A/N: Hey, this was just going to be a one-shot, a very long 20,000 word+ one-shot, but a recent review on one of my other stories has made me break it down into chapters. I know that not everyone likes ridiculously long chapters/stories like I do, and I respect that, so I broke it down for those who like shorter chapters/stories.

It's going to be 3 maybe 4 chapters long at most, and it's pretty much already completed, so I'll be updating in-between updating chapters of 'My Duty to My Sister.' It's a cute and fluffy but with sad/heart-breaking undertones, I'm afraid. But I'm NOT going to break the characters nearly as hard as I have been doing/will be doing (yes, there's more breaking) in my other Byaruki fic.

I don't own Bleach and I really hope there isn't another Byaruki like this, if there is, I'm really sorry! I didn't know! I always write whatever comes into my head while walking to Uni!


Both characters in this fanfiction are over the age of sixteen, and therefore sexually legal in the US, UK and Japan, so if you're going to comment that it's underage romance/sex or whatever, I've got it covered!

I'm the Son and Heir

Part I

The Kuchiki gardens always looked exquisite this time of year, the brightly coloured flowers bloomed gracefully while the full-blossomed trees shook their petals in the breeze. Although spring was Ginrei's favourite season, he still enjoyed the feeling of summer, the light nights and warm winds that carried the fragrances of summer. The centrepiece of the main garden stood proud and pristine, the epitome of the Kuchiki family wealth and a personal favourite of the aged man. The expensive marble fountain glistened under the afternoon sun, the water droplets falling like diamonds, and onlookers of the scene wouldn't be surprised if diamonds were indeed tumbling down the stone shelves.

The elderly man allowed himself a small smile as a low flying swallow swooped past him, returning to its nest located within the rafters of the grand house and greeting its partner and chicks with a fresh load of food. It chirped loudly before zipping back off, starting a symphony of nearby birds. He looked up however, distracted by a large flock of birds flying away from one of the smaller gardens, all avidly twittering in distress. His frown quickly turned to a sigh as he heard the yell of his grandson from one of the gardens. Although he was far from his prime, he was still able to flash step quickly to the scene of the crime, observing as a cursing Byakuya swung his bokken in all directions, clearly frustrated with something.

"Byakuya," Ginrei addressed him, causing the young man to turn to him abruptly, his face portraying a mixture of anger and embarrassment, "Any particular reason for this sudden outbreak of rage?"

"Yoruichi-sama," Byakuya seethed, his fists clenched around his wooden bokken, "Not only did she sneak into the grounds, but she also disrupted my training and challenged me to a shunpo match."

"She also took your hair band again, I see," Ginrei commented, inwardly shaking his head at the hotheaded male. He had hoped to pass over leadership to the young male within the near future, but he was still to rash, too easily wound up and not had matured enough. He had hoped that at the age of seventeen, he would already be preparing himself for the inevitable take over as the head of the clan in a few years time, but Ginrei had no such luck.

"GAH!" Byakuya screeched again, throwing his bokken down and flash stepping inside the great mansion now.

"Good," Ginrei concluded to himself with a sigh, "It's time for dinner anyway."

He flash stepped back into the grand household, zipping past the many rooms and corridors, past his grandson's room and into his own private quarters to change into an evening robe and prepare for dinner.

Byakuya meanwhile undressed within the privacy of his own room, throwing his clothes on his large bed and wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. Walking to his en-suite in his underwear, he quickly examined himself in the mirror, taking note of any bruises that the 'she-devil' had given him. He smirked to himself, he hated being called cute and he hoped that he would grow to become handsome rather than cute. Although he did not hate his almost lanky body, he wished he could grow into a little more, in all fairness, however, he had grown into himself a lot over the summer, his shoulders becoming broader with age and his abdomen showing the first signs of tautness from constant training, but he was still far from the gorgeous man he was to become.

