Title: A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes.

Genre: NCIS – Romance – Mild Angst.

Pairing: Tony and Ziva.

Rating: T – For now.

Timeline: AU Season 9. Originally triggered by spoilers for 9X1, discount subsequent episodes.

Spoilers: Many… and once again used without discretion.

Summery: What summery I haven't even finished it? Oh that one… Ziva receives a phone call from Gibbs that Tony has been shot and rushes over to the hospital, but what she expected and what she finds has her rethink their partnership.

Disclaimer: If wishes were horses… mine would've been reregistered as Tony and Ziva… Ugh, wait! That won't work, coz Tony would be gelded... I'd better go shopping first

A/N: The muse had reign here… and boy did she fluff in places… The storyline is as old as the hill, but I hope to do it justice (read – I never thought I'd do this.), but the muse just did not want to let go of it… yes there the following chapters are in progress, the first 12 000 words are down.

General thoughts: I was getting this uncomfortable GSR CSI sensation from Tony and Ziva at the start of the season, and not too long ago I thought that it could possibly be the best way they (the writers) could approach the whole Tiva situation. That way not making the reveal detrimental to the show overall… And there was a closeness and familiarity between them in 9X3 and the implication that they do spend time together outside of work… I'm not sure if they are there yet, but I have a feeling they are both allowing for it to happen, (in other words… not chasing or fighting it.) and that they are no longer weary of showing their interest – sorry concern – towards each other. But trust the writers to make this wistful thinking on my part…

Written: Outline started in September 2011… W.I.P. Ha, with my temperamental muse, what did you expect?

Word Count: 3 015

Lyrics/Trigger: When You Love Someone, by Bryan Adams


When you love someone, you'll do anything.

You'll do all the crazy things – that you can't explain.

You'll shoot moon, put out the sun – when you love someone.

You'll deny the truth – Believe a lie.

There will be times that you believe, that you could really fly.

That your lonely nights. have just begun, when you love someone.


Ziva had scarcely arrived home that night when Gibbs's call came through, informing her that Tony had been shot and was unconscious in hospital. Sparing thought for little else, other than her need to get to Tony, she grabbed her keys and bag and made her way to Bethesda where he'd been admitted.

Her arrival at the hospital was not quite as dramatic as she had anticipated it being, especially considering that the only words that had truly registered with her was that Tony had been shot and that he was in hospital. She just about bolted into the emergency room with her heart racing at a mile a minute, and was fully intent on interrogating the nurse on duty when Gibbs intercepted her. 'He's this way,' Gibbs said, indicating for her to follow him.

'He is not in surgery?' Ziva asked, stunned but slightly relieved. The stress and concern she'd experienced since having received his call was barely contained in her voice as she followed him down the hospital hallway.

'The Kevlar caught it. He's still unconscious, took a blow to the head,' Gibbs replied gruffly, his voice carrying a hint of concern, 'I want you to sit with him until he comes to, then find out what he remembers.' Gibbs said stopping in front of a door.

'Where are you going?' Ziva was quick to question, not understanding where the rest of the team, or at least Abby, was.

'I have a lead, there was blood on the scene, Abby's running it to find a match,' Gibbs replied, indicating with his head towards the door, 'he'll be okay,' Gibbs finished before taking his leave of her.

Ziva took a deep breath in hope of calming her nerves, not certain as to what she was likely find on entering his room. Drawing herself together, she reached for the door handle and opened the door. It had been a while since she'd seen him, especially since he'd dropped off grid during his investigation. Having expected some or another retort on her entry, she was hesitant when on stepping into the room it remained eerily silent, especially for one containing Tony. She slowly approached the bed in which Tony lay. The stillness of his form unnerved her. She was too used to his often over-exaggerated movements and loud mouth, or at least him at least being conscious around her. Seeing him like that just made the evening's events too real for her, the thought that it could have turned out differently. Then there was an inherent anger that boiled up inside her. She was livid because he had not thought to take her with him, because he'd once again gone and done something dangerous without her there to back him up. She felt like hitting him, no killing him, for his inconsiderate behaviour. She had for some time already dreaded the day she would get that call… the one that told her… Ziva shook her head slightly at the thought, not wanting to go there. She did not know what she would do if something actually were to happen to Tony. Monsters aside, she knew she would be incapable of continuing without him there to make it bearable.

