Disclaimer: Don't look at me!! Your evil glares hurt!!!!!!
AN: Nope, I'm not dead yet. I hope not many of you had to go reread the story to remember what's going on and for those of you who did, me very sorry. This is the end of the road for this fic guys so I hope you enjoy after your LOOONG wait. Enjoy.
* * *
Vegeta kept a steady pace, a few feet behind his mother and father. He watched curiously as each Saiyan they passed fell to his or her knee, uttering words of honor to their much missed sovereigns.
"As you see, majesty, our technology has greatly improved since your last contact with any of it," a large bald man was explaining to his father.
The senior Vegeta simply nodded. "It seems things continued to prosper even in my absence." The words were spoken stoically, yet the sadness behind them was undeniable.
The larger man paused and turned to him. "They certainly would have prospered further had we'd had your counsel majesty," the man spoke in a humble voice Vegeta was sure did not actually belong to him.
His father stared at the man a moment before nodding and speaking softly. "You have my thanks for those words, Nappa," Vegeta Sr. said.
Nappa nodded, glowing like a puppy who'd just received a pat on the head from his master. "Right this way to the control room your highness," he said as he continued down the hall.
Vegeta looked around the bustling corridors as they continued. Dark-haired and eyed Saiyans seemed to be rushing about everywhere, all making preparations for the take off to come. They only paused in their work to bow to the royal family in their passing. Vegeta found it odd that this didn't seem to bother him in the least. He took their honorary responses to his presence as if this was how he'd been greeted all his life. Smirking slightly to himself he realized that deep down he'd always known this was the type of treatment owed him. Nodding at a young warrior woman who knelt before him, he held his chin a bit higher and followed his parents through a steal sliding door.
"Men! Stand down. The Royal Family enters. Kneel," Nappa barked as he entered the busy bridge. They men immediately did as told and stopped their workings to kneel in honor of the greatness before them.
A young man approached them before kneeling before Vegeta's father. The unruly mass of black hair on top of his head had been forced back into a tight ponytail that lightly touched the floor as he bowed his head. "Our King has returned. We are here to serve you in all your undertakings Majesty. Our lives are yours."
Vegeta Sr. nodded. "Your grasp on the Earthling tongue is flawless. I am impressed. Stand boy and speak your name and title."
The man stood quickly to his feet, keeping his head on the ground below. "I am Irnes of the family Carais. I am chief engineer and advisor to the acting king, Lord Paragus, father of Brolli the Legendary." His dark eyes snapped with pride and intelligence.
"For all accounts he is the recent in a long line of replacements for Bradock," Nappa explained further.
The King slowly walked around the boy before speaking. "Odd," he murmured.
"What is odd, my lord?" Argana spoke up for the first time since entering the ship.
He met her eyes. "How the Saiyan- jin have come to put such trust in practically children." As he trailed off his words, his eyes moved to those of his son's.
Vegeta only glared at him before turning his eyes to one of the computer consoles in the room.
"I believe it is an Earthling saying that the future lies within the children, is that not correct my lord?" Irnes spoke.
Vegeta Sr. nodded. "And well studied too. You must be a truly excellent advisor. I shall have to keep that in mind," Vegeta's father said.
"You honor me with your praise, highness. I hope you shall keep my usefulness in mind, your Majesty," Irnes said bowing low.
"Lieutenant," spoke a man from one of the control panels.
"What is it Zanishe?" Nappa demanded.
The short haired man fingers continued to fly over the keys as he peered at the screen before him. "There appears to be Earthlings gathering outside the ship. Your orders sir?" he looked up with his last words, face inquisitive.
Nappa frowned in disgust before speaking. "On the screen."
The man nodded and quickly got the picture up on expansive screen before them.
In all this Vegeta paid no mind to the going ons, not even understanding some of it as it was in an alien tongue, until his mother called his name. "Dearest, look. It is your friends."
Turning to the screen he was indeed met with the sight of his friends gathering outside the ship. Their group also included Kakarot's parents. The sight made him scowl deeply. He'd expressly told Kakarot he wanted none of these stupid good byes and yet there the idiots stood. It did nothing but piss him off.
"Aren't you going to step outside and speak to them?" Argana asked.
"No," he said simply.
Argana frowned deeply. "But why? They came all this way to see you."
"Because I told them not to. They can stay out there all night for all I care."
"Permission to remove the intruders, sir?" Nappa questioned as he glared at the screen.
"Permission denied," the King answered before turning back to his son. "You will go speak with them, boy."
Lip turning up in a snarl, Vegeta turned to the man. "Don't tell me what to do."
"How dare you speak to your king that way. You will show him the respect he deserves," Nappa growled from the senior Vegeta's side.
"I'm showing him the respect he deserves," Vegeta said turning back to the screen. "None."
