And this, my lovelies, is the final installment for this story... *tries not to get all melodramatic* I just wanted to take a moment to thank you guys so much for subscribing to this story and sticking with me for so long -it's been over a year guys, and I couldn't ask for better readers- I hope you guys enjoy, please remember to leave a review, or favorite, or whatever. One -or all three- is just fine. c':

So, this is it. I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, whatever. Happy Belated Hanukkah, too!

Much love.


Balloons dotted around the ceiling, occasionally bumping into one another and sending colorful balls of helium across the room. Streamers lined archways and lengthy hallways, leaving no wall un-decorated. Along the kitchen table were several of Kaien's appetizer-dishes; finger sandwiches (comprising cucumber sandwiches, tuna salad, chicken salad, and egg salad), rolled cold cuts, freshly-chopped salsa and veggie dip, and assorted chips (corn and potato, mostly).

The main living room was filled with people; Kaien had convinced a few Hunters to stop by and watch the ball drop, as well as Sayori and her family. The excitable Headmaster had even gone so far as to consider inviting Kaname, but thought against it, as Zero and Yuuki had begun to work on their more romantic relationship as of late.

…Speaking of, where had his daughter gone with that Zero Kiryuu?

The spastic adoptive father roamed the halls of his own villa, peeking into his, Yuuki's, and Zero's bedroom, before bumping into the door to his study. Surely, they weren't…

He opened the door and waved his hand inside, as if expecting a bullet from Bloody Rose to shoot at him. When nothing happened, he threw the door open and declared, "You unhand my dear daughter, you…!"

…but again, nothing.

Nothing but an empty study, with his stray papers scattered around the floor and his desk. Not even his candle seemed to have been lit, and then blown out (as Zero would have to make haste in getting the pair out of the Headmaster's precious study). Nothing was out of place, except for the Headmaster's sanity.

"Ooh, where could they have gone?"

A knock just barely met his ears, and the light-haired retired Hunter glanced over, perking up at the sound. He dodged several people wishing to congratulate him on a successful New Years' Eve party, in hopes of greeting his daughter and her unofficially official boyfriend. "My darling daughter!" he burst into a fit of melodramatic tears before even touching the door knob, and grinned from ear to ear as he swung the door open and threw his arms around the closest body, nuzzling its cheek.

…it didn't feel as soft as he'd remembered.

"Headmaster Cross, please!"

"Yo, Headmaster Spaz."

Kaien froze; he recognized these two voices and, while one was deep and the other brighter, they didn't belong to his daughter and Zero. He slowed his actions, putting his hands on broad shoulders, feeling a surprised grunt as he pushed himself far from the body and glanced into first brilliantly-bold blue eyes, and then into lavender.

"It's…" the tears that were only in his head had stopped flowing, and his mouth flapped silently before a bright smile and real tears reached his eyes. "It's Yagari! And… and Ichiru! Welcome home!"

Ichiru – the same height and appearance as Zero, but a much lighter tone to his voice, and with silver hair longer and tied back in a crimson-colored ribbon – and Yagari both sheepishly grinned at the Headmaster, though Yagari had the almost comical audacity to dismissively wave his hand around. "Yeah, yeah, we're home, you crazy old man."

Of course, Kaien dismissed the jab to his age, and enveloped Ichiru in a light hug – as the fair-haired boy was currently counting on a cane to get him around, as the major wound to his torso hadn't yet healed – before patting his cheek.

"Excuse me, Headmaster," Ichiru started, looking around; his lavender eyes seemed to be looking for something – or someone – but he couldn't quite seem to find what – who – he was looking for. So, he hobbled his way inside, being greeted by Hunters he had met at the Association during his training. It was Yagari who pointed out the obvious.

"Where's Zero? You assured he'd be here to greet his brother when I brought him home."

Kaien pushed his glasses up, catching the light of the lamp lighting up the room beside him. "I'm wondering the same; I haven't seen Yuuki, either. I'm sure wherever they are, they're safe and well. I just wish I knew what was taking them so long."


Yuuki was aware her father's party had started some time ago, and honestly, she couldn't bring herself to care too much about that.

"Zero, I don't know about this…" she clutched his hand nervously as they made their way toward the horse stables; for some reason, her fair-haired partner had decided it would be a great idea to ride with her to their spot atop a hill, under the base of a large willow tree. On White Lily; the beast from Hell who just happened to hate her guts.


"Oh, Yuuki, it'll all be fine," he reprimanded softly, giving her a small smile. He seemed to do that more often, smile at her. He'd found his reason to smile, after all. "She's pretty calm as long as you… don't talk to her, or touch her, or touch me…" …his posture seemed to deflate before he smacked his forehead. "You're right, you're doomed."

That jerk, Yuuki sent him a glare and punched him in the side, resulting in the light-haired vampire yelping. "I could always ride Maple; at least he's kind to me."

…Zero rolled his eyes at her, not handling her teasing well, before taking his hand away. "If that's how you feel, then maybe we should forget it."

Of course he was joking; he had to fulfill this promise to himself, and to Yuuki. This was his final chance to show that he was willing to give up everything to be with her. He just… he worried about her reaction, and what she'd say. After all, they'd been together – as childhood friends, as partners, as guardians – since he was twelve, and she eleven.

He loved her and, despite the pressure bestowed upon him – it wasn't his fault a Pureblood also loved her… - he would do whatever it took to cross the gap between friendship and what he – and she – secretly wanted.

"No, Zero, you idiot," she smiled, grabbing both of his hands and tugging him forward, she now walking backwards, "We're gonna wait for midnight together. A-And, if you want me to ride White Lily with you, th-then…" she looked down, and he stopped them from moving; the large moon above them acted as a spotlight as they stood by the stable doors. "Then, I will suck it up and do it!"

