(Disclaimer: I do not claim to own Hetalia: Axis Powers in any way.)

The moment the two of them stepped off of the plane, England knew that they weren't in Pennsylvania. The humidity levels had risen drastically and the plane ride in itself had taken much longer than it should have. So England may have fallen asleep during the ride, but he knew that it shouldn't have taken them that long to arrive in the nearby state.

"Where are we, Alfred?" England demanded with a hint of anger as they filed out of the plane with the rest of the passengers. England didn't protest when America plucked up his carry-on leaving England with free arms. He used this time to cross his arms angrily over his chest trying to glare at America while still keeping the line moving forward.

America just grinned sheepishly. "Louisiana," he answered.

"That's not exactly where we were headed now is it!"

"Actually, that was. Penny said she was busy this weekend with something, so we're going to go visit her later. Francie was free though! Besides it's warm down here!" America said in an attempt to please the Englishman.

It did nothing for the older blond's mood however. "It would have been warm in Pennsylvania too! It's summer!" England glowered and pulled his phone out of his pocket. While England was distracted by trying to turn the device on after their ride, America used the chance to place a kiss for forgiveness on the other's cheek. England waved his arms wildly to ward the other off.

"I'll go get a cab. Wait for our stuff?" America asked sheepishly. He pointed in the direction of the baggage claim. England just nodded vaguely and went toward the claiming area. Dialing the number for the Prime Minister, he waited patiently for someone to answer or one of their bags to come through the rack.

"Arthur, how are you doing?" the Prime Minister's voice came through the line. At the same moment he caught sight of one of their bags. One of America's of course. The blazing colours of his flag decorated the bag and made it quite obvious. England groaned slightly when he lifted the bag from the rack and pulled it a good distance away to make room for the rest of their luggage. "Arthur?"

"I'm fine, sir, just at the baggage claim. We've had to take a bit of a detour, sir," England told the other. Phone wedged between his ear and shoulder, he pulled one of his own cases off the line-up. He pulled it back to sit beside America's loud luggage case.

"What kind of detour?" England could sense the warning in the Prime Minister's voice. It wasn't his fault! If America had actually done as he'd said and they'd gone in the right order this would be happening! "Arthur?"

"Just to Louisiana." England winced when he heard the rather large amount of yelling on the other end of the line. "I was just calling to check in, sir, there's no reason to have me brought home." The Englishman couldn't help the small degree of worry he held that the Prime Minister would force him to come home. As much as the trip unnerved him, it was nearly three months of uninterrupted time with America, a luxury he would probably never have again.

"We're just setting up some security measures quick. You're security should be there in an hour, so stay out of trouble will you, Arthur? the Prime Minister asked in an almost weary tone.

Withholding a groan of displeasure at the notion of having a posse of security agents, England replied, "Do I really need a security detail, sir?" He could gain the upper hand against the entire detail himself in a fight, of that he was sure, let alone anyone trying to attack him. "Alfred will be with me the entire time, sir, is there really and need for such security." If England couldn't gain the upper hand over an attacker, America surely could.

"There's always need for security when it comes to you, Arthur." England sighed wearily. He'd just have to make sure they lost the tail if America ever decided to actually take him out on a date during their visit.

"I have to go now, sir," England told his boss in a tired voice. America was waving at him enthusiastically from the doorway to apparently signify that he'd found and hailed a cab for the both of them.

"Be careful, Arthur."

"I will, sir."

Slipping the closed phone into his pocket, he lifted a bag in each hand. America hurried over to take the both of them. England allowed the American nation to guide him to the waiting cab.

Small tassels bordered the top of the windows, trimming the rims of the wheels as well. Putting the bags into the trunk a pretty young blonde made her way to America's side. "Ready to go, Dad?" She smiled at him before merely shooting England a glare before climbing into the driver's seat.

"That's Francie," America introduced happily opening the door for England to climb inside. He himself hopped into the passenger side to happily play with the radio in the front. He turned it toward a jazzy, blues station.

"Dad, I do listen to normal music, y'know," the petite blond up front informed her father while starting the engine to the car. "I don't just listen to the blues like Penny only listens to classical music. I'm up-to-date in the latest fashions."

