A/N: Hello and welcome to anyone who has decided to read this, the first story i've writter for the Elder Scrolls series. this story idea was inspired by a seemingly inconsiquential even in the game: Sometimes, while you are busy fighting one dragon, you'll se another one flay overhaed, appaenrtly watching. if you don't attack this second dragon, it'll leave you alone and fly off after you defeat the first.

I got to wondering... where was this other dragon flying off to? And that's were this basic idea came from... the idea that this 'watcher' was actually an ally of yours, waiting to see if its aid is needed.

Disclaimer: i don't own anything except the story concept, and of course, my OC's who appear in this story.

The Watcher at Highpass

A Skyrim Fanfiction

Prologue: The Storyteller

I have watched over and protected this realm of ages, I have seen wars come and go… I never intervene directly. I have gone many names, and my true face is known to no one. It is my role to observe the passing of events great and small, and to record them so that they may be remembered. You may call me… The Storyteller.

While I may be telling you all this, it is unimportant to the whole. This is not my life's story… that would take far too long. This is another tale altogether.

In this world, there are many tales waiting to be told: Of heroes, of villains, of great battles. Some of these tales are better know than others.

Here, I could tell you tales you've heard before, or ones that have just barely escaped the dustbin of history.

I could tell you the story of the Nerevarine, or the adventures Champion of Cyrodiil and Martin Septim.

But no… I shall tell you the tale of the Dovahkiin: the Dragonborn. And I shall tell you not just his tale, but also the tale of the Dovah who stood up to Alduin.

The tale of the one who sided with the Dovahkiin… who watched over him, guided him, and even fought at his side… this is the tale of The Watcher at Highpass.

A/N: Just a prologue. The Storyteller most likely won't be reappering in this story, except possibly at the very end.