"The Results came back negative," Dr. Corrbridge replied with a smile. The team let out a deep sigh of relief simultaneously and it seemed as if the temperature in the room had risen immediately.

"Oh thank God," Garcia uttered, grabbing Reid's hand. JJ started crying again and even Hotch couldn't stop smiling. Morgan only looked towards Reid, who didn't look as happy as the rest of them. His brows were scrunched together, his eyes glossy and zoned out looking at his hands in Garcia's.

Reid only asked, confused, "If that's not it, what is it?". It didn't make any sense to him. He had gone through countless different illnesses and conditions in his head to explain what was happening to him and this was the only thing that made sense.

The doctor's smile faded, "Well that's what we're trying to figure out. There are a couple of tests that are still being processed that may give us more clues. I'd recommend that you stay here with us in the hospital for the remainder of the week so we can continue to monitor your symptoms. I'll be bringing in other neurologists in the area to take a look at your case."

Reid remained silent, still looking at his hands.

Morgan didn't take his eyes off of Reid when he said, "Thank you doctor," dismissing him. The rest of the team nodded in gratitude as Dr. Corrbridge walked out.

His brain running a thousand miles a minute, Spencer couldn't put words in his mouth. How had he been wrong? How had the neurologist been wrong?

"Spencer?" JJ prodded, "are you okay?". The whole team was concerned and confused by his actions, or lack thereof.

Prentiss spoke after JJ's question had been met with silence, "Isn't this good news?" Reid finally looked up, meeting his team member's eyes. He meant it when he said he hates it when they worry about him. He's causing them stress and pain when they all have enough of that in their lives already. In their stares, pity and anxiety almost pinned him against the wall. And so he faked a smile.

"Yeah, no it is good news," he replied, his cheeks hurting from the force, "I'm just not sure what else it could be." His voice almost sounded ashamed when he said this; here he was, the resident genius, who had identified countless medical conditions on cases with even less information, but he could not even identify his own illness. He didn't mention that the numbness in his toes had begun to spread slowly up his feet.

"Well that's not your fault," Rossi replied, "You need to focus on getting yourself better. Let the neurologists do their job kid. I'm aware that you know close to everything, but it's okay to be like the rest of us on a few subjects." Reid almost grinned while the other five gave a chuckle. It wasn't too long ago that Reid had irritated the absolute living shit out of the snarky italian. Having a know-it-all hovering around you all the time, your temper seems to run shorter. Rossi had grown to view Reid like a son he never had not too long after the agitation and annoyance was worn away. The steady flow of information that flowed effortlessly out of Reid's mouth, the refusal to shake hands, and the rest of his little quirks had grown swiftly on Rossi. It was who Reid was and none of them would change it for the world.

The conversation carried on, everyone avoiding the problem at hand. It was unnerving to speak aboout and the team was mostly just happy that Reid was alright for the moment. As the nurses brought him lunch, Reid insisted the team return home to see their families and get some well deserved rest. This was met with small protests but Reid proved victorious in almost five minutes. After giving a book list to Garcia to pick up for him, the team trickled out. However, Morgan lingered behind, eyeing the kid.

"You call me, you hear," Morgan pointed at him, "I expect to be hearing from you, pretty boy."

Reid laughed and nodded, "I will call you."

Morgan walked out of the room, feeling almost uneasy. Reid could hide his microexpressions well and Morgan was worried he was hiding something. He couldn't help but look behind him as he exited. Reid was had just opened a cherry red jello, looking incredibly small in the hospital bed, everyone did. He would always be Morgan's little brother and Morgan would always worry about him. This time, he hoped that his gut feeling was wrong.

Three days after the BAU's overnight stay at the hospital, a case in Salt Lake City, Utah, was brought to their attention. A string of young mormon girls had gone missing and were found mutilated, dumped in public places, including the infamous Salt Lake City Temple. JJ had visited him before they left, mentioning that it was a gruesome case with not much information. Garcia visited him almost daily with new books and snacks, which Reid appreciated.

The numbness had gotten worse. It had spread to his lower legs, almost to his knees. He was unable to get out of bed to use the bathroom by himself, something the nurses discovered when they found him on the ground next to his hospital bed. Not only was the paralysis worse, but the nausea and fever had returned. He was afraid that the illness was affecting his brain, affecting his focus and making it harder to determine what his illness actually was. He was reading staggering amounts of medical textbooks and scholarly journals but nothing seemed to fit his case well enough.