America smiled happily over at her, "I know," he answered. "I just like listening to your music when I'm down here." His grin lightened over her and she shared the grin with him. It seemed like the two didn't receive the opportunity to see each other often. At least, not as often as New York was allowed to see America which made sense given that they lived so close to each other. New York probably had the opportunity to see America whenever he wanted too.

"How often do you visit your children, Alfred?" England couldn't help but ask from the back seat. He rarely visited his family. He never - if he could help it - visited his immediate family. France, Japan, and Australia were the countries that England visited the most - other than America, of course - but Japan could hardly be considered family. France really wasn't family anymore either.

America smiled a bit sadly across the car at one of his many daughters. "Not nearly enough," he sighed a bit sadly speaking more to her than he did to the Englishman in the seat behind his own. "I'll make sure to visit more often," he promised Louisiana quietly.

The young state simply shrugged. "Don't worry about it, Dad," she said resignedly though didn't seem to really mean her words. That didn't seem to phase America though. He seemed to take her words to heart and visibly relaxed. England was sure the other's dense ways must have bothered quite a few of the states as it seemed to be doing to Louisiana now. "We all know you're busy. Mike says you're not usually at home, let alone would you have time to visit all of us all the time."

"We do get to see everyone for holidays though. Arthur you're definitely coming to family Christmas this year." America flashed one of his breath-taking smiles back at the Englishman who nodded though felt a bit of a rush at the notion. He wasn't sure that was such a good idea. The flash of angry blue eyes in the rear-view mirror told him that Louisiana didn't seem to think it was a very good idea either. He wasn't family. Maybe to America, but certainly not to the states.

A few minutes of quiet jazz later and they were pulling up to a beautiful flat in the French Quarter of New Orleans. The very sight brought a smile to Louisiana's face as she stopped the engine. America didn't hurry to open England's door this time and the older blond couldn't help but feel a bit hurt. Instead America was chattering happily with Louisiana as the two left England behind to make their way up to Louisiana's flat.

Now England knew it was more than foolish to feel jealous. It wasn't like this was competition for him. After all, Louisiana was his daughter, it didn't mean that it wasn't competition for the American's attention though. For some reason Louisiana didn't seem to like him, but he'd have to figure out her issues with him along the way.

When England entered the door into the flat a couple feet behind America, the other was already lazing along his daughter's couch in her rather large flat. It was smaller than New York's rather large house but it still held plenty of room, especially for someone living alone. England simply had no room to judge however. He lived alone as well and his home was three times as large as Louisiana's flat.

"Come sit by me," America smiled and patted the couch next to him. Louisiana was out of sight. England finally allowed a smile to return to his lips, something that hadn't happened since they'd set off from the ground in New York. America wrapped an arm around his lover's waist and gently nuzzle his nose into the other's shaggy hair.

"Alfred!" England practically shrieked when America's fingers dug into his side, tickling him into the couch. England patted at his tried to escape as far as he could from the other which really wasn't that far. America soon had his trapped, kissing his neck as much as he could while the fingers still dug at his sides. "Alfred, stop that immediately!" the Englishman demanded through gasps of air.

A chuckle escaped America's lips as he nuzzled the other's neck. He did relent in his motions though. "You know you love it. Anyway, you've been a debby downer since we got here."

"Ignoring your complete Americanism, I am not!" England pouted. A tut from the corner caught their attention. Louisiana was standing moodily in the doorway, arms crossed across her chest.

"Dad, will you help me with your luggage?"

"Of course, dear!" America was at her side in a second the both of them ready to retrieve the luggage from the car down on the street.

"I'll come help you," England volunteered immediately. He felt a bit useless so far during the trip. He hadn't done much to help anyone since the trip had begun. America came to his side and pulled him close. England knew what was coming next and the frown he nearly always kept on his face reappeared.

America kissed his forehead tenderly. "You stay here. We'll be right back. Why don't you go upstairs and get some sleep before dinner?" America suggested. He seemed genuinely worried about England's well=being and seemed to think sleep would help. "Francie's making us dinner! She's a great cook!" England perked up at the mention of food and America's eyes widened. "Make sure to stay out of the kitchen though. Francie gets really crazy when it come to her food."

With another pout England nodded. He hated that America seemed to be treating him as a delicate child this entire trip thus far. What had changed? Since when had he become a glass figure to the American? "Upstairs, the first door will be the one you're staying in," Louisiana said from the door. She seemed to be waiting impatiently for her father to join her.