"Vegeta," Argana admonished over the soft sounds of astonishment echoing around the bridge. She looked as if she would say more when her husband held up his hand.
"Let the boy be, woman," he said. "He's just as stubborn as his father and will do only as he wishes."
Snapping his head around, Vegeta growled. "I am nothing like you."
"Is that so boy?" Vegeta Sr. countered in challenge.
"I won't play your mind games old man," the younger man sneered at his father, much to the fearful awe and disdain of many of the warriors there. "I'm not going to fall-"
His sentence came to a halt as the noise from outside bounced off the bridge walls.
"Come on Vegeta!! Let's see ya!" cried a voice that could only be Kakarot. Turning back to the screen, he could see the idiot in question standing with his hands cupping his mouth as he yelled at the ship.
"Yeah Veggie- head! Get down here." This from Radditz who was standing beside his brother. "I don't have all day so hurry it up, will ya?
Scowling at the hated nickname, Vegeta caught himself scanning the group for one particular face. When he didn't see it he lowered his eyes angrily. He almost expected the hand that lightly touched his shoulder.
"Even though she's not there you shouldn't punish the others," his mother spoke in that soft voice of hers. "They love you and this may be the last time you ever lay eyes on them again. Go say goodbye, son. Please? For me?"
He met her eyes, the first time since their encounter all those days ago in his bedroom. Sighing heavily he nodded and turned from her. With all eyes on him, he left the room to head back down to the ships loading bay.
Vegeta Sr. watched him go before turning back to Nappa. "Have them turn the screens off. The prince shall have his audience in private. Then you will show me the rest of this ship."
Nappa frowned slightly then nodded. "Yes my lord," he muttered as he turned to give the orders.
* * *
Juu's sharp eyes locked on Vegeta the minute he reached the doorway and started down the stairs. As he slowly made his way over, he was met by the good-natured catcalls of Radditz.
"Don't we look all spiffy in our spandex and armor?" the long haired college student joked. The glare Vegeta shot him only made him chuckle.
"That ship really is something. I've only seen picture of space bound crafts before but they're really amazing to see," Krillin said staring up at the silver disc like craft. "What's it like inside?"
"A ship," Vegeta shrugged as he crossed his arms.
"Great detail buddy," he muttered sarcastically.
"The models have changed slightly since we came, darling," Lyneaxa spoke to fill the silence that threatened to swallow them all up at any moment.
"I'm sure the technology has more than just 'slightly changed,'" Bardock answered.
"Indeed I'm sure it has," she said smiling slightly.
As her sentence trailed off, the silence fell and they all stared awkwardly at one another, no one sure how to approach such a delicate topic. After about ten minutes of this Vegeta sighed.
"Well if you have nothing else to say, I'm going," he had just started to turn when ChiChi's unnaturally soft voice touched his ears.
"Are you afraid at all Vegeta?" she questioned.
He turned back to her, frowning deeply. It was obvious the others were quite surprised that she would ask him such a question with so many present. Did she really expect a straight answer from him?
The quip of his eyebrow being the only change of his face, he answered. "And why exactly would I be afraid of a planet where they'll worship me as if I were a god?"
ChiChi frowned at his snotty tone, his attempt to make her sound like a simpleton. "Maybe I figured you'd thought of not having us around anymore. That maybe you'd be afraid of being alone on a strange planet," she said hotly, before her voice softened unexpectedly. "That maybe you'd miss us or something."
As her words trailed off everyone let the silence hang, all hoping an honest answer would break it. Vegeta, however, crushed that hope with a brisk. "Of course not."
"Oh," she said dropping her eyes to her hands.
An end to the awkward silence seemed inconceivable until Goku cleared his throat and extended his hand, offering his best smile. "Well, have a good trip."
Vegeta scowled at the hand a moment before taking it and shaking.
"We're gonna miss you buddy," Krillin spoke up. "Even if you don't miss us," he added with a sad smile and a slap on the back.
"We sure are," ChiChi murmured, head still down.
Vegeta said nothing. Just watched them all with those piercing eyes. When he finally did look as if he would speak a voice called to him from the ship.
"Your grace," the young soldier called with head bowed. "It is time we depart your majesty."
His ever-present scowl deepened, as the noise of the engines coming to life sounded even before he had a chance to speak. With a nod over his shoulder he sent the soldier hurrying back inside. As he returned his attention to the group before him, he was surprised to find odd smiles on each of their faces. It took him a moment to realize they came from amusement and awe at his new found royal status.
"Well, I guess this is it," Goku said with a smile.
"Yeah, take care, buddy," Krillin said softly from Goku's side.
"Yes, please take care Ve-," Lyneaxa paused before forcing a smile. "Take care, your highness."
