Hello everyone! This is a random idea I had at school and I started writing when I wasn't working. This story is AU and since it takes place in different time periods, I don't really have an exact time frame for the time from the point where they get transported back in time to the end of the story when they return to the present. Plus, as an AU, it doesn't follow the exact events of the show. If I had to choose a general time-line though, I'd say it starts sometime around "Fugitives" after Claire's free pass expired. Please and enjoy and give me lots of reviews! Both good and bad are equally welcome since I can use criticism to improve my story. Just don't be too harsh. If you like it then I'll try to update soon. Parts in parenthesis are thoughts. Now, without further ado, I present to you: Journey Through Time!

I DO NOT OWN HEROES (though I wish I did). I only own the plot (I think I do at least) and the OC characters in my story, some Special, some not, and of course, the random civilians.


Claire was asleep in her bed, the faint rustling of the curtains in the breeze from the open window the only sound in the otherwise silent night. She found herself stirring at a faint disturbance that would be undetectable to anyone but her.

She sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She lit the lamp on the little table beside her bed and looked around. Nothing seemed amiss. (I could have sworn I heard something. It was… never mind. It couldn't be… could it?) She frowned slightly and pulled back her covers. She swung her slender tan legs over the side of her bed, stood up, and smoothed her white nightgown.

She walked into the bathroom and peered into the mirror. She looked terrible. Her golden hair was disheveled and her eyes were red and puffy. She barely recognized the lost and confused girl staring back at her. She turned on the sink and splashed some cold water on her face, then briskly combed her fingers through her hair. She dried her face and hands, and with a sigh, left the bathroom to go back to bed.

As she stepped into her room, she froze. The figure that had haunted her dreams stood silhouetted in her doorway by the pale moonlight. Her dark angel had come for her.

"Sylar." she whispered.

He took a few fluid steps towards her, his fathomless dark eyes glimmering with unknown emotions. "Hello Claire." Sylar purred softly.

Claire took a step back, her blue green eyes widening in disbelief. "You shouldn't be here." she said quietly, looking around nervously.

"Shh, shh, shh, Claire. I am here and that's what matters." he replied in a velvety tone that sent a strange thrill through her. He strode forward and sat on the bed, patting the spot next to him for her to sit beside him.

She hesitated for a moment before complying. As they gazed at each other in silence for a moment, Claire wondered how this had happened. Finally, exhausted, she leaned her head onto Sylar's shoulder, a single crystalline tear leaking from the corner of her eye.

Sylar caught it with a fingertip and examined it for a second before looking back at Claire. "Why are you crying Claire?" he asked, stroking her hair with a warm calloused hand.

"Sylar, I…" Claire began, but then choked up and ended up sobbing silently into his shirt.

Sylar lifted her chin gently so that she was looking up at him. "Claire, you're too beautiful to cry. And please, call me Gabriel." he whispered into her ear.

"Gabriel…" she said, trying out the unfamiliar word. She smiled a bit then, and although slight, it seemed to light up the whole room.

That sounded right.

To be continued...

So, what does everyone think? Tell me your opinions in the reviews. I hope you liked my first chapter, even though it was just a prologue. Like I mentioned above, I'll try to update soon if I get enough requests. The other chapters may be a bit longer, depending on my mood. It's going to be a pretty long story anyway though.