Its Meant To Be

Chapter 1


"Gabriella we need to talk." My mom said as she came into my room. "What about." I ask as she sat next to me on the bed. "Will your get married" I looked at her to see if she was joking but she not. "WHAT mom I cant get married Im sixteen" I got up off the bed and walked back and forth. "Do you know Troy Bolton he plays for the L.A Lakers." "But mom he's 20 I`m 16 thats 4 years." I sat back down on my bed. "Gabriella Your getting married I don't care what you say about it." My mother told me. "When." I asked. "May first, that is in two weeks." she said walking out of my room.

Two weeks. Just two weeks till I am Bolton. Just two weeks till I have to live with a guy I no nothing about. two weeks till I meet Troy Bolton, two weeks till I have to kiss him. But the things the runing in my head is what about school. What about my friend Taylor. What about me I cant do this but I no I have to.

I woke up the next morning with someone opening my bedroom door. A guy with light brown hair and blue eyes this had on a red shirt and some jeans. "Hi." I said as I rubbed my eye's. "Hi are you Gabriella." He asked. "Yes. And your Troy." The guy shut my bedroom door and walk over to my computher chair. "Yes. Nice to meet you Gabriella" He said. "You to. I'm sorry I look like this I didn't no you where coming over. I got up out of my bed looking for some thing to ware. "It find Ill be see you like that when we get married." I found some a shirt and some jeans. "I'll be right back make yourself at home." I said walking Into the bathroom and shut and locked the door. I put on a black baby fat shirt and jeans. I let my hair down and brush my hair with my brush. When I got done I brushed my teeth.

After I was done in the bathroom I unlocked and open the door. As I walk back to my room. I seen Troy sitting on the bottom of the bed. "Hey." He said. "Hey. So what are you doing here." I walked over to the end of my bed and sat down next to him. "My mom and dad are talking to you mom about us getting married." He picked up a book that was on my desk. "You like to read." He layed the book back down on the desk. "I do that is a book I am reading for school." "You like school?" Troy asked me. "Not really." I look at the clock it read 7:40 and Today was Friday. "Sorry but I have to go to school soon." I told him. "Your mom said you don't have to go till we leave and some thing like today was your last day." My last day. "What did she mean by that."
I asked Troy.
"You are going to L.A with me tomorrow. Did your mom not tell you?" Troy looked mad really mad. "No, but its okay but why am I going to L.A with you." He got up and pull he out a box from his pocket. "To look for a house." He come over to me and open the box. In the box there was a ring. "Gabriella Montez will you marry me." I look at the ring and held my hand out. Troy put the ring on me. "Thank you." I huged him.

"TROY" his dad called up the stair's. "Lets go I will take you to school." He led me down the stair's to the door. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Bolton" I said. "Hello Gabriella. Im Lucille and this is Jack" Lucille said. "Nice to meet you." I said getting my books off the table. "Troy why don't you take Gabriella to school." His mother Lucille said as her and Jack walk out of the door. "Bye." They said when they got into there the car. "Bye mom I'll see you tonight." I said as Troy and I walk out on to the steps. "Bye and I wont be here tonight so you need to find a ride home today after school." She told me shuting the door. "Sure." Troy and I walk to his car he opened the door for me to get in and I did. After we pulled out of the drive way and into the road. "So do you need a ride home today. I can pick you up if you want?" he ask. "Yea thanks."

We pulled up at my school East High. I got out of the car telling Troy bye. I walk into the school and found my best friend Taylor. We where alot a like. We both like to read, we where both in AP class. "Hey Gabriella where have you been this morning." Taylor asked me. "I meet Troy today." I told her. "His he a asshole he looks like one." we walk into the lunch room and sat at a table." No he's nice but today is my last day here." I could tell Taylor was going to cry. "What? why?" she asked me. "I moving to L.A with Troy to get married." "You can't move how will I hang out with when you'r gone?" She said pulling me into a hug. "I no but I will call you and vist when I can."