Vegeta frowned at the use of the title before nodding and turning, his navy blue cape flapping behind him, Vegeta made his way back up the ramp he'd descended earlier. As he reached the top of the ramp, Juu could hold her tongue no longer and stepped forward, calling his name as she did.
Vegeta turned back with knitted brow, obviously curious as to what she of all people would have to say to him. He had put Juu above all the sentimental crap, so naturally expected to hear nothing from her. He watched her stop at the foot of the ramp, his curiosity growing with each calm step she'd taken.
"You know," she spoke as if her subject were the weather. "The most important man in my life fourteen years ago just walked away without even trying to make things work. For that I'll never forgive him," she said almost offhandedly. "She'll never forgive you for walking away either," she finished simply her blue gaze slicing his dark one.
Silence stretched out between them as he transferred his eyes to the steel beneath his feet. He seemed to consider her words for several moments before meeting her eyes again. He held her eyes for what seemed endless seconds before he sighed, such a tired, retching sigh she'd never heard before, as he turned his back on her and entered the ship.
Juu had to step back as the ramp retracted. More precautionary steps back were taken as the engines went from a hum to a roar. She finally found herself standing beside her boyfriend once again. As the ship prepared for take off, Juu could not help grounding her teeth together.
"Stubborn assholes," she muttered.
"Well it is Vegeta you're talking about," Krillin said looking up at her.
Watching the craft begin to hover, Juu growled and turned away. "I was referring to Bulma, too. They're both hopeless idiots," she threw over shoulder as the wind caused by the craft whipped her hair about her face.
Krillin turned at her disgusted tone just in time to see her make her way back to the car. Sighing heavily he threw the slowly ascending craft one last sad look before turning and following her, wishing deep down she was wrong even while the very presence of the disappearing craft proved her right.
* * *
Bulma sighed and hugged her mother for the fourth time since they'd reached the airport.
Emily squeezed her daughter tightly. "I just don't understand why you have to leave so soon sweetheart. I mean graduation was only a week ago. Can't that school wait another few months?"
Bulma forced a smile as she pulled back to meet the other woman's eyes. "Mom, I've explained a million times. I need to get use to living in a new country before I have to take on classes and such. This will be good for me."
"Well, why won't you let me go with you sweetheart? I mean you'll be all alone in a new place and you don't even know where you're going to stay yet."
Bulma sighed. This conversation was definitely getting old. Everyday since her decision to leave as soon as possible, she'd had it. What her mother didn't seem to understand was that there was nothing left for her here. She needed to get away from everyone and everything known to her, away from the memories. It was something her mother simply could not grasp. Hugging her close again, Bulma spoke with quickly disappearing patience to the near weeping woman.
"I'll check into a suite or something until I find a place. I'll be fine Mom. I always am."
"I've been telling her that for years," John Briefs said good-naturedly as he approached the hugging women. "But it's wasted. She won't believe you anymore than she ever believed me."
Bulma looked just over her mother's shoulder at the voice and smiled. "Daddy! You made it!" she said releasing her mother to move toward him.
"Of course. I had to see my little girl off after all." As he spoke he glanced toward his estranged wife, who was discreetly dabbing her eyes as she took great pains not to look in his direction.
Bulma gave a small smile pretending not to see the hopeless look in his eyes as they turned back to her. "I guess so. Well, it looks like you just made it," she said glancing at her watch. "The attendant said they'd start boarding in three minutes."
John nodded then held open his arms for his only child, which she happily stepped into. "Take care, princess," he said as he hugged her close. "Call when you find a place."
"Will do Daddy," Bulma promised as she placed a kiss on his cheek before pulling back.
Almost as soon as she released him she had to engulf her now sniffling mother in one last goodbye hug. Offering the woman solace, and secretly stealing a little for herself as she momentarily admitted her own fear at that moment.
"You call me as soon as you get there, you understand?" Emily sobbed into her ear.
"Yes ma'am," Bulma responded softly before giving one last squeeze, then releasing her.
Bending slightly, she encapsulated the small carry on beside her leg, the only piece of her luggage not all ready in her purse. Slipping the capsule into the side of her purse to keep it separate from the rest, she smiled at her parents. "I promise to call you both as soon as my plane lands. I love you guys."
"Oh Bulma!" Mrs. Briefs wailed as she stepped forward to embrace her child again. "We love you so much. If things ever get too hard on your own you can always come home. Remember that."
"Of course Mom," Bulma said prying herself out of the woman's arms. Bulma doubted that coming home would be an option for her for quite sometime, but she could not bring herself to crush her mother's heart with such words. Finally free she pecked her mother's cheek and blew her father a kiss before turning and making her way toward the terminal.
Stepping up to the counter, she handed her ticket over to the stewardess. She watched the woman's actions, her mind racing nervously. Thoughts that she was doing the wrong thing were never far from her mind these days. In fact, she'd almost changed her mind about her hasty decision when the tearful call from ChiChi arrived. The take off was a success. He was really gone. The call had been her omen that it was time to get the hell out of dodge.
