okay so final chapter is here. this will probably make you all go WTF? but whatever lol. this is what was planned from the beginning when I started writing this so yeah. Also this first part here was written by Anime Master ZERO, I just touched it up and changed certain things. I asked for his help cause I was a little stumped and this is what he came up with. So credit to him on this beginning section.
another thing, this chapter is alot longer than the others. I was actually tempted to split it into two chapters because of the amount of information in it, and because i didn't realize it was actually going to be this long lol. in the end tho i decided, final chapter, who cares. the last ones are usually either the longest or shortest so lets make this one the longest.
Aaaaanywho! hope you enjoy the final installment of Scheme. As usual i don't own Digimon.
After gathering his emotions together Yuu quickly stood up and left the DigiQuartz. His destination was clear and in his grasp. He needed to find Taiki and if his habit hadn't changed he would be at the playground within the park where the three of them usually hung out after school.
Once the playground was in his view Yuu caught sight of Taiki at his usual spot against the dome like equipment. As always, Tagiru was there too but that was far from Yuu's biggest concern. The blond ran as fast as his legs could carry him. By the time he reached the other boys, he was panting heavily.
"Yuu!" Tagiru had noticed the boy first. When Taiki heard the blond's name he turned and saw Yuu resting his hands on his knees breathing heavily.
"Yuu, where'd you go?" Tagiru asked, "Taiki-san and I have..."
"Ren and the others..." Yuu gasped still trying to get his breath back, "They've been attacked!"
"Wait, what?" Tagiru blinked and looked at Yuu in confusion. Yuu shook his head before trying once more to explain himself.
"Something...attacked them...in DigiQuartz..."
Tagiru, still unable to understand what Yuu was actually saying decided to fix the problem. He grabbed his water bottle from his duffel bag and handed it to Yuu. The blond accepted it gratefully and took several big gulps of water. When he had finally drunk enough to speak coherently, he stood up straight and looked straight at both goggle boys.
"Ren and the others got attacked in DigiQuartz," he repeated, "Some really strong Digimon I would think. We have to help them!"
"You want us to help them?" Taiki asked jealousy evident in his voice.
"What'd they ever do for us?" Tagiru asked as well. Even though he was trying to cover up his anxiety with his usual bold demeanour, it was failing to hold up. Taiki and Yuu knew that he was still uneasy about seeing Ryouma again.
"For all we know," Yuu started looking at Tagiru slyly, "It could be a rare and powerful Digimon."
"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" And with that, Tagiru Time Shifted into DigiQuartz. Yuu smiled in satisfaction at his ploy to get Tagiru in before turning his attention to Taiki. The older boy stood there, hands clenched into fists at his side and Yuu started to realize that Taiki probably wasn't going to help out.
"Taiki-san..." Yuu walked closer to his senior as the portal closed, leaving the two of them alone. "Taiki-san, listen..."
"Yuu, please." Taiki closed his eyes and sighed. He knew this was going to be difficult for him. He really did want to talk to Yuu again, but after what he witnessed at the school gates during lunch, he couldn't bring himself to speak to him anymore. He slowly opened his eyes and looked back at the other boy.
"Taiki-san, you have to come and help. You're the best person for this job and you know it. You have to help them!" Yuu begged desperately.
"And why should I?" Taiki snapped. Yuu's eyes widened and he took a few steps back. He had never seen Taiki act like this before. But then again, the older boy hadn't exactly been himself lately.
In fact, Yuu realized, neither had he.
"B-because..." The blond tried to find the right words, but even as a straight A student nothing came to him.
"Yuu." Taiki closed his eyes again. "I saw what happened at lunch." Yuu's eyes widened even more. How much had Taiki seen? "I saw what you and Ren were doing."
Yuu sighed and let his stiff posture drop.
"Taiki-san…" he started before sighing once more, "Look, I'm not going to apologize for that. I see no reason to apologize for kissing my boyfriend but you and Tagiru are both still my friends," He urged, "I want to be friends with you still but you have to understand that Ren, Ryouma and Airu are my friends also! That doesn't mean things have to be different between us so please! Please help my friends!"
Taiki stared at Yuu blankly, though surprise flooded through him at Yuu's exclamation. Yuu on the other hand took the blank look as a negative response. He squeezed his eyes shut as he tried to push away the dread that he really had lost Taiki's friendship. He didn't know what else to say. Slowly, he regained his composure and took out his Xros Loader.
"I'm going to help them, whether you're coming or not. Time Shift!" He held out the golden device and opened the portal to the DigiQuartz.
"Yuu, wait."
"I'm going to help them, Taiki-san, and you can't stop me." Yuu proceeded to step through the portal, but Taiki reached out and grabbed his hand.
"You're not going in there to help them," the goggle boy said sternly before his voice softened and a soft smile crossed his face, "Not alone."