She gazed at his unconscious form. The heart monitor registered his heartbeat, confirming that he was still alive, the sound of which slightly soothed her nerves.

She took a quick inventory of his visible injuries, her gaze lingering on the graze on his forehead. Slowly she reached for his chart in order to compare her findings. She vowed to herself that the moment she found out who was responsible for his injures, she would find them and inflict similar, if not more serious, ones. Nobody hurts Tony and gets away with it, not if she can help it.

She was hard pressed to remember the last time Tony had been admitted to hospital, his past interests in hospitals was also best left unexplored.

Having assured herself that nothing serious was the cause of his condition, she returned his chart back in its holder and stepped round to the side of the bed, carefully as if not to disturb him. She looked at his restful face then sat down on the bed, placing her one hand over his. Carefully leaning forward slightly, she reached for the tendrils of hair that fell over the gaze on his forehead, lifting them slightly to ensure that they had not dried as part of the scab. He moved slightly as her fingers tried to pacify the stubborn tendrils back and away from the wound. Looking down at him she squeezed his hand, hoping that it would encourage him to wake up.

'Ziva?' He questioned his voice croaky, causing her heart to race. She was unable to comprehend why it was so important to her that her name was the first one he spoke on waking.

'Yes Tony,' she returned, sitting upright again as his eyes opened, finding hers.

'My head hurts,' Tony bemoaned, sounding like a little boy whilst lifting his hand to touch his forehead.

'That does not surprise me,' Ziva returned, having seen his dilated pupils, indicating concussion.

'Did we fight?' Tony asked smiling slightly, hoping to draw a smile from her, knowing how they always made him feel better.

'No, you were found in an ally, shot and unconscious,' Ziva returned with a sight touch of anger in her tone, flashes of Gibbs's call having returned after her mind had come to terms that Tony was, in a manner of speaking, safe and sound.

'I don't feel shot,' Tony was quick to return, after having taken a moment to access his physical condition.

'Your vest stopped it,' Ziva returned, thankful that he'd had the foresight to wear it.

'Where am I?' Tony questioned looking about.

'You are in hospital, Bethesda,' Ziva was quick to return, uncertain as to what he may be intending to do.

'I don't like hospitals,' Tony stated, returning his attention to her.

'I must call the nurse,' Ziva said, rising slightly to reach for the call button, only to have Tony stop her by reaching for her hand.

'When did we get back?' Tony asked, his hand closing around hers.

'Back from where?' Ziva questioned, slightly confused.

'Paris.' Tony returned, his other hand turning slightly to take the one she'd earlier placed over it.

Ziva frowned slightly and tilted her head to the side, trying to determine if he was trying to pull one over her again, but his behaviour was too far removed from his usual for her to simply brush it off. 'Tony, that was almost two years ago,' Ziva returned, her voice gentle but firm, 'what do you remember?'

'I remember waking up next to you in Paris, sharing breakfast.' Tony returned, his eyes remaining fixed to hers, as if seeking something.

Ziva's mind drifted back to the morning in question, hundreds of little memories of that trip came to the fore, but none of them were as strong as the remembered sense of contentment she had experienced on waking up next to him, a sense of fulfilment she had not experienced again since then. The memories caused a soft smile to form on her lips, and at its appearance Tony was heartened to add, 'I was happy then.'

Ziva tilted her head slightly, 'yes you were,' she continued, remembering her own sense of elation, still being unable to understand how the simple act of waking next to him could have provided her with such solace.

'You do no remember what happened tonight?' Ziva asked, dropping her hand slightly.

Tony remained silent for a while, his eyes turning towards the ceiling, 'no, nothing, nothing much since that morning in Paris.'

