The Pride Of A Lion


"Ohhh crap! No, no, no!" The human said as a whole bunch of lions started to circle him.

He started to look around and clearly he was no match to al of them , even with his rifle he wouldn't be able to take them all out. So he quickly started to run for it… the lions didn't even chase him… they just… watched.

However…. Mufasa was hurt, he took 1 shot on his left front leg and another on the front right and even one in his rib. All totaling 3 bloody shots.

"Oh… no…." Sarabi said getting close to Mufasa who was berathing so heavy.

"Dad! What happened! W-W-Why is-is there b-blood on you?" Simba said with his mouth wide open, shocked.

"Your dad just got in to a tiny little, little, little incident t-that's all…" Sarabi spoke trying to push Simba away from this horrible event.

All the lions stood in shock… very shocked until when finally one stepped up and explained to the others…

"We've got to take him to that monkey he could help! We cant do much here we need an actual doctor! We have to do it quick so he can live!" The lioness said as their only last hope to keep their king alive.

They quickly nodded and took him to the monkey as fast as their legs could take them. However hyenas were on the verge to the monkey also… they hated lions. Plus they were so hungry they were even talking about eating them. Once they reached the monkeys tree he wasn't there. Instead there were 62 hyenas to be exact all around them. The female hyena knew they could take them down. They had the numbers and well all the lions were to weak to fight from the event. "Well look what we have… lions hmmm 12 of them and I'm starving my stomach is eating my leg." Shenzi said to the hyenas convincing them. "Yeah… we could take that injured one and eat him!" some hyena answered who was in the crowd. "Noo stupid!" Shenzi said smacking the hyena. "Were going to eat them all!" Shenzi said again to all. Finally the hyenas started circling them. "Atack!" Shenzi said in a instance.


*Flash Back Starts….*


"Hey Taka lets go out and play for a while it's a nice day!" Mufasa said trying to convince his brother to play with him and it wasn't the first time… it was the millionth.

"No…. Not today maybe some other day brother, one my legs are to tired…. And… and… uhh…" Taka tried to think of something quick not to get caught. "And it's so very hurt too." Taka lied trying to get out of the conversation hoping his annoying brother will get away from him and leave him be to his own business.

"So that leg has been like that for 6 weeks straight? Yeah right they cure like in a week! Come on don't be a chicken! Play outside where all our friends are! It's so fun!" Mufasa pleaded to him.. still trying as hard as he could to convince him.

Taka thought for a second and quickly had the urge to say something he was trying to say for some weeks now.

"Mufasa cant you ever understand!? You can't control me you're not my master! I am in control of my own life not you… It's "my" life not yours!" Taka said getting mad.

"Ok then…. Don't got to be so grouchy every day. It has been like this since the day our father had the conversation." Mufasa tried to explain and then gave up.

"Well do it your way brother, you can be that way. However its not so smart of you to stay there all day. Doing nothing, as always." Mufasa said to his only brother.

Taka then finally said "Alright I'll go, I'll go just leave me alone when I'm doing something very important." Taka said very seriously to his brother, Mufasa knowing he never did anything anyways.

"Yeah, important.. very important to do nothing all day In the cave." Mufasa then heard footsteps coming their way. Slowly they got closer, and closer, and even closer, until it was so close… Then they stopped.

"What was that all about?" Taka spoke out as he was looking sharply at the entrance of the cave.

Quickly a figure appeared running through the entrance of the cave so quick that no one could even tell what color it was. Mufasa tried to figure out what it was but he just couldn't tell. It was heading straight toward Taka, like a bullet that could not be dodged. It was like a Bugatti Veyron on its top speed, or a jet that was waiting to crash at 700 mph per hour. It was like some one was on fire running trying to put it out with the cool, cold, air. Before He could even blink… he was pinned right to the ground, shocked at who it was.

