A/N: and yesterday I decided I wanted to write something new. This is it. Five years after they win Nationals, the glee kids return to Lima for a mini-reunion. Rachel Berry has just won a Tony. Quinn Fabray is an up and coming TV actor and she is about to take the lead on a big network show. They live on opposite sides of the country, and have everything they could ever dream of, but they both have a reason to return to a place they once called home. A tentative reconnection soon blossoms into a whole lot more, but can Rachel Berry and Quinn Fabray actually get it right? You'll have to read and find out.
I'll aim for weekly updates but I am writing something else (faberry) at the moment and this is kind of a side project for now.
Its M rated because I tend to get frustrated if it isn't and sex is good, but it may not happen for a while.
Mistakes are mine. Glee is not.
Rachel hesitated as she reached the door, her outstretched hand began to shake, not that anyone would notice, not that anyone is there to see, but she does, she can't miss it. The music inside is loud, she's been here before and the memories are overwhelming.
Things have changed a bit, the decor is the most obvious, its now five years since she last walked the halls of McKinley High, five years since she last saw anyone from Lima that she wasn't related to. She wasn't sure if she was excited or scared about what lay on the other side of that door but her heart was racing, she was about to be reunited with her old friends, her old glee club.
A vow was made when they won nationals in senior year. They all swore to return, just them, the glee kids. It had been Artie's idea and she'd actually forgotten until the embossed invitation appeared in her postbox 2 short months ago.
It would be the first time she had seen any of them in that time. She had meant to keep in touch, but New York quickly took over her whole life. Rachel had become all that she had ever wanted to be, Juilliard had accepted her, she'd soon landed a role on Broadway and a month ago she'd won her first Tony. A script for a film was at home on her coffee table, waiting for her to read. Yes, Rachel thought, she had everything she'd ever wanted, except for one thing. She still hadn't found love, she'd left that behind in Lima, five years ago.
Taking a last deep breath she reached out and pushed the door open. Heads didn't turn when she entered the room, in fact no one seemed to notice her and she felt a little awkward standing there waiting for someone to acknowledge her presence, gripping to her purse with both hands, she took a deep breath and made a quick scan of the room.
Artie was by the punch bowl talking with Puck and Sam. Mercedes was tucking into the buffet and had Mike and Tina for company. The couple were clearly still together and Rachel realized how little she knew of these peoples lives now. She wondered if they had followed her progress, she guessed someone must have as they knew where to send the invite.
Kurt had changed, she could see that much, he was older and it showed, his lust for fashion was still apparent and his love for Blaine too as she observed the pair laughing along with Finn. She took another uneasy breath as her eyes landed on the boy she once loved. Perhaps she was staring too long because he eventually looked up and saw her.
"Rachel." He called across the room and suddenly all eyes were on her and her private viewing was over, she'd not even found the person she was looking for.
Awkward embrace, after awkward embrace ensued until she found herself wrapped in his arms, his smell was still familiar and his warmth, strangely comforting.
"Hey Finn, everyone." She spoke to those gathered close to her.
"Good to see you Rach, you look awesome." Finn smiled his lopsided grin.
"She looks hot," Santana cut in. "Too hot for you Hudson."
"Not bad yourself Lopez." Rachel grinned offering the girl a light hug. They'd parted on good terms and after Santana came out they'd actually become friends. Rachel found that she had strangely missed her cutting remarks these last few years.
"Still taken, but maybe Britt's might consider letting you join us?" Santana wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, before both girls burst into fits of laughter, mostly thanks to Finn's stunned expression.
"You bat for the other team?" Finn gulped.
"I keep my options open." Rachel replied as she accepted a drink from Mercedes, turning her back on Finn and the conversation she didn't want to have with him.
"A Tony? I have to admit I'm kind jealous." Mercedes took Rachel's arm and led her away from the group. They'd all get a chance to catch up, it wasn't just a one night thing, Rachel was in town for the weekend. A rare break from her now hectic schedule.
The group talked, sang and danced. Rachel laughed and relaxed, she hadn't felt this good in a long time. She'd managed to make her way around the room and talk to all her old friends, but there was one missing, the one she had wanted to see most of all.
"Where's Quinn?" she finally asked of Santana.
"No one really hears from her, a bit like you I guess Berry." The girl shrugged.
"I'm sorry, I'm not the best friend anyone ever had, but you know I have so much on and I never have time."
"Five years! You could have called, you could have answered my emails. I know you got all famous on us, but still last I checked we were still friends on your Facebook."
"My media company runs it."
"The private one." Santana looked at her knowingly, she wasn't going to fall for Rachel's brush off.
"Oh." Rachel knew she should have been more active. Ignoring her past had been an all too easy choice once she got to New York though.