He walked into the bathroom, picking up various soaps from the side before grabbing a towel and throwing them all at the foot of the bath. Tonight however, unlike most nights, he didn't have calligraphy practise, leaving the night free for him to do as he pleased. Knowing this, he took a particularly fragrant smelling soap from the cabinet, one, which was particularly expensive and usually only used on special occasions, but on nights like these ones, it was always a special occasion to Byakuya. He turned on the hot water tap before adding a little cold water, getting a nice consistency before flipping the cap of the soap and pouring a generous amount into the water, clouding it with bubbly swirls. Pulling off his underwear and flinging it by the door in a typical male style, he stepped into the large bath, slowly sitting down as his body adjusted to the hot temperature. He turned the taps off as it filled to a sufficient amount before lying back against the tub, sighing in contentment, just what he needed after a hard day of training. He clenched his fist as Yoruichi's laughter flooded his head, reminding him that she had managed to make a fool of him once more. He swore that he would get revenge one day! And on that day, he would be truly happy! He picked up the body scrubbing material from the side of the bath before scrubbing himself with it, washing away the sweat and dust from his tired body before resting again to soak.

He stared up at the ceiling, mulling over his current situation. He knew that his hotheadedness would have to be toned down at some point, he would be turning eighteen soon, even closer to the age of adulthood at twenty-one. No doubt his grandfather would tell him to buckle down and curb his anger. It wasn't that he disliked the pressure and training, on the contrary, he was eager to train hard every day to become the next head of the clan, but his rash nature constantly let him down. Even though he tried hard to control his emotions, it was something that was alien to him, and he dreaded the day he would no longer be able to show any emotions at all. He sighed, his thoughts switching to something that had been on his mind a great deal recently, a girl with whom he had become completely and utterly infatuated.

It had started with Yoruichi winding him up as usual and challenging him to a shunpo duel, which he had happily obliged to, reminding her that he would 'kick her ass,' at a shunpo duel. She had, of course zipped off before he had time to think, prompting him to chase after her. She had led him through back streets, several division barracks, through a busy shopping district and even out to Rukongai. Byakuya had only ever visited the most affluent district of Rukongai with his grandfather in a palanquin, so when Yoruichi led him through different districts, each of them less affluent than the last, he began to have second thoughts. Yes, he wanted to win, but was winning this one occasion worth a scolding from his grandfather? He looked around briefly, which district was this? It must be the twentieth at least, he had been chasing after her for a while now and as he moved through the districts, the lack of order became apparent. Beautiful traditional houses eventually gave way more simple wooden houses and then into slums, by which point, Byakuya knew his grandfather would kill him. Seeing a side street, he seized his chance as a stroke of genius struck him: he could cut Yoruichi off when she turned, leaving him the winner so he could get out of this god-awful place.

He smirked as he diverted into the side alley, and he had it in the bag as he pelted around the corner, ready to cut her off within seconds. Byakuya had less than a second to see what was in front of him before he hit something so hard that he instantly had the wind knocked out of him, sending him flying backwards against the far alley wall. He hit it with a crack, crying out at the sudden pain that assaulted his spine and head. He took a few minutes to regain his composure, his head spinning as he pulled himself up and off the wall. He was lucky that he was already quite strong for his age, if not, he would have lost consciousness or worse. He staggered forward, holding his head in his hands before he remembered Yoruichi, prompting him to flash step up to the roof of the building, looking around avidly for her, much to his avail. He started panicking, his head throbbing from injury and his heart pounding, the roar of his blood filling his ears.

"Yoruichi-sama!" he called as loud as he could, the sound of his worried panting drowning out his weak voice, "Yoruichi-sama!"

He looked around again, looking in every direction, had she even noticed that he was no longer trailing after her? He was starting to feel sick with worry, if he couldn't see her, was he supposed to stumble his way back to the Seireitei on his own? He had been going so fast that he hadn't particularly paid attention to where he was going; he had no idea how to get back. He was panicking and even a little scared, though he would never, ever admit it to anyone, he was a Kuchiki! He would find the way back no problem; it would be a cinch for someone like him. He hopped down off the roof, landing on the floor and frowning as he caught sight of a girl lying sprawled on the floor a few metres away, her limbs jutting out at odd angles. With his head still throbbing and a very painful back, which would no doubt be peppered with bruises in the next few days, he made his way over to the girl, squatting down next to her in an attempt to get a better look. So this is what he hit into and sent him flying backwards? No wonder it had such an impact, seeing as he was flash stepping as fast as he physically could. He frowned as he got a better look; he had never had that much contact with girls, only meeting with a few daughters from other noble families that his grandfather had arranged in the hopes that he would one day marry one, but he could tell that even covered in dust and dirt, she had cute features and an almost natural beauty to her that he had never seen before. It wasn't that Byakuya wasn't into girls, but he had training to do, being interested in girls would come when he was well and truly the new head of the Kuchiki family, and when he was the new captain of squad six. Until then however, he would have no interest in chasing girls. As he got up, ready to try and find his way back, he heard her mumble something and stir, slowly pulling her limbs back into a more comfortable position.

