Karofsky wasn't sure why he went to Scandals every weekend. And on Wednesdays. No way would he ever miss witnessing a drag-queen Wednesday.
He supposes it's because he could just be himself there. People wouldn't judge him. It was the only place where he could actually be himself, to be honest. But, unfortunately, he had never met anyone his age at Scandals, apart from that week when Kurt and Blaine showed up.
Which is why he was currently sitting alone at the bar, having light conversation with a few older men when they came over to order drinks. And it's exactly why, when he noticed an attractive guy his age sit down a few stools over from him, he couldn't resist staring. The guy is tall and lean, with a bit of muscle in his arms and chest. He is wearing a popped up collar and has a smirk on his face. Plus, he has an ass to kill for.
And that's when he realized that he had seen that guy before. He was the guy who had been dancing with Blaine a few weeks ago... at least, until Kurt stepped in and interrupted.
"Stealing anyone's boyfriend tonight?" Karofsky asks, slithering his way over to Sebastian at the bar.
Sebastian looks Karofsky up and down.
"Depends... you taken?"
"I'm... single," Karofsky mutters.
"And confused, it appears," Sebastian states, noticing the discomfort in Karofsky's face. "Want me to help clear some things up for you?" Sebastian asks, raising an eyebrow and giving Karofsky another once-over.
"Umm... can't we, just like... dance first?" Karofsky mumbles. Yeah, he was a teenage boy, which meant he was horny, and Sebastian was hot, so he would be crazy to turn him down, but he's still new at this. He wouldn't feel comfortable just hopping into bed with this random guy.
"Yeah, sure. Whatever," Sebastian says, standing up and dragging Karofsky with him to the middle of the dance floor. Sebastian places himself behind Karofsky, so his front is to his back, and starts grinding forward onto him.
Karofsky hesitates for a second before he begins to reciprocate. After all, this guy is gorgeous- even if he does kind of resemble a meerkat... but, in a way, that's also kind of adorable.
"What's your name?" Karofsky shouts over the music, turning around to face the attractive guy.
"Sebastian," he replies, reaching his arms out to slither around Karofsky's neck. It's an easy maneuver because Karofsky is an inch or two shorter than him. Most guys are shorter than him, but that's the way he likes it.
Karofsky waits a second, only to discover Sebastian isn't going to ask for his name in return, so he just shouts out, "I'm Karofsky."
Sebastian suddenly stops dancing for a second.
"Karofsky? Are you serious?"
Karofsky gives him a curious look.
"That's actually your name? Like, for real?" Sebastian scoffs.
"Umm... well, it's a nickname. The football team at my old school gave it to me," Karofsky shrugs.
"You play football? I guess I should have figured. You do look the type," Sebastian says, seeming impressed.
"Yeah..." Karofsky blushes under Sebastian gaze.
"I play lacrosse," Sebastian gloats. "Looks like we actually have something in common. We both like sports."
Sebastian seems a little taken back at his revelation. Karofsky assumes Sebastian doesn't usually get to know his one-nighters, and is surprised to find that he might actually be compatible with one, for once. He can't help but smile at this.
"Look..." Sebastian finally says after re-gaining his composure and beginning to dance again. "If I'm gonna hook up with you, I'm not gonna be screaming the name 'Karofsky', ok? So give me something else to work with."
"Ummm... well, the other guys here call me bear cub," Karofsky shrugs.
Sebastian raises an eyebrow at this. "Cute," he chuckles a little. "But no. Try again."
"My real name is... David..." Karofsky says, looking down. He had never really liked his first name. It didn't seem tough enough.
"David..." Sebastian tries, his name rolling off his tongue.
Karofsky looks up in surprise. For some reason, this guy saying his name suddenly made it sound like music to his ears. Yeah... he definitely wouldn't mind Sebastian calling him by his name.
"I like it," Sebastian shrugs. "So David... what do you say we get out of here?"
Karofsky swallows, then nods, following Sebastian out of Scandals and to his car.
A little while later, they pull up to Dalton Academy.
"Why are we here?" Karofsky asks, recognizing the school as the one Kurt had transferred to. The one he went to when he met Blaine. He couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy swell through him.
"This is my school. I dorm here. Now come on- let's go to my room," Sebastian says, opening his door and hopping out of the car.
Karofsky hurriedly undoes his seat belt and follows the gorgeous guy through the long corridors, taking in the scenery in awe, until they reach his room.
When Sebastian opens the door, Karofsky realizes that his roommate is sitting inside. "Ummm..." Karofsky begins, but Sebastian interrupts him with, "Thad. Out."
"Again?" His roommate- Thad- complains. "You mock me, sir!" But he gathers his pillow and some pajamas before leaving his room. Karofsky looks on in shock.
"Well, don't just stand there in the doorway. Come in. Let's get this party started," Sebastian wiggles his eyebrows.
"Ummm..." Suddenly, Karofsky isn't so sure about all of this. What had he gotten himself into. Yeah, he wanted to experiment and figure things out, but he also wanted a relationship... at least, he thought he did. He doesn't know. Ughhh.
"Ummm... are you have second thoughts or something?" Sebastian asks, starting to get a bit annoyed.
"Why did you bring me back here?" Karofsky can't help but ask. "I thought you were hung up on Blaine..."
"I'm not hung up on Blaine. I want to tap Blaine. And if he ever comes to his senses and realizes what he's missing out on, I will tap Blaine. But I don't see how any of that is your business..."
"I just... umm... I mean..." Karofsky stutters.