Yuu turned and looked at Taiki, a look of shock covering his features.
"Yuu…I'm sorry," Taiki said, "You're right. I've been acting stupidly and I have no right to choose who you can be friends with. Ren's your boyfriend, Ryouma and Airu are your friends, and I have no right to change that."
"Taiki-san..." The expression on Yuu's face softened as hope started to gather in his chest.
"Besides..." Taiki took out his Xros Loader and grinned, "Like everyone always said, I can never turn my back on anyone."
Yuu smiled happily and Taiki returned it with a grin of his own. The determination returned to the blond's eyes and he nodded.
"Then let's go."
"Kiriha! Open the door!" Taiki yelled as he, Tagiru and Yuu arrived at his house each carrying or supporting either Ryouma, Airu or Ren. The door opened just before they reached it and Kiriha looked out in confusion. Once catching sight of the six of them his eyes opened in surprise and concern.
Surprising all of them Kiriha ran from the door and straight to Yuu who was trying his hardest to hold Ren up. Kiriha came up next to him and took Ren's other arm and placed it over his shoulders, taking half the burden from Yuu.
"Let's get inside." Kiriha said sternly. Taiki and Yuu quickly shook off their confusion to Kiriha's behaviour, deciding that the three injured people mattered more at the time. Getting them all inside they rested them on the couches in the living room. Taiki ran into the kitchen to get some glasses of water for when they woke up while Yuu knelt by Ren's side. He didn't quite notice Kiriha sticking close to Ren as well, his attention glued solely to the unconscious boy.
Luckily for Yuu he didn't have to wait long for Ren to wake up. Just as Taiki returned to the room Ren stirred, a groan escaping his lips.
"Ren!" Yuu exclaimed jumping up and leaning half over his boyfriend. Ren slowly opened his eyes and looked at Yuu in mild confusion.
"My house," Taiki answered setting the tray of water down on the coffee table. Yuu helped Ren into a sitting position while Taiki handed him one of the glasses. Ren took it but made no indication that he was going to drink any.
"Ren, what happened?" Yuu asked in concern. Ren turned to look at Yuu before he caught sight of Kiriha. A strange look came over his face and he quickly looked down into the glass of water before shrugging. This only made Yuu worry more. Before he had a chance to press for more information Tagiru spoke up.
"Ah!" The younger goggle boy exclaimed, "Ryouma and Airu are coming to!" This caught Ren's attention and he looked over at the other two couches where his team mates where slowly started to gain consciousness. They all looked as confused as Ren had when he had woken.
Soon they all held a glass of water, Airu's already empty, while Ryouma was slowly sipping his own.
"You gonna drink that?" Airu asked, pointing at Ren's still untouched glass. Ren, in response shook his head and handed the glass over to the girl.
"So are you going to tell us what happened?" Taiki inquired of the rival team. They all exchanged glances before Ryouma looked up at Taiki and shook his head.
"All it was was an accident and reckless behaviour on our part," he answered, "And not to sound rude but it really isn't your problem now is it?"
"Hm…guess so…" Taiki muttered in agreement. Tagiru on the other hand wasn't happy with that response.
"Perhaps it's not our problem but that still doesn't change the fact that there's a Digimon strong enough to bring you guys down out there!" he snapped, "We need to hunt it! And fast!"
"You mean the same way you failed to Hunt Valkyrimon?" Ryouma snapped. Tagiru froze, taken aback by his words before looking down and away from him.
"Ryouma, that was uncalled for!" Yuu snapped in an effort to stick up for Tagiru, an act he didn't do very often, "Besides, this isn't the time to be taking cheap shots at each other."
"I'm…kind of with Yuu on this…" Airu agreed, looking almost guilty at going against her leader. Ryouma sighed and nodded his head.
"You're right…I'm sorry," he apologized, "I'm just frustrated, that's all."
"You suffered a bad loss," Taiki consoled, "Its only natural for you to be frustrated."
"Right…" Ryouma agreed with a sigh. With that disagreement put aside Yuu turned his attention back to Ren who had yet to even move from his position on the couch. Yuu felt worry start to gather in his stomach again at the sight. It wasn't like Ren to remain so silent. He was about to open his mouth to voice his concern when once again he was interrupted.
The boy in question froze before stiffly looking up towards the speaker. Kiriha stared blankly at him and Ren stiff demeanour only got worse the longer he stared. Finally, after taking a few quick breaths, Ren quickly dropped his legs over the couch and onto the ground.
"Let's go." He stated simply.
"R-Ren!" Yuu called out in concern before his boyfriend had a chance to leave. Ren turned his eyes to Yuu but kept his face forward. A sudden fear started to swell in Yuu but he quickly pushed in aside.