Sighing heavily she nodded to the smiling attendant, not quite sure what the brunette had just said to her. Taking her boarding pass back, she started to the door just behind the attendant.
"And to think, I never counted you one to run away from your problems. Guess I once again gave you more credit than you deserve."
Now she knew she was not in the best emotional state at the moment but she refused to believe she was hallucinating. Pausing in the doorway, causing a family of three to make their way around her, Bulma turned back to the disgusted voice. Blinking several times she simply stared at the man for an eternity of minutes.
"Wh- what are you doing here?" she finally questioned, her face twisted in a frown.
As always his arms were crossed as he made his way toward her, practically sneering as he spoke. "I don't believe I saw your name on this airport so I guess I can be here all I want."
Glaring at his sarcastic tone, Bulma turned on her heels and started back to the terminal. "I don't have time for this childish shit. I have a plane to catch."
Reaching out, he caught her arm stopping her. "I'm not finished talking to you," he half growled as he tired to keep his temper in check over having her turn her back on him once again.
Snatching her arm back she shot him a killer look. "Well, I am done talking to you. Now leave me alone."
She was turning as she spoke only to have him step in front of her pinning her in step with his glare. "I came here to make you very clear on a few things and you're not going anywhere until you've heard every word I have to say."
Bulma could not recall being so furious in all of her eighteen years. Placing her hands on her hips she met his glare evenly. "What makes you think I'll listen to anything you have to say after you just left me-"
"Let's get something straight," he informed her as his voice dropped to a deadly whisper. "You left me-"
"That is such bullshit," she accused, her own voice quickly raising. "How dare you try to turn this aroun-"
"I came to you like a man. I told you what was going on and you turned your back on me with that 'friend' shit." The betrayal and hidden hurt in his voice practically blew her away. "You chose to cast me off as part of your past so if either of us is going to hate the other for leaving it's going to be me and not you."
For rare moments, Bulma watched so many warring emotions swirl in his eyes that she almost felt physically ill. All he said was true. She had acted like a selfish child when he had needed her most. For so many years she had been working to make him open up fully to her and when he finally had she'd thrown it back in his face. Refusing him the comfort he sought but would never ask for.
She knew she had failed him in his time of need, but her own pain was such that she'd have been no help to him. She was no help to anyone. Lowering her eyes she said the only thing she could think of. "I could never hate you, Vegeta," she murmured.
When she said no more, he nearly growled. "I didn't force a ship full of angry aliens to return me to this planet to watch you stand there and feel sorry for yourself." When the snide remark failed to jar her out of silence, he grunted disgustedly and turned to leave.
Biting her lip as well as her pride, Bulma looked up and called his name. He paused and turned his head just enough to show he was listening. Stepping out of the way of a businessman hurrying toward the terminal, she took one step toward him. "Did you really make them turn around just to come see me?"
He turned his head forward and she feared briefly that he would start walking again when he turned, his arms crossed in his normal stance. "No," he started slowly. "I just didn't feel like going. If Kakarot didn't have to, neither did I."
Giving him a small smile, she swallowed around the lump in her throat. "I'm sorry," she said simply, not sure how else to sum up all she felt at the moment.
A silent nod told of his acceptance of the apology as well as his understanding of what it meant as he watched her approach him.
"So you're really not leaving?" she asked for further clarification as she stopped mere inches in front of him.
Rolling his eyes heavenward, he spoke slowly as if to a small child. "No, I'm not leaving."
Bulma knew she should be offended by his condescending tone but as the single tear slipped down her cheek she decided to let it go. This time.
Reaching out she wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed her relief into the crook of it. Now with the hinders of a weeping woman lassoed around his neck, Vegeta sighed heavily and let her cry, not even admitting to himself how relieved he was to feel her tears soaking his shoulder.
"I love you so much," she whispered once her sobs subsided, though she kept her head in its place. Burying her fingers in the dark strands at the nape of his neck, she held his head on her shoulder, never intending to let him go.
Left with no other options, Vegeta slowly brought his arms around her waist, hugging her close.
From a short distance away, Dr. Briefs blinked at the scene in surprise. "Bulma and Vegeta? Did I miss something?"
Turning misty eyes from the young couple, Emily glanced at her soon- to- be ex-husband and sighed. "Buy me a cup of tea, John, and I'll explain it all to you."
Looking up at his wife, John smiled. "All right." Offering her his arm, he was soon leading her to the airport coffee shop.
* * *
Well that's FINALLY it guys. In case you're wondering there is a squeal played for this fic however I have to get my new computer and stuff before I start a new story. Until then, thank you so much for your wonderful reviews and patience (this includes the many death threats I've received in the last few months ^_~). You guys are the greatest. Thanks for reading.