So determined, he mused, before bending down to peck her on the lips. "I know. But, Maple's ready for you, and you better not make him wait." He released her hands, walking around her to make his way over to White Lily, who whickered excitedly as her only rider acknowledged her with a rub of her large nose. The brunette stuck her tongue out at the silver-white-haired boy, who chortled quietly to himself as he unlatched the rope to Lily's pen, and mounted her.

Yuuki's horse, Maple – a small Palomino Kaien had once stumbled upon some time ago, around the same time White Lily came to stay – neighed happily as his rider came to him and offered him a piece of apple she'd hidden in her jacket. As she unlatched the rope to his pen, the white mare across from them grunted and was led out.

"I'll meet you at the hill, okay?" Zero called as Lily didn't seem to want to wait, and Yuuki had opened her mouth to retort, but… the white mare had galloped away.

Pouting, the brunette saddled her horse and mounted, clicking her tongue to start him and gently kicked him into a gallop out of the stable, leading him up to the base of a large hill, where the large white moon seemed to hide behind the falling leaves of a large willow tree.


"Oh, wow…"

After both horses were roped to a wooden fence – away from each other enough for the mild-mannered mare not to be irritated by the easygoing Palomino – Zero and Yuuki walked hand-in-hand up the large hill, where under the willow tree, a large quilt was laid into the grass. In the middle of the quilt was another quilt, undoubtedly to wrap around them when it got chilly. Zero pushed up a patch of hanging willow leaves, ushering Yuuki inside, before lowering it back down again.

A gentle breeze blew her hair out of her face, and Zero and she sat down on the quilt. "Zero, this is so amazing, and simple… it's beautiful."

Lavender eyes stared into mahogany; the energetic brunette's eyes glittered happily while his eyes remained tranquil and rid of any unhappiness. He definitely loved looking at her, in her new pretty deep-violet dress that reached to her mid-thigh, and ruffles that trickled to her knees. A black ribbon wrapped around her waist, tied into a bow to add a touch of femininity to her ensemble. Pieces of her pin-straight, chocolate-brown hair were clipped back and out of her face.

Zero wasn't quite so festive; just his white button-down dress shirt and a pair of jeans were enough for him, his hair combed and out of his face momentarily. He tended not to get too dressy, and Yuuki thought that was just fine; she loved that he didn't deck himself out – so to speak – for sitting in the grass. Not like she did.

(And, if it was any consolation, she was wearing a pair of shorts underneath, and always carried a spare T-shirt with her in a large satchel that was attached to Maple's saddle.)

"How much longer until midnight?" the brunette inquired.

"Not for another forty seconds, Miss Impatient," Zero teased as the chirpy brunette grabbed up the spare quilt and draped it over his shoulders as she settled in between his legs, enveloped by his large arms.

A comfortable silence – more like, silent tug-of-war to see who'd speak first – blew with the wind around them for what felt like hours but was in fact mere seconds, before Yuuki looked up at him, curling into a ball. "Zero?"


"What… do you think would happen if Father found us?"

…Zero flinched, not wanting to think about something so crazily terrifying; while the Headmaster was in no way a threat to him, he was still the father of the girl he loved, who he now held in his arms as if it were nothing. Yuuki pretended not to feel him shudder. "I honestly wouldn't care," he lied, "I could die here and be perfectly content with it." And, that's the truth.

Yuuki smiled at what he implied, nuzzling her face into his chest. "And, Zero…"

"Yuuki, can I ask you something?"

The brunette blinked, having been interrupted; was it finally going to happen? Was he going to ask? Would their questions finally be answered, and their feelings finally confessed? She looked up slowly, her eyes shining questioningly up at him. "Sure, anything!" she chirped.

"Do you think…" 10… "…that you could ever…" 9… "…see yourself with someone…" 8… "…like me?"


Yuuki could feel her eyes tearing up and, involuntarily, her thumb rubbed along the silver band on her middle finger. See myself with… Zero? She couldn't say that the thought had never crossed her mind, that the two of them would be together like he hinted to, and she couldn't imagine anyone better for her. He balanced out her excited, spastic persona and she brought out the best in the young Hunter. It seems almost silly not to, with what's transpired over the past couple of weeks.

6… 5…

"Someone like you?" the brunette echoed back, the tears streaming down her face in thin ribbons that glistened against the moonlight. "Why, it would make me so… incredibly…"


"Disgusted?" he supplied, his voice soft and low. "Embarrassed? Crazy?"

3… 2…

Yuuki wiped at her eyes desperately before smacking his chest; he really should stop berating himself. "No, you idiot… so incredibly happy.

Fireworks were sent up into the air, reds and yellows and blues illuminating the hanging willow tree leaves, dotting the two lovers in a warm array of colors as they greeted each other in a warm embrace. Tears streamed down Yuuki's face as she held her best, closest friend in her arms. Zero, while he would never admit it, had one of the brightest expressions on his face that he would only remember because it was Yuuki who had brought out such an expression.

A small hand reached up to brush against Zero's extremely fair skin, her fingers combing into the hair behind his ear. Their bodies got so close to each other – a closeness they couldn't deny was only meant for them – and Zero couldn't stand it. He pressed his nose into her hair, feeling Yuuki burrow into Zero's shirt, and for the first time in a very long time, Zero had never been happier.

For the first time in his whole life, he could finally have the very thing he'd always wanted…

…and nothing – or no one – would ever break them apart.

Because, no one can break a bond made to last eternity.