"What's wrong..?" he asked, "Why are you acting like this? It's not because I went to Taiki-san for help is it?" Ren's eyes widened a little at the accusation before he close them and sighed, turning his face away from Yuu.
"…We…We need to end this now…" he whispered. All at once Yuu felt his world crashing down on him once more.
"Ren!" Airu snapped, standing up as disbelief crossed her face, "What the hell are you saying?"
"Oh stay out of this!" Ren snapped in return, turning to face her, "This has absolutely nothing to do with you!"
"Yes it does!" Airu argued, "Yuu's one of my best friends! I'm not about to let you hurt him the same way Taiki did!"
At the mention of his name Taiki stared at them all in confusion and concern. He never got a chance to say anything as Ren continued to argue with his teammate.
"I'm not trying to hurt him!" he yelled, "But the truth of the matter is Yuu belongs with them, not us! Us being in a relationship just screws with that!"
"N-no…" Yuu muttered but no one seemed to hear him.
"If it weren't for Yuu getting Taiki to come help us we would have been bait for whatever Digimon happened to stumble across us!" Airu argued, "If you ask me that's a good enough incentive to keep him around!"
"Oh right!" Ren snorted, crossing his arms over his chest, "We'll use Yuu the same way the Bagra Empire used him! That sounds fair!"
"That's not what I was saying!" Airu snapped.
"Just leave it alone Airu!" Ren continued, "No one asked for your opinion! This is between me and Yuu and your interference just made it worse than it was supposed to be!"
Airu opened her mouth to snap back in response but found she couldn't come up with a reasonable argument. Ren was right. She just made the break up a whole lot worse. Realizing this Airu turned to look down at Yuu who hadn't moved from his spot on the ground as silent tears streamed down his face.
Ren followed her gaze and a look of guilt crossed his face in an instant. He quickly turned away from the blond, turning his back to him instead.
"R-Ren wait-!"
"I'm sorry Yuu…" Ren stated simply before leaving the room. Ryouma followed next, offering a small thanks to Taiki and a simple pat on the shoulder for Yuu. Yuu let his face drop down to his lap and his eyes squeezed shut against the tears.
"…Yuu, I…if you want to talk…"
"Just go!" Yuu snapped through his tears, interrupting Airu. The female blonde seemed hurt at his rejection before hesitantly following after her teammates. As soon as Yuu heard the front door shut what little control he had left disappeared. He crouched forward and let out a cry, no longer able to contain his voice.
"Y-Yuu…?" Tagiru bent down next to him placing a hand on the blond's back only to be rejected.
"Don't touch me!" Yuu cried out, wrapping his arms around himself instead. Tagiru let his hand drop to his side and he looked over at the older two boys in the room. Taiki looked just as concerned, if not more so, than Tagiru was. Kiriha on the other hand sighed and turned to Taiki.
"I'll call Nene," he whispered to him. Taiki nodded and watched as Kiriha left towards the kitchen to use the phone there. Just as Kiriha got to the doorway Taiki spoke up once more.
"I was right," he stated causing Kiriha to stop, "You do know them." Silence passed through the room then, the only sound remaining being Yuu's continuous sobs. Kiriha didn't answer though; instead he just finished his walk into the kitchen. Frustration and anger swelled up in Taiki and the older goggle boy banged his fist against the closest wall, cursing under his breath.
"T-Taiki-san?" Tagiru stared at his senior in confusion. Taiki didn't answer. Instead he spun on his heals and ran out the door. He wasn't about to let things end this way, not without getting a complete explanation from someone. And that someone was Ren.
It didn't take long for him to catch up with Ren's group, calling out for them the moment he saw them. They stopped, turning to Taiki. Ryouma blankly, Ren in mild irritation, and Airu annoyed herself, but not from Taiki showing up it appeared. Taiki closed the remaining distance between them before turning to Ren.
"Okay spill it!" He snapped, "What's the real reason you're breaking up with Yuu?"
"I already explained myself back there-"
"That was a lie and you know it!" Taiki interrupted, "And don't deny that you know Kiriha either! What's going on!"
At the sound of Kiriha's name Ren froze, a small look of guilt crossing his face.
"Ren, tell him!" Airu urged, obviously knowing something of what's going on. Ren just turned his face away stubbornly.
"Ren broke up with Yuu because it wasn't going to work out anyway," Ryouma spoke up suddenly. Ren turned to look at his leader, giving a yell of protest that was just ignored.
"You see Taiki, Yuu is in love with you!" Ryouma stated firmly. Taiki froze and his eyes widened in shock. He took a step back before taking a deep breath to keep himself calm.
"W-what..?" he asked.
"Yuu was rebounding," Ren continued with a sigh, "I knew that but I also know that Yuu hasn't been able to get over you."
"But if you hadn't broken up with him then there would be a chance that-"
"That what?" Ren interrupted, "Then he'd get over you? Yeah, maybe he would! But here's a question oh great Hero, would you be okay with that?"
