Author's note:

Hmm, okay, so it's been quite a while since the last chapter of this story was uploaded. . to be perfectly honest I've had this sitting on my computer for a while. . . sorry if anyone was waiting for a chapter. . . but then again, better late than never xD

The Spark

"Ahem, ahem." Daphne flew back from Blaise with red cheeks and a horrified expression. Professor Umbridge looked at them with a a smile, and a tight grip on her wand.

"Miss Greengrass, Mr. Zabini, are you not aware of the rules concerning student relations?" she asked with a high-pitched voice.

"I'm not aware of such a rule." Blaise said with a charming smile. Umbridge didn't move a face-muscle.

"Because you are Slytherins, I will be lenient, but do not let this happen again." Umbridge spoke to the very red cheeked Daphne as though she was talking to a small child. Daphne nodded.

The short woman turned and walked out of sight. Blaise burst into laughter and Daphne couldn't help but giggle a little at the whole thing.

When Blaise stopped laughing he looked at Daphne with a half-smile and a curious look.

"What is it?" Daphne asked nervously.

"Will you go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?" Daphne's face immediately turned bright red, but she stuttered out a yes none the less.

"Great, I'll meat you in the Common-room!" Blaise yelled as he backed away towards the locker-rooms. Daphne nodded with a smile, and walked back to the common-room. The smile didn't seem to want to go away.

"Hey Pansy, guess what." She said and leaned over a sofa. Pansy looked up at her and snorted.

"Where have you been? You said you'd be a minute, it's been two hours." She whined, but Daphne shrugged it off, and flopped down next to her.

"Blaise asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him." She stated happily. Pansy just looked at her.

"Yeah, whatever, he's fancied you for months. We should be talking about how Draco hasn't asked me, ME!- . . . ." Daphne tuned out the rest of the rant. She'd heard it all before, on numerous occasions. Although she did think about what Pansy said. Had Blaise really fancied her for months? No he couldn't have. She would have noticed. And he wouldn't have flirted with some of the other girls, she'd seen it. She started to frown, when Blaise came into the room with Draco.

"Oh! Draco!" Pansy yelled and tried to wave him over. Draco grimaced ever so slightly and went for the door to the boy's dormitories, running straight into Asteria. Daphne grimaced at her sister's furious face, and got up to intercept the disaster, under sharp protests from Pansy.

"Hey, what're you doing?" Daphne smiled at Blaise, but couldn't help but glance at her sister and Draco who were now having somewhat of a glaring contest.

"My sister, she's ehm." Blaise turned around and smirked slightly.

"She'll be fine, he's not so bad."

"He's the one I'm worried about. She bites." Daphne said with concern, but Blaise only laughed.

"I like a girl with fire, though the shy ones aren't too bad either." Daphne felt the flush in her cheeks once again, and wondered how many times that could even happen in a day.

"Hehe, okay." She said very cleverly.

"Why can't you just watch where you're going?" Asteria's indignant voice broke through the moment, and Daphne looked to find her sister severely pissed off. Not to mention the equally pissed off Draco who didn't back out of the fight.

"I'm Draco Malfoy, I don't have to." He said haughtily. Daphne watched her sister snort, and made a protesting sound.

"Well, clearly you can't see with your head so far up your ass, because then you wouldn't just stroll into people. Tell me does it ever get too much being such a prick?" Draco stared in complete shock at the thirteen-year-old girl, and so did Blaise, and the rest of the common-room.

Daphne marched towards her sister, and pulled her away towards the dormitories. She just heard Blaise burst into laughter before she slammed the door and rounded on her sister.


Okay so i don't know about the quality of this, but it's the best I've got o.o I'm not planning on turning this into a full story, but maybe I'll post a chapter on occasion, if they happen to magically appear in my mind :P