Author's Note: Thank you for all your patience; it is finally complete! Hope it makes someone smile today, at any rate. Take care!

Disclaimer: Stated in former chapters.

John smiled as he looked out over the sea of faces. Everyone on the mainland had been invited to Atlantis to join in on Christmas dinner. As a result, nearly every person on the planet was now crammed into the Gateroom, the canteen, the lounge, and any other free open space. All around him was laughter and merriment; hopeful faces were shining in the light. Kids ran about, grabbing bits of food here and there and generally causing a happy commotion.

All the Lanteans were happy as well; even some of the hardcore marines were joining in the games of the Athosian children. In one corner of the Gateroom, a makeshift dance floor had been set up, and in the corner a sprig of what passed in the Pegasus galaxy for mistletoe. Major Lorne was desperately trying to dance Kate into the corner, and Kate kept leading him away, laughing. Rodney, Carson, and Zelenka were over by the food tables, and for once it looked as if they were actually all enjoying each others company. They were all smiling at any rate, which was even more unusual. Teyla and Ronon were seated in the middle of the Athosians, and were laughing and talking. It was good to see Ronon smiling, and Teyla was leaning almost imperceptibly on his arm. In another corner, Katie Brown was giving the new intern Dr. Keller a plant for her room. A ton of people were also in the same corner, doing something that looked like quilting. "What on earth is going on there?" John thought as they held up fabric squares to the light to check their stitching. He watched them for a moment but couldn't figure it out, so he continued his surveillance of the room. He was, of course, looking for one face in particular, but he couldn't seem to find her anywhere.

Not that he'd really seen Elizabeth all day. They had their customary breakfast together, but then with the big Christmas dinner going on, with one thing or another, they hadn't had a chance to really sit down and enjoy Christmas. It had been more like chaos, and with all the people coming up to John during the dinner, wishing him Merry Christmas, and giving him watches (Corporal Daniels had gotten her revenge; she told everyone on the base that John would like a watch for Christmas, and so John was suddenly swamped with more watches than he'd ever be able to trade off to people), he had no time to search for Elizabeth.

However, as the party began winding down and groups of people began to spread out bedding on the Gateroom floor, John began to search in earnest for Elizabeth. She had to be here somewhere... then it occurred to John to check her favorite spot; the balcony next to her office which faced the sea and the setting sun.

She was there all right. Of course, it was long past sunset; it was actually into the "wee hours of the morning" as Carson would put it. She stood there, looking like a vision, illuminated in moonlight with her shawl wrapped around her shoulders.

"Couldn't take the party anymore?" John asked by way of a greeting.

Elizabeth smiled and glanced over at him. "Just wanted to get a breath of fresh air; tomorrow everything on base goes back to normal, and I wanted one more moment of peace before we resume this war we're in."

John nodded; he wished there was something he could say to her. He knew how Elizabeth worried; he knew now that every time he left on a mission, she would be fighting the thoughts of everything bad that could happen to him. And he would worry more now as well; perhaps this love of theirs was not the brightest thing they'd ever allowed to happen. And yet, John had no idea how he would live without her.

All these thoughts ran through his head, until there was nothing he could think of to say. Then, Elizabeth grinned, held out a small parcel, and said, "I have a Christmas present for you as well."

John looked at Elizabeth in surprise; he had not expected a gift so late. He took the parcel she handed out to him; it was heavy and it felt like a book.

"Go ahead and open it," Elizabeth urged, her eyes shining.

John untied the strings holding the cloth wrapping on, and as the wrapping fell away he saw that he was holding a leather book. It looked like an old fashioned diary; like something you'd see out of an Indiana Jones movie. The leather was tooled with a scalloped edge, and instead of a clasp had strings to close it with. On the cover was written, in gold ink, Nine Nights. John blinked and opened the book. There was a title page bearing the same title, then a dedication page written from Elizabeth to John. The book was handwritten; the delicate script looking decorative yet still easy to read. Then, John's eyes went wide as he opened up to chapter one, titled "The First Night."

"It's your story; I had Rodney record the whole thing on video and I transcribed everything you said into the book," Elizabeth stated. "I... thought you might like a memento."

John stared at her, speechless. "You did this? When?!"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Well, I had a lot of bed rest John. One can write in a journal and never get out of bed, you know."

John looked at her in amazement. "It's beautiful," he stated after a long moment. "Elizabeth, thank you. I've... never had anyone make me anything before."

Elizabeth chuckled. "Actually, I bought the diary itself some time ago. All I did was write in a book. But one thing I've always been good at is penmanship, so I figured it would be something you would enjoy."

John grinned. "I will enjoy it; I'm a published author now!"

Elizabeth smiled back at him. "You really should write more; it's much better reading than War and Peace.

John laughed at that, then stepped forward and wrapped Elizabeth in his arms. The two shared a kiss, then stood arm and arm on the balcony watching the moon set over the Lantean sea.