A/N: So, a new story, eh? This story has me really excited, and I can't wait to start, but I have to tell as few things about it first:

I WILL update this story no matter what every day. If I don't which I will, I will oost two the next day, all the way up to Christmas. Think of this as your Big Time Rush Fanfiction advent calendar :).

Each chapter will be themed after a specific Christmas song, hence the title, Big Time Carol.

Since the first half of December is less eventful than the second half, the first couple weeks of this story will be more flashbacks/memories, and the second couple weeks will be more present day.

There may be slash pairings in some chapters, I don't know. If there is, I will warn before the chapter and you can skip it ;).

So, enough of me blabbering! Enjoy!

"The Holiday Season"

Carlos impatiently tapped his foot as he glanced up at the clock in the Palmwoods classroom. In front of him on his desk sat an assortment of papers with pencil marks and writing scribbled all over them, and they laid in a sloppy pile. They were all a part of the class's semester final, but Carlos didn't want to think about that; it was December first and four minutes away from Christmas Break, and Carlos could not be more excited.

December was his favorite month, mainly because of Christmas, but also because of the snow and the joy and the family. He loved snuggling up on cold winter nights with a hot cup of cocoa, he loved walking down festively lit city streets, and he of course loved waking up excitedly on Christmas morning and waking everyone up.

To his right sat Logan, who was the only one still working on his test. He was madly erasing and scribbling information, and making quite a lot of noise in doing so.

Behind him Carlos could hear James and Kendall passing notes back and forth between each other, and it was killing Carlos. The small latino HATED not being included in things, and it only made his anticipation for the clock to hurry up and reach noon grow.

Ms. Collins sat in front of her desk and was wrapped up in what looked like a romance novel; Carls assumed it was one of the many with Fabio posing on the front.

Carlos looked away from the clock, recalling that Logan had once told him that the more you stare at a clock, the slower time seemed to go by. He looked around the room impatiently, trying to preoccupy himself. But nothing could distract him now, because he had so many images of sugar plums dancing in his head he could practically taste them.

Carlos glanced at the clock again, and sighed in relief as he saw he only had to wait one more minute.

He counted down the seconds in his head, smile growing the closer the little red hand got. 10..9…8…7…6….5….4…3…2…

But then the clock stopped. Carlos's eyes grew wide as fear started to come over him; wat if he was going to be stuck in this classroom forever?

He started breathing faster, bordering on hyperventilation, as the second hand just sat in the same spot. Just as Carlos was about to scream that the world was ending, though, it quickly moved forward about seven seconds, making it officially Christmas Break.

Carlos raised out of his seat and loudly cheered, and everyone gave him weird looks. He ignored them, though and ran towards the door while everyone else slowly packed up their things and got out of their seats. Except for Logan, that is, who sat at his desk, scribbling faster than humanely possible while mumbling, "No, no, no, no, crap, no, crap, crap, no, CRAP!"

Carlos couldn't be concerned with that, though. The happy boy threw the door to the class open and skipped out happily, humming Christmas carols loudly.

He got quite a few dirty looks as he skipped through the lobby, but he could care less. He made his way to the elevator and got in once the doors slowly opened. Christmas music rang quietly throughout the elevator which caused Carlos to smile even wider.

WHen the elevator finally lurched to a halt one floor later, Carlos skipped his way to apartment 2j.

Inside Mama Knight was in the kitchen preparing lunch for the boys. She smiled as she saw Carlos walk into the apartment. "How did you get here so quick?" she asked.

"All it takes is a little Christmas spirit!" Carlos exclaimed.

He took off his backpack and his hoodie, then approached the kitchen counter. "What's for lunch?" he said.

"Your favorite," Mama Knight said, and smiled.

Carlos grinned widely, as there was no confirmation needed for what he was having.

About ten minutes later, the corndogs were ready and everyone had gotten home. At first, they were annoyed with Carlos running off like he did, but they couldn't resist his cheerfulness for long.

Carlos stuffed multiple corndogs in his mouth at once, happily smacking his lips as he ate his facorite food.

After he had eaten two of his four, Mama Knight sat down at the table quietly, as if she wanted to say something.

Everyone stopped eating except for Carlos, and Kendall asked, "Is something wrong Mom?"

She sighed, and said, "No, it's just I have something to tell you and don't know how to say it. I guess I'll just tell you guys; I bought tickets to Minnesota, and we leave next week."

Everyone looked at her shocked and exuberant, even Logan, who up until this point was pouting about the whole final situation.

"That's great mom!" Kendall said, and there was a murmur of agreement.

Carlos loudly swallowed the mush of chewed corndog in his mouth, saying, "This is gonna be the best holiday season ever!"

A/N: Sorry this was extremely short!

I have to say, I hate the chapter with a passion. It just felt kind of off while I was writing it, like when you are singing and trying to find a note, and you are so close, but you can't feel the ring that lets you know you are singing the same note as the piano.

What did you think? Did you like it? Are you excited? If there is any song or anything in particular that you want to see in this story, please, tell me in your review or PM me! This is a gift for the readers, not for me haha.

Oh, and that clock thing? Yeah, at my school, there are several clocks that stop for a few seconds, then move ahead like seven seconds quickly to catch up, so that's where that came from ;).

Happy December by the way! It's perfect because here in Colorado, it snowed on the first day of December :D/ Literally, I don't think it started snowing until around midnight. How perfect is that?

Thanks for reading, and if you review, thanks for that too!


BTL14 8D.