AN: Nope, I'm not dead yet. I hope not many of you had to go reread the story to remember what's going on and for those of you who did, me very sorry. This is the end of the road for this fic guys so I hope you enjoy after your LOOONG wait. Enjoy.
* * *
Vegeta kept a steady pace, a few feet behind his mother and father. He watched curiously as each Saiyan they passed fell to his or her knee, uttering words of honor to their much missed sovereigns.
"As you see, majesty, our technology has greatly improved since your last contact with any of it," a large bald man was explaining to his father.
The senior Vegeta simply nodded. "It seems things continued to prosper even in my absence." The words were spoken stoically, yet the sadness behind them was undeniable.
The larger man paused and turned to him. "They certainly would have prospered further had we'd had your counsel majesty," the man spoke in a humble voice Vegeta was sure did not actually belong to him.
His father stared at the man a moment before nodding and speaking softly. "You have my thanks for those words, Nappa," Vegeta Sr. said.
Nappa nodded, glowing like a puppy who'd just received a pat on the head from his master. "Right this way to the control room your highness," he said as he continued down the hall.
Vegeta looked around the bustling corridors as they continued. Dark-haired and eyed Saiyans seemed to be rushing about everywhere, all making preparations for the take off to come. They only paused in their work to bow to the royal family in their passing. Vegeta found it odd that this didn't seem to bother him in the least. He took their honorary responses to his presence as if this was how he'd been greeted all his life. Smirking slightly to himself he realized that deep down he'd always known this was the type of treatment owed him. Nodding at a young warrior woman who knelt before him, he held his chin a bit higher and followed his parents through a steal sliding door.
"Men! Stand down. The Royal Family enters. Kneel," Nappa barked as he entered the busy bridge. They men immediately did as told and stopped their workings to kneel in honor of the greatness before them.
A young man approached them before kneeling before Vegeta's father. The unruly mass of black hair on top of his head had been forced back into a tight ponytail that lightly touched the floor as he bowed his head. "Our King has returned. We are here to serve you in all your undertakings Majesty. Our lives are yours."
Vegeta Sr. nodded. "Your grasp on the Earthling tongue is flawless. I am impressed. Stand boy and speak your name and title."
The man stood quickly to his feet, keeping his head on the ground below. "I am Irnes of the family Carais. I am chief engineer and advisor to the acting king, Lord Paragus, father of Brolli the Legendary." His dark eyes snapped with pride and intelligence.
"For all accounts he is the recent in a long line of replacements for Bradock," Nappa explained further.
The King slowly walked around the boy before speaking. "Odd," he murmured.
"What is odd, my lord?" Argana spoke up for the first time since entering the ship.
He met her eyes. "How the Saiyan- jin have come to put such trust in practically children." As he trailed off his words, his eyes moved to those of his son's.
Vegeta only glared at him before turning his eyes to one of the computer consoles in the room.
"I believe it is an Earthling saying that the future lies within the children, is that not correct my lord?" Irnes spoke.
Vegeta Sr. nodded. "And well studied too. You must be a truly excellent advisor. I shall have to keep that in mind," Vegeta's father said.
"You honor me with your praise, highness. I hope you shall keep my usefulness in mind, your Majesty," Irnes said bowing low.
"Lieutenant," spoke a man from one of the control panels.
"What is it Zanishe?" Nappa demanded.
The short haired man fingers continued to fly over the keys as he peered at the screen before him. "There appears to be Earthlings gathering outside the ship. Your orders sir?" he looked up with his last words, face inquisitive.
Nappa frowned in disgust before speaking. "On the screen."
The man nodded and quickly got the picture up on expansive screen before them.
In all this Vegeta paid no mind to the going ons, not even understanding some of it as it was in an alien tongue, until his mother called his name. "Dearest, look. It is your friends."
Turning to the screen he was indeed met with the sight of his friends gathering outside the ship. Their group also included Kakarot's parents. The sight made him scowl deeply. He'd expressly told Kakarot he wanted none of these stupid good byes and yet there the idiots stood. It did nothing but piss him off.
"Aren't you going to step outside and speak to them?" Argana asked.
"No," he said simply.
Argana frowned deeply. "But why? They came all this way to see you."
"Because I told them not to. They can stay out there all night for all I care."
"Permission to remove the intruders, sir?" Nappa questioned as he glared at the screen.
"Permission denied," the King answered before turning back to his son. "You will go speak with them, boy."
Lip turning up in a snarl, Vegeta turned to the man. "Don't tell me what to do."
"How dare you speak to your king that way. You will show him the respect he deserves," Nappa growled from the senior Vegeta's side.
"I'm showing him the respect he deserves," Vegeta said turning back to the screen. "None."