"But you came tonight, so I guess that counts. Q on the other hand..."
"She isn't coming?"
"No idea. I think you best talk to Puck, he's the only one she has any contact with, you know Beth and stuff."
"Sure." Rachel looked over at Puck, he hadn't changed much in appearance but she knew he'd straightened out. She was still in touch with Shelby, it wasn't a perfect relationship, but Shelby had come to her opening night, as promised, and Rachel adored Beth. She never asked Shelby about Quinn, but she did know she was active in Beth's life, sending gifts and visiting occasionally.
Rachel knew all about Quinn, how could she not? The blonde had gone to L.A. after graduation. She'd got bit parts on various popular shows, before becoming a series regular on a sci-fi hit. Her name appeared in magazines when she was linked with this guy or that. It was just gossip fodder, Rachel had the same links herself once her name became a little more known after the Tony nomination.
Puck smiled at her, she waved him over and watched as he crossed the room. "Hey stranger! So you came back, didn't think you'd be here." He tilted his head and placed a kiss to her cheek.
"I've not been the best at keeping contact Noah. Sorry." Rachel offered with a sad smile.
"S'okay, you're still my hot Jewish princess."
"How's Quinn?" Rachel blurted. Causing Puck to knot his eyebrows together before answering her.
"Still a little crazy. I hear from her sometimes, but, well she's still Quinn, big celeb or not."
"Do you know if she's coming this weekend?"
"I don't know babe." He shook his head. "Perhaps coming back to Lima now is a bit too soon for her, you know after everything."
"I don't." Rachel shook her head. "What's everything?"
"Her Dad, he turned up one night after graduation and kinda assaulted her Mom."
"He kinda?" Rachel was burning with rage.
"He slapped her about a little, then had a heart attack or something. Quinn saw it all. There was no reviving him. Quinn left a week later."
"And Judy? She was okay?"
"Yeah she moved to be with Q's sister. So Quinn has no ties here, not now, Shelby taking Beth to Boston and all."
Rachel felt like she'd been kicked in the stomach, how could she not know all this. There were two years before she saw Quinn walk on screen, two whole years that Rachel had been self-absorbed and in denial that she even cared for anyone from Lima.
"Do you have an address?"
"In L.A?"
"Yes, Noah, I have to see her." Rachel couldn't disguise the urgency.
"Uh, yeah I guess, but aren't you like enemies and..."
"We made up, we lost touch. I have to find her."
"I'll bring it to lunch tomorrow." He said a little taken aback by Rachel's forcefulness.
"Thank you." She gently squeezed his arm. "I think I should get back to my Dads. Its been a long day, flights in and everything. So lovely to see you though. Say bye to everyone for me." She rushed out of the door, needing time to get her thoughts together.
Once locked inside her old bedroom she pulled out her iPad and searched for all the news she could find on Quinn Fabray. Rachel had always believed in thorough research and she knew this might be the most important project she'd ever worked on.
She woke at 3am, fully clothed, sprawled on top of her bed. Her thoughts quickly returned to Quinn and she continued her search.
Lunch took forever to come around, but she did manage some quality time with her Dads, she already had a good idea about how the day would pan out, so she decided to try to squeeze in as much as she could.
Noah was good to his word and handed her a piece of paper on his arrival. "Just be careful." He spoke quietly so no one else could hear. She looked up at him quizzically. "You're still Rachel Berry, I know you and I know Quinn, don't let her tear you apart."
Rachel swallowed thickly, she hadn't realized that Noah was so intuitive, but it didn't stop her. Somewhere in her mind she had convinced herself that she needed to save Quinn Fabray, from what or who she couldn't say, but she was sure it'd all become clear once she boarded the plane to Los Angeles that night.
Her plotting was interrupted as Finn pulled out the chair next to her.
"You ran off last night? I was hoping to talk to you. Maybe we could get coffee later?" he asked.
"I can't. I'm leaving tonight."
"Oh, I thought you were here all weekend?"
"I have somewhere else I need to be and only a few days off, I wish I could stay, but I have to do this now, I hope everyone understands, I feel bad running off so soon, but...well its just important."
"No, I get it. You are like all super famous and all that now."
Rachel shook off his comments and tried to bring her mind back to Lima.
"How are you Finn, I mean really?"
"Good, you know, I took over the tyre shop last Fall. Burt is okay, but well Mom wanted to enjoy a retirement. I came to see Kurt once, I tried to get in touch with you, but New York was kinda overwhelming."
"Kurt lives in New York?" Rachel realised that she really didn't know anything about any of her old classmates.
"It's the place for fashion, or so I've been told. You know he switched and got into design, he's really good. Maybe one day you'll wear him to the Oscars or something."
"I know so little."