Taiki opened his mouth to protest but quickly shut it as he actually gave some thought to Ren's words. How would he feel if Yuu completely forgot about him? He honestly couldn't deny that hearing that Yuu was in love with him made him a little happy…
Actually really happy. So happy that he felt like his heart could explode. As he realized this he thought back to the conversation he had had with Kiriha earlier that week. When it came down to it, it was true. All he ever thought about was Yuu. Yuu was a constant presence in his mind so when Yuu and Ren had started going out…
He had been jealous.
He was just as much in love with Yuu as Yuu was with him.
Taiki sighed and gave a soft smile before looking up at Ren.
"You're right," he stated softly, "I wouldn't be okay with it."
"Then get your ass back home and talk to Yuu," Ren said firmly. Taiki nodded his head and spun on his heels. He needed to talk to Yuu as well as Kiriha. Now that he knew his feelings he needed to set things straight.
Swinging open the door to his house, Taiki bolted into the living room only to stop short in his tracks. Kiriha and Tagiru were there still but Yuu was gone.
"W-where's Yuu?" Taiki asked looking at the other two occupants in the room for some answers. Kiriha sighed and shook his head while Tagiru looked down guiltily.
"He went home," the younger goggle boy answered, "I offered to walk him but he ran off into DigiQuartz…"
"Didn't you follow him?" Taiki demanded. Tagiru looked back down before turning his gaze shyly to Kiriha. Taiki's mouth opened in surprise as he himself stared at the blond.
"You let Yuu go home through DigiQuartz on his own when he's an emotional wreck?" he demanded stomping over to the Blue General. Kiriha didn't flinch at all at Taiki's accusation, instead he just nodded.
"Because!" Kiriha snapped, looking down at Taiki in annoyance, "Right now there's nothing we can do for him! Nene's already on the plane back to Hong Kong and I'm sure Yuu doesn't need anymore surprises coming his way."
Taiki opened his mouth to protest but shut it as Kiriha continued.
"You've figured it out now, haven't you?" he asked causing Taiki to raise an eyebrow in confusion, "Your true feelings for Yuu I mean."
Taiki jumped a little at his words before sighing and looking down guiltily. He knew he would have to have this conversation with Kiriha he just didn't expect it to happen so soon.
"What feelings?" Tagiru asked before anything more could be said between the two, "What are you guys talking about?"
"Tagiru," Taiki called out, looking over at the boy in question. Tagiru just stared at him on confusion as Taiki offered him an apologetic smile, "Go home, alright. This is private now."
Tagiru opened his mouth a few times to respond but eventually just shut it and sighed.
"Man, I hate relationships…" he muttered as he left the room. Once he was gone Taiki turned back to Kiriha, a look of guilt evident on his face.
"It's fine Taiki," Kiriha interrupted, moving to take a seat on the couch, "I've known for a while now."
"But then…?" Taiki stared at Kiriha in mild confusion while the blonde just smiled.
"You needed to realize it," he answered. Taiki didn't say anything at first but then just smiled, closing his eyes and turning his face downwards.
"Yeah…You're right," he agreed before looking back up at Kiriha, "So is that why you came down in the first place?" Kiriha laughed before smirking over at Taiki mischievously.
"I don't know what you're talking about," he responded simply. Taiki laughed himself before plopping down on the couch next to Kiriha.
"Thanks Kiriha," he said, "And I'm sorry as well."
"Just talk to Yuu alright," Kiriha stated, "Give him some time to get over Ren and then let him know."
"Yeah I will," Taiki agreed with a nod.
Once home Ren went straight to his room, closing the door behind him and flopping down on his bed. He lay on his back for a few minutes, just staring at the ceiling before sighing and rolling onto his side. So much was running through his head right now he just couldn't keep his emotions straight.
He never thought he would wake up in Taiki's house with Yuu there. Those two there were the source of his emotional turmoil right now. Plus there was Kiriha's presence in the situation as well. The general of Blue Flare knew exactly what was going on more so than Ren himself knew.
Unfortunately that meant he knew of his feelings for Yuu as well.
He was never supposed to fall for Yuu in the first place. Sure he cared for the boy enough to date him but he never imagined he could actually fall for him. Ren sighed and was about to close his eyes when something on his side table caught his attention. Reaching over he found the strip of pictures he and Yuu had taken in the photo booth the other day.
He rolled back onto his back and stared at them. Slowly tears started to gather in his eyes and a lump found its way into his throat.
"You're an idiot."
At the sound of Airu's voice Ren sat up on his bed in an instant, quickly wiping away the tears that were threatening to fall.
"W-What did you say?" he demanded of the girl. Airu snorted in annoyance before walking over to Ren's bed and snatching the pictures out of his hands. Ren made a noise of protest but Airu ignored.
