Several Rinshi foot soldiers hit the ground of the palace floor as Dai Shi's temper grew. Despite the return of the Phantom Beasts, he was yet to see an improvement in his efforts to defeat the Power Rangers and his patience was wearing thin.

'I thought your Rinzin power would be strong enough to destroy the rangers but since your arrival we've experienced failure after failure!' Dai Shi roared, slamming his fist on the table. His temperamental nature was something the remaining Phantom Beasts and their generals had gotten used to by now; the constant victories of the rangers was starting to become an annoyance to all.

'I'm sorry master but the rangers have spirit, too much so it appears for us to overcome' Scorch replied, trying to justify the defeats of his warriors in the past few battles.

'Yes, but we can defeat the rangers!' Snapper interjected. 'It just appears that maybe we are going the wrong way about it.'

Dai Shi pondered the thought. Maybe he needed to consider a different strategy regarding the defeat of the rangers, or maybe do something to dampen their ferocious spirit...

'Of course! Their spirit or more specifically, their animal spirit! It's what every gives every great warrior the power to continue battling when weak, it's the driving force behind the rangers' constant victories. If we take away their spirit, they will lose the momentum that allows them to keep fighting!' Dai Shi's words echoed around both the room and inside the minds of his generals as they considered the plan.

'Without their animal spirits the rangers will be powerless to even morph; it's perfect master.' Scorch replied. 'But how will we take them from the rangers? The connection between them and their spirits is strong and it is impossible for one warrior to connect to two spirits; it would destroy them'

'We need warriors strong enough to hone an animal spirit without already having one, and I know just where to look...' Dai Shi mumbled, more to himself than to Scorch or Snapper.

Meanwhile, Jungle Karma Pizza was overflowing with customers as Casey, Lily, Theo and Dom went about their usual rounds. As Lily delivered yet another large pepperoni pizza to a hungry customer, she began to wonder whether her shift would ever finish. It was 2:45 and the restaurant was set to close at three, but each minute seemed to last an age as she checked the clock every few seconds. She had agreed to see Master Phant after work in order to help Gabby for her latest dance competition and didn't want to be late.

Theo also had plans, well one plan; training. He was fully aware of the fast approaching test that would face him in order for him to earn his master stripes, and a battle with the illustrious Master Swoop was not one to be taken lightly. He had prepared a strict regime in order to become physically and mentally prepared for the upcoming task.

Casey meanwhile was more laid back. The other rangers always wondered how he managed to go about his day so carefree; he was the team's leader, yet responsibility never seemed to faze him. The truth of the matter was though; Casey could feel something was wrong. He and his animal spirit were one and he could sense Dai Shi's plotting as he rounded off his shift by delivering his final pizza to the people of Ocean Bluff. 'Something's just not right,' the Red Ranger thought to himself, 'Dai Shi is up to something and even though I'm not sure what, I'm sure we'll soon find out...'