"It's a shame you aren't sticking around. We all missed you."
Rachel felt guilty, perhaps she should stay. Just as she was wavering on her decision, there was a commotion at the other end of the table. Kurt was standing, his hand over his heart. His eyes focussed on something behind Rachel, turning she saw what he'd been looking at, or rather who.
Quinn Fabray.
Rachel felt her breath catch, the girl was now a woman and somehow she was even prettier than Rachel remembered. She was a lot sexier too and Rachel blushed when she realized she'd been caught raking her eyes over Quinn's body. The blonde smiled at her warmly as she joined the group.
"Room for one more?" she asked before being pulled into hugs. Rachel sat and watched as Quinn responded to question after question that the group fired at her. She wished she hadn't been stuck with Finn at her side. She couldn't join the hugs, but she did get the chance to watch.
Every now and then Quinn would make eye contact, sometimes rolling her eyes at the question. Rachel just smiled back, not sure if it was for her benefit or not.
"And Rachel too." Quinn's voice travelled across the table.
Rachel realized everyone was looking at her. "huh?" her eloquence lost.
"I was just saying that you have made it too." Quinn repeated.
"I um, you, I've seen you on the T.V." Rachel stuttered.
"Yes, and I saw you winning a Tony." Quinn replied, not phased by Rachel's sudden inability to speak.
"I did, I mean you did?"
"Couldn't miss it, I was so happy for you, so proud. I saw your play too."
"You did?" Rachel's words were echoed around the room as all eyes returned to Quinn.
"What? None of you guys went? Well, you missed out, Rachel was...well she was Rachel." Quinn sent Rachel the same warm smile she'd used when she walked into the room.
"I can't believe you were there. Why didn't you come backstage?" Rachel was still stunned at the words falling from Quinn's mouth, had she known Quinn was there that night, well she wasn't sure what she'd have done, but knowing now made her feel so happy.
"Commitments. I had to run, but I wanted to be there. I mean opening night is special."
"You were at opening night?" Rachel was completely shocked. Quinn just nodded back at her, a small smile being bitten back as she chewed her bottom lip.
"I can give you a full on critique of your performance later if you like?"
"I, yes." Rachel said breathily.
"She can't." Finn spoke loudly, knocking Rachel from her Quinn centric world. Both women turned to look at the man. "She's leaving, she told me."
"Oh." Quinn didn't hide her disappointment and Rachel was surprised at how giddy it made her feel.
"I...uh...no. I'm not. I want to stay. The other thing, well it can wait." Rachel waved her hand dismissively. "Besides Finn, you made me realize I had a lot more catching up to do. I can't just go now." Rachel saw the look Puck gave her from across the table and she quickly looked away.
"That's a relief." Quinn had followed the exchange of looks between Rachel and Puck and narrowed her eyes at the man, she still didn't trust him after all his messing around with Shelby.
"Great, we can get that coffee." Finn piped up and Rachel didn't miss the grimace on Quinn's face.
"Hmm, yeah." She nodded.
Any further conversation with Quinn was halted as the food arrived and Tina garnered the blondes attention.
Rachel couldn't take her eyes off Quinn, Finn babbled away next to her but she was paying little attention. She watched as Quinn spoke to a waitress and then wrote something on a napkin, before pointing towards Rachel. The waitress hand it to Rachel a moment later.
When you are done with the boy, call me. I'd like to catch up. Qx
Underneath was Quinn's cell number. Rachel looked up and grinned. She tapped the number in her phone. Watching as Quinn fiddled in her purse to retrieve her cell, before reading the text Rachel had sent.
You now have my private number, my agent might kill me! Call me at 3.30pm. We can go to Breadstix. Rx
Quinn laughed aloud and tapped out a reply.
Is it still open? Not sure I'm happy that Finn comes between us again, but I can wait. Five years has been too long. Qx p.s. this is my private number too, you are on a very select list. Qx
I feel bad. Can you see my sad face. But he kind of asked and then you walked in... Rx
Quinn looked up and Rachel gave her the full benefit of her pouty bottom lip, the blonde shook her head, but it didn't stop the laughter.
Sad face is cute ;) So I need to kill my agent for making me get a later flight? I miss out to Hudson all for the lead in a new show.
The lead? Really?
I'll tell you all about it later. It's good to see you Rach. Qx
Rachel looked up and saw Quinn still watching her, the warm smile was replaced by something more intense and Rachel couldn't wait to have some time alone later. She hadn't expected this at all, but she liked it a lot. Quinn looked so at peace with herself, not like the messed up teenager she remembered and that alone made her feel happy.
A/N: Thoughts? Comments? Reviews?
I said weekly updates above, but will probably try to get the second chapter together in the next few days...