A/N – Thanks for checking this story out and taking the time to read it. I hope it sounds good and you'll review. Hopefully the chapters will be a breeze to write but it's up to the characters and their attitudes. I hope they cooperate. Yes it's a yaoi and will probably be getting a little graphic in the later chapters but I don't know yet. If you do not like this kind of stuff please turn around now!

Disclaimer – do not own in any way except for the plot of this story.

"We have a case." This simple sentence that had been uttered to our team sent us into a tailspin to Hell.

24 Hours ago, Reid and Morgan's house of two weeks. Winter season, November after Thanksgiving.

I lay in bed clad only in boxers and bed sheets. My boyfriend of six months was snuggled up to me and still asleep, his even breathing almost putting me to sleep again, almost. I knew he had talked to the team and they wanted to throw us a housewarming party two weeks late and I didn't care. I did care if they caught me in my boxers though. Trying to disentangle myself from Spencer's arms failed because the movement woke him up and he insisted in getting up too. This led to me kissing him which led to something that left us breathless and sweating which meant we had to take a shower. All in all, that shower led to something else too.

We finally made it to the kitchen, still dressed in the fresh clothes we had got on after the shower, prepared to take on the day which started with me making breakfast for the both of us.

"You know Breakfast was originally called Break Fast and it was done either on the open road or even in a house to signify the companionship between two people or to show that neither carried a violent streak," Spencer Reid said while I cracked eggs into a mixing bowl. He should've been a history teacher, which he could've been. Today he was wearing black dress slacks and a white shirt with a gray sweater over it. His dirty blonde hair covered one eye and was messy on top and he was wearing his contacts today.

"No I didn't know that," I said while I cooked his over easy egg with no broken yolk, two pieces of toast and a side of jelly for it while mine was a scrambled egg with a side of yogurt. Pouring two glasses of orange juice I set the plates with food on them on the table and before taking a seat myself, planted a kiss onto Reid's lips. He sputtered and dropped his fork onto his plate with a clang. "So what's on the menu for today?" I asked, silently laughing at my boyfriend.

Reid, who had composed himself enough to take a bite of egg and toast, looked up and blushed anew. "I talked to the team and they wanted to throw us a housewarming party though it's a little late," he stated.

"Ok, what time do they get here?" I asked taking a bite of food and shocking Reid into silence.

"I thought you'd freak out," Reid whispered.

I looked up and laughed. "I am freaking out, but I figure there's nothing to be done about it now." I finished eating and gestured at his, "Finish eating then I have a surprise for you." I walked back to the bedroom and got under the bed. Pulling out a long wooden box I blew the dust off, set it on the bed and opened it. Inside was something that my mother had given me when I was going to college. A key and another box. My right pants pocket began vibrating and I fished out my phone to answer it. "Morgan."

"Hey! You know we're coming right?" Garcia our Tech advisor asked in a small voice.

"Yeah, I know," I said with a chuckle. "Reid told me while we were eating and I took it like a man."

"Ha, ha very funny," she said with a small giggle. Nearly everyone knows that she has a small crush on me and maybe if I weren't already in a relationship and gay I would've dated her.

"Yeah I try to be." I took a look at the bed and then in the mirror. I was wearing dark blue jeans, a black shirt and my leather jacket. Hanging off the front of my shirt were my sunglasses.

"So how's your day going?" Garcia asked.

I could hear her bangles jingle as she moved around. "Good, so far. Yours?"

She laughed but responded. "Fair. Trouble in paradise and the like."

"Trouble? You?" I laughed because I found it totally ridiculous. A knock at the door made me turn. Reid stood on the threshold, as if he didn't want to come in but did. "Hey baby girl I gotta' go," I said. She understood and clicked off. "You okay?" I asked Reid.

He nodded and gestured to the box on the bed. "What's that?"

"A box my mom gave me when I went to college," I answered truthfully.

"What's with the whole key and box thing?" Reid had moved into the room now and was standing almost next to me.

"Don't know. In all honesty I've never opened it. She told me not to until I found someone I could share my life with that understood me," I said, realizing how corny I sounded.

"Yeah most moms say that," Reid said, licking his lips and edging closer to me.

"Are you okay?" I asked again. He was looking a little out there and that worried me.

He almost nodded but stopped. "I want to tell my dad."

That stopped me from thinking. "Why?" I finally popped out.

He shrugged. "Cause he's my dad and I think he deserves to know."

"Do you even know where he works now?

Reid shook his head no. "But it shouldn't be that hard right?" he looked at me and I could see how scared he was.

"I know he's your father and all but why do you want to tell him really. Tell me pretty boy."

He took a deep breath and said the longest sentence with no spaces I've ever heard him say. "'sgoingoninmylife." He took another deep breath and was going to continue until I waved my hand in front of his face.

"I get it Reid, I get it." It was my turn to take a deep breath. "Do you know where he's staying?" I asked.

"The Fairmont Hotel about thirty minutes away," Reid answered quickly.

"And you know this because?"

"He called yesterday and told me he wanted to meet who I was dating," Reid said slowly, biting his lip.

"Okay." I took another deep breath and asked the question I never wanted an answer to. "Do you want to go?"

Reid paused for a moment, thinking it over. I could see the gears turning in his head, the rational side and the reckless one. He opened his mouth to respond, then closed it, then opened it, then closed it. He took a bottomless breath. Opening his mouth his words shook me to the core. "I want to wish that he has changed but he probably hasn't. Yes I believe he has a right to know how I am and who is in my life. Do I want to meet him? Yes, because I want to get to know him."

"Okay then that settles it. Call him back and tell him we'll meet him in three hours at wherever you want to meet," I said, tossing the ball back into my boyfriend's court.

"Why don't we meet him in his hotel room and then go from there?" Reid said.

"If it's okay with you I'm game." I walked to the box, closed the lid and placed it in the closet.

"Okay and we now have an hour till the team gets here."

"Who did you invite anyway?" I wondered.

"JJ, Prentiss, Garcia and Hotch," Reid said, walking out of the room.

"The whole team," I groaned. "At least I'm not wearing those bunny slippers," I whispered.

"I heard that!" Reid called from the front room.

I laughed and went to join him, closing the door as I left the room.

A/N – Thanks for reading! Please review and tell me what you think.
If I messed up on their attitudes or something else tell me. I've been watching Criminal Minds for a while now but can't always get the characters right. Any criticism is welcome as long as it is constructive. Thank you again! sorry it's so short though.