Many of the tests were returned to Reid as well, confirming his doubt. Meningitis? Negative. Polio? Negative. Acute flaccid myelitis? Negative. He was aware of his doctor's frustration, especially since the perceived-paralysis continued to spread.

Fear began to burn in the bottom of Reid's stomach again. The numbness was steady and wasn't coming and going anymore. He was afraid that it was here to stay, forever. What if he could never walk again? What if he was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life? Surely it would be the end of his career in the BAU if he wasn't able to be used in the field. Reid realized, that without the BAU, he didn't have much. The only family he had was his mother, who was confined by her own mind. His team members were the most important people in his life and his work was the most fulfilling.

Another day passed, and the paralysis was increasingly worse and progressing swiftly. It had extended throughout his legs. Feeling helpless, Reid only read more and more. He came across a few new, but rare, disorders that could fit. He presented them to his doctor and one stuck out to Dr. Corrbridge in particular.

Enterovirus 68.

In previous cases, the virus usually occurs after an illness. It could cause flu like symptoms and paralysis, and adults with immunosuppression were at risk. Spencer hypothesised that his illness two weeks ago had caused his immune system to weaken, when he soon after obtained the Enterovirus d68, causing the paralysis. The doctor seemed very optimistic about the diagnosis.

Dr. Corrbridge had just left the room, giddy about solving the mystery, when Reid's phone rang on his bedside table. He reached over to answer, and knocked over three empty jello cups and a cup of water. He grumbled looking at the mess, and answered the phone with annoyance.


"Reid, how are you doing?" Hotch's voice replied in a stoic tone.

"Actually, there's really good news," Reid said looking at his hands again, a smile began to spread on his face, "we think we know what it is. It's called Enterovirus D68. We're starting treatment tomorrow and it should clear up all of my symptoms in a few more days."

"Oh! That is really good news," Hotch sounded surprised but Reid could almost hear the rare smile on Hotch's face.

Reid questioned, "How's the case coming?" Reid had to admit, he felt left out. He had missed two cases within the past few weeks, something that had never happened.

"We have a lead, but he's proving difficult and the community isn't responding well," Hotch said.

"Well statistically, 62 percent of the population in Utah is Mormon. It's no doubt that the tarnishing of their temple with a body would not go over well."

"Sorry Reid, I have to go. I'll tell the team about your good news," Hotch cut the phone call short.

Reid began to get comfortable in bed, exhaustion seeming to take over. One of the nurses came in with his antiviral medication, which would began taking care of his symptoms. He tried to re position himself frequently in order to prevent bedsores, this was proving more and more difficult each time. Reid just hoped that this would be over soon.

The next morning, an airplane floated through the bright blue sky and over the Rocky Mountains of Utah. An exhausted BAU was aboard, but spirits were high. Reid's news had particularly enthused the team and the successful take down of the unsub had only heightened that. The long flight home was even bearable.

The plane landed and the team was headed back to the BAU. Morgan entered their floor, only to be met with a frantic Garcia.

"Reid isn't answering his phone," she said frantically, "he's answered it every time I've called."

Morgan put his hands on Garcia's shoulder empathetically, "Hey, hey hey. Babygirl. It's okay. He could just be sleeping. I know he's exhausted himself trying to figure out what's been going on and his body isn't exactly in top shape right now."

"But," Garcia tried to protest but figured Morgan was right, "okay. I'll let him get his rest."

Morgan nodded happily, "Good call."

The hospital was quiet and bright as Morgan and JJ entered. A holder with three coffee cups resided in JJ's hands carefully as they walked down the hall towards Reid's room. When they entered, no one lay in the bed and the room had been cleaned out. The agents looked at each other, perplexed. JJ located the nearest nursing station, "Excuse me, where can I find the patient Dr. Spencer Reid?"

The nurse's eyes fluttered down for a moment, when they returned to JJ's they were filled with pity.

"Dr. Reid was moved into the ICU the night before last," she replied, "Usually, no one but immediate family is allowed visitation but I've seen you with him before. He's on floor three, room 58."

Morgan and JJ looked at each other in shock. They didn't ask questions, they only ran.

When they found him, JJ's eyes filled with tears again and Morgan's jaw dropped.