'You need to see a doctor,' Ziva insisted, concerned, then again reached for the call button, having pulled her hand from his. Her actions alerted Tony that something is off.

His gaze for a moment dropped to her left hand, for some reason breathing was easier when he noticed the lack of a ring on it. He vaguely remembered her mentions something about settling down, and knew that he would be devastated at the thought of Ziva belonging to someone else. But even more so, if they had married and he couldn't remember it.

The nurse entered the room just as Tony asked, 'we're still partners?'

Ziva picked up the slight panic in his voice, before answering, 'yes Tony, we are still partners, I am a American citizen and a fully fledged agent.'

Her words gave him some comfort, knowing that she was not about to be ripped from him by some government policy, before he realized that a considerable time would have elapsed then.

Ziva what year is it? He asked not heeding to the nurse's light prodding.

'Two thousand and eleven,' Ziva returned, 'September.'

The nurse caught her eye and noted her concern, having given Tony a quick once over, then gave her a quick nod of understanding and turned away to summons the doctor on call.

Ziva was pacing the passage whilst the doctor examined Tony, her thoughts flittering through everything that had happened between them since returning from Paris, the one thing that seemed to remain pertinent in her thoughts was that of the renewed sense of hope she had felt. He had been more flirty more open, she had fought against it, fearing that it was a trick, and it seemed that way when Dana showed up on the scene and drew his attention from her again, now she was not so sure if that had been the case, that he might have been genuinely interested and because of her defensiveness she had prevented something form developing. She had no idea how to approach the situation with him, how to act around him. She knew what she would like from him, but getting it without falling flat on her face or having her heart broken in the process is what made reaching for it hardest.

Ziva had turned around and was intent on striding back up the corridor when the doctor emerged from Tony's room

'Doctor?' Ziva anxiously drew his attention, 'Is he okay?'

The doctor looked at her, 'he should be fine. He's suffering some degree of amnesia as a result of the trauma suffered. The extent of which we will only be able to determine once he has had a CAT scan.' The doctor informed her.

Ziva nodded her head in response 'how long will his memory suffer?'

'I cannot tell, in most cases memory is restored once the disruption suffered between the cerebrospinal fluid and brain substance stabilizes, it can be anything from a few hours to a few days. That also depends on whether there are any emotional reasons as to why he could be suppressing his memory. That in turn would require therapy as it is something he would need to accept, but it is still to early to tell, trauma has various effects on the body and the brain.' The doctor concluded, watching her reaction.

'Thank you,' Ziva returned, only slightly reassured by his diagnoses.

'You can go sit with him if you like, he was anxious when you left.' The doctor said indicating towards the door, before taking his leave of her.

'Thank you, I just need to make a call first.' Ziva replied reaching for her phone, intent on calling Gibbs and informing him of the situation.

Tony lay on the bed, trying to remember what had happened that night, but nothing seemed to come back. All he got for his efforts was an even greater headache. Closing his eyes he let out an elaborate sigh, then allowed his thoughts to turn towards Ziva. His head shot up again, aggravating the pain in his skull, as his head turned to the door. Where'sZiva? he thought, not liking the fact that she had not yet returned. Then breathed a sigh of relief when the door once again opened and she stepped inside. He noticed her concerned look as she approached his bed

'How are you feeling?' She charily asked, coming to stand next to his bed.

'Other than having a little man with a twenty pound hammer swinging away at my brain, I'm okay?' Tony returned shrugging his shoulders slightly, wanting to remove some of the concern her saw within her eyes.

'Tony,' Ziva cautioned, her concern evident in her voice.

'It takes a lot to kill a weed, Ziva,' Tony returned, hoping to lighten the mood.

'What does a weed have to do with it?' Ziva returned for a moment perplexed.

'Never mind, sit,' Tony invited patting the bed next to his thigh.

Ziva looked at the bed for a moment then thinking nothing of it sat down next to him. 'Do you remember anything?' she asked once settled.