He squatted down once more, watching in fascination almost as she continued to stir, slowing opening her large eyes to look up at him. She lay for a few seconds, trying to comprehend the situation. The last thing she could remember was looking at the small box of food she had stolen, about to peek inside when she had heard a loud noise, prompting her to look in it's direction seeing only a blur and suddenly feeling an indescribable amount of pain before everything gave way to blackness. As she opened her eyes the pain came flooding back, prompting her to clutch her ribs and groan in pain.

She looked up to see a curious yet rather disgusted looking boy peering down at her intently, his brows knitting together in a frown. She screeched loudly, enough to rival an angry howler monkey as she moved backwards at great haste, ignoring her bruised and possibly broken ribs and torso.

"Get away from me! Creep!" she screamed, "Rapist!"

"I'm not a rapist!" he yelled back, anger rising through him as he stood up quickly, "I, Kuchiki Byakuya, heir to the Kuchiki clan would never even think about doing something like that! I'm deeply offended that you would even consider calling me that, peasant!"

"Kuchiki clan?" the girl asked, mocking his upper-class voice, "What the hell is that? And don't call me a peasant, you arrogant ass!"

"An ass, am I?" he asked in a questioning tone, "Well it takes one to know one, peasant!"

With that, a mortally offended Byakuya turned sharply on his heels, keeping his head high, despite the pain, and walked back through the alley he came, leading to a crossroad of intersecting alleys. He looked left and right, unable to locate the area from which he came, something, which he was firstly, becoming increasingly worried about and secondly, ashamed about. The girl managed to prop herself up on her forearms and elbows with her arms behind her, watching him as he looked around helplessly. He knew the girl was scrutinising him, stirring a deep sense of mortification in him, he was Byakuya Kuchiki for Kami's sake! He was the fast, strong heir to the Kuchiki clan, not a timid and lost young boy in a big world.

"Lost? Posh snob?" the girl sneered, clutching at her torso once more as she managed to grin lopsidedly, the pain obviously affecting her more and more, "What did you say your name was? Bya- something…Byabo? Byakin...Bya-"

"Byakuya," the boy curtly cut off the girl, "Kuchiki, Byakuya, to you, commoner. And I'm not lost."

"Could've fooled me!" she managed a shrug before lying back down, a sear of pain shooting up her side. She grimaced, this was far from good, she had never had to rely on anyone else since she had come to the soul society, and now she was lying in the street in immense pain because some idiot fancy boy hadn't been looking where he was going and had ploughed right into her! She tried to prop herself up again, failing however as the pain was too strong for her to cope with, she needed help, and fast, lest she die from lack of blood, damage to internal organs or starvation and possibly hypothermia if she stay where she is. She also had no way of contacting her friends to help her; she was quite a few districts from where she was supposed to be, after all. She sighed, swallowing her pride, this was serious and she'd probably never see this posh mama's boy again. If he really were all rich and powerful, even for a kid, he'd be able to get her some help, even if it's some bandages or anything useful.

"I can help you find your way back," the girl bargained, earning his attention for a few seconds, "If you are willing to help me in return."

"I told you I don't need help, peasant," he shot back, "I'm of high noble blood, I can find my own way back."

The girl rolled her eyes, what was up with this guy? He crashes into her, does some serious damage and doesn't even apologize or attempt to help her in any way. She inwardly cursed, she was desperate for him to take her up on her offer, but she had feared she would have no such luck. She moved her head to the side, watching as he shuffled back and forth through various alleys, meeting dead-ends, more intersections, and some rather dodgy looking areas, all before ending up where he started. Truth was, he was terrified of what would happen, time was ticking by and the longer he was away, the longer his grandfather would take notice and find him, which would result in a particularly bad scolding, something one would always wish to avoid. Not only that, but what if people found out who he was? His clothes weren't overly flamboyant, being simply training clothes, but they certainly weren't a symbol of poverty either, being the softest and most expensive cotton one could buy, as well as being part dyed with pricey dyes, they certainly showed he wasn't from around that area.

