AN: Well, well, well... What do we have here? I've finally decided to publish something on here because I've grown quite jealous of the wonderful things my friends have uploaded and I'm awake at one in the morning with nothing to do. So here we are! Though it's not as nice as my friends' stories (not even close!), I present to you, HEY GRANGER! I really couldn't think of a title so. This first chapter's quite short as it was something I just randomly wrote. And so given that, I don't even know how I want this story to progress. But here it is anyway.

Disclaimer: Oooops! Almost forgot about this. But we all know J.K. Rowling owns everything HP here and I'm under no illusion whatsoever that I came up with them. I simply write for fun and to promote all things Dramione!

Hermione Granger would've jumped off a cliff if she wasn't too worried about leaving her fellow students in the hands of the Head Boy.

The Head Boy… she groaned and did her best not to scream in frustration. It wasn't going to do any good for the Head Girl to scare the first year students. But really. What had she done to deserve this? She'd helped save the world, hadn't she? She shook her head. No. No, no, no. She wasn't going to let him annoy her. She wasn't going to let him win.

She groaned again. Well, she did a good job of acting mature earlier…

"Hey Granger."

"What?" She frowned as she turned to look at a certain pale, blonde, gray-eyed Slytherin boy but immediately felt bad for snapping at him so suddenly. He was a bit more civil at the end of the war.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, deciding to ignore her hostile response.

She tried to sound calmer. "To look for the Head…"-the glint of the metal badge against his robe caught her attention-"…Boy. Oh no. No way."

He smirked. "Found him, did you?"

She refused to believe it but she grew more panicked as each second passed. "Exactly from whom did you steal that badge, Malfoy?"

"From some Hufflepuff guy. I just couldn't accept that someone from that House would be Head Boy."

"Really?" She didn't mean to sound so hopeful. "And don't belittle their house! They weren't the ones sent to the dungeons!"

He narrowed his eyes at her. "I give it a month before Hogwarts loses its Head Boy and Head Girl."

"How bad is this Hufflepuff guy?" She was kidding herself.

Malfoy chuckled."Really Granger? You've honestly thought I've changed into some honest person? Or that some Hufflepuff guy would be Head Boy over me? You're obviously just in denial. Well, pity."

She gulped. "You're giving me a headache. I absolutely cannot work with you!"

She screamed and pushed past him. "And for the record, Head Boy, I'm sure Hogwarts will mourn over their Head Girl and forget about you. I give it a week. Merlin knows how close you are to annoying me to death."

"I'm glad, Granger. I'm glad."

After that trip down memory lane, she caught him staring at her. She glared, only to have him smirk and her blood boil.

Hermione Granger almost jumped off the moving train right there and then.

YAY for random ideas! I think my notes are longer than the actual story but hopefully the writer in me gets inspired and I get to put up another, longer, more interesting chapter. So until then, my friends, good day to you! :)