Kurt hummed a tune as he flipped through a fashion magazine with one hand and wrote down notes on new outfits and styles he wanted to try with the other. He heard the front door opening and closing, some muffled greetings, and someone jogging up the stairs. When his bedroom door opened he didn't look up, for he expected it to be his dad.

He continued writing and absentmindedly asked, "What's for dinner?"

"Whatever you want from Breadstix," a voice that was most definitely not his father's answered.

"Blaine!" Kurt cried gleefully and turned around to face his boyfriend.

"The one and only." Blaine laughed as he walked towards Kurt and bent down to kiss him.

"How'd you get Finn to let you in?"

"I have my ways,"

"Blaine!" there were footsteps stomping up the stairs and then Finn was in the doorway. "Rachel wasn't in the car! What the hell, man?"

Kurt looked at Blaine with an expression that said, why the hell would you do that?, and Blaine responded with a grin.

Finn made a sound before beginning a soon-to-be-interrupted rant, "Who knows what you were planning on doing with my brother while I was waiting for Rachel! You could have freaking molested him or something! Now, I don't know what kind of personal space rules you have at Dalton, but here at McKinley we-"

"But we're not in sch-"

"Boys!" Kurt cried as he stood up abruptly. "Listen, Finn, I appreciate your whole brother-looking-out-for-me thing, but at home with my own boyfriend, I think I'm fine. Really. Besides, Blaine was just being a gentleman and inviting me out to dinner."

"You can't go out to dinner! I was going to make… make…" Finn looked around Kurt's room and named the first thing he saw, "I was going to make purple hand sanitizer for dinner!"

Kurt suppressed a giggle and instead pointed out in a diva-like fashion, "As delicious as that sounds, I think I'd prefer to take up Blaine's offer." When Finn just stood there with a blank expression, Kurt made shooing motions with his hands and snapped, "Vamanos!"

Blaine shut the door as soon as Finn started down the stairs and turned to Kurt. Kurt smiled and walked towards Blaine to wrap his arms around his shoulders and kiss him softly. When they pulled back Blaine sighed contentedly and pressed his head against Kurt's. Kurt laughed under his breath.

"Why do you always do that?" he asked quietly.

"Because it makes me feel closer to you than anything else. Even close than when we… when we had sex. There's just this intimacy that I feel when we're so close. Not talking, not thinking, not feeling or even seeing. Just breathing. Just being. Together." Blaine whispered not just the last part, but the entire thing as if the entire world was listening, but he only wanted Kurt to hear.

Kurt opened his eyes and breathed in deeply. He kissed him then. It was long, passionate, and there were tongues involved. When they stopped for air, Kurt whispered, "I like being intimate like that with you too."