Hello everyone, for the ones who are reading my other story, Save Me, don't worry, I have not abandoned that story. This new story is driving me crazy and my attention on the other story is being affected, lol! It does not mean, however, that I've stopped writing the other story, because I haven't. I just need to start this one was well. This story will be an AU but you will see some things from the books, some scenes that will play out but with my OC stuck in the middle. As always, I do not own anything related to Harry Potter. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. This story will be in several POV but the majority of it will be in Snape and the OC's POV. It is another Snape love interest story, because, well I love Snape and he deserves happiness! I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it!

White fog rose from Dumbledore's mouth as he breathed in and out the winter air. It had been a long few days, filled with tears and more sadness than a heart should bear. The Order had lost two more of its members at the hands of evil. When he thought of James and Lily Potter, Dumbledore had to close his eyes to keep the tears at bay. He had lived too long, seen too many loved ones murdered at the hands of such an evil man. At one time, he had tried to help this man only to have failed in every way possible.

Not all was lost in those days. From the shadows of death came life. From the shadows of sacrifice came a chance to live. James and Lily Potter's son had been spared, nobody really knew how, but he had survived against Voldemort's attack. This time, two nights ago, he placed the small boy on the doorstep of the only other living relatives the boy had. His mother's sister was a Muggle, but it would have to do for the time being. Until the day Harry was ready, he would be safe with his aunt and uncle.

Dumbledore looked around; the air had grown even colder since he arrived. Again, he found himself saving another child brought out of the darkness of evil. This child was different. The blood that flowed through this child was the same that flowed through the same man that had taken so much from Dumbledore. This child belonged to Voldemort. When he had first heard of the possibility of the child existing, he was stunned beyond words. Soon, his fears became reality when his spy had confirmed the rumors. Indeed, there had been born a child. Dumbledore had vowed to save the child somehow.

He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of footsteps approaching. Looking out over his half-moon glasses, he watched as a man came towards him. In his arms was a bundle of cloth. Dumbledore studied the man, his face aging ten years in a matter of days. His hair blew in the chilled air. It looked unkempt and neglected as usual. He worried about the young man every time his eyes fell upon him.

The man came and stood before him. Dumbledore looked down at his arms, the child fast asleep. She was the age of three, beauty shown on her face. Her long, black curls lay scattered around her, as her long eyelashes lay closed on her pale skin. She had her mother's face, but Dumbledore knew if those eyes were opened he would see her father.

"Were you seen?" Dumbledore asked the man worriedly.

"No," the man said shortly.

Again, Dumbledore looked down at the child. She was so small, surrounded by the black cloak of the man carrying her. Dumbledore knew the risks that he had asked the man to take to ensure the safety of the child. If anyone had seen him, or if anyone found out who had taken the child, all would be lost. In his opinion, it was a risk worth taken now that the child was secure.

"The mother?" Dumbledore questioned.

"They took her to Azkaban."

He nodded his head in understanding. The minutes rolled passed, the air getting colder, before either spoke again. Both men were too caught up in the presence of the child and in their own grief to speak. Dumbledore looked at the man again. He was no older than twenty-one, yet the road he had chosen for his life made him look as though he were much older.

"You need rest, Severus, it's been days," he said softly.

The man looked up with fury blazing in his eyes, "There is no rest for me anymore."

Dumbledore's face showed his sadness. The young man before him had lost everything the night Lily Potter was murdered. He had loved her since they were children. Even after she had chosen another, Severus Snape never stopped loving her, even putting his life in danger to protect her. It was all in vain as Lily Potter sat in a cold, stoned grave.

Snape looked around, wondering where they were. His eyes fell to the building where they took refuge. The name on the front, written in large, black lettering red, "Home For the Lost Children, Hope for the Future." Snape could not help but sneer. Dumbledore sighed as he watched the man reading the name of the orphanage.

"This place is better than the alternative. She cannot go to the Malfoy's. If Voldemort does return and we both know he will she would be in his clutches before we would ever find out. Even from a prison cell in Azkaban, her mother Bellatrix poses a threat to her. For now, this is the only place that is safe."

"Why not bring her to Hogwarts? Why does it have to be here?" Snape said angrily.

Dumbledore had thought long and hard about the child and what would be in her best interest. He had wanted to bring her to Hogwarts, but knew that it would only make her life more difficult. One day, if it was her destiny to be at the school, the truth of her parents would be a huge burden to carry, almost as much as Harry's burden as the boy who lived. He did not wish that for her.

