Oh lookie, I'm updated three things in one day, apologies for taking so long, my insperation source for this story is on break... I should be catching up soon... watching DVD's of zombie stuff helps~ BTW, I'm about to eliminate six people... in one chapter.
Also, I had a number of complaints(?) on that revelation last chapter. IT DOESN'T MEAN EVERYONE IS TURNING NOW. It just means that no matter how they die -whether they starve to death, get shot, an axe to the chest, a tree falls on them, old age, they drown ET CETERA they will still turn into a zombie with the exception of the people who are immune. That is ALL it means. They won't turn now and it won't kill them slowly or anything like that so STOP FREAKING OUT. That is all. Thank you.
Also I would like to mention that characters that did not get mentioned up until this point (Aoba, Saki, etc) ARE ALREADY DEAD. I have also ALREADY SAID THIS. STOP ASKING WHERE THEY ARE. Or I'mma flip a table here, for reals.
"How do you think they found us?" Erika turned to the speaker, the formerly blonde Walker squinting through binoculars to watch the herd. They were slow, shuffling, but they shuffled towards them as though they knew they were there and the two young adults thought they probably did. Walker lowered the binoculars with a sigh as Erika spoke.
"Who knows? Smell maybe. We should warn the others though…" the binoculars met his chest as she finished her sentence. The silence hung in the air, stagnant and loud so the two turned into the house to find the others.
"Mikado-kun~! Kida-kun~! Anri-chan~! Oh, and Akabayashi-san and Shiki-san too~! This is convenient~!" Erika was in too good a mood given a close friend of hers had passed away only a few days ago. Mikado had concluded that it was a coping method, something he had mentioned when she wasn't around to hear it.
"What is it?" Shiki asked, not looking up from his game of cribbage with Akabayashi. Mikado, Kida and Anri were playing Risk on the table nearby.
"Oh nothing, just thirty or so zombies on the road heading towards us," Walker shrugged though his statement immediately got the attention of the five he was speaking to.
"Celty can kill them, so it's no big deal right?" Erika pointed out before heading out of the room as those in the room resumed their playing and Walker sat down to watch Shiki and Akabayashi. Erika avoided the basement entirely. Shinra and Namie had told them that with so many biohazards down there it was best if everyone avoided it. If one didn't know what was what after all then one could become easily infected and no one wanted that.
"Oh, Ruri-san! Vorona-san, have either of you seen Celty-san?" She asked when she found those two talking quietly about various things. Both women shook their heads no but Akane popped out from under the table with a grin.
"I did! She was in the kitchen with Togusa-san and Kasuka-san helping them cook and Shizuo-san came and said that Izaya-san had wanted her for something. I tried to go too but Shizuo-san said Izaya-san wanted only her so I had to wait here and-" She was cut off by the whinny of Celty's horse, heading over the back of the wall and out towards the city and away from the horde heading towards them. Erika paled, bolting from the room and up the stairs, two at a time until she reached the room Izaya was in.
"Where is Celty going?" She asked, the mild panic in her voice evident. She didn't notice that Shizuo was clearly pissed off and on the other side of the room and she didn't care that Izaya looked sullen and withdrawn.
"Tokyo. She's heading for Shinjuku more specifically and she'll be a few hours at least," Izaya's voice was hollow and rough, like he had been crying too much and had simply run out of emotion.
"What's the matter?" Shizuo asked, his mood shifting from rage to worry when he saw her slight panic.
"A bunch of those dead things are shambling this way that's all…" Erika squeaked. They could fight without Celty, certainly, but the group had agreed that if it could be saved for her then it should be, she was safe from them after all. Whoever went out now would be in danger and Shizuo cursed lightly under his breath as he sat down.
"How many are there?" He asked calmly as he could.
"About thirty at the last count but they were way up on the road too so there could be more now."
"Oh… well that isn't so bad…" Thirty was easy between himself, Anri, Ruri and Vorona if they could narrow the number to a few at a time.
"I thought you said thirty," Shizuo scowled as his gaze swept over the dead who shambled closer to the house.
"It was thirty before…" Erika mumbled meekly.
"I'm not sure we can take that many…" Anri murmured softly, a small frown crossing her lips. The thirty that Erika had quoted, it seemed, was a very small fraction of the hoard heading toward them now. The number had grown to well over three hundred and Vorona seemed excited by that prospect even if no one else was.
"Will be good fight, yes?" She grinned up at Shizuo, her blue eyes bright.
"Er… no," He replied, supressing a small shudder at the thought.
"We would be killed if we tried to fight that many… especially if we can't all fight. Even if we could all fight we would lose someone for sure," Mikado said, scowling as he tried to think. Shizuo, Ruri, Vorona, Shiki, Akabayashi, Anri, Mikado and Kida were the ones in the group now who could fight but it looked like it was about forty walkers to one fighter. And that was assuming no one went down in the fight…
"So I guess we wait for Celty to return," Shinra sighed, though he turned to the house now.