"Hi.. Taka.. how have you been here… in the cave… all alone?" Sarafina said smiling with her blue sparking eyes looking at him.

Taka just laid there not moving a muscle or speaking a single word but only breathing.

"He's doing alright.." Mufasa spoke up. "But he has been a little different.." He said knowing that he should of said a better word for the last word in his sentence.

"Thanks Mufasa, but… I want to… hear what… Taka wants to say… because it's always you talking for him." Sarafina then turned to Taka still pinning him to the ground and then thought of something to make him talk. "Come on Taka tell me how you've been… please?" Sarfina begged for him to say something. However Taka was still hard as stone not saying nothing. Only breathing… she then thought of something very clever and smart to speak out. "If… you don't talk… then ill keep you pinned… like this all day." She knew this trick will work and waited for his response. Scar then exhaled and spoke. "Fine… fine… I'm doing very fine today." Scar responded using the same word three times in a short sentence that… didn't give much information at all. "That's good to hear, come on lets go play." Sarafina smiled thinking this whole trick might actually work out for her.

"Yes… yes.. I'll go play… for a while." Taka said trying to make her get off of him. It wasn't that she was stronger or heavier, actually it was Taka that was. The thing that was making him not get up was how she pinned him down, he didn't understand though.

She finally got off him… and he started to get off annoyed that he just got 'beaten' by a girl.

"Well if we are going play why waste more time talking here?" Mufasa spoke up listening to the whole thing silently.

"Yes, lets go before precious times gets wasted… after all." Taka looked at Mufasa. "I did make a promise." He said smiling slightly.

Mufasa would then lead the way, Taka right behind him, and Sarafina at the end of the line. They stared to walk through some grasses, many animals could be seen from a short distance. Taka then started to slow down his walking and thought more about his 'plans'.

Taka glared at him, trying to plot a way to be king instead of his brother. Everyday… yesterday, last week… you name it. he would try to convince his mom… or dad to change their minds about the decision. However no luck there, and no luck there, no luck anywhere.

They were certain… absolutely positive about the decision. They wouldn't change their minds unless the world went on fire, and like that would happen. Like seriously what percentage of that will be likely to happen? 0? Yup that's right..

He was then interrupted by Mufasa who stopped. "Were here! Isn't it nice? We can have a secret hide out here!" He said happily trying to convince his brother to be interested in his thoughts.

"It seems… legit." Taka interrupted his brother as he was about to speak again. "Legit enough to play… I guess." He said in a kind voice that he usually doesn't do.

"Legit!? Of course its legit! Look at the view.. the animals.. the water… everything!" Mufasa blurted out thinking this place is the best place in the whole wide world.

Sarafina laughed at the two thinking how funny they were arguing, about some place that didn't even mean much anyways. "Well since were here… lets stop talking so much… and start playing… more." She said to both of them staring at them both.

"Alright.. lets get on with it and get it through with already. I'm getting stalled more and more for quite some time now." Taka replied looking at his paws.

Sarafina would then tag Taka as both her and Mufasa would run away into the high grass. Taka just stared with his mouth open.

"Well I guess this will be interesting…" He said to himself sarcastically.

He started to run through the grass trying to find the two. For once he felt calm and good about being outside, for once he was happy. He didn't need to think about anything now… it was like a vacation from all his worries, a vacation from everything.

Taka then stopped in his tracks when he saw a tail sticking out of the grass… he smiled at how easy it was to catch someone. He slowly but steadily put one paw in front of another and repeating… getting closer to the figure.. Then he quickly tagged Sarafina and run as fast as he could behind a tree.

Sarafina would then get angry at herself for hiding so poorly, Mufasa then jumped over her and started laughing.. "Hahahahahahahaha! You cant catch me!" Hahahahahahahaha!" He said loudly running to the tree where Taka was hiding.