He growled in anger as he found himself standing by the injured girl once more, he might be terrified, but like hell would admit it to anyone, especially this peasant brat, or ask for help either, even if he desperately needed it. He sighed; pondering which wrong turn he might have taken, before he heard the voices of several men heading in his direction, making both him and the girl jump, and fill them both with unease. Looking down at the girl, he growled, affronted at himself for even considering this, "Fine, what do you want in exchange for getting me back to where I need to be?"

"A doctor, or something," she asked, her voice almost pleading as she looked towards the direction of the looming voices, "Anything to get rid of the pain!"

"Fine," Byakuya concluded, he'd take her to the fourth division within the Seireitei, get someone to look over her and dump her back in Rukongai, done, simple as, "I'm going to have to pick you up."

She frowned up at him before she felt herself being lifted up in the air and placed on her own two feet, much to her pain. Keeping hold of her as best as he could, Byakuya turned his back to her, indicating that she should 'hitch a ride' almost from him.

"I don't understand," she pointed out, before watching him bend down, feeling his hands on her legs before being pulled roughly towards him and down on his back. She screamed in pain as he stood back up, keeping hold of her legs tightly and flash stepping up onto the roof of a nearby building. Her scream had attracted attention, and the men whose voices they had heard where frantically searching the area for the person who had made the scream.

"Please be careful," she asked as she gripped onto his neck tightly.

"Quit complaining," he hushed her, "Hang on tight too. Now, which way do I need to go?"

"That depends," she mused, resting her head on his shoulder, "Where do you need to go?"

"Seireitei," the boy replied, becoming increasingly frustrated with her.

"Seirei-what?" she asked, her heavy breaths tickling his ear in an irritating fashion.

"You don't know what Seireitei is?" he asked, ready to drop her and try again himself.

"No," she replied casually, holding on tighter for good luck, "But I know the direction of the more well-off districts."

"Like one and two?" he asked, picking up hope once more, since they were close to the gate of Seireitei, he could surely work out his way then.

"More like twelve and thirteen," she revealed slowly, her words speeding up as she went, "But from there you can get to one and two, easily enough."

"Ok," Byakuya grumbled, at least he could at least use her until he was close to where he needed to be as she could get him, and then he could dump her sorry ass off and flash step away. Byakuya knew he was being ridiculously cruel, but a boy of his stature shouldn't even be having anything to do with commoners, and it wasn't like he was ever going to see her again, thank Kami, so it really didn't matter what he did. The girl cried out again, this time in shock as the boy ran and jumped quickly across the roofs, being chucked about this way and that on his back.

"Which way?" he asked, shouting loudly as he tried to speak over the gush of wind.

"Left, then right," she replied, hanging on for dear life, as she felt sick to her stomach. She tried to concentrate on something, anything to distract her from the whirling sights around her. She decided to look at his hair, seeing as it was practically right in her face anyway. He really was rich; his hair seemed to be the darkest shade of midnight, obviously well cared for and regularly trimmed for it to be in such good condition. It was soft to boot and smelled of expensive soaps as she delicately pressed her nose to it.

"What's your name?" Byakuya asked, more curious and concerned for her, "Not that I care, anyway."

"Rukia," she replied, looking up now to see their surroundings, "Oh! Right! Right!"

Byakuya made a harsh turn right, nearly throwing her off him as he charged in the new direction, "Rukia, what?"

"I-I don't have a last name," she revealed, a little embarrassed, particularly emphasised by the fact that she lived in a society in which your last name is more important than your first.

"You really are a commoner, aren't you," Byakuya said, his voice matter-of fact. He sighed, his grandfather would kill him for getting his training robes dirty, the sheer amount of dirt and dust on this girl was more than enough to tarnish his pristine white clothes, "Now which way?"

"Um, take a left down that alley up ahead and then keep going straight until the houses become less shabby looking and you see richer people walking around," she told him, finding it increasingly difficult to hang onto his shoulders. She groaned, with each step he took, the pain in her chest intensified and the harder her head throbbed. She gripped on tighter, to the point that he yelled at her since she was hurting him, in order to prevent herself from slipping off. Slowly but surely, she felt a niggling sensation at the back of her head, coaxing her to let go and give into the pain and intense dizziness she was feeling.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled into his ear, losing the inner war with herself and quickly slipping into unconsciousness, her hands becoming slack on his shoulders and her body giving up on herself.

"Wait!" he yelled, stopping abruptly, "Hang on! You're going to fall off!"

