Hello! This is my first story on FanFiction, I hope you guys like it. And i'm not very good at English so if there's anything wrong on this story then I hope you will correct me ^^

"YAHOO!" Someone shouted from my roof.

I woke up and went out to see who it was, and it would always be the same person, the same place and the same time.

It was a boy with a blue cat beside him.


"I'm not kidding ya know!" I said and then he suddenly jumped down to me.

"Yo! Hehe, sorry for waking you up" The boy said and smiled at me.

I couldn't be mad at him because he was my very first friend that I made when I first came to this town, so I just smiled at him too.

"Hey! What are you guys doing?" a guy voice said behind us.

We turned around and saw a black haired guy named Gray behind us.

"Are ya also awake early?" I asked him and yawned.

"not always, but I did hear Natsu yell from here so I thought that I would pass by and kick his ass outta this town!" Gray said and looked pissed.

"huh! What did you say? You think you can beat me? HAHAHAHA! You are funny... but I don't want to look at you, 'cause you don't have any clothes on and your body is not sexy at all, right Lucy!" Natsu said and looked at me.

"... huh? what did you say? I'm sorry but I didn't listen" I said.

"heh! She was looking at my SEXY body" Gray said and grinned at Natsu.

Natsu got pissed off and kicked Gray in his stomach, Gray fell on the ground and stood up quickly.

"What the hell are you doing! You bastard!" Gray said and struck Natsu in the face, Natsu blocked and they started to fight.

"ehm, guys... it's still early so I will go to bed again, okay?" I said and went in to the house.

I opened my eyes and saw a boy sitting next to my bed, I stood up and looked surprised... It was Natsu.

"Natsu? What are ya doing in my house?" I asked him but I didn't get an answer so I waved my hand in front of his eyes but he just sat there and did nothing.

"Is something wrong, Natsu?" I said and looked at him.

Still no answer...

"What should I do now?" I thought.

I was going to make tea for us till i heard Natsu say:


I looked at him.

"You what?" I asked and sat on my bed again.

"I-I... lost" Natsu said disappointed.

It got silence...

"huh...? That's all?" I said and wasn't really interested anymore, I was more like bored hearing that he lost.

"yea it's all! But it's a big thing too lose to GRAY! Of all people, I HAD to lose to Gray!" Natsu said with a sad and disappointed voice.

"Natsu, why do you have to win over Gray? You already know that you are better than him, right?" I said and smiled at him. " You are the strongest person I ever met"

Natsu looked at me and then he laughed.

"yea, you're right! Thanks Lucy!" Natsu said and was back to his normal self.

"by the way Natsu, how much is the clock?" I asked and we was looking at each other.

"damn! We will miss the school start if we don't hurry!" Both of us said and ran off to the school.

"Ding dong"

"hurry Lucy! That was the second bell! If we don't hurry..." Natsu said while holding my hand and ran to the auditorium.

"I know! but it's more like YOU'RE dragging me with you" I said loud.

It wasn't far to the auditorium but when we where right in front of it Natsu ran into a little stone and we both fell on the ground.

"aww! Natsu! What are ya doing!" I asked and looked at him with an angry glance.

"how should I know! I just fell on something!" Natsu said with a loud and angry voice that I've never heard before.

I got surprised and chocked.

"I-I'm sorry, I know that you fell on something it's just that I..."

"you don't have to apologize..." Natsu said and stood up.

He held out his hand to me and i grabbed it.

"should we go inside?" Natsu asked and looked at me.

I nodded and we went in to the auditorium. The whole room was full with students and teachers. There wasn't a singel chair left for me and Natsu so we just stood at the door and listened to the teachers rules and then to what the Student Council President had to say, then we could leave the room.

"I can't believe that we hurried up just for THAT!" Natsu said and put his hands behind his head.

"I'm with ya!" I said and crossed my arms.

Suddenly I felt someone poke on my shoulder so I turned back and saw a guy with a weird tattoo on his face, but it was just on his right side.

"ehm... can I help you?" I asked and smiled at him.

"are you Lucy Heartfilia?" he wondered.

"Yea, but how do you know who I am?"

"I need to talk to you" he sounded really serious. "and it's fast!"

Okay, I hope you all liked it ^^ Thank You for reading my story! :)

but i am better at writing on Swedish... this is actually my first english story/book, that's why i need to know if i have done it right or wrong ^.^

well bye :)3