"Vegeta," Argana admonished over the soft sounds of astonishment echoing around the bridge. She looked as if she would say more when her husband held up his hand.
"Let the boy be, woman," he said. "He's just as stubborn as his father and will do only as he wishes."
Snapping his head around, Vegeta growled. "I am nothing like you."
"Is that so boy?" Vegeta Sr. countered in challenge.
"I won't play your mind games old man," the younger man sneered at his father, much to the fearful awe and disdain of many of the warriors there. "I'm not going to fall-"
His sentence came to a halt as the noise from outside bounced off the bridge walls.
"Come on Vegeta!! Let's see ya!" cried a voice that could only be Kakarot. Turning back to the screen, he could see the idiot in question standing with his hands cupping his mouth as he yelled at the ship.
"Yeah Veggie- head! Get down here." This from Radditz who was standing beside his brother. "I don't have all day so hurry it up, will ya?
Scowling at the hated nickname, Vegeta caught himself scanning the group for one particular face. When he didn't see it he lowered his eyes angrily. He almost expected the hand that lightly touched his shoulder.
"Even though she's not there you shouldn't punish the others," his mother spoke in that soft voice of hers. "They love you and this may be the last time you ever lay eyes on them again. Go say goodbye, son. Please? For me?"
He met her eyes, the first time since their encounter all those days ago in his bedroom. Sighing heavily he nodded and turned from her. With all eyes on him, he left the room to head back down to the ships loading bay.
Vegeta Sr. watched him go before turning back to Nappa. "Have them turn the screens off. The prince shall have his audience in private. Then you will show me the rest of this ship."
Nappa frowned slightly then nodded. "Yes my lord," he muttered as he turned to give the orders.
* * *
Juu's sharp eyes locked on Vegeta the minute he reached the doorway and started down the stairs. As he slowly made his way over, he was met by the good-natured catcalls of Radditz.
"Don't we look all spiffy in our spandex and armor?" the long haired college student joked. The glare Vegeta shot him only made him chuckle.
"That ship really is something. I've only seen picture of space bound crafts before but they're really amazing to see," Krillin said staring up at the silver disc like craft. "What's it like inside?"
"A ship," Vegeta shrugged as he crossed his arms.
"Great detail buddy," he muttered sarcastically.
"The models have changed slightly since we came, darling," Lyneaxa spoke to fill the silence that threatened to swallow them all up at any moment.
"I'm sure the technology has more than just 'slightly changed,'" Bardock answered.
"Indeed I'm sure it has," she said smiling slightly.
As her sentence trailed off, the silence fell and they all stared awkwardly at one another, no one sure how to approach such a delicate topic. After about ten minutes of this Vegeta sighed.
"Well if you have nothing else to say, I'm going," he had just started to turn when ChiChi's unnaturally soft voice touched his ears.
"Are you afraid at all Vegeta?" she questioned.
He turned back to her, frowning deeply. It was obvious the others were quite surprised that she would ask him such a question with so many present. Did she really expect a straight answer from him?
The quip of his eyebrow being the only change of his face, he answered. "And why exactly would I be afraid of a planet where they'll worship me as if I were a god?"
ChiChi frowned at his snotty tone, his attempt to make her sound like a simpleton. "Maybe I figured you'd thought of not having us around anymore. That maybe you'd be afraid of being alone on a strange planet," she said hotly, before her voice softened unexpectedly. "That maybe you'd miss us or something."
As her words trailed off everyone let the silence hang, all hoping an honest answer would break it. Vegeta, however, crushed that hope with a brisk. "Of course not."
"Oh," she said dropping her eyes to her hands.
An end to the awkward silence seemed inconceivable until Goku cleared his throat and extended his hand, offering his best smile. "Well, have a good trip."
Vegeta scowled at the hand a moment before taking it and shaking.
"We're gonna miss you buddy," Krillin spoke up. "Even if you don't miss us," he added with a sad smile and a slap on the back.
"We sure are," ChiChi murmured, head still down.
Vegeta said nothing. Just watched them all with those piercing eyes. When he finally did look as if he would speak a voice called to him from the ship.
"Your grace," the young soldier called with head bowed. "It is time we depart your majesty."
His ever-present scowl deepened, as the noise of the engines coming to life sounded even before he had a chance to speak. With a nod over his shoulder he sent the soldier hurrying back inside. As he returned his attention to the group before him, he was surprised to find odd smiles on each of their faces. It took him a moment to realize they came from amusement and awe at his new found royal status.
"Well, I guess this is it," Goku said with a smile.
"Yeah, take care, buddy," Krillin said softly from Goku's side.
"Yes, please take care Ve-," Lyneaxa paused before forcing a smile. "Take care, your highness."
Vegeta frowned at the use of the title before nodding and turning, his navy blue cape flapping behind him, Vegeta made his way back up the ramp he'd descended earlier. As he reached the top of the ramp, Juu could hold her tongue no longer and stepped forward, calling his name as she did.