It wasn't until he let her slide off of his back did he realise that she had passed out, causing him to groan and mumble under his breath. He lowered her to the ground, careful to not drop her and cursing as she still fell backwards a little too hard, hitting her head on the tiles of the roof. He cursed again, something that he rarely did; now not only had he possibly broken her ribs, but also caused her to black out and possibly given her a concussion. He looked down at the almost fragile looking creature, far from the angry girl who had called him a, what was it? A posh snob wasn't it? He turned on his heels, he knew he wasn't too far now, he was even beginning to recognise the bits he had managed to catch a glimpse of when he had been chasing Yoruichi, so he knew he could find his way back. Why should he even help her? She was nothing more than a commoner, a very poor one at that, and not to mention rude and obnoxious…but then why did he feel compelled to help her?

She had helped him after all, and he had blindly crashed into her and seriously injured her, without even apologizing either. It was fair to say that even as a hotheaded teenager, Byakuya Kuchiki had an unbelievable amount of pride, and even though it hurt his pride to help someone who had been out rightly rude to him, it would have hurt his pride and honour far more to not help this girl whom he had unjustly wounded from playing a childish game. He had never been cruel, and he wasn't planning on starting either, prompting him to turn back on his heels and scoop the light girl up, bringing her close to him, causing one of those rare times where the young Kuchiki would blush. He had never been this close to a girl, hell; he had only shaken the hands of girls before, never being in an intimate embrace like this before. And although he didn't know it at that time, he was already beginning to slowly fall in love with her, something that he would realise sooner rather than later.

Carrying her in an embrace, he carried on the way she had pointed out, now determined to fill his side of the bargain and take her to the fourth division. Gaining more confidence, he began to recognise his surroundings more and more, helping him back to the richer districts. He sighed in relief; he could sense that Seireitei was gradually drawing closer and closer.

"Byakuya-bo!" he heard from his left, causing him to stop, dust gathering around his feet as he stopped so quickly.

"Yoruichi?" he asked, feeling another flood of relief wash through him.

"So here you are," she smirked as she flash stepped beside him, "You could get into a lot of trouble for wandering around these parts."

"YOU LED ME HERE!" he cried out, yelling at the top of his voice.

"You didn't have to follow me," she taunted, her voice silky smooth, "You just can't control your temper."

"Shut up! Were-cat!" he retorted, suddenly blushing as Yoruichi looked at the girl who was currently in his arms.

"I did find it funny how you managed to get yourself lost and then fawned over this girl here when she offered to help you," she continued to tease with a wide grin on her face, "You're getting all flustered over her, is she your type then? Byakuya-bo?"

"I said don't call me that!" he seethed, ready to drop the girl in anger, "And no, I'm not getting all flustered…wait, you were watching the whole time?"

"Sure was," she admitted with a wink of her eye, "You did provide me with hours of entertainment, I have to say."

If it hadn't been for the very wounded Rukia, he would have chased Yoruichi all over again, but despite his rage, he knew he had to get her to a doctor, sooner rather than later, "Listen, I…I…need a…a…favour…" He hated to ask for help, especially from her and it practically pained him to force the words out.

"Oh," she replied, pressing her fingers to her lips in mock surprise, "You need help…from me of all people?"

"YES!" he spat, trying to calm his rising anger once more, "This girl…she needs medical help as soon as possible…I need to get her to the fourth division."

"Does this girl have a name?" she asked, peering down at her once more.

"R-Rukia," he muttered, turning his blushing face away from the older woman.

"Pretty name, for a pretty girl," Yoruichi teased, causing Byakuya to turn a darker shade of red as Yoruichi ruffled his feathers a little more before her voice turned serious for the first time that afternoon, "But you're right, she does look pretty bad after you carelessly crashed into her. She's probably damaged something internally, and it doesn't help that she's too poor to take care of herself properly. Does she have any parents?"

"I…I don't know," he admitted, looking down at her now, "She never said she had any, or that I should take her back home or anything."

"She probably doesn't have any," Yoruichi admitted, her voice quiet, "I'm guessing that she probably doesn't have anyone, or if she does, they'll probably be young and inexperienced teenagers like herself."

"So, will you help me take her to the fourth division?" he asked, looking up at Yoruichi and giving her one of his both handsome and cute smiles, one that would make younger girls swoon.

