I raced through the courtyards with my horse, Valarie, under my thighs. Oh dear, father will be extremely upset. I encouraged Valarie to go faster, as we past the last of the fountains leading up to the castle doors where Peter my most trusted horse keeper stood waiting.

"Sorry I'm late Peter. I lost track of time." I said while I began to climb off Valarie.

"Not to worry dear. I ran up the palace steps and entered through the doors. I almost made it up to my bedchamber before I was caught in the act by my nursemaid, Judith. Her brown curly hair was tied into a rather tight bun. Her winkles were more prominent with the scowl she wore. Her brown eyes were dark and scornful.

"Have you no shame woman? Prancing around the countryside riding that damned horse of yours in…" her eyes went down my stature, taking in what I wore with her mouth agape. "You wore mens clothing out in public?"

I glanced down at my chausses, then looked up to Judith with a guilty grin. Before I could begin to defend myself, she held up her hand to stop me. "Just go to the bathchambers before the water cools itself." I saw the utter disappointment in her eyes, I turned to door saying "I sincerely apologize for my discrepancies madam"

I bathed and got dressed with the help of Judith. She placed the petticoats on me while scolding me about that morning.

"I do not understand why you insist on these rides out at dusk. You're father would be most upset about it if he were to find out."

"He will not find out Judith."

"That is something you can not guarantee nor control Blossom. You're father is the King of England, I am sure he already knows. In any case you are a princess, take pride in it. At least long enough to find a groom. You are eighteen years old when do you expect to get married?"

"Never I have no care for marriage, especially those of convenience and politics. I'd have to get married and start producing heirs immediately. And when they're done with me, my husband will begin to invite whores to our bed." A bitter look passed my face, "I wish to travel the world Judith. See China, Japan and Africa. All these places that I have only ever read about but have never seen."

Judith gave me a sad look as she began to do my hair. "You have many beautiful, warm and colourful dreams Blossom. But that's all they are, dreams. Reality is hideous, cold and cruel. The longer you insist on running away from it, the longer it will take for you to appreciate it."

She turned me around and showed the mirror to my face. The gown I wore was a champagne gold and was long sleeved. My strong ginger locks settled delicately on my shoulders. My freckles dusted my cheeks and my eyes were a fushia pink that allowed the people of England to believe I was a miracle. Seeing as my other had, had 3 miscarriages before me and 1 after me, all boys…

"What is the occasion Judith?" I asked while pressing out nonexistent wrinkles on my gown.

"Well, let me just say that I think the husband in mind will be coming sooner than you think." My head spun around to see Judith, a feeling of distress over took me like a wave.

"And what in earth's name do you mean by that?" I snapped. She shrugged her shoulders.

"You should ask your father. I am not fit to present you with the details." And with that, I stormed out of my bedchambers in search of the study where my father would most likely be with a rather uncomfortable looking Judith behind me.

I reached my father's study. He was smoking his pipe as usual. But as soon as I practically barged into the room his eyebrows perked up.