He ran so fast and then collided with his brother. Taka fell back and hit the ground on his back. "Watch were your g…" He was then interrupted by Sarafina putting here paw on Taka and Mufasa.. "Since I got both of you… and at the same time…. That means… I win!" She started to laugh.

"It's all your fault I lost." Taka glared at Mufasa. "I could have won! Beat all of you." He got up.

"Yeah… sure you could have won." Both Mufasa and Sarfina said right at the same exact moment.

"I would have if you hadn't collided with me… I was right behind the tree.." He then heard a noise…

"MUFASA! TAKA! SARAFINA!" Roared a loud voice in the distance.

"Guess we have to go.." Mufasa then yelled out quickly too all of them "Last one is a rotten egg!" Mufasa then sprinted as fast as he could to the figure of Pride rock.

"That's not even fair! Brother!" Taka yelled but it couldn't help as he was already a good distance away from him.

"Well I guess I'll be going…" Taka said as he ran trying to catch up with his brother. Sarafina started to yell at them both for cheating as she struggled to keep up with them.

Taka felt that there was still something to be happy about life, friends, fun… he still had something unique to him and he will respect it as long as he lives.

As they all reached pride rock Taka was second, Mufasa first of course… and Sarafina well…. last…. Sarafina finally had cought up with them both breathing heavily from the run they had just had.

Ahadi was waiting patiently there in the cave. He then spotted them three and quickly told them of what time it was. "Its Midnight! Where have you three been? I was worried sick!" he said trying to tell them to be more responsible when leaving to play.

The cubs were shocked at what time it was. They haven't even noticed how dark it was outside. They were all to focused about playing that they paid no attention to the light.

"Sorry dad…" Mufasa said as he looked very sorry for what he has done. "We didn't even know what time it was.." Taka started to add in.

"Its ok… both of you, next time be more responsible. You know its way past your bedtime." Ahadi then turned to Sarafina. "You too Sarafina.. you need to be responsible also.. now on to sleep.. we have a big day tomorrow.. a very big one." He said laying down falling asleep.

"Really?!" Mufasa said excitedly already hyped up.

"Yes, but I'm not telling you about it tell in the morning… so quickly now… go to sleep.." He said closing his eyes.

The cubs quickly found a spot… and quickly fell into sleep. Sarafina cuddled up next to Taka… he didn't mind after all he had a good day today… he then drifted off into deep sleep.


*Flash Back Ends…*

"I hope my Dad… will be ok…" Simba said trying to hold back tears. Nala then came up to him and tried to make him feel better.. "Its ok… I know it will be alright.." She herself fighting of the urge of crying. "I rea-lly hope s-o…." He then hugged nala hoping his dad would be alright.


*To The Three Rock Pride…*

Haseem calmed down.. after hearing the gun shots he started to go crazy… He was glad that they were over though… very glad. He then turned his running into walking as he then would turn to a stop. He would let Ailla oh his back telling her its safe now..

"I cant believe that.. there is people here… hunting…" He said startled at him being a human once… before… He looked up seeing a bird fly high in the air freely, peacefully…

"Haseem… don't you think that… maybe… the human has shot something? Why else would he shoot his weapon for… no apparent reason?" She asked knowing a very little about them.

"Yes… that's… true…. Very true…" He replied then saying "We've got to check out what has happened… but later… only later… He turned to face Aca. "Is you leg still hurting?" He asked concerned if she could walk on her paws.

"Yes… I am alright now…. Thanks to you." She smiled as she started to walk to the Pride…

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh no!" Haseem said as a jeep drove right there only about 10 yards away. In that jeep was a person with… a gun that gun was pointing at him right at him. The person put his hand on the trigger and said "Bye bye stupid cat!" He laughed as he pulled the trigger. *BAAAAAM*

How did you like the story? Yeah I know it took 8 months for a update. That's so crazy long. I had my internet down and no one could fix it.. and now it just started working… well tell me how you liked the story in the reviews and I promise ill update in like a week or even sooner! Whoooo