"Ryouma just told me everything!" She snapped, "Did you really think that you could pull something off like this and get off without a scratch? Did you!"
"People's emotions aren't toys Ren!" Airu continued, "Perhaps you had good intentions but look at where it's led you now!"
"I was just trying to-"
"Oh shut up I don't want to hear your excuses!" Airu interrupted. Ren snapped his mouth shut, for the first time ever finding it hard to argue against his female companion. Airu's glare softened and she turned her gaze to the pictures she had snatched from Ren earlier.
"You're going to have to admit it Ren," she said finally, her voice having softened as well, "The two of you were actually going out. There was nothing fake about it." Ren didn't respond at first, just kept his gaze on the blonde for a long moment. Finally he looked down into his lap.
"…I know…" he whispered, his voice cracking a little.
"And this pain," Airu continued, "is real. Yuu is probably experiencing it as well right now."
"…I know," Ren repeated.
"Then do yourself a favour," Airu stated taking a seat on the bed next to Ren. She placed a hand on his back, before leaning in closer to him in a half hug.
As if on demand the tears started to fall down his face. Ren's shoulders started shake as he started to cry before he twisted around and grabbed hold of Airu, wrapping his arms around her neck and crying into her shoulder. Airu returned the embrace, moving her hands soothingly down his back and whispering words of comfort to her friend. It was all she could do at this moment in time.
A whole day had gone by since the break up and Yuu had yet to leave his home. After spending the whole night crying after Ren had broken up with him Yuu had found it hard to get the motivation to leave his room. Still he managed to do that but didn't get farther than the living room.
He collapsed face first onto the couch and just lay there. Deep down he knew the break up wasn't the end of the world but he just wasn't able to convince himself otherwise at the moment. He had finally started to get over Taiki and now he lost Ren as well.
Was the world just out to get him or something?
Maybe I should give up on love… he thought to himself as tears started to fall silently once more.
He knew Taiki was worried for him right now, despite how he was currently feeling. There had been numerous phone calls from the older Goggle Boy but Yuu had ignored them all. He didn't have the courage to talk to him after what happened the other night.
He needed to talk to someone though.
"Airu..?" he muttered out loud, trying to decide who to turn on. He quickly shook the girl out of his head. She was probably dealing with Ren right now and he didn't want to risk seeing him again so soon. There was also his sister but she was back in Hong Kong now and he didn't want to worry her about this. There was also Tagiru but he quickly threw that option to the side. There was no way he could talk to that idiot about his feelings.
"Maybe…" Yuu slowly pushed himself up on his elbows and turned towards the cordless phone. He stared at it for a long moment before picking it up and dialling a number.
Yuu looked up at the sound of his name from his spot on the park bench. Running towards him was none other than Akari Hinomoto, Taiki's childhood friend. Yuu offered a weak smile and a small wave as the redhead approached him.
"Hey Yuu-kun," she greeted taking a seat next to the blond, "How are you?"
"Been better…" Yuu responded with a sigh. Akari's cheerful expression disappeared at the response, worry instead taking its place.
"What's wrong?" she asked placing a hand on his shoulder. Yuu didn't respond at first. He started to wonder if confiding in Taiki's friend was such a good idea but decided that since he didn't have anyone else to turn to it should be okay. He sighed before turning his gaze to the sky.
"I'm so confused Akari-san…" he started, "I mean, logically speaking I know I'll get over this but…"
"I'm sorry Yuu-kun, but what are you trying to get over…?" Akari asked in confusion. He gave a weak laugh before nodding.
"R-Right, sorry…" he muttered before clenching his fists together in his lap, "I…I just…my b-boyfriend broke up with me…!"
Akari seemed a little shocked to hear Yuu admit to having had a boyfriend but quickly shook it off as Yuu's shoulder started to shake a little.
"Oh Yuu-kun…" she whispered before wrapping an arm around him in a half hug. Yuu leaned into the embrace all the while trying to stop himself but bursting into tears again.
"I-It's just that…I…I needed him..!" he stuttered against his tears, "He was-! If it weren't for him I'd…!"
"Shh…Yuu-kun, it's okay," Akari soothed, "Why don't you start at the beginning? I'll listen, I promise."
Yuu took a few shaky breaths before nodding his head. Pulling himself away from Akari he quickly wiped away the tears from his eyes before starting again. Slowly he explained everything that had happened recently to Akari. To his surprise Akari was already aware of Taiki's relationship with Kiriha but figured it had something to do with them being childhood friends.
Like she promised she remained silent through his explanation and listened to every word he said, only interrupting on few occasions to ask for a clarification. By the time Yuu finished he was wiping away tears from his eyes once more but this time having less success at it.
"Sounds like a lot has happened the past few weeks huh..?" Akari commented, not really expecting an answer. Yuu nodded either way, deciding against answering verbally lest he start crying once again.