With a smile and another kiss to the forehead, America hurried to his daughter's side before they made their way downstairs. With a sigh, England took the advice of the other two and made his way up the stairs from the living room to the upper floor. Large windows brought a large amount of light into the rooms because there were no curtains pulled to obscure the bright light.

When he'd reached the upper floor, he paused to find the door on which belonged to his and America's guest room. However, he was faced with a dilemma immediately. There were two door directly across from each other. England nervous placed a hand on the knob to his right. He'd feel terrible if it was not the guest room. It would almost be like snooping into Louisiana's personal life when it was quite clear that the state didn't particularly like him.

Pushing open the door England came face to face with pictures. Hundreds upon hundreds of pictures were pasted to the walls. Shelves were attached to the walls littered with more pictures, these ones framed. They all captured the same image as well. They were all pictures of France. France.

Mentally gagging, England pulled the door shut to quickly exit. He breathed heavily to catch his breath, grimacing at the sight from inside the room. What exactly had that been about? The image would be forever engraved into his mind. In fact, he could practically see the room whenever he closed his eyes as if it had been burnt into the back of his eye lids.

Deciding that he had definitely chosen the wrong door, he quickly pulled open the other door. On one hand, this was the guest room at least, on the other hand, France was laid out on the bed with a novel in hand. First of all, France was reading a book which was a ridiculous notion in itself. Second of all, it was France.

"Ah, Angleterre," France said, glancing over the top of his novel. He quickly returned his eyes before shutting the dog-tagged paperback and setting it down on the table beside the bed. He pulled himself from the bed and straightened his shirt. "Is Francie done with dinner yet?" he questioned rather normally. England just stared dumbly across the room at him. With a sigh, France came to his side. He tapped the Englishman's jaw. "Really, gaping is not all the becoming of anyone, let alone yourself, Angleterre."

Regaining the ability to talk also brought anger to the Englishman's voice. This was France though, anger was a normal reaction when seeing the taller blond. "What are you doing here?" he practically snarled at the other. The Frenchman simply rolled his eyes.

"I come here quite often, Angleterre. Louisiana did used to be one of my own. The real question is, what are you doing here?"

"I'm visiting the daughter of my boyfriend!"

France raised a delicately manicured eyebrow. "That is interesting, non?"

"Something wrong, Artie? You're being kinda loud," America's equally loud voice said as he stomped up the stairs. England refused to move even as he heard America come up behind him. "I didn't think you'd be here, Francis. In fact, Francie told me you wouldn't be here." America seemed weary to speak with the other but not particularly surprised.

"You knew he'd be here?" England demanded a bit angrily at the American.

America shrugged. "No, didn't you listen? Francie told me he wouldn't be here." America stepped forward to wrap his arms around England's middle. "Calm down, Artie," he pleaded quietly. It was common knowledge that the Englishman refused to tolerate the Frenchman, even for a little while. The World Meetings spoke enough about that truth. "He likes to come and visit Francie when he's not doing anything."

England wrestled himself away before pointing accusingly at the Frenchman. "I don't want him here, Alfred," he growled while looking at the French nation. "I refuse to stay anywhere that he is staying," England spat. He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Then you can leave."

"Francie, please," America begged quietly.

"No, Dad!" Louisiana shouted at him. She'd apparently come up the stairs and into the room at some point. "No one wants him here anyway!"


"I'm not a little girl anymore, Dad, and I don't want him in my house!"

France came to her side. "Calm yourself," he told her gently. He ran a hand through her blonde hair soothingly. "Alfred and I will wait downstairs, non? You and Arthur can talk and work things out? You should not send him away, Francie. He loves your father very much and would like to love you just as much." The Frenchman pressed a kiss to her forehead and beckoned to the American who seemed reluctant but followed him out, shutting the door quietly.

"I don't like you," Louisiana informed him when the two had left.

"You're quite a lot like Alfred, did you know?" England couldn't help but ask. It came out as more of a snap than he'd intended, but he wasn't quite pleased. He wanted to have all of America's children accept him but that had been a faraway dream, and he knew it. Two states in and one of them already hated him.

Louisiana just shrugged.

"May I ask why you don't like me?" England asked. He managed to calm his voice when he asked until it was more soothing.