"Well," Yoruichi mused, placing her hands on her hips, "You did provide me with hours of entertainment…and I do feel awfully sorry for the girl…you have hurt her pretty badly…and I'm pretty sure I never heard you apologize…"

"I didn't…" Byakuya admitted, now slightly ashamed at himself for not, "I will when she wakes up in the healing centre, if you are going to help me, that is…"

"Yes, but on one condition," she said firmly, seeing Byakuya's features cheer up a little more, "As soon as the division is done with her, whether she be kept there overnight or for a few days or whatever, you must take her back to Rukongai. I don't care where you drop her off, but she doesn't belong in the Seireitei. Although the healing squad will suppress as much reiatsu as possible, she won't be able to cope with that much spiritual pressure for long periods of time, maybe forty-eight to seventy-two hours at the most, and I will tell the healers this."

"Thank you!" he cried at her, relieved that she agreed to help him.

"But Byakuya," she warned, immediately dampening his cheerful face, "This can't happen again. You aren't allowed here on your own for starters, and you can't go round picking up all these cute girls. After you drop her off, you can never see her again, either. She doesn't belong in the Seireitei and you don't belong in Rukongai."

"I know," Byakuya laughed, faking his slight disappointment, he had at least wanted to check up on her a few days after she had been released from the medical centre, "She's only a girl."

"Good," Yoruichi smiled, though she wasn't convinced by his acting skills, "I'll take you to the fourth division."

He nodded and smiled before flash stepping after her, the bitter feeling of loss slowly seeping through his body as he struggled to keep up.


"Captain Shihoin," a soul reaper from the fourth division bowed as they entered the division barracks, "How may we help you today?"

"The master Kuchiki here was playing around and knocked this young girl over in the first district of Rukongai," Yoruichi explained, flawlessly lying, "It looks serious and we knew we'd be able to get her here more quickly than finding a doctor in Rukongai."

"Yes," the girl replied with a nod, "Of course, captain, we'll have her looked at straight away."

"Thank you," Yoruichi smiled impeccably, following the girl into the division as a slightly impressed Byakuya followed after herself.

"What is her name?" the girl asked, grabbing a clipboard from the front desk.

"Rukia," Byakuya interjected, the nurse turning towards him now.

"And the surname, master Kuchiki?" she asked as she scribbled on the form.

"Kawashi," Yoruichi continued effortlessly, "Her parents know she's here, we assured them that the fourth division were the best healers in the soul society."

The girl nodded seriously, knowing that even though the Kawashi's were nowhere near the nobility level of the Shihoin's or the Kuchiki's, they were still a large and fairly rich clan located with the second eastern district of Rukongai, a very affluent area indeed.

"Age, please?" she asked, looking up at Yoruichi expectantly.

"We're not sure," Yoruichi replied casually, her voice collected, "We didn't have time to ask her parents for her date of birth, and we don't actually know her that well at all, as she's of much lower noble birth than us."

"Ok, that shouldn't be a problem," the girl agreed. Normally, she would have insisted for a full sheet of details but seeing as it was the captain of the second division, she could afford to bend the rules, "I can ask her when she wakes up. If you'd care to follow me this way, we'll get her a private room."

"Thank you," Yoruichi thanked the kind nurse as they followed her, "Oh, she'll need a room with decompressed reiatsu. She's not from the Seireitei so she'll have trouble adjusting."

"Of course," the nurse agreed with a nod, leading them down a different corridor now.

Byakuya, who had only have a few chances to rest his aching arms since she had fallen unconscious, was very grateful for the rest as he placed her down on the large bed, sighing in relief as he did so.

"You should leave her to rest until she wakes up," the girl recommended, pulling the sheets from under Rukia and tucking her into the bed, "I'll put her on an IV drip to make sure she get's sufficient fluids while she's unconscious. When she wakes, we check her for bruising, swelling and breakages. I'll send you a hell butterfly, captain, when we have checked her over and assigned the correct course of treatment, if she needs any, that is. You can also come and check up on her when you receive the message."

"Thank you very much for your help," the captain thanked her, "We'll be over when she's feeling better." Byakuya also thanked the girl, a rare public display of gratitude from him before following Yoruichi out of the division, where he thanked her again and flash stepped back to the Kuchiki mansion, praying that he had not been found out.


Over the course of forty-six hours, Rukia had slept better than she had slept in a long time, had been given access to a hot shower and some very nice meals. She had also been prodded a little by nurses, x-rayed several times and bandaged up nicely. She had nodded and played along with the nurse's questions, quickly realising that the boy had given fake details for her to get treatment, for which, she was grateful. She had also been informed of where she was, nodding and agreeing as she pretended to know what 'Seireitei' was.

