My eyes snapped open. Struggling for breath, I sat up, only to be welcomed into consciousness by the thud of my head on the ceiling. I'd have to get used to sleeping in the top bunk. I groaned, rubbed my forehead and slowly lay back down. I glanced at the clock on Angel's bedside table. The glowing red numbers stated that it was twenty past four in the morning. Damn, these vivid nightmares really took it out of you. I closed my eyes once more, hoping for a few more hours shut eye, but I was greeted by more troubling images. I shuddered, blocked them out and reluctantly climbed down the ladder, being careful not to wake Max or Angel. However, as I crept through our bedroom door, and set off for the bathroom (a cold shower was in order), I spotted a dark figure lurking at the end of the hall. Cautiously, I inched towards it. As I got closer, I seemed to hear a sort of muted music. Iggy. Of course. I left him in peace and made my way to the shower. You see, only at night could Ig escape the taunts and teases from Fang and Gazzy. Iggy found comfort in Disney songs. Hannah Montana, High School Musical, Camp Rock, you name it, he's heard it. I will admit I am kind of the cause of this. My Disney phase also sucked Iggy in; he claims it makes him feel happy. As I grew out of it, Iggy stayed behind and kept listening. Although, I do sometimes still pretend to like it to get attention from Iggy. I'll do anything to get attention from Iggy. Sigh. Snap out of it, Nudge. Get a grip.

I stepped out of the shower and shook out my caramel curls. I'd had to use a whole bottle of shampoo to get my matted hair to look even a fraction presentable. I suppose it doesn't really matter when you're trying to impress a blind guy, although it does put you in a better frame of mind when you feel clean. I sat down, and unsuccessfully tried to pull a brush through my mane. I wondered what my nightmares meant. Are they like Max's Voice? Do they show the future? They definitely aren't normal dreams. All these answerless thoughts ran circles through my head. I stood up much too fast and fell down. I stretched out my hand to steady myself on the edge of the bath, and realised it was shaking violently. Pull yourself together, Nudge. I attempted to stand up once more, this time taking care to make my movements slow and smooth. I peered down the hallway, it was now flooded with yellow light. No Iggy. My heart sank slightly but then I assured myself that the faster I got changed, the faster I would see him again. I half ran to my room, chucked on a t-shirt and jeans and clumsily sprinted down the stairs, and though I was expecting it, my heart still skipped a beat when I saw his ever so close to perfect face.

"Hey Ig," I said casually, trying to sound somewhat cool. I failed epically.
"Nudge! S'up?" He asked, and amazingly, he sounded pleased to see, or hear, me. I probably imagined it though.
"Nothing much. What's good this morning?"
"I made waffles and bacon. Though I'd be surprised if there's any left, Gazzy's been at them."
"Best run then. Catch you later!"
Yes! A conversation, however short, successfully completed without making a total fool of myself. Achievement unlocked!

I took my own advice and ran towards the kitchen. God, they smelled so good! Yes, Gazzy had spared a few. Although, speaking of Gazzy, where was he? Ah, well he could wait. Food always comes first. I ate incredibly slowly, savouring every heavenly bite, but I was interrupted by Max's unmistakeable roar,
Followed by an exceedingly loud and awfully familiar BANG. Oh crap, more fireworks. Really Gaz? Max would of course now be in a foul mood all day. Just what I needed. I'd been meaning to talk to Max about my nightmares today, but that would have to wait. I reluctantly pulled myself away from the bacon and trudged outside.

I squinted against the glare of the beautiful morning sun. Fireworks in the sun. WHY!
"I'm sorry!" I heard Gazzy exclaim from on top of Dr. Martinez's poor garage, which now had a gaping hole in its roof.
"Sorry doesn't cut it. What good could have possibly come of setting off 300 simultaneous fireworks?" A visibly fuming Max asked.
"Well, at least we now know that 269 Crystal Empires will cause immense damage to garage roofs?" Gazzy suggested.
"No. Freaking. DUH!"
That was the point where I turned around and headed back inside, before something nasty could happen. And knowing Max, it would.