rushed to Maka's side.
Her heart beat had increased, but not to an extent that harm would befall her.
Soul breathed a sigh of relief. He plopped back into his chair.
What caused the change? Is she going to wa-
His thoughts stopped there. He couldn't, wouldn't, make himself believe that was why Maka's rate increased.
He groaned.
This infirmary room was getting to him.
Deciding not to go back to sleep, as another change could occur, Soul walked out of the room and strolled back and forth in the hall. His hands were in his pockets as his eyes roamed about.
After five or so minutes, Soul made his way back inside. Maka's rate was constant and at the speed it had increased to earlier. Nothing else had changed.
Soul sat on the bed he'd planned to sleep on earlier.
Time kept going, and soon the clock in the room ticked and the hands landed on 12 and 1.
Soul glanced at the time and then laid down on the bed.
His eyes shut. His mind began turning off.
It was 7 in the morning the next day when Soul woke up.
Soul knew he was still in the infirmary with Maka, but he didn't want to accept that. He had a good dream just now and waking up to see his meister still out of it would only vanish his happy thoughts immediately.
So, to keep from facing reality, Soul made a small smile, his eyes still closed, and said out loud, "When you wake up Maka, you're making me your pancakes."
"I just dreamed about them and I've realized that I've missed them. I also miss your tacos." Soul paused. Then he commented, "Granted, they're not as good as Tsubaki's, but I think I can look over that fact."
"Look over what fact?" came a raspy voice.
"The fact that states your tacos are a four and Tsubaki's are a nine and a half."
"Oh my- Fu- Crap! Maka!"
Soul flew from the bed and towards Maka's smiling face and wide, open eyes.
Oh how he missed those green orbs!
Maka gave a little laugh at her weapon's reaction.
Soul stood, his own eyes wide with surprise and his mouth agape. Then thought returned to him and he closed his mouth, only to open it once more.
"How? When?"
Maka tried to shrug from her horizontal position, but her shoulders ached, so she settled for talking.
"I'm not positive myself."
"I was trapped in nothingness. There was no sound and I couldn't feel a thing. It was only recently, I'm assuming, that I could hear a constant beep. I think I also heard someone groan. I was still in darkness, but I could hear at least."
"Next thing I knew I found myself staring at the ceiling listening to you talk about looking over something."
Soul was grinning, truely grinning.
His meister, no his best friend, was alive and well. He couldn't ask for anything better.
Maka smiled back. Her nose then decided to take back up smelling, and it didn't like what it smelled. Soul gave her a curious look as her nose wrinkled up in displeasure.
"When was the last time you bathed?"
Soul broke out in laughter. "You should take a look at yourself!"
"Soul," she warned.
"Okay, okay. I'll take a shower after I tell everyone that you're awake."
Maka nodded in satisfaction.
Soul walked to the infirmary door and then stopped. He turned back to the girl in the bed. The girl couldn't begin to identify all the emotions she saw in his red eyes.
"Yes Soul?"
"I'm truly glad you're awake. You scared me for a little bit there."
"Sorry 'bout that."
"Just, promise me this will be the last time. Please, for my sanity?"
Disclaimer. I still don't own the rights.
AN. I'm not going to approach the subject of my poor updating. Oops! I think I just approached it! My bad. Oh well. So readers, this was the last chapter. Hope you enjoyed reading this fanfiction! Oh, I posted a four-shot that also takes place after Episode 51, but itis, how do I describe it? It's bleaker than this one, not as happy. It's called "Broken". Hope you check it out!
UPDATED 6/3/2013