A/n, this is a personal challenge I've set myself. I am planning to submit a fic a day up to Christmas with as many pairings as I can and the fic has to involve Christmas or the holidays. All the fics will be posted in one story. Prompts/pairings you want to see are welcome. Please leave suggestions in your reviews. Also, go friend me on facebook. Just search for Daisy Angel Fanfic. Please R/R! Oh, and Happy Holidays!


"This is quite a party, Kitten," Rossi complimented as he stood next to Garcia in her living room.

"Thanks, super Agent, Christmas is one of my favorite holidays, and since the team is off rotation for the next week or so I thought I'd have a party." A loud burst of laughter caught their attention. Turning they saw Reid trying to dance to the Christmas music playing in the background.

"What is he doing?" Rossi asked no one in particular.

"I'm dancing, Rossi," Reid replied slightly slurring his words. Just then Rossi caught sight of a cup in the genius's hand.

"What's in that cup, Reid?" He asked.

"Eggnog," Reid replied. Looking at the rest of the group, he asked,

"Who spiked the Eggnog?" He didn't have any of it, personally he couldn't stand the stuff, but apparently Reid was enjoying his fill and then some. Everyone shook their heads all accept for Morgan who stared down at the ground.

"I might have," he admitted.

"Let me guess, you failed to make it known that you spiked it?" JJ scolded gently.

"I thought I tasted something different about it," Emily chimed in. Hotch had dropped by earlier but needed to get Jack to bed, so he left early. JJ and Will had Henry sleeping on the couch.

"I think it's time to get our resident genius home," Garcia commented.

"I agree, I think Morgan should do it since he's the one who spiked the Eggnog in the first place," Emily put in.

"No, he's drank some of it. Is there anyone who hasn't drank any of it besides me?" Rossi asked, surveying the group.

"I didn't, but I need to gt JJ and Henry home. Sorry," Will apologized.

"Don't worry about it, I'll get the kid home," Rossi said walking over to Reid.

"Come on, Reid, let's get you home."

"Okay, Rossi," Reid said as he stumbled. Tossing his arm over Dave's shoulders, the two of them stumbled out the door and down Garcia's sidewalk. It's going to be a long night, Dave thought as he helped Reid to his car.


Spencer Reid didn't usually sing, or at least not that Dave knew, but when he was drunk, he apparently like to sing. He actually sings quite well, Dave mused.

"You're a good singer," Rossi complimented. Reid blushed and gave a slight smile. Once the next song ended, he began spouting random math facts that Rossi wasn't een sure he understood.

"I know he Quadratic formula, do you want me to tell it to you?" Reid asked excitedly. The alcohol had given his face a slight glow.

"Uh, no thanks," the older man answered. Finally they pulled up in front of Spencer's building and the two men got out. Noticing that Reid was still having trouble walking, Rossi let him lean on him slightly. Unfortunately for Rossi, Reid leant too far towards him and they both fell face first into a huge snow drift. Rossi came up coughing and sputtering while Reid just laughed.

"Merry friggin Christmas," Dave muttered as he got to his feet and half walked, half dragged Reid towards his apartment. The next time Morgan decided to spike the Eggnog and then Reid drank it, he was going to take the kid home, Dave swore as he finally reached Reid's front door.