"Because, we do not know if she will ever be like us. Maybe she will be able to live a Muggle life. Though she is Voldemort and Bellatrix's daughter, she might have a chance at a normal life," Dumbledore said. "In fact, I'd rather her not become like us. I'd rather her stay in this world far away from her parents," he added.

"And if the time comes where she attends Hogwarts, will you tell her the truth?" Snape asked.

"I have not gotten that far, my friend. I am taking it one step at a time and the first step was to get her out of that place. Severus, thank you for risking your life for the child," Dumbledore finished softly.

Snape said nothing, just stared at the child in his arms. They stood for a few more minutes watching the sleeping child, wondering what the future held for her. Would she have a chance at a normal life, or would she find herself in a world where her very life was in danger? Neither man could answer.

"I always wondered what could have been if I would have found Tom at this age," Dumbledore said softly. "It could have possibly made a difference."

The hard lines on Snape's face softened a bit, "You cannot change the past, Albus. Such a thing is not afforded to us."

Dumbledore looked up at his friend. His hand came up and clasped him on the shoulder, only nodding. "Sometimes it helps to see what good could have been from every situation, Severus." With a soft sigh, he looked down at the baby again. "Let us be off then. Leave the child at the door and I will summons the nun to take her," he whispered.

"Are you just going to leave her here, Albus?" Snape said, his voice showing his concern.

For a moment, Dumbledore was taken aback by Snape's concern. He had not known Snape to be a caring man towards others, only Lily, and yet, he showed concern for the baby in his arms. Maybe it was because he had risked much to save the child, or maybe it was because deep down inside Snape there was a part of him that still cared for people, especially innocent people.

"I assure you, she will never be alone, Severus. She is far too valuable. I will watch over her from a distance," Dumbledore said.

"So, my job is done in this matter?" Snape asked.

Dumbledore did not speak at first. He had asked so much of the man and knew as the years progressed he would ask so much more. "Yes, for the time being," he answered.

Snape gently walked towards the door of the orphanage. His steps were soft and light as to not wake the child. He gently laid the girl on the ground, his black cloak surrounding her keeping her warm from the frigid air. He stood up, looking down at her. Dumbledore looked around making sure no one was in sight. Everything was as it should be. When he was satisfied, he walked to stand beside Snape, his eyes traveling to the bundle beneath them.

"If fate should choose it child, we will see you again," Dumbledore whispered to the sleeping girl.

He looked over and Snape and nodded his head briefly. It was a sign that Snape's presence was no longer needed. Dumbledore was about to waken the nuns of the orphanage and the girl would belong to them.

Suddenly, Snape disapparated in a sea of what looked to be black ribbons and smoke. Dumbledore waited a few minutes more, the fatigue setting in. With a deep breath, he knocked on the wooden door before him.

Behind the large oak tree in the darkness, Dumbledore watched the door come open and a middle-aged woman came into view. She was clothed in a night robe, her eyes alert and looking out at the darkness. It took a few seconds for her to look down, but Dumbledore didn't miss the gasp from the woman. She placed her hand over her mouth and dropped to her knees. She studied the bundle of black fabric, reaching out to uncover its contents.

"Oh my," she whispered.

The woman did not hesitate to take the small child in her arms, cradling her close to her bosom. Something dropped to the ground with a soft thump. The woman looked down and noticed a white envelope. Slowly, as to not wake the child, she reached down and grabbed it, opening the envelope and reading the letter inside.

"Her name is Aileen, the last name you may give to her yourself. Keep her safe and watch over her," the woman read aloud in a small whisper.

She read the note a few more times, finding no other information but the child's first name. Her eyes roamed over the girl's soft face and she smiled sadly. Dumbledore watched the scene unfold, a heaviness beginning to form in his heart. The only thing he could supply the child with was her first name.

Long after the door closed behind the woman and child, Dumbledore stood unmoving, watching the orphanage. The child was finally free from her parents and the men and women who supported their cause. Both children, Harry and Aileen, were finally safe. He hoped with everything in him both children would have different paths. Harry was destined to be a great wizard, he knew it deep within his heart, but for the girl he hoped with all hope that she would never know their world. He hoped with all hope that she would never have to know the truth about who she really was.

As the sun began to rise, Dumbledore took one finall look at the orphanage and with a hush of the wind, he vanished. It would be ten years before he would come face to face with the small child.