The Dragon Tamer
Summary: Charlie has a secret; his family doesn't know, his friends don't know, only he knows...he and the beautiful Rai Higurashi...who was now dead. His secret? He had a daughter...her name, keeping his beautiful Rai's last name, Kagome Higurashi. He has raised her with all the love and care that a Dragon Tamer can,'s time she goes and lives her own life, but, can he let her go...or will his need to protect her keep him from letting her go?
Anime/Book/Movie: InuYasha/Harry Potter
Pairing: (Slight Harry/Kagome) – Draco/Kagome
Genre: Romance/Adventure
Rated: M for Mature Content
Kagome was walking back up to Dumbledore's office, hoping for a few words with the headmaster, she owed him an apology and one rightfully so.
However, the griffin stairway turned and it wasn't Dumbledore who came walking down, it was in fact Lucius Malfoy.
"Mr. Malfoy," Kagome bowed, "How have you been?"
"You should steer away from him, Kagome...he is nothing but bad news!" He sneered, no explanation needed.
Kagome frowned, "You mean Dumbledore, I don't trust him anyways, so you needn't worry about that. I can see how he uses people around him, especially his golden trio. He's conniving...but so are the majority of the adults I meet, isn't that right...Lucius Malfoy..."
He stepped up close to Kagome and backed her up against the wall, his cane against her with Dobby looking worriedly back and forth between the two. A moment later the Griffin stairway turned again and Harry came running down with the Diary of Tom Riddle in hand.
"What's going on," Harry asked, looking carefully between Draco's father and Ron's niece.
"...nothing..." Kagome commented, her eyes not leaving Lucius's.
"Mr. Malfoy..." Harry stepped between the two and watched Lucius straighten up, "This belongs to you."
Lucius snatched the Diary and stared at it, "What makes you think that this is mine?"
Harry glared, "You put it in Ginny's Cauldron in the book shop in Diagon Alley, so don't play dumb,"
"..." He pushed it into Dobby's hands and stormed off. "Come Dobby!"
Harry motioned for Dobby to open it and Kagome watched as Dobby did so, smiling as the house elves eyes widened in happiness.
"Master has given Dobby a sock,"
"What?!" Lucius turned and sneered, "I didn't gi─" Lucius watched Harry lift his pant leg and his eyes became enraged at the missing sock, the one which his house elf now held.
"Master has presented Dobby with clothes, Dobby is free~"
"You lost me my SERVANT!" Lucius angrily pulled out his wand and started towards Harry.
"You shall not harm Harry Potter!"
Kagome's eyes widened frightfully at that singular word, she knew this spell, but she was worried more for Lucius, because she also knew that Elf magic was one of the strongest types of magic in the Magical world. She watched Dobby raise his hand and send him flying.
She ran towards him knowing that his anger wouldn't be good for Narcissa or Draco, helping him stand she watched as he glared at Harry, "Your parents were meddlesome fools too! Mark my words, Potter! One day soon, you are going to meet the same...sticky...end!"
Kagome looked back Harry with worry, but turned and followed after Lucius, she wasn't sure if he understood why, but she also wasn't sure if she needed to explain herself or justify herself to him.
"Mr. Malfoy~!" She called out, "Please, calm your rage, Harry is foolish, yes, but that will be dealt with in time, I'm sure."
He turned and stared her straight in the eyes, "What is it that you speak of, child,"
'...good questions, what am I speaking of!?' Kagome smiled, "You know of what I speak, I have faith..." She took his gloved hand in hers and closed her eyes, 'Please work...' She opened her eyes and a cold look of determination filled her blue eyes, "Our Dark Lord will rise...someday soon...I know for certain,"
With that, she turned and left, her heart beating wildly and uncontrollably, her whole body was numb, and she was sure had anyone heard those words leave her mouth, she'd be killed on the spot! was necessary. She needed Lucius to trust her with Draco, and his secrets, she knew Narcissa trusted her, and Draco...of course, but Lucius was in his own mind, she'd have to be careful around him.
Draco smiled as Kagome came to his left and sat down beside him, he was pleased to see her sitting beside him, and not at the Gryffindor table.
"How was the Adventure, girls?" Blaise put an arm over both Kagome and Draco's shoulders as he lend in and kissed them both on the cheeks.
Kagome laughed, "Fun, it's not everyday you get to see a sixty foot Basilisk!"
"I've never been so terrified though, to look upon a student of Hogwarts...a few years older than us..."
Blaise stiffened, "No, you're just kidding, right?"
Kagome shook her head, "It was just a memory, but all the same. Although, now...Harry is The Boy Who Won't Die, seeing how this is the second time he's defeated him."
Pansy sneered, "You aren't a Slytherin, what are you doing in my seat!?"
"Oh, sorry, I actually only came to see how Draco was doing," Kagome stood and smiled, "I hope you got the present I sent you, Pansy, I know that you like thought that it would be fitting." She bowed and left. This had always been a tactic of hers, one which she wasn't sure as to where she'd learned it, but it did work. Bowing showed respect, but these people saw it as a sign that they are higher than you and you acknowledged that. She didn't, but they didn't need to know that.