"Oh my god. David... have you never been with a guy?" Sebastian suddenly realizes, a slight smirk on his face.
"Umm... well, I kissed a guy once... umm... Kurt..."
"Kurt? That guy is a joke. Just like his stupid little glee club," Sebastian scoffs.
"Hey, Kurt's a really nice guy, okay?" Karofsky argues, feeling protective over the guy he hopes could one day be his friend.
"Whatever you say... wait a second. How did you get Kurt to kiss you? I thought he was completely smitten with Blaine?" Sebastian questions, wondering if maybe the real way to lure Blaine away from Kurt was to get Kurt to cheat. Maybe this would be easier than he thought.
It's silent for a few seconds.
"You gonna speak, bear cub?"
"I... umm... I kissed him against his will..." Karofsky says, turning his face to hide the tears building up in his eyes.
"Oh. Wow. Not even I would do that," Sebastian plainly says. I mean, he was known to push limits to get the guy he wanted, but usually the guy wanted him back. He never had to force himself on someone.
"I know! Okay! I fucked up! I get it!" Karofsky shouts, stomping over to the bed and plopping down, burying his head in his hands.
Whoa. Okay. Sebastian doesn't quite know what to do. He's never brought a guy back to talk. He's not even sure he knows how to talk to a guy. And now there's one crying in his bed. What the fuck is he supposed to do?
"Look... David, I saw you guys talking at Scandals a few weeks ago, and he looked like he had forgiven you. Don't beat yourself up about it. Besides, it was only a kiss," Sebastian tries, desperate to get this guy calm so he can hook up with him already and then kick him out.
"You... you noticed me at Scandals?" Karofsky questions, looking up at Sebastian in awe.
Well, shit.
"Yeah, but don't let it get to your head," Sebastian tries to cover up. No way would he let this guy know he had found him attractive weeks ago and had been watching him since, too nervous to approach him. I mean, he was Sebastian Smythe for god's sake. He was never afraid to approach anyone.
Karofsky, however, could see the discomfort in his eyes. He was onto him.
"Oh no. I'm letting it go to my head," Karofsky smirked. "You like me. You think I'm hot," he sing-songed, getting up from the bed and making his way toward Sebastian, finally reaching out and taking his hands in his own.
Sebastian snatched his hands out of Karofsky's and hurried away to the other side of the room.
"Yeah, so what? You're hot. Whatever," Sebastian said, hiding his face so Karofsky wouldn't see the blush. The blush? Holy shit, what was happening to him. Sebastian didn't blush. He just didn't.
"There's more to you than meets the eye, Sebastian," Karofsky realizes. "Tell me about yourself." Karofsky crosses the room to Sebastian, takes his hands again, only, this time, Sebastian lets him, then walks them over to the bed, both men sitting down side by side, shoulders touching.
"I... ummm..." Sebastian mumbles.
"Fine, I'll start," Karofsky says. "My name is David 'bear cub' Karofsky-" Sebastian can't help but laugh at that. "-I am a senior at a new school, where no one knows I'm gay. In fact, the only people who know I'm gay are Kurt, Blaine, and my ex-beard, Santana. I play football, with a little bit of basketball on the side, and I secretly love to sing and dance. Your turn."
"I... my name is Sebastian 'the warbler' Smythe, and I'm a junior here at Dalton. Everyone knows I'm gay. I play lacrosse. And I sing and dance in the Warblers. I've been dancing since I was a kid... it's kind of my one, true passion."
"See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Karofsky joked. "So you dance. I've always wanted to learn. I got to try it out for a bit last year when the football team had to join New Directions. We performed a mash-up of Thriller/Heads Will Roll during halftime at the championship football game, which we won, thank you very much."
Sebastian couldn't hide how impressed he was. This guy seemed seriously talented. And talent was a huge turn on for him.
"The Warblers just won our Sectionals. And I hate to break it to you, but we're totally going to take down your precious New Directions at Regionals," Sebastian flirted.
"Yeah, yeah, we'll see about that. After all, New Directions has your old lead singer now, so..." Karofsky laughed, and Sebastian couldn't help but join in, both guys leaning into one another.
And that was that. The two men stayed up all night, just talking, laughing, and singing. Sebastian even taught Karofsky a dance move or two. And it was one of the best nights either had had in a long while.
"The sun's rising," Karofsky stated at around 6 in the morning, but men sitting cross-legged on the bed, facing one another.
"Oh... yeah. So it is," Sebastian replied, reluctant to say good-bye. It was hard for him to admit, but David actually seemed kind of perfect for him. He wanted to spend more time with him. Holy shit. He'd never wanted to spend more time with anyone... unless he was getting something sexual out of it.
"I guess... I should be leaving," Karofsky said, but that's when Sebastian realized that he was leaning in. Oh wow. David was going to kiss him.
Sebastian leaned in the rest of the way until their lips connected in a light, sweet kiss. It only lasted for a few seconds, but when Sebastian pulled away, he felt a little dizzy. Well, that had certainly never happened to him before.
"Wait!" Sebastian cried as Karofsky got up and started to head toward the door. "Umm... well, I drove you here. Your car's still at Scandals."
"Oh," Karofsky blushed.
"And besides... I want to take you out for coffee," Sebastian smirked.
"Oh," Karofsky smiled. "I'd like that."
A/N: This idea just kind of came to me last night. I don't know.. I just feel like Karofsky and Sebastian would be kind of perfect together. Hope you liked it! This is the first time I've written something that's not Klaine, so I hope I captured the characters well enough for everyone! Review and let me know what you thought :)
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or any of these characters.