Vegeta turned back with knitted brow, obviously curious as to what she of all people would have to say to him. He had put Juu above all the sentimental crap, so naturally expected to hear nothing from her. He watched her stop at the foot of the ramp, his curiosity growing with each calm step she'd taken.
"You know," she spoke as if her subject were the weather. "The most important man in my life fourteen years ago just walked away without even trying to make things work. For that I'll never forgive him," she said almost offhandedly. "She'll never forgive you for walking away either," she finished simply her blue gaze slicing his dark one.
Silence stretched out between them as he transferred his eyes to the steel beneath his feet. He seemed to consider her words for several moments before meeting her eyes again. He held her eyes for what seemed endless seconds before he sighed, such a tired, retching sigh she'd never heard before, as he turned his back on her and entered the ship.
Juu had to step back as the ramp retracted. More precautionary steps back were taken as the engines went from a hum to a roar. She finally found herself standing beside her boyfriend once again. As the ship prepared for take off, Juu could not help grounding her teeth together.
"Stubborn assholes," she muttered.
"Well it is Vegeta you're talking about," Krillin said looking up at her.
Watching the craft begin to hover, Juu growled and turned away. "I was referring to Bulma, too. They're both hopeless idiots," she threw over shoulder as the wind caused by the craft whipped her hair about her face.
Krillin turned at her disgusted tone just in time to see her make her way back to the car. Sighing heavily he threw the slowly ascending craft one last sad look before turning and following her, wishing deep down she was wrong even while the very presence of the disappearing craft proved her right.
* * *
Bulma sighed and hugged her mother for the fourth time since they'd reached the airport.
Emily squeezed her daughter tightly. "I just don't understand why you have to leave so soon sweetheart. I mean graduation was only a week ago. Can't that school wait another few months?"
Bulma forced a smile as she pulled back to meet the other woman's eyes. "Mom, I've explained a million times. I need to get use to living in a new country before I have to take on classes and such. This will be good for me."
"Well, why won't you let me go with you sweetheart? I mean you'll be all alone in a new place and you don't even know where you're going to stay yet."
Bulma sighed. This conversation was definitely getting old. Everyday since her decision to leave as soon as possible, she'd had it. What her mother didn't seem to understand was that there was nothing left for her here. She needed to get away from everyone and everything known to her, away from the memories. It was something her mother simply could not grasp. Hugging her close again, Bulma spoke with quickly disappearing patience to the near weeping woman.
"I'll check into a suite or something until I find a place. I'll be fine Mom. I always am."
"I've been telling her that for years," John Briefs said good-naturedly as he approached the hugging women. "But it's wasted. She won't believe you anymore than she ever believed me."
Bulma looked just over her mother's shoulder at the voice and smiled. "Daddy! You made it!" she said releasing her mother to move toward him.
"Of course. I had to see my little girl off after all." As he spoke he glanced toward his estranged wife, who was discreetly dabbing her eyes as she took great pains not to look in his direction.
Bulma gave a small smile pretending not to see the hopeless look in his eyes as they turned back to her. "I guess so. Well, it looks like you just made it," she said glancing at her watch. "The attendant said they'd start boarding in three minutes."
John nodded then held open his arms for his only child, which she happily stepped into. "Take care, princess," he said as he hugged her close. "Call when you find a place."
"Will do Daddy," Bulma promised as she placed a kiss on his cheek before pulling back.
Almost as soon as she released him she had to engulf her now sniffling mother in one last goodbye hug. Offering the woman solace, and secretly stealing a little for herself as she momentarily admitted her own fear at that moment.
"You call me as soon as you get there, you understand?" Emily sobbed into her ear.
"Yes ma'am," Bulma responded softly before giving one last squeeze, then releasing her.
Bending slightly, she encapsulated the small carry on beside her leg, the only piece of her luggage not all ready in her purse. Slipping the capsule into the side of her purse to keep it separate from the rest, she smiled at her parents. "I promise to call you both as soon as my plane lands. I love you guys."
"Oh Bulma!" Mrs. Briefs wailed as she stepped forward to embrace her child again. "We love you so much. If things ever get too hard on your own you can always come home. Remember that."
"Of course Mom," Bulma said prying herself out of the woman's arms. Bulma doubted that coming home would be an option for her for quite sometime, but she could not bring herself to crush her mother's heart with such words. Finally free she pecked her mother's cheek and blew her father a kiss before turning and making her way toward the terminal.
Stepping up to the counter, she handed her ticket over to the stewardess. She watched the woman's actions, her mind racing nervously. Thoughts that she was doing the wrong thing were never far from her mind these days. In fact, she'd almost changed her mind about her hasty decision when the tearful call from ChiChi arrived. The take off was a success. He was really gone. The call had been her omen that it was time to get the hell out of dodge.