On the morning of the third day, the boy came back, turning up by her bed as she slowly woke up, "You…" he voice croaked a little from having just woken up.

"Kuchiki, Byakuya," he informed her again, his voice quiet as he didn't want to arouse suspicion within the nurses.

"I take it you got to where you needed to go," Rukia asked, looking up so her eyes could meet his, "Did you get into trouble?"

"Yes, I did get back to my house," he scowled as she didn't apologize to forgetting his name, "And no, I wasn't caught."

"I'm glad," she smiled warmly at him, catching him off guard for the slightest of seconds. For the briefest of time, her grateful eyes and warm smile touched him, stirring something deep, deep with him.

"Keh," he shrugged it off, turning his head to one side in fake indifference, "I have no time for such sentimentality."

"And thank you," Rukia continued sincerely, "I don't know if I'd even be alive right now, if you hadn't of saved me…"

"Yeah, yeah," a nonchalant Byakuya replied, desperately trying not to show how her true gratitude didn't move him.

"Master Kuchiki?" a nurse asked as she knocked on the door before slipping inside the room, walking to stand by the young Kuchiki heir now, "We've run some x-rays and tests, and they've come up with nothing more than internal bruising and various cuts and scratches on her skin. We've bandaged her torso to give her support through the pain, as well as a range of pain medication. We'll discharge her this afternoon, and she'll be ready to take home. Will you be here to escort the lady back to her home? Or will her parents come and pick her up?"

"I'll be taking her back," Byakuya replied, looking as a relieved Rukia nestled back into the cushions, "I'll come and pick her up later."

The nurse nodded before turning to leave the room.


As promised, Byakuya had picked up a sore Rukia, taking her to the gate and dropping her off just outside of the gate.

"Thank you again, Kuchiki Byakuya," Rukia said with a smile, "You may be a posh snob, but you're not a bad person."

"At least I'm not a commoner," Byakuya retorted, his pride flaring a little before he admitted defeat and swallowed it, "And I'm…I'm…

"Yes?" Rukia replied, her face smug as she watched him struggle with the words, his face becoming redder by the second.

"I'm…s…s…so…rry…" he managed, keeping her face turned away from her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear that, could you please repeat it?" she teased, trying to stop herself from laughing, as her chest would start hurting even if she even breathed too hard.

"I'm…sorry," he finally apologized, "And I'm sorry I can't take you back to your own district!"

"That's ok," she called as he started walking back towards the gate, a blush still evident on his face, "And…if you're ever around these parts again…I can always…show you around…" It was Rukia's turn to blush now.

Byakuya turned around, excitement filling his heart, though he knew not why. Yoruichi had made it clear to him, he wasn't to see her again, and normally that would have been fine, she was just a commoner after all, some grimy girl from the street…but there was something about her, something had clutched Byakuya's interest, but he couldn't even tell why, even if he wanted to. He watched as she smiled back at him, his mouth acting before his head did, a regular occurrence for him, "The only free evening I have a week is on a Sunday, sometimes on other days, my schedule can get cancelled, but it's rare…"

"I can see you on a Sunday, now and again," Rukia agree. She finding it way too funny to wind this guy up, it was one of the reasons why she wouldn't mind seeing him again, he was fun to tease, and the more she looked at him, the more his cute face and up-tight demeanour seemed to grow on her, even though he still seemed like an ass at times.

"Yes," he continued, knowing that he was fooling himself. His grandfather would literally tear him a new one if he even knew Byakuya was even thinking of starting this weird game of 'meet the commoner.' His grandfather wasn't a cruel or horrible person by any means, but running around Rukongai with a commoner would be enough to forever put a black mark Byakuya's name, even put stigma on the Kuchiki name itself. Byakuya just didn't have the power to make the rules or bend them yet.

So that's were Byakuya was, in the bath and getting ready to have dinner with his Grandfather before slipping away to meet Rukia, the fifth time he has done this since meeting her. Satisfied with his state of cleanliness, he pulled the plug out of the large bath, stepping out onto the mat before grabbing his towel and drying himself avidly, ready to greet Rukia under the watchful gaze of the full moon.

A/N: Please review! I hope you like the start, but I won't be updating until I have the Christmas holidays as I have so much work, that I should be doing right now in fact! Oh well…my presentation is nearly done so it'll be ok! Thanks again!