"To be honest," Akari started leaning back against the park bench, "I never liked the idea of Taiki and Kiriha dating. Something about it didn't sit right with me, and it wasn't because they were both guys just so you know." Yuu sniffed a little before looking curiously over at Akari.
"R-really?" he asked. Akari nodded before smiling down at Yuu.
"But, and I don't know how you'll take this right now, Taiki called me the other night to tell me they had broken up as well." She explained. Yuu's eyes widened in surprise at the news while Akari just continued talking.
"I was a little surprised but from the sounds of it, it was mutual," She explained, "Actually…I think it would have been the same night you and, Ren-kun was it? Broke up also, if the timeline fits anyway."
"W-What..?" Yuu just stared at Akari in disbelief. The red head grinned at his reaction and continued.
"Actually Yuu-kun, the past few months whenever I talk with Taiki you're the main topic," she giggled, "It's always 'Yuu this' or 'Yuu that'. I swear I never heard him talk so much about someone before, not even Kiriha."
"S-Seriously..?" Yuu asked feeling a glimmer of hope spark up inside him. Akari giggled and nodded her head.
"Yup!" she confirmed, "In my personal opinion you should talk to Taiki. I'm positive something good will come out of-"
"Akari? What are you doing here?"
Both Akari and Yuu jumped in surprise before turning to look behind them. Standing there with a look on his confusion was none other than the topic of their conversation. Taiki's confusion increased when he saw Yuu sitting there next to Akari but quickly pushed it aside and walking up to them.
"Yuu!" he exclaimed as he walked up to them, "Are you okay? I've been so worried about you."
"I-I…I…" Yuu didn't know what to say to Taiki. After what Akari had said to him seeing the goggle boy made his heart beat faster like it had before he found out that Taiki had been in a relationship with Kiriha. Akari elbowed him, snapping Yuu out of his stupor. He turned to the redhead and she indicated towards Taiki with her chin.
"Tell him!" she whispered. Yuu blushed a little and looked back down in his lap, away from the goggle boy behind him. Akari watched him in concern before turning back to Taiki and shrugging. Taiki sighed and walked around the bench to stand in front of Yuu, crouching down so he could look into the blond's face.
"I'll leave you two alone," Akari said standing up. She quickly left the two of them and Yuu suddenly felt nervousness creep into his system at once. He tried to avoid Taiki's eyes but could feel them on him the whole time. He should say something.
But what?
Well guess he doesn't have to worry about saying anything since Taiki started first.
"Look," Taiki continued, "I don't know what you and Akari were talking about, but I think I can guess." Yuu turned his gaze off to the side guiltily before responding.
"S-She said… you and Kiriha-san broke up…" he said quietly. Taiki sighed and stood up, only to take a seat next to Yuu on the bench.
"Yeah, we did…" he answered.
"It…wasn't my fault…was it…?" Yuu inquired. Taiki didn't respond straight away, instead trying to think of how to answer that. Yuu took the silence as it had been his fault and turned to Taiki in mild shock.
"T-Taiki-san I-"
"Wait Yuu," Taiki cut in turning to look at the blond, "It's hard to explain but in a sense, yes it was because of you."
"I'm so sor-"
"No Yuu," Taiki interrupted again, "It's my fault also. I…finally realized something…"
This time it was Yuu's turn to look confused. Taiki stared at Yuu, a small blush grazing his cheeks and an unsure look on his face. He opened his mouth a few times to try and say something but wasn't able to. This just increased Yuu's confusion.
Finally Taiki sighed and shook his head. Instead of trying to speak up again like Yuu had thought he would Taiki reached forward and grabbed hold of Yuu's shoulders.
In an instant Yuu's eyes widened and his mind went blank.
Taiki lips were on his and they were kissing. Without thinking Yuu pulled back in shock. He covered his mouth with one hand and stared up at Taiki with wide eyes. Taiki on the other hand looked shocked by the rejection at first before a look of disappointment crossed his face.
"I…I'm sorry Yuu…I shouldn't-"
Taiki got cut off when this time Yuu reached forward, cupping Taiki's face between his hands. He brought his face right up to Taiki's, resting their foreheads together.
"You're not rebounding right..?" Yuu asked quietly. Taiki shook his head the best he could in Yuu's grip before smiling.
"I've loved you for a long time," he answered, "I just didn't realize it before now." Yuu felt his heart skip a beat and smiled. Taiki took that moment to reach forward with one hand, cupping the base of Yuu's face and pressing his lips against the blond's once more. This time Yuu didn't pull away, instead he sighed into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Taiki's neck possessively.
The two pulled away from the kiss instantly at the exclamation, turning towards the sound of laughter. Taiki in confusion, Yuu in embarrassment. Standing there next to a confused Akari were both Kiriha and Ren. Kiriha had his hands in his pants pockets with a smirk on his face while Ren was laughing into his hand.
