disclaimer: I do not own Rowling or Gaiman. I'm sorry.

author's note: I thought this threesome pairing was fitting.

summary: i could give her desire/this will not grant you peace/ HpxEndless, AU, severusxdesire, severusxdream

I could give her desire, it purred. She would want nothing but you.

The spy looked disdainfully over his cauldron, multicoloured sparks lighting up the disgust on his face. Desire leaned back in the chair – to small for it, but the very idea of what could be done on this well-carved desks made it reach for another cigarillo. Desire didn't often make these offerings, but this young man was well deserving of it. He wanted and he craved, oh the very gleam of his want thrilled Desire with anticipation.

"Get out of my classroom," Severus Snape said coolly. "If she has to be made to want me – then she is not worth my having."

Desire shrugged noncommittally, but slid out of the desk.

You need to be a better liar, it said mournfully. She is worth everything.

"Go away."

Fine, fine. You remind me of my brother, Desire said darkly. Broody and boring.

I only speak from experience, Dream says warily. This will not grant you peace.

"I do not deserve it."

Then dream.

(in her cave, eve weeps)