Thank you all for reading Hetalia: 2012! Yes, this is the last chapter. But I'm working on a second part to it. It's called "The Last One Standing".

Anyway, thanks again and I hope you enjoyed it!


December 25th, 2012

4:50 PM

"Delete it!" Scotland yelled, trying to grab France's cell phone.

"Ha-ha, not a chance!" France said, remembering the morning he had taken the picture of Scotland and Ireland "all over each other", as America put it, when they were asleep.

France stood back against the wall, one hand in a pocket, the other hand easily keeping the cell phone away from Scotland. America and Canada were sitting on the floor, taking turns playing a video game on a Nintendo DS. England and Wales were laughing at Scotland's failed attempts at trying to grab the phone. They were all just hanging around in one of the hallways in the hospital.

"Scotland, just forget about it," Wales smirked. "Anyway, it's a very cute picture." he said, extenuating the word 'cute'.

England and Wales burst out into laughter again.

"Sh-shut up!" Scotland yelled, turning an angry, slightly blushing face to them.

"'Ey, Scottie!" Ireland said, walking up to every one. "Uh, what's up with them?" he asked, regarding England and Wales.

"Oh, they're just being retarded." Scotland said, rolling his eyes at their laughing. "Ignore them. Where've you been?"

"Looking for you. You…do know what today is, right?"

Scotland gave him a blank stare. "Um…Monday?"

Ireland facepalmed. "No, silly!" he said, a huge smile on his face. "It's Christmas!"

Every body stopped everything they were doing and looked at him in awe.

"WHAT?" France yelled.

"No way, dude!" America said after exchanging glances with Canada.

"Yeah, way." Ireland said. Returning his attention to Scotland, he said, "And I feel all bad 'cause I couldn't get you anything…o-oh and, uh…you guys, too. Sorry."

"Thanks for almost forgetting about us." Wales said.

"No problem," he said. "So, anyways…" Ireland stepped closer to Scotland, then threw his arms around his waist, pulling him into a tight hug. "Merry Christmas, Scottie. I love youuuuuu!~"

Scotland hesitantly hugged him back, then mumbled: "I…I love you, too."

Ireland just smiled.

"Oh, bollocks, Scotland…" England said, shoving Scotland's face into Ireland's. "There you go."

After a few seconds, they heard familiar bubbly laughing.

Scotland pulled his face away from Ireland's. "Is that…?" he said, a confused look on his face.

"Hahahahahaha!~ Heyheyhey, that was cute! How've you all been doing? Oh, god, I thought I'd never see any of you ever, ever, ever, ever, ever again! Ha, Merry Christmas!~" Australia said, walking up.

"Australia?" Wales yelled, squinting at his cousin.

"G'day, mate!"

"Isn't it a miracle?" Vietnam said, walking up beside Australia. "Only about seventy-five percent of Australia got flooded over, and the flooding in my country wasn't actually that serious, all of the water is gone now…although there is a lot of damage…but anyway…"

"Yeah, yeah! And Greece turned out to be awright, too. Ha-ha you guy's should've seen Egypt and Turkey's faces!" Australia laughed.

"What about…New Zealand?" England asked.

Australia's smile turned into a frown. "Unfortunately…he didn't quite make it…"

"That's terrible…"

"Uh-huh…" Australia quickly tried changing the subject, not wanting to talk about the loss of his brother. "Me and Vietnam just-"

"Who?" England asked.

"What? Me and Vietnam, I just said th-"


"…Vietnam and I just watched a news report thingy and it said that the equator seemed to have moved or something, making it hotter around Russia, Scandinavia, the northern countries in Europe, I think, and Antarctica."

"And a lot of the snow and ice in Antarctica melted, causing the water in the ocean to rise, which triggered all the flooding. They said that could actually be a good thing, because North America is now uninhabitable, apparently, but Antarctica IS inhabitable! People had started going over there to…I don't know, whatever they do to get people to live there…and guess what cute little country they found?~" Vietnam said.

"Antarctica!" America yelled.

Vietnam nodded.

"Yes! Canada, I actually got it right!"

"Congratulations, Al…"

"Well…since the mood is pretty good right now," France said, turning to England while taking a small box out of his pocket. "I was going to do this sooner, but…you know…stuff came up. So, what better day to do it now, on Christmas, right, mon cher?"

"Do what?"

France cleared his throat, then knelt down on one knee and opening up the box to reveal a shiny ring. "Arthur Kirkland," he started, smiling. "will you marry me?"

England's heart skipped a beat. He smiled, tears welling up in his eyes. "Francis…yes!"