Tony placed his hand on her knee, causing her to stiffen slightly. Tony for a moment frowned at her response, but left his hand there. 'I don't remember anything, why? You would have been there with me,' He returned confidently, then frowned when he saw her reaction.

Ziva shook her head slightly. 'You dropped off the grid a few weeks ago, Vance and SecNav were not concerned about it, that was when Gibbs realized you were working under cover again.' Ziva started, fighting to contain the disappointment in her voice. She had hoped that their partnership had been strong enough that he would at least give her a heads up if he were to disappear suddenly, or at least some indication as to how she could come into contact with him if he did.

'That is why you are angry?' Tony asked, encouraging her to look at him.

'When Gibbs called and told me you'd been shot…' Ziva left the rest unsaid.

'You thought the worst,' Tony finished for her, and saw her nod her head in response. His heart ached, realizing what he'd put her through. Suddenly understanding why things felt off, but could not understand why he would have done something like that to her. Intending to draw her attention, he ran his hand slightly up her thigh. It had the desired effect causing her to look up at him suddenly. 'Do you know what I was working on?' he asked, and was surprised when Ziva simply shook her head in response. Ziva's mind focused on the area of her leg he was toughing, she knew she should correct him and remove his hand but it was such a comforting sensation that she did not want it to end. She did not want him to think he could not touch her, and that maybe, if she allowed it, she could have more of him. She had always known that if they were to touch that they would convey too much. There was no way that she could touch Tony or have him touch her without being affected.

'Have you spoken to Gibbs?' Tony asked when she remained silent, he allowed his fingers to slightly caress her leg, liking the feel of it under his fingertips.

'I phoned him after having spoken to the doctor,' Ziva confirmed, enjoying his touch, wanting more of it.

'He's looking for the person responsible?' Tony continued, his touches becoming a little more confidant when it became evident that she would not stop him.

'Yes,' Ziva confirmed nodding her head, just then her phone rang. She pulled it out to look at the caller id before answering, 'hello Abby.'

'Hey Ziva, Gibbs said that Tony's awake, is he okay? does he remember us?' Abby's concerned voice came across the line.

'Yes Abby, Tony seems fine, and I think he would remember you,' Ziva returned, not wanting to ponder on her envy of their shared relationship, knowing she would give just about anything to have the freedom with him that Abby had.

'Oh, okay where is he?' Abby was quick to question.

'In bed, do you want to speak to him?' Ziva asked, looking at Tony who slightly shook his head, indicating that he did not want to.

'No I just needed to know that he is okay. I'll stop by to see him later,' Abby concluded before ending the call.

'Abby will be stopping by later to check up on you,' Ziva said as she returned her phone to her pocket.

'You are leaving?' Tony suddenly asked, his voice conveying his panic.

'You should rest,' Ziva reasoned in return, her hand coming to rest over his.

'Ziva wait!' Tony suddenly exclaimed, his hand on the leg closing slightly to hold her in place, 'we did fight didn't we?' He suddenly asked, concerned by the distance she maintained.

Ziva took a deep breath not knowing how to answer that question, they had not fought par-say, but they had had some disagreements, 'your memory will soon return Tony,' she finally replied, knowing that things would make better sense then. She did not want to explain to him about EJ and Ray. She thought it best that he remember that for himself.

'What did I do?' Tony persisted, not wanting her to leave.

'You did nothing, Tony,' Ziva finally said, her fingers closing round his hand, lifting it off her leg before getting up, 'you should rest, by morning you will be better able of understanding things,' Ziva concluded.

'Won't you stay?' Tony asked, not comfortable with the idea of her being separated from him.

'It is late, and I should also get some rest,' Ziva returned gathering up her keys.

'What time is it?' Tony was quick to ask, intent on arguing with her to stay a little longer.

'Just after midnight,' Ziva returned, giving him another once over.

Tony just nodded his head feigning understanding. It was late, and he knew how relentless Gibbs could be, but he wanted to pull her back to him, to keep her with him.

Ziva too her leave of him and whilst she made her way to her car, she mulled over his actions and what they could imply.