"Sorry! Sorry!" Ren managed to say between his laughter. After a moment he calmed down enough to turn back to the two new lovers. Both Taiki and Yuu stood up but Taiki took a more possessive stance in front of Yuu, still slightly jealous of Ren.
"Okay, can you two please explain to me what's going on?" Taiki asked. Kiriha and Ren exchanged glances, the latter shrugging, before turning back to Taiki and Yuu.
"You may want to sit down." Ren said. Taiki and Yuu looked at each other in mild confusion before doing as suggested and taking a seat back down on the bench. Yuu jumped in surprise and arms were suddenly around his neck and a giggle was heard from behind him. He looked back and saw Airu grinning from ear to ear, and it was obvious to Yuu that she knew what was going on now.
"So!" Ren started sitting down on the ground in front of the love birds, "Where to start I wonder…?"
"How about just how long you two have known each other?" Taiki suggested as Akari came to stand next to him. Kiriha laughed this time and look down at Ren.
"I met Ren through Ryouma," he explained, "See, after my parents died the company they owned got taken over by another family, the Mogami family to be precise."
"In other words Ryouma," Ren continued, "And through him is how Kiriha and I met. He was with us the whole time after we got out Digimon and started Hunting in the beginning."
"S-Seriously?" Taiki asked in mild confusion.
"Totally!" Airu piped up, "It's thanks to him that we Hunt as well as we do."
"Anyway," Kiriha continued before anymore questions could be asked, "I had noticed from the beginning that something was up with you and Yuu," He explained looking over at Taiki, "As I said before, he was all you ever spoke about. Needless to say I was getting suspicious."
"So that's when he came to me!" Ren spoke up, "He knew we were going to be Hunting in this area soon and asked us to investigate. Didn't take long to see the connection between you two, except you were both oblivious to the others feelings and you," at this he pointed to Taiki, "Not only were you oblivious to Yuu's feelings but to your own as well!"
"So we put together a little plan." Kiriha finished with a laugh.
"What?" both Taiki and Yuu exclaimed in shock.
"In my defense," Airu spoke up causing Yuu to turn back to the girl still hanging off his shoulders, "I only found out today when Kiriha stopped by, otherwise I never would have gotten involved."
"T-That's okay." Yuu stuttered, still in shock over the news. Taiki was as well, shaking his head in disbelief.
"So everything that's happened since you showed up in town was apart of some elaborate scheme?" he inquired. Kiriha and Ren looked at each other before back at Taiki and shrugged.
"Yeah, pretty much." Kiriha answered before looking down at Ren and smirking, "Of course there's something Ren needs to tell Yuu about it too." Ren flinched at the comment before turning to look up at Yuu, the blonde staring down at him curiously.
"…I…" Ren started nervously before sighing and looking back down. After a moment he turned to look back up at Yuu, "I wasn't trying to play with your feelings and I'm sorry I hurt you. I…" another sigh, "I really did care about you. I broke it off earlier than planned because I was starting to fall for you and that would have had bad side effects."
"I can vouch for that," Airu stated finally letting go of Yuu, "He cried for nearly an hour the night he broke up with you."
"Airu!" Ren snapped. The girl just stuck her tongue out at him cheekily and turned away. Yuu watched the exchange curiously before laughing. He stood up and took the few steps over to Ren before kneeling down in front of him.
"Thanks Ren," he stated simply. A small blush made its way across Ren's face and he quickly looked away, standing up and grabbing a hold of Kiriha's arm.
"I only did it so I could be with Kiriha okay!" he snapped in defense. Taiki's jaw dropped in shock at the sudden declaration and he turned to look at Kiriha in shock. The older blond laughed nervously.
"Oh busted~!" Airu sang before giggling.
"I…wasn't expecting that," Yuu muttered also in shock. Ren just pouted and half hid behind Kiriha, trying to hide his now red face. Taiki continued to stare in shock before slowly starting to laugh. After a moment he was laughing uncontrollably, the rest of the group staring at him in confusion.
"T-Taiki?" Akari raised an eyebrow at her childhood friend's actions.
"I-I'm sorry..!" Taiki managed to say through his laughter, "B-But this whole thing...! This is…just too…!" He broke off into laughter again, unable to continue is sentence. Thankfully Yuu understood what he was trying to say and started giggling himself. The situation really was quite amusing.
"Okay so now that all this has been sorted out," Yuu stated standing up and looking at the group, "Where the heck is Tagiru?"
"Ah!" both Ren and Airu grinned slyly and Yuu looked back and forth between the two in confusion before realization hit.
"Yup." Ren confirmed.