"Your stupid oil spill for one," she growled at him. England could have groaned at that but refused to do so. It was completely unfair to blame England for the spill. It would be like blaming America for the decline in his economy. He really had no control over such a thing. England didn't feel like informing her of that though and earning more anger. "I hate to see Dad in such a bad mood all the time too. He's been depressed ever time I've seen him since the two of you got together."

A frown tugged at England's lips at that though. America seemed depressed that the two of them were together? He was so affectionate most of the time.

"I - I didn't know why he would be like that." His voice was quiet when he spoke, head hung to obscure his frown. "I'm glad you informed me though."

"I don't want to see Dad so sad anymore. That's not even to mention the things that Francis says about you. You're lucky I even let you into my house," she glared at him with strong distaste in her blue eyes. "Francis is like my second father," she informed him when she received a pause. "I know he left me once before when he gave me to Dad, but it was the best thing he could have done. Otherwise I wouldn't be who I am. We're just catching up again. I've had a bit of an obsession with trying to contact him until the past few years."

That was quite obvious to the island nation given what he'd seen in the other room.

A faint, bitter smile escaped onto England's lips. "We're quite a lot alike too, did you know that?" She huffed in agitation at the fact that he'd compared the two of them but didn't interrupt other than that. "Alfred left me like Francis left you, but you know that already. We're simply doing what the two of you are and trying to come back together. I love Alfred, and now that I know something is wrong between the two of us, I'll make sure to set it right. I've waited too long to give up on us now."

With pursed lips Louisiana didn't say anything.

"I know how much the two of you need to see each other, I know Alfred doesn't receive the blessing of seeing any of you very often, so I won't force him to leave until he's done with his visit. I also understand that now that he's dating me he has even less time to spend with the fifty of you, and I apologize for that as well. I need him just as much as all of you do, and while I feel sorry for monopolizing his time I don't regret it. I'll book a room at a hotel down the street so I'm no longer a bother. I thank you for your time, Louisiana."

England made his way to the door, past the pretty, blonde state. He left quietly, shutting the door behind himself as he made his way down to America and France on the ground floor of the flat. France looked up from the newspaper while America smiled brightly from the couch where he was flipping through channels.

The Englishman could sense the worry in America's cerulean eyes however. He smiled lightly to ease the other's worry. That just seemed to increase it however as the American came closer and enveloped the Englishman in his arms. Lips touched the messy top of his head before he simply rested his chin there. England allowed his arms to wrap around the other as well.

"Something's wrong," America whispered somewhere close to his ear. "What is it?"

"Am I holding you back?"

"Aww, Artie!" America laughed. The feeling vibrated through his chest against the other's cheek. England couldn't help but smile at the feeling of mirth that came from the other. "Why would you think that."

"Just...heard some stuff."

"I bet you did." There was a light growl of disapproval in the other's voice. "What did she say to you?" England shook his head so he could refuse to answer. "Arthur?" Oh, no, he'd pulled out the use of his full human name. America only did that when he was extremely worried or angry.

Turning his head, England allowed himself to rest against the American. "She just told me you're always depressed whenever she sees you. She believes that would be my doing and I have to say I must agree with her. We fight so much, Alfred. I never mean any of it though. I'm sorry I'm such a dolt all the time."

"While I'm not sure I know what a dolt is, I'm pretty sure you're not one," America laughed lightly again. "Just so you know the only reason I'm so sad when I'm around all the kids I because you're not there with me. I only get to see them on the holidays and I just wish you could be there with me. So technically I am sad because of you." America laughed, "That's why I invited you to Christmas this year!"

"Could you have said so sooner, idiot?" England smiled and pressed their lips together.

At some point toward the beginning of their conversation, France had slipped out of the room to shut the door quietly behind himself though neither of the other two blonds had noticed. From there he and Louisiana had pressed their ears flush against the wooden door to hear as much as they could from the other side, smiling at each other over a mission accomplished.

/Author's Note: So this one is a little more on the depressing side. It's also really long and I'm not sure how it turned out. Any opinions on how it is anyone?

Also, I've always hated it when author's don't post for about a month and say something along the lines of 'I was busy with school and finals!' and stuff like that. I now apologize for ever feeling like that! I have been so overloaded with speech, finals, and school work that I haven't even had the opportunity to think about posting!

Reviews=love (as always ^^ )