Pansy looked surprised as she watched Kagome leave before she sat down in her seat.
"Good evening Sir Nicholas," Kagome smiled.
"Hello!" The ghost smiled as he waved and wandered past Kagome who grinned at a familiar face that walked in a moment later.
"Kagome!" Colin ran forward and hugged her, Hermione was close behind, running up to Ron and Harry as Kagome talked to Colin, the boy was so small in stature, that she'd been so scared, seeing him lying unmoving on the medical bed, that had been a nightmare.
"I'm so happy that you are awake! How do you feel?"
"I feel fantastic, I'm so happy that you are okay, I heard about what happened, that you, Ron and Harry, along with...Malfoy..."
Kagome laughed, "Don't stop there, next to the frightening Malfoy, we had the tormenting Snape and the idiot Lockhart," Kagome smiled as Colin laughed, she sat down beside Ginny, giving her a small nod and a smile as Colin sat down on the other side of Ginny.
"Go ahead and laugh, that's fine, but the fact that you...and you alone, as a Gryffindor, can enjoy your moments with Slytherin's the way that you do...that proves that you are among the bravest of Gryffindor's."
Kagome laughed, "You make me out to be some kind of strange phenomena in Gryffindor,"
Ginny laughed, "Maybe you are, you might be part elf or something, elves have a natural love for everyone."
Kagome laughed, "Do you see me batting my eyelashes at Pansy?"
The table burst into a fit of tears, laughing at the mental image given by Kagome.
"Hermione, how goes you?" Kagome asked, leaning forward to see Hermione smiling.
"So wonderful, happy to be back. Thank you for helping them!"
"They were lost without you," Kagome joked.
"Could I have your attention please~!"
Everyone sat down as McGonagall called for everyone's eyes to be turned to the front.
Dumbledore stood tall before the students, "Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause, for Professor Sprout, Madam Pomfrey, whose Mandrake Juice has been so successfully administrated, to all those that had been petrified."
The Great Hall broke into applause as everyone clapped for the two older woman.
"Also in light of the recent events, as a school treat...all exams...have been canceled!"
Kagome yelled out cheerfully, laughing at the lost look Hermione had on her face. 'I skipped a lot of classes anyways, probably for the best that I don't take them!'
The cheering was so loud, although, everyone still heard the opening of the great hall doors; turning, it went quiet as Hagrid walked down the middle of the rows before stopping. "Sorry I'm late, the owl that was sent ter deliver my release papers got all lost and confused, some ruddy bird called Errol."
Kagome laughed softly with a few others, but watched with interest as Hagrid stepped up to the table, looking down at Hermione, Harry, Ron and...herself...she smiled at him as he smiled back at the four of them.
"Now...I'd jus' like ter say...well, I'd like ter say that...if it hadn't been for you Harry and Ron and Kagome...and Hermione o' course...that I would...uh...I'd still know where, so thanks."
Kagome could see he was nervous, it was a happy moment for everyone, but for him, he must have been scared going there.
Harry stood up on his seat and turned around to face Hagrid, "It's not Hogwarts without you Hagrid," he said softly, but the whole school heard as they watched him hug the Gamekeeper.
It was silent before Dumbledore started to clap, everyone slowly started to join in with him until once more the school was cheering and laughing, kids were standing all around, hugging Hagrid, Ron, Hermione, everyone was here for him, everyone...Colin grinned and snapped a picture of the students gathering around Hagrid.
"Just one more month..." Kagome laughed...
And that month was fast to pass, things had calmed down and school had continued, there were no exams, as promised, but when that day came that everyone had to say goodbye, you could find a group of Slytherin's and Gryffindor's standing by the doors of the Hogwarts Express. "Hagrid, don't be a stranger, come visit me at the Dragon Prefecture, I'm sure father would love to have you over for company!" Kagome smiled.
Hagrid laughed, "I'll take you up on that offer, Kagome,"
"We'll miss you Hagrid, we all will,"
Hagrid looked doubtfully at Blaise, Theodore, and Draco.
Draco smiled, "We all will,"
"Take care Hagrid!" Colin yelled out with Ginny next to him, already inside the train.
"Ah, I'll see you all next year, jus' stay out o' trouble!" He said in his attempt to be stern as he watched the kids bored the train. Ginger and Honey followed after the large group, watching with secretive smiles as they all piled into a compartment.
In a single term, a group of friends had formed. With Slytherin's...Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Honey Bailey and Draco Malfoy...with Gryffindor's...Kagome Higurashi, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Colin Creavy and Ginny Weasley...with Ravenclaw's...Ginger Bailey and Luna Lovegood. A strange group that last year wouldn't have comprehended such a thought of friendship with one little Dragon Tamer made it happen...
Ginger Bailey took her brothers hand and smiled, "Still to go...I see something dark that's coming...but not quite what it seems..."
"Until next year?" Honey asked.
"Until...Next Year..."
Me: The END! Of this Story, but not the series! I hope you all enjoyed, leave me reviews and let me know what you think!