Sighing heavily she nodded to the smiling attendant, not quite sure what the brunette had just said to her. Taking her boarding pass back, she started to the door just behind the attendant.
"And to think, I never counted you one to run away from your problems. Guess I once again gave you more credit than you deserve."
Now she knew she was not in the best emotional state at the moment but she refused to believe she was hallucinating. Pausing in the doorway, causing a family of three to make their way around her, Bulma turned back to the disgusted voice. Blinking several times she simply stared at the man for an eternity of minutes.
"Wh- what are you doing here?" she finally questioned, her face twisted in a frown.
As always his arms were crossed as he made his way toward her, practically sneering as he spoke. "I don't believe I saw your name on this airport so I guess I can be here all I want."
Glaring at his sarcastic tone, Bulma turned on her heels and started back to the terminal. "I don't have time for this childish shit. I have a plane to catch."
Reaching out, he caught her arm stopping her. "I'm not finished talking to you," he half growled as he tired to keep his temper in check over having her turn her back on him once again.
Snatching her arm back she shot him a killer look. "Well, I am done talking to you. Now leave me alone."
She was turning as she spoke only to have him step in front of her pinning her in step with his glare. "I came here to make you very clear on a few things and you're not going anywhere until you've heard every word I have to say."
Bulma could not recall being so furious in all of her eighteen years. Placing her hands on her hips she met his glare evenly. "What makes you think I'll listen to anything you have to say after you just left me-"
"Let's get something straight," he informed her as his voice dropped to a deadly whisper. "You left me-"
"That is such bullshit," she accused, her own voice quickly raising. "How dare you try to turn this aroun-"
"I came to you like a man. I told you what was going on and you turned your back on me with that 'friend' shit." The betrayal and hidden hurt in his voice practically blew her away. "You chose to cast me off as part of your past so if either of us is going to hate the other for leaving it's going to be me and not you."
For rare moments, Bulma watched so many warring emotions swirl in his eyes that she almost felt physically ill. All he said was true. She had acted like a selfish child when he had needed her most. For so many years she had been working to make him open up fully to her and when he finally had she'd thrown it back in his face. Refusing him the comfort he sought but would never ask for.
She knew she had failed him in his time of need, but her own pain was such that she'd have been no help to him. She was no help to anyone. Lowering her eyes she said the only thing she could think of. "I could never hate you, Vegeta," she murmured.
When she said no more, he nearly growled. "I didn't force a ship full of angry aliens to return me to this planet to watch you stand there and feel sorry for yourself." When the snide remark failed to jar her out of silence, he grunted disgustedly and turned to leave.
Biting her lip as well as her pride, Bulma looked up and called his name. He paused and turned his head just enough to show he was listening. Stepping out of the way of a businessman hurrying toward the terminal, she took one step toward him. "Did you really make them turn around just to come see me?"
He turned his head forward and she feared briefly that he would start walking again when he turned, his arms crossed in his normal stance. "No," he started slowly. "I just didn't feel like going. If Kakarot didn't have to, neither did I."
Giving him a small smile, she swallowed around the lump in her throat. "I'm sorry," she said simply, not sure how else to sum up all she felt at the moment.
A silent nod told of his acceptance of the apology as well as his understanding of what it meant as he watched her approach him.
"So you're really not leaving?" she asked for further clarification as she stopped mere inches in front of him.
Rolling his eyes heavenward, he spoke slowly as if to a small child. "No, I'm not leaving."
Bulma knew she should be offended by his condescending tone but as the single tear slipped down her cheek she decided to let it go. This time.
Reaching out she wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed her relief into the crook of it. Now with the hinders of a weeping woman lassoed around his neck, Vegeta sighed heavily and let her cry, not even admitting to himself how relieved he was to feel her tears soaking his shoulder.
"I love you so much," she whispered once her sobs subsided, though she kept her head in its place. Burying her fingers in the dark strands at the nape of his neck, she held his head on her shoulder, never intending to let him go.
Left with no other options, Vegeta slowly brought his arms around her waist, hugging her close.
From a short distance away, Dr. Briefs blinked at the scene in surprise. "Bulma and Vegeta? Did I miss something?"
Turning misty eyes from the young couple, Emily glanced at her soon- to- be ex-husband and sighed. "Buy me a cup of tea, John, and I'll explain it all to you."
Looking up at his wife, John smiled. "All right." Offering her his arm, he was soon leading her to the airport coffee shop.
* * *
Well that's FINALLY it guys. In case you're wondering there is a squeal played for this fic however I have to get my new computer and stuff before I start a new story. Until then, thank you so much for your wonderful reviews and patience (this includes the many death threats I've received in the last few months ^_~). You guys are the greatest. Thanks for reading.