"What is Ryouma going to do to him?" Taiki asked finally calming down from his insane laughter. Yuu stared at Taiki blankly for a moment before smirking along with Ren and Airu, a giggle escaping his lips at the same time. A spark of dread suddenly dropped in Taiki's stomach and he feared for his Junior's safety.
"There they are." Ren pointed out. They had moved from the park bench and started searching the park for where Ryouma and Tagiru were. It didn't take long for them to find them at the playground equipment. They all hid by a grove of trees and peeked out curiously, while Ren, Airu and Yuu watched mischievously. From the distance they were at they were still able to make out the remnants of the conversation being held.
"You mean everything is sorted out between Taiki-san and Yuu now?" Tagiru asked the silver haired teen. Ryouma shrugged his shoulders and nodded.
"They should be sorting things out now, so I figured now would be a good time to get my reward," He stated with a smirk, "Since I highly doubt I'll get another chance soon to talk to you again." Tagiru stiffened before turning his gaze to the ground and pouting.
"I was really hoping you'd have forgotten about that…" He muttered. Ryouma laughed and shook his head, walking closer to the younger goggle boy.
"Sorry, Tagiru. No such luck." He answered.
"Okay well what do you want?" Tagiru demanded, "For the life of me I cannot figure out what it is that I can give you if it's not one of my Digimon!" Ryouma's smirk increased, causing Tagiru to shrink backwards.
"It's not something materialistic," Ryouma said before reaching forward and grabbing Tagiru's arms, pulling the goggle boy closer to him.
Taiki's eyes widened and his jaw dropped before turning to Yuu.
"No way?" He exclaimed softly in disbelief. Yuu just giggled and nodded before indicating that he continue to watch.
"R-Ryouma what are you doing?" Tagiru demanded his cheeks turning red at the close proximity of their faces. Ryouma's smirk increased once more.
"Taking my reward," He answered before leaning in closer so their lips were just a hair's breath away from each other. Tagiru's breathing hitched and his eyes widened but found he was unable to move.
"Your first kiss." Ryouma whispered so that only the goggle boy could hear before closing in the distance between them.
Taiki jumped back in shock while Ren, Airu and Yuu all laughed and Kiriha smirked in amusement. The sound of them laughing obviously caught the attention of Ryouma and Tagiru. Ryouma pulled away and turned to look at them in confusion before annoyance crossed his face. Tagiru on the other hand remained stock still, his face the color of a tomato and his eyes wide in shock.
"Seriously guys?" Ryouma asked, annoyance clear in his voice, "You seriously had to spy?"
"Oh come on!" Ren laughed, "It was too good to pass up!" Yuu nodded in agreement but continued to laugh along side Airu, the two using each other for support. Ryouma simply sighed and shook his head. Either way he had gotten what he wanted so the interruption didn't bother him that much.
"Okay, okay!" He said walking up to them, "I'm assuming since you're all here things have been sorted out right?"
"Uh…right…" Taiki confirmed, still trying to wrap his mind around what he'd just witnessed.
"Well then, I guess that means things can go back to the way they were right?" Ryouma asked. They all nodded in agreement, Ryouma giving a nod as well.
"Then let's go," He stated, "It's about time we went back to our actual Hunting."
"Right." Ren and Airu both agreed. The three of them along with Kiriha then proceeded to leave the group behind, only to be stopped by Yuu.
"Wait a second!" The blond called out, running up to them. Ren turned to look at Yuu in confusion as he pulled out his Xros Loader.
"Skull Greymon," Yuu stated, "I'd like to return him to you." Ren looked mildly surprised at first before opening his mouth to decline, only to shut it once more. Yuu simply smiled and Ren knew he had no choice but to accept. Pulling out his own Xros Loader Yuu returned the Digimon to Ren.
"Thanks by the way," Yuu said as he returned his Xros Loader to his pocket, "For everything. I appreciate it." Ren just grinned and nodded before turning back around and grabbing hold of Kiriha's arm.
As the group left Taiki came up behind Yuu, placing a hand on the blond's shoulder. Yuu turned and looked up at Taiki, smiling fondly. Taiki was now his and there were absolutely no strings attached this time. He felt his heart beating a little faster but felt no need to turn away in embarrassment. Taiki smiled and leaned down giving Yuu a quick kiss on his lips.
From now on everything was going to be okay. Yuu was sure of it. Taiki was also.
"What the hell just happened?"
Taiki and Yuu both jumped and turned behind him to see Tagiru finally snapped out of his shock and pulling at his hair in frustration while yelling out random stuff about Ryouma. Taiki and Yuu watched in mild shock for a moment before both laughing.
Yup, everything was going to be okay.
thanks for reading~! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. for those whome I have accidentaly turned into Ren/Yuu fans I am planning a Ren/Yuu fantasy based story right now. its still in the planning stages but i hope you'll look out for it! the pending names are either Balance or Paradox. buh-bye for now!