Hello! Sorry for making you guys wait so long until the next chapter update, I've been kinda busy with some few things.

Well here's chapter 8... Enjoy! :)

Gray hasn't found the weird guy with a tattoo on his face but he still tries really hard. He went to all the classrooms and asked for the guy with the tattoo, but nobody knew a guy who looked like that at all.

"So nobody know this guy?" Gray wondered and continued to search.

In the meantime Happy looked for the place but he didn't know how the place looked like.

"What should I do?" He said quiet. "Natsu, why did you leave me... Aye?"

Gray ran out to the school yard and saw some girls stand there with a guy, he had blue hair and there was something on his face... A TATTOO!

Gray ran over to the guy but then he suddenly stops. And hid behind a tree.

"What should I say to him? Maybe: You! What the hell have you done to my friends?, ehm... No, maybe he didn't do anything against them." Gray thought and looked at the guy but he wasn't there. "Where did he go?"

"You looking for me?" Someone said and Gray turned around.

The guy with the tattoo stood behind Gray.

"Woah!" Gray said and backed off. "When the hell did you get here!"

"1 minut ago... I guess"

"You are scary" Gray said and looked at the guy with a weird look.

"And you are SO not a dude"

Gray got pissed.

"And what the hell do you mean by that!"

"Well you scream like a girl"

"Shut up! I got the scream from my mother!"

"You did? I thought that you got it from you father"

"You are just annoying me, get lost or I'll beat you up"

"Oh, I thought that you wanted to know where your friends are"

"Eh! You know where they are!" Gray said surprised.

"Well it was me who made them disappear"

"You bastard!"

"Oh, I'm sorry... I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Jellal, and you are Gray Fullbuster... Am I right?

"How the heck do you know who I am?"

"I know everything I need to know" Jellal said.

Gray was still pissed. Damnit!

Natsu and friends were in the forest now to search for Lucy and Cana...

"Nastu!" Erza shouted. "Stop eating everything you see!"

"But I'm hungry..." Natsu said and he looked really hungry.

"But didn't you just eat in Mira's shop?" Wendy said and looked at Natsu.

"But I'm still hungry!"

"Stop complaining you brat!" Erza said annoyed.

Natsu sighed and walked behind them, he was really tired from the walking.

"Where are we anyway?" Carla asked and looked around.

"Dunno" Erza answered.

"Where should we go?" Wendy asked.

"Dunno" Erza answered again.

"Where are the food?" Natsu asked.

"Dunno... Oi Natsu! Stop talking and thinking about food!" Erza said angry.


"No but's! You are acting like a kid!"

"And you are acting like my mother!"

They both got angry at each other and didn't talk to each other.

"What should we do?" Wendy wondered and looked at Carla.

"Just let them be, they will become friends again after a while" Carla said and didn't really care so much.

Wendy got worried.

"What should I do?" She thought while looking at Natsu and Erza.

"Wait!" Erza said all of a sudden and we all stopped.

"What's wrong?" Carla asked.

"Shhh! There's someone there"

"Maybe it's Lucy!" Natsu said with a happy voice.

"No, It's not her... It's a guy..." Erza said and held down Natsu on the ground.

"A guy?" Wendy said and thought for a moment.

"Heads down!" Erza whispered and we did as she said.

"What did you do to that guy, Gray Fullbuster?" A female voice said.

Natsu snatched.


"Your friend?" Erza wondered and looked at Natsu, he looked both sad and pissed.

"I just sent him to this place like you said I was going to, and the blue cat" A male voice said.

Erza looked at the guy and was shocked.


"It's him!" Natsu said with an furious voice.

"Keep quiet will ya?" Carla said and listed to Jellal and the lady's conversation.

"Good boy" The lady said and laughed a little.

"Shut up, Ultear" Jellal said.

"I'm just kidding with you," she said and smiled. "So you sent them to this place even though you hate me?"

Jellal didn't answer.

"Or could it be that you obey me because you want your life back...?" Ultear said with a serious face.

Jellal just walked away and didn't care about Ultear.

"Jellal..." Erza said and looked at him with a sad face.

"She's gone!" Wendy said and looked at the spot where Ultear stood.

We all looked and she WAS gone! Natsu walk to the spot and looked around, he tried to find Lucy. Then they started to walk again.


I snatched and turned around.

"What's wrong Lucy?" Cana wondered and looked at her.

"I can feel Natsu... from far behind us..." I said and felt a little pain in my heart.

"It's just your imagination" Cana said. "Let's keep on walking"

"Y-Yeah, you're right" I said and continued to walk.

"Natsu, I hope you are okay"

Natsu snatched.

"What's wrong Natsu?" Wendy asked and we stopped walking.

"Lucy... She's near us!" Natsu said and ran to the place where he felt that Lucy's was.

Erza, Wendy and Carla looked at each other and then they ran after Natsu.

"Wait Natsu!" Erza shouted, she looked worried.

"Erza! Run after him, we will catch up!" Wendy said to Erza and she nodded.

Erza ran at full speed and caught up with Natsu.

"Wait up!" Erza shouted but he didn't listen so she got pissed. "I said, WAIT UP!"

Erza kicked Natsu on his leg and he fell on the ground.

"What the hell!" Natsu yelled and stood up again. "What do you think you're doing!"

"Sorry, but you didn't listen! I had to stop you, idiot!" Erza yelled back.

Natsu got a little scared and didn't say anything.

"I just wanted to find Lucy..."

"I know... But let's find her together" Erza said and smiled.

"Yea" Natsu said and smiled a little too.

"Erza! Natsu!" Wendy shouted and they turned around.

They saw a big monster behind Wendy and it almost got her so Natsu and Erza went to attack. Erza jumped on Natsu's shoulder, drew her sword and attacked the monster's head while Natsu attacked the legs.

"Erza! Behind you!" Wendy shouted and pointed at another monster.

Erza turned around and saw the monster right behind her, she couldn't use her sword because the other monster grabbed it. Natsu jumped up and kicked away the monster and Erza held out her hand, Natsu grabbed it and she threw Natsu up to the monster's head. He kicked the monster and it fell on the ground. Wendy smiled and so did Natsu and Erza.

"To easy" Natsu said and laughed.

"Yea but I did almost everything" Erza said and smiled at him.

"Yea sure. You did nothing" Natsu said.

"You think they will start to fight again?" Wendy asked Carla but she just smiled.

"Those two are big idiots" She said and hid her happiness.

"Natsu! Can you still feel Lucy?" Erza asked and he nodded.

"Yea, and she's near!" He said. "Really near!"

Chapter 8, To be continued.

Haha now I was able to write, but it will take time for me to update so you guys just have to wait :)

Hope you liiiiiked it! ;)

ByeBye! 3