December 18th, 2012

12:46 PM

"So," Alfred F. Jones, or America, said with a fry hanging out of his mouth, a snow shovel in his right hand and a cheeseburger in his left. "everybody's meeting up in the USA, right?"

His brother, Matthew Williams, or Canada, stopped shoveling and looked at America, hoping he was talking to him, not one of their parents, Arthur Kirkland or Francis Bonnefoy (also known as England and France), that were also there helping America shovel the snow out of his driveway.

America's shoulders slumped. "Hey Matt, I'm talkin' to you! Our pre-Christmas party! Today! It's in my country, right dude?"

"O-oh…yeah…I guess, eh?" Canada answered, now focusing on the little bit of snow left in his brother's driveway.

"It's at one o'clock, so we'd better get ready to leave…" England said, sounding completely unenthusiastic.

"Awritghty then people!" America shoved the rest of the cheeseburger in his mouth, dropped the shovel, and pulled his car keys out of his back pocket.


"Okay, so you say every one is going to be there, is that right Al?" Canada asked.

"Yeah, and not the 'every one' that was there last year, which was just me, England, you, Canada, Spain, Prussia, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Italy, Romano, Turkey, Greece, Denmark, and Norway, I hope…" France said.

"No. I spent almost two hours last night calling every one- and when I say every one I mean EVERY ONE- and making sure they were gonna be there no matter what." America answered, almost crashing into the person driving in front of him because he wasn't paying attention to the road.

"Bloody git…" England mumbled.


"Well it sure does look like a lot more people came this year, don't it?" America said, looking around. "Dude. Matt. Mistletoe!~"

"D-do we really have to k-" Canada was interrupted by America practically slamming his face into Canada's.

"Oh well that's joyous." England said sarcastically.

"¡Hola mi amigos!" Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, or Spain, exclaimed, morphing into the peripheral.

"I'm not your friend." England said.

"Okay then…" Spain turned to France. "¡Hola mi amigo! ¡Feliz Navidad! Well, it's a few days early but…y'know…"

"What it be Francis?" Gilbert Beilschmidt, or Prussia, said, probably trying to sound like a gangster or something.

"It be great!" France said, either playing along or just simply answering his question.

"OHMAIGAWD!" America stopped making out with his brother. "Holy hell the world is supposed to like end or something on the 21st! Urrrgh…that sucks the joy outta X-mas, dude."

"Seriously?" Elizaveta Héderváry, or Hungary, questioned, walking up behind America, scaring him a little. "You can't honestly believe that crap."

"Well it's gotta be true! I have proof." America said, sounding so sure of himself.

England rolled his eyes. "Of course you do."

"No really! Iggy, you know your cousin, Australia?"

"What about him?"

"Well, over in his country yesterday, it was raining like crazy- I'm talking twenty four hours straight and HARD."

"That's what she said." Prussia chimed in.

"And…?" France asked.

"Why do you care? I thought you didn't like Australia." England questioned.

"Oh, I just want to know if he's dead yet." France then received a slap across the face.

"Anyway, there's this HUGE flood there, and I think in New Zealand, too. So, sorry to disappoint you France, but Australia isn't dead…yet." America then got slapped by England. "Dude! What was that for?"

"He's not going to die! Shut up!"

"Yeah you say that now, and next thing you know…he's dead."


"Yes, England?"

"Shut up."