"We should go back inside," He called over his shoulder then, "being outside seems to be aggravating them and that's the last thing we want."
A metal collar encased her neck attached to a chain on the wall, her hands handcuffed behind her back to keep her from grabbing and scratching. The chain latched onto a hook though it was bent out of shape after being tugged on for an hour. She was near an open door, one that led into the garage from the basement that had been converted into a lab and with no living nearby Kururi would have been quite content to stand still.
But she had seen something alive; a small rat had scurried into the garage and was well within her sight. She wanted it. Finally the chain unhooked itself, and she stumbled forward towards her prey, crashing into things as she went, her body pressing against a button as she went. At this point of course there were a few dozen of her kind trying to get the gate, so when it opened they stumbled in easily.
"Why is the gate opening?" Anri stood up in a panic as the dead started stumbling into the front area, and fast. They all made a beeline for the house as though sensing the living. Nothing needed to be said after that, they all knew they needed to get out and fast, everyone rushing for what supplies they could carry. Shizuo ran upstairs instead, bursting into Izaya's room.
"What are –fuck that hurts! Put me down! Ow!" Shizuo had scooped the still wounded informant up and was now carrying him down the stairs, each step jolting through Izaya in a wave of pain.
"We're leaving," Shizuo informed him instead of putting him down.
"Why?" Izaya winced. Despite the morphine all this jostling still hurt like hell.
"That's why," Shizuo nodded towards the bay window in the living room that showed at least fifty of the dead things trying to get in through the glass that was beginning to crack under the pressure.
"Ah…" Izaya paled significantly, well aware of his inability to fight, as Saburo tossed Shizuo the keys to the larger of the two vans they had.
"Get him into the van, Shiki has keys to the other vehicle, quick, before they block off the garage!" Shizuo bolted for the garage and found the door mercifully closed as the sound of breaking glass came from upstairs. Shizuo unlocked the back door awkwardly before climbing in and setting Izaya down as gently as he could. There was a shuffling and rasping noise then that turned both their heads to look.
"Kururi?" Izaya mumbled breathlessly. Her pale eyes turned on him and she rasped again, teeth clacking as she gnashed them and tried to get into the van after them though her effort was impeded by the inability to use her hands.
"Oh fuck… is she a fucking… is she one of those things?" Shizuo scrambled back as Kururi started making headway into the van and Izaya growled and pulled a knife out of his sleeve, launching it into Kururi's head and she hit the floor with a soft thud.
"Get the others down here too, we can't fight that many off and we have to go before we get trapped and overrun," Izaya fell back, his expression furious. He was going to kill Shinra for this. Shizuo left, though it was reluctantly, stepping over the now properly dead Kururi before hurrying up the stairs again to get the others.
Anri was cutting down the ones making it in through the window and he saw Shiki heading down with Akane, followed by Walker and Saburo. Shizuo grabbed Kasuka –literally picking him up- and then Ruri as Mikado called for Anri. Others had made it down too while he had been searching for his brother. Anri cut down one last one and ran after Mikado and Shizuo down the stairs.
When Shizuo got down there one of the vehicles was loaded and waiting on the other, both engines off to avoid attracting attention. There was noise in the lab though and Shizuo scowled, knowing the drugs Izaya needed were in there. He headed into it anyways, prepared to crush the skull of whatever was in there but it was only Shinra.
"Ah?" The man was already piling every drug into a bag along with a few syringes and operating tools and Shizuo wasted no time helping him. When Shinra tried to grab the samples though Shizuo lifted him off the ground and carried the other to the van, throwing the man inside before climbing in himself and handing Namie the keys.
"Go!" Kida yelled and the garage door went up. Shiki was driving the other car and it was out the door first, their van close behind. There was a wall of the undead to the left so both vehicles when right and sped up at the group that blocked the gate. Shizuo pinned Izaya down to keep him from being jostled too much though it was a very bumpy ride when she started driving over bodies. Shiki's vehicle lurched to the right and started picking up speed but Namie was forced to turn left instead in order to get away.
"The others went right! We're being split up!" Vorona protested as once they miraculously cleared the monstrosities they were heading in completely the opposite direction over the fields towards the trees.
"We can't go back, we'll have to try and catch up to them later!" Namie argued as she drove as fast as she could away from the death trap that their safe haven had become.
Izaya: Clever...
Seliphra: Yeah, I said the group would shrink, I never said anything about killing people off...
Shizuo: You have a point there...
Seliphra: *ahem* Now then, hopefully this will be updated again soon, once Season Three of the Walking Dead gets on the air it should, and no worries, I'm not basing this off that, I just happen to obtain zombie-plunnies that way~
Shizuo: So uhh... who's in what group?